Showing posts with label Jennifer Livingston. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jennifer Livingston. Show all posts

Monday, January 21, 2013

Fat WKBT News Anchor Jennifer Livingston Responds to Viewer Email

The following video is another example of a fat angry sow who refuses to embrace her gluttony. Jennifer Livingston actually took the time to respond to a critic who told her that being a fat slob and a greedy glutton has health consequences. Only an idiot would not admit that gluttony does have a myriad of health consequences but it's a good choice. Sure it shortens life spans but we maintain that it is not the quantity of life that's important but rather the quality. Jennifer Livingston missed a golden opportunity to show the world that gluttony is good. Her retort was typical of the angry and whiny fat girl. Her type of dishonesty and rhetoric makes it bad for fat people everywhere.

What Jennifer (Meat Facebook Page) Livingston should be saying on her face book page is that she is a glutton and proud of it. She should also be telling the world that she is going to make sure her children become little piggies like her and then she should've given a few good loud oink oink oinks.

Here a couple of brothas respond.

Let's be honest, fat girls are bad mothers and if you really want to piss off  fat girls point out to them the facts that show fat girls are bad mothers. It's quite clear that the email Jennifer received really struck a nerve with her. She knows that she's a bad mother but so what? Kids are overrated.

From a health point of view, obese women should not get pregnant. Being obese more than doubles the chance of serious birth defects. Before the land whale decides to get knocked up and squirt out a pup or two she needs to break away from her pod of other land whales and get to a safe and suitable body weight for childbirth and pregnancy.

When it comes to rearing children fatling parents should raise their kids as normalings and then allow the child to decide when he reaches a certain age like 16 whether they want to be part of the glorious gluttonous lifestyle. Kids should be allowed to make up their own minds when they become adults. Obesity and gluttony are not for everyone. The angry man hating fat girls of the old antiquated fat acceptance movement are prime examples of people who should not be fat. Jennifer Livingston is another angry fat girl who gives other true power chair riding sows who proudly display their diabetic amputations in the aisles of Walmart every day a bad name. Jennifer Livingston gives the pork beasts and land whales who frequent the all-you-can-eat buffets a bad name. Worse than that, Jennifer Livingston gives gluttony a bad name.