Showing posts with label MeMe Roth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MeMe Roth. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Science Proves It! Slender Women Are Smarter

We all know the advantages of skinny women e.g. better disposition, better hygiene, healthier, less likely to want to get knocked up to trap a man, less crazy but they are also more intelligent than fat girls.

Here is my medical take on it. Fat girls eat a lot of junk food and junk food lowers IQ while slender women tend to eat healthier foods and healthy eating increases IQ. 

Fat girls are sedentary while slender women move and active women have higher IQs than slothful women.

The more a fat girl eats the more oxidative stress they have. Oxidative stress damages cells including brain cells.

Fat girls are often diabetic and diabetes can cause damage to brain cells and arteries.Fat girls have less blood flow to the brain.

Fat stores estrogen and estrogen makes people stupid. Slender women who exercise have less estrogen and more testosterone. Testosterone increases IQ.

Fat girls are constantly eating. Everybody gets a bit mentally foggy after a big meal.

These reasons may be why MeMe Roth wrecks the man hating angry jealous fat girls in debates. plus the fact that she's right.

For a 2006 French study, (The French invented the blow job so you have to take them seriously) scientists gave 2,200 adults intelligence tests over a five-year period.
It suggested that the bigger the waistline, the lower the cognitive ability.
The researchers found that people with a Body Mass Index — a measure of body fat — of 20 or less could recall 56% of words in a vocabulary test, while those who were obese, with a BMI of 30 or higher, could remember only 44%.
The fatter subjects also showed a higher rate of cognitive decline when they were retested five years later: their recall dropped to 37.5%, whereas those with a healthy weight retained their level of recall.
A healthy body is closely linked to a healthy mind.


Objective: To assess whether body mass index (BMI) is associated with cognitive function and cognitive decline in healthy men and women.
Methods: In this prospective cohort study, we analyzed data from 2,223 healthy workers aged 32 to 62 years at baseline. Medical, psychosocial, and environmental data were collected in 1996 and in 2001. We tested cognitive functions at baseline and at follow-up with word-list learning (four recalls), a Digit–Symbol Substitution Test, and a selective attention test.
Results: Cross-sectionally, a higher BMI was associated with lower cognitive scores after adjustment for age, sex, educational level, blood pressure, diabetes, and other psychosocial covariables. A higher BMI at baseline was also associated with a higher cognitive decline at follow-up, after adjustment for the above-cited confounding factors. This association was significant for word-list learning. For the changes in scores at word-list learning (delayed recall), regression coefficients were −0.008 ± 0.13, −0.09 ± 0.13, −0.17 ± 0.14, and −0.35 ± 0.14 (p for trend < 0.001) for the second, third, fourth, and fifth quintiles of BMI at baseline when compared with the first quintile. No significant association was found between changes in BMI and cognitive function.
Conclusions: Body mass index was independently associated both with cognitive function (word-list learning and Digit–Symbol Substitution Test) and changes in word-list learning in healthy, nondemented, middle-aged men and women.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

What’s Your Fattitude Score? Take the Fattitude Test

To be a true fatling you need a high FQ (Fattitude Quotient). With help from CG Brady and a few of my gluttonous friends I, Fat Bastard designed a fattitude test or FQ test. Unlike IQ which pretty much remains static your fattitude quotient or FQ can rise and fall throughout your life.

Weight loss guru CG Brady proclaims, “Lose the fattitude lose the fat.” Who wants that?! Other than having weight loss surgery or being in a Nazi death camp the only way to lose weight is to lose the fattitude. We at Bigger Fatter Politics want you to – KNOW YOUR FATTITUDE! At the end of this test we will show you ways to increase your fattitude. Having an accurate measurement of your fattitude is more important than having an accurate measurement of your fat. In the case of the gainer a sober inventory of your essential fattitudes is crucial in making the gains you desire and in the case of the loser aka dieter indentifying and reducing your fattitudes is crucial for weight loss.

The Fattitude Test

This test has a series of statements that will measure your fattitude quotient. Simply respond to the staetments and tally your score. The higher your score the more fattitude you have. On a scale of 1 – 5 rate how true these statements are regarding your fattitudes. 0 = Totally False, 1 = Mostly False, 2 = Slightly True. 3 = Mostly True, 4 = Totally True, 5 = True with whipped cream and a cherry on top.

Answer as honestly as you can.

1. Food is love.

2. I’d rather sit than move.

3. If there were only one channel I could receive on my TV it would be the food network.

4. Flavor means much more to me than nutrition.

5. Food is better than sex.

6. I prize tasty food above good healthy.

7. I prize food above my family.

8. Society should accommodate the special needs of fat people.

9. It is impossible to be too fat.

10. I steal food.

11. I will circle a parking lot in order to save a few steps.

12. I will use a fatty scooter at Walmart even though I don’t really need one.

13. I am or am becoming to fat to wipe my butt but I don’t care.

14. I don’t feel guilty about getting free medical care because of my obesity.

15. Fat people are now the new Niggers.

Tally your score!

What your score means.

0 – 10 =  Little to  no fattitude. Move to Sparta and worship MeMe Roth.

10 – 20 = A shadow of fattitude. You will eat tasty food as long as it is healthy.  You still pick health and social responsibility over food but you will have a slice of birthday cake.
20 – 30 = A  loud whisper of fattitude. You did pig out once on Thanksgiving but went straight to the gym on Friday but went for pizza after that. Most of your eating is mindful but you will feast now and again.

30 – 40 =  Moderate fattitude. You often have seconds and desert. You say that you rarely eat fast food but that is not true. You still cook often but you avoid rabbit food.

40 – 50 =  Major fattitude. You go to fast food restaurants and while you eat salads you add lots of cheese and dressing. You have few meals at the dinner table and rarely use a knife fork or spoon.

50 – 60 = Uber  fattitude. You have pig outs with friends regularly and you waddle. Your C-PAP machine is your best buddy.
60 – 70 = Mega fattitude. You have often polished off an entire bag of Famous Amos chocolate chip cookies. Food is your God. You really know how to throw your weight around and you do it well. Everytime you take a dump it’s a tripple flusher.

70 – 75 = Ultimate fattitude. You know that vegetables are what food eats. You proudly strut or wheel your fat self around. You are large and in charge. You make Kate Harding look like a fat hater and the patients at the Brookhaven Obesity Clinic look like runts. You have reached the Belly Boy class of obesity and fattitude and you deserve a hearty BOOM SHAKKA LAKKA and a couple of pies.

How to Increase Your Fattitude

The Famous Belly Boy Burger
1. EAT! It sounds a bit simplistic but the more you eat the more you will want to eat.

2. Watch shows about food. Food shows are like porn for fat people. Seeing food and people eating while making yummy sounds increases your desire for food just as watching porn increases your desire for sex.

3. Hang out with fat people and eat with them. This is fun and you will discover new foods and new fat freinds. While it is good to eat alone it’s better to eat with other fatlings. Fattitude is contagious.

4. Use a power chair whether you need it or not. Not only will riding in a power chair or scooter save calories it will increase your sloth. Remember, live smart not hard.
5. Know that you are entitled and get all the freebies that you can. Learning how to milk the system even before you become too fat to work will give you the skills you will need to navigate the social service maze.

Follow these five steps and before you know it you will have supersized your fattitude.

Leave your score in the comments section.

Friday, July 12, 2013

$$$ Free Money For Fatlings $$$

$$$ FREE Money For Fatlings $$$

CHA CHING! $$$$ Compliments of Uncle Sam $$$$

One of the nicest things about porking fat women is that many of them are simply too fat to work. That means that they are home all day just waiting for a feeding and a fucking from yours truly. One secret that the old fat acceptance with their victim mentality will not tell you is that you can get free money, housing and medical benefits simply for being too fat. When I hear the vitriol from the angry hens like Kelly Bliss in the old fat acceptance movement I hasten to remind them just how fat friendly society and Uncle Sam have become. Fat Bastard is currently on SSDI and SSI due to the disabling condition of his disability but little did he know that simply being fat would qualify him for disability long before the heart disease, diabetes and bad knees kicked in. Cha Ching! This is another example of how the old fat acceptance through their intellectual dishonesty and their warped ideology have dropped the ball and further harmed fat people. At the next NAAFA convention, if there even is one this year Fat Bastard and I will be serving a HUGE plate of crow to NAAFA's big wigs pig wigs.

Bon Appetite NAAFA!
Gluttonous Fatlings are indeed becoming a protected and special class. Unlike Blacks who had to march and be killed just to receive basic human rights, all fatlings need to do is get fatter they have already become the majority. Fatlings did not even need a dynamic leader and martyr like Dr Martin Luther King. The only debts of gratitude that is owed by the fat community is big thank you to the food industry for serving our needs and never forgetting that the customer is always right, the medical community for all the advances that enable fat people to grow fatter and fatter and fatter and to Uncle Sam for accommodating the needs of all fat Americans regardless of color, creed or national origin and Bill Fabrey of Ample Stuff. USA USA USA USA! May the Belly God Bless America!

Social Security Disability and Morbid Obesity $$$ or Get Fat Get a Check!

There was a time when Morbid Obesity was specifically listed in the social security impairment book, or blue book, as a disabling condition. Individuals filing for social security disability (SSD) or supplemental security income (SSI) benefits were evaluated according to a social security height/weight chart and, if their statistics met the blue book definition of obesity, they could be awarded benefits based on that condition alone.

All that changed in 1999, when Social Security no longer recognized obesity as an inherently disabling condition. The logic was that many obese individuals are able to lead productive lives and hold gainful employment. Today, you can still be awarded disability benefits for obesity, Cha Ching but only if you can demonstrate through medical records that your obesity is causing other physical symptoms severe enough to prevent you from working.

In other words, you must show, not only that you are obese, but that you are unable to work, either due to the existence of other related medical conditions such as arthritis, musculoskeletal disorders, diabetes, decreased pulmonary function (extreme difficulty breathing), etc., or due to the fact that your obesity is in itself so severe it limits you from performing work and other activities of daily living, such as driving a car, bathing, walking, etc. Cha Ching!
If your obesity is aggravating (or the cause of) medical conditions such as asthma, cardiac arrhythmia, edema, arthritis, etc., then you would file for disability based on the condition that is listed in the blue book (not obesity).

If you are morbidly obese but do not suffer from any other serious medical condition, you may still qualify for SSD/SSI benefits in the form of a medical vocational allowance, commonly referred to as a Med-Voc. A Med-Voc allowance is awarded to individuals that can show that their condition, while not listed in the blue book, is so severe that it prevents them from performing any form of gainful employment. Cha Ching! Med-Voc allowances rely heavily on a physician’s statement of your residual functional capacity (RFC), a form detailing exactly what activities you can and cannot perform in light of your medical condition.

RFC assessments are made by physicians who provide input on SSD and SSI cases for the social security administration. However, a claimant can obtain such an assessment from their own physician and submit this. Fat freindly doctor and Cha Ching! If you are planning on filing for disability based on obesity alone, you should ask your physician to fill out an RFC for you, or you may be asked to attend a consultative exam (CE) with a social security doctor, who will assess your impairment and the extent to which it limits your physical activity.

In the case of morbid obesity, an RFC will most likely be required by the disability examiner evaluating your claim, and it’s better to have the form completed by your own Fat Friendly treating physician than one that works for the social security administration (SSA).

Note: an RFC form is freely available from this site and can be downloaded at the bottom of the homepage for

Just take in the majesty of this man and all other gluttonous fatlings. If some fat phobic jock or some Goody Two Shoes like anorexic kill joy MeMe Roth complain that tax dollars are being spent to accommodate simply say to them, "Shut the fuck up douche bag!" I knew Kate Harding was good for something.
Fat Bastard Being Fat and Majestic!

See the source image
Obligatory Sexy Porkable Poker.

Afternoon delight is about ice cream and man cream. I love it. When they don't have to work they have plenty of time to play. There are millions of these hot sexy SSBBWs waiting at home for a fat admirer to deliver the sausage.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Kate Harding Dead?

Old Fat Girls Never Die They Just Smell That Way

After the demise of NAAFA the Fatosphere exploded in a flabbalache of angry fat girl fat acceptance blogs. The most famous and the angriest belonged to Kate Harding. When cornered with logic or reality Kate would angrily oink the term douche canoe at her detractors where as those of us in the new Man Friendly Fat Acceptance Movement would just oink.

In 2010  fat acceptances' philosopher queen Kate Harding vanished like a fart in the wind only to leave the fatosphere more splintered and even more chaotic. It seems that Kate has paddled her douche canoe into unknown waters leaving another vacuum in the already vacuous and leaderless old fat acceptance movement.

Rumors continue to swirl. Is it true that Kate went on a diet and is not the dreaded and much maligned size 4 that she was famous in condemning? Is she now merely a butter face? Sid she go the Carnie Wilson route and have weight loss surgery.

Like so many fat girls Kate was unable to admit that your can't have obesity without gluttony. If fat girls like Kate Harding were truly fat accepting then they would be gluttony accepting.

Kate's defection to the other side...
Lean and Elegant Me Me Roth

Unwilling to accept and embrace gluttony Kate has joined forces with her arch nemesis Me Me Roth. Is Kate now working with the Queen of Lean? Are the rumors true. Has Kate's fat girl jealousy finally made her run to Fatopolis and seek out Me Me as her mother confessor?

Let's be honest, Me Me is one of those women that men want to see and fat girls want to be. She's everything a fat girl is never going to be and while the strident and sputtering Kate Harding continued to rail against the so called fat hating society signs of her defection were emerging. 

Here is Kate using every fashion and photographic technique in the book trying to look lean and svelte. FAIL! If Kate were really happy with her size she would be wearing polka dots and be much much fatter. Kate is clearly a dieter.

Our internet reporter and fat feminist Rotunda Hindenburg believes that Kate Harding has been booted from the fatosphere for not being fat enough. She believes that jealous fat girls forced Kate out by black mailing her. Rumors suggest that she was seen with Jenny Craig. She has also been seen eating salads and buying SlimFast.

Who will step up and fill the void? Who has the sweep of a Kate Harding? Who else has the verbiage and language skills to slay the fat haters by calling them douche canoes?

Fatty McFatty Fat Fat Fats! aka Marion Kirby from the Rotund opined.

One of the things that bothered me during the Nightline taping was that I got referred to as the leader of the fat acceptance movement. I planned to address it but then MeMe Roth started talking and, well, you know.

So I’m addressing it here, after a week or so of thinking about it. Here’s what I think:
FA doesn’t really have a central leadership body. There’s NAAFA, but NAAFA doesn’t work for everyone, you know? And they do some great work and I’m proud to know the members that I know but….

It isn’t a body to which I look for leadership.

There’s a bunch of us bloggers. But we’re, as much as I love the internet and the powerful community that we build here, still such a new force in the history of FA.

So who are our leaders?

You are.

Got something to say and want to contact Ms Kirby? Contact me Marion Kirby. All hate mail, particularly fat-phobic rants, is subject to mocking.

Ms Kirby is wrong. Every movement needs a central leadership and the FA movement is no exception. NAAFA has been a dismal failure. NAAFA was doing fine until it lost the leadership and vision of founder Bill Fabrey. The movement then degraded into a gluttony denying lean woman hating man hating farce. It remains that way to this day as malingering malcontents, mostly fat girls, oink their foolish sophistries that make all fat people look like liars and idiots.
If the fat girls ever want the Fat Acceptance movement to enjoy an ounce of credibility they need to realize that gluttony is good and that they are gluttons.


Friday, July 27, 2012

Tragedy Shakes The Fatosphere: Hubigs Pie Factory Leveled In Five Alarm Fire

Not since Hurricane Katrina has New Orleans faces such devastation. The iconic Hubig's Pie Factory has burned to the ground. Our own cyber reporter Belly Boy first broke the devastating news right here on on Bigger Fatter Politics.

Fatlings all over the US are sick about this and in a show of support for the management and workers at Hubig gave up eating pie for over an hour. Local and state police remain on high alert in case pie riots break out. Price gouging has been reported of the remaining pies sold in supermarkets and other stores and near riots have occurred and some unruly fatlings clamor for more pie.

Was This a Case of Arson?

New Orleans authorities remain tight lipped about the cause of this fire only to say that they suspect it may have started in a fryer. While other unnamed and named sources suspect foul play our own internet reporter Belly Boy will be traveling to the Big Easy to investigate and eat.

Long time Louisianian Coach Gaines, when asked about the cause of the fire said, "First they took our Twinkies, then our super sized sodas and now they are coming after our pies."

An anonymous source suspects MeMe Roth, "This has MeMe Roth's fat hating hands all over it. I bet she was their with gasoline and a flame thrower"  MeMe Roth is a controversial anti obesity crusader but police sources say that she is not a person of interest in their investigation. 


When reached for comment the Chef said, "As a man of color and as a man with a big appetite who ain't makin not apologies for it, the Chef's heart goes out to all the pie lovers of the greater New Orleans pie eating area."

Pie Lover Dwayne The Rock Johnson released this statment, "The Rock and his millions and MILLIONS of fan and fellow pie eaters are deeply saddened by the loss of  Hubig's Pie Shop. If the the Rock catches the jabronnie who caused this fire the Rock will lay the smackdown on his candy ass. The Rock loves pie."

Bigger Fatter Politics asks its readers to go online and order up some Hubig's pies as soon and they are back up and running.!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_635/pies28n-2-web.jpg
Exhausted fire fighters extinguish the smoldering remains the iconic pie factory.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Dr Oz Show On Pro Ana Shamelessly Panders to Fat Girls

The CDC's ORD lists anorexia as a rare disease. There are less than 200,000 people with anorexia nervosa in the use and less than 100 deaths. There is NO proof that pro ana sites cause anorexia nervosa. AN is genetic and organic. Most of the girls who go on the Pro Ana sites are bulimics who either suffer from anxiety and or personality disorders than manifest themselves as a need for control.  Most of them are vain fat girls who will not accept and embrace their gluttony and food lust and try as they might they we never be light.

Dr Oz aired a show bashing the Pro Ana movement. The theme of the show seemed to suggest that visiting these sites can cause a person to come down with anorexia nervosa. I, Fat Bastard along with millions of other fat guys are on those sites all the time to look at pictures of those hot skinny chicks and none of us have lost an ounce. What happens is we drool and since it is tough for fat guys to get laid we eat and beat off.

OK Dr Oz, give us the facts on the death toll from pro ana and then tell us how many of us fatlings eat ourselves to a glorious death. The reason you don't attack the pro gluttony and pro obesity sites is that fat girls make up 90% of your audience. Fat girls swoon over skinny guys like Dr Oz and I suspect he's porking a fat girl.  Let's see if Dr Oz has the balls to go after the fat acceptance movement. I doubt if he has the belly to tangle with the likes of Marylin Wann and dog faced gremlin Kate Harding, Let's see Dr Oz go after the Fierce Fatties or or Big Fat Blog.
Men want to see her and fat girls want to be her!
Katie Rickel PhD (Piled higher and Deeper)  wrote a bullshit article on Dr Oz's site.

Katie is a thinling but she must be competitive. She's a bit of a butter face and perhaps she's jealous of other ana's like these thinsporational hunnies who have angelic faces and hot bodies.

Get your facts straight Dr Oz! I bet that your producers are a bunch of fat girls who hate skinny girls. Go to the CDC's site get the facts on anorexia nervosa before you make another mountain out of another mole hill.
Another target of jealous fat girls.
MeMe Roth, yet another target of fat girl jealousy
Hot thingling laying across Belly Boy's belly

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Fat NAAFA "Womyn: Are Really NeoCONS and Nazis

Fat NAAFA Womyn Are Really NeoCONS and Nazis
Bariatric Nutritionist & Somatotypes Pioneer and Fat Rights Advocate "Dr" Gerald "Teddy" Bear


My good friend "Dr" Gerald "Teddy" Bear of the Biggest Fattest Blog never ceases to get me thinking. The erudite "Dr" Bear has been battling bullies and right wing fundegelical meat heads most of his life. When you look at members of the far left and more so the far right you see that they are not much different than scum like Adolf Hitler and his butt buddy Stalin. The womyn of the NAAFA style fat acceptance movement claim to be left of center but in reality they share all the traits with the morons in the TeaBagger movement. The political spectrum is depicted as a line but I think it is more like a circle.

The above graphic illustrates this point.

The liberal/progressive embraces higher education and learning. The first people to condemn scientific research on obesity with knee jerk fact free statements are the NAAFA Womyn. They have a hive mentality ie So say the shepherd. So say the flock.

While some of these fat womyn had some college it's usually a bullshit and worthless Mickey Mouse degree. Fat studies... LOL!

The NAAFA style womyn make fact free arguments. They make the absurd fat and fit argument as they waddle on cane or cruise around in their fatty scooters.
The NAAFA girls are always getting their yeasty panties in a bunch about something. They make fact free and retarded tea bag style arguments like this angry fat girl. Rachel Maddow would have a field day with these blubbery bimbos but she would steer clear of their yeasty muffs.

The NAAFA girls get their medical information on obesity from dubious sources like Linda Bacon, Kelly Bliss Smelly Piss, dog faced troll Kate Harding, and lawyer Paul Campos. Smart fatlings get their bariatric advice form experts like Dr Gerald Teddy Bear,

These tiresome twits are bigoted haters. They hate skinny women such as anti-obesity advocate MeMe Roth and they hate fat men because fat guys are unable to pork them. They hate MeMe Roth not only because she kicks their butts in debates but because she has movie star good looks, a smokin body and a superior brain.

NAAFA girls are a hateful bunch of man haters who refuse to acknowledge that the are the cause of everything they hate. Unless and until the accept the good and the bad of their gluttonous lifestyles nobody will take them seriously. Like the teabagger who they think speak for most Americans, the NAAFA fat acceptors speak only for a fringe group of ugly angry fat girls who really hate themselves most of all.

Friday, January 27, 2012

One Very Angry Oink @ Strong4Life

If I have said it once I've said is 1000 times, fat kids are cute but the weight loss Nazis at Strong4Life are launching a Gestapo like attack on the fat kids of Georgia. Georgia is proudly one of our fattest states and it boasts having the number 2 spot for childhood obesity. Strong4life wants to ruin all that with their fear mongering and fat phobia. In response to this neo Nazi organization I, Fat Bastard and issuing one very loud and angry OINK! OINK!

We are not alone in our angry oinking. Strong4Life is hearing a cacophony from the angry sows at Fierce Fatties who has a CALL TO ACTION to stop this hateful venomous assault on fat kids and their fat parents.

Here is some of the hateful things Strong4Life is promoting.

In this video a sadistic drill instructor forces this fatling to walk for 6 minutes!

In this video fatling kids are put through workouts that would kill a Navy SEAL and then they are force fed vegetables before they are led in to a vegan black mass with high priestess MeMe Roth.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Home Made Twinkie: A Good Twinkie Recipe

In my last article I, Fat Bastard, lamented the coming demise of the Twinkie. Many of us gluttons are in pre mourning. There have been Twinkie riots in some states and I will be contacting NAAFA in hope of organizing an occupy Hostess demonstration. If we fatlings hold a sit in the cops will need a crane and a Caterpillar D-9 bulldozer to move us. What are they going to do when there are 1000's of us oinking loudly and angrily in a deafening din?

This could unite the splintered fat acceptance movement. When this hits the fatosphere, groups like NAAFA, Big Fat Blog and Fierce Free Thinking Fatties will be waddling side by site with those of us in NAFAM and NIFIM in an unstoppable flabbalance of epic proportions.

Here are some cheers we will be chanting.

We are fat! We are mean! We don't want not Lean Cuisine!

2 4 6 8 we do not regurgitate. Then we will burn MeMe Roth in effigy.

Last night Thinnette baked up 6 pans of these DIY Twinkies and while they were not exactly like the genuine article they were pretty damn good. The Chef is also working on his own special chocolate Twinkie but like the Belly BurgerTM  this will have a copyright and patent and will only be sold in stores and online.

Get ready to drool fellow fatlings. Here's the top secret recipe Thinnette found on MSNBC via Wiki Leaks.

Recipe: Twinkies

Secret Ingredients
  • Non-stick spray
  • 4 egg whites
  • One 16-ounce box golden pound cake mix
  • 2/3 cup water
  • Filling
  • 2 teaspoons very hot water
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 cups marshmallow creme (one 7-ounce jar)
  • 1/2 cup shortening
  • 1/3 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
You will need a spice bottle, approximately the size of a Twinkie, ten 12 x 14 -inch pieces of aluminum foil, a cake decorator or pastry bag, and a chopstick.
Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
Fold each piece of aluminum foil in half twice. Wrap the folded foil around the spice bottle to create a mold. Leave the top of the mold open for pouring in the batter. Make 10 of these molds and arrange them on a cookie sheet or in a shallow pan. Grease the inside of each mold with a light coating of non-stick spray.
Disregard the directions on the box of cake mix. Instead, beat the egg whites until stiff. In a separate bowl combine cake mix with water and beat until thoroughly blended (about 2 minutes). Fold egg whites into the cake batter and slowly combine until completely mixed.
Pour the batter into the molds, filling each one about 3/4 of an inch. Bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes, or until the cake is golden brown and a toothpick stuck in the center comes out clean.
For the filling, combine salt with the hot water in a small bowl and stir until salt is dissolved. Let this mixture cool.
Combine the marshmallow creme, shortening, powdered sugar and vanilla in a medium bowl and mix well with an electric mixer on high speed until fluffy.
Add the salt solution to the filling mixture and combine.
When the cakes are done and cooled, use a skewer or chopstick to make three holes in the bottom of each one. Move the stick around inside of each cake to create space for the filling.
Using a cake decorator or pastry bag, inject each cake with filling through all three holes.
Serving Size
Serves 10

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Save The Twinkie

I, Fat Bastard, debated long and hard about posting this video. I thought maybe it would be too cruel seeing Rev Burn eating Twinkies. As most of you know by now Hostess will no longer be making Twinkies. This is an outrage! What bone head executive came up with this retarded idea? This will be a bigger boner than when they changed the formula for Coke. This is why Hostess is going bankrupt. Stupid CEOs.

Do something President Obama or you will lose the fat vote. Fatlings nationwide are livid! There will be loud and angry oinking!
I suspect that that evil thinling MeMe Roth is behind this latest assault on gluttony!
Sad news arrived the other day. Hostess Brands, the makers of Twinkies, had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

Its future is in the hands of bankers, not bakers. The company said it's battling rising labor costs and increased competition. The real culprit though, is the health-conscious attitudes of Americans today who favor energy bars over Ring Dings.

It just doesn't make sense!!
We sent a man to the moon, invented Velcro and bailed out the banks. You'd think we could figure out a way to save the noble and humble Twinkie.
Twinkies are an American tradition, along with Ding Dongs, Ho Hos, Yodels and Suzy Q's. Our entire culture is under fire.

A Twinkie has only 150 calories, or 300 per package, and really, who doesn't eat both? But a single Twinkie has fewer calories than a McDonald's Fruit 'n Yogurt Parfait or a serving of carrots and hummus. And who wants to eat that anyway?
At a time when the country faces a prolonged recession, these treats are comfort foods people can rely on.
I can remember sitting in the cafeteria in grade school, opening my brown lunch bag. I quickly chowed down my nearly stale sandwich, the same sort I ate every day, while the room filled with the high-pitched chatter of loosely supervised young voices.
Then, tenderly, I'd pull out the package of Twinkies with my fingertips so I didn't damage the delicate cakes. (A deformed Twinkie doesn't taste the same.)

I'd begin to sink my teeth into the yellow cake, feeling its porous surface against my lips and that odd sweet flavor of the outer shell against my tongue.!/img/httpImage/image.jpg
The journey was rewarded as I reached that perfect creamy filling inside.
I'd take small bites, savoring the moment. The world around me seemed to come to a stop. Conversations ceased. It was just you and your Twinkie. There were some glances from around the table. But you had your golden treasure and you weren't giving it up.
When you were done, your meal was complete. You were happy, satisfied, even though you'd have to go back to class.

So many memories, and now they are threatened by the combination of changing tastes and man's inability to engineer a healthy, sweet, yellow torpedo of a snack.

It was simply one of man's most frivolous inventions, along with Snuggies and the Popeil Pocket Fisherman.

So what that it didn't have any redeeming nutritional value? Neither do canolis or grilled cheese. But they add richness to our lives. Not everything we do has to serve some utilitarian purpose.

Like music and poetry, it stimulates our senses, takes us someplace special.

We can embrace all the splendors of our world, lest we all become dullards.

Should the Twinkie go, I for one will lament its passing.