Showing posts with label the great depression. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the great depression. Show all posts

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Why Obesity And Gluttony Is Good For The Economy

Here are some of the top reasons for why gluttony and obesity is GOOD for the economy.

We fatlings are the biggest consumers of food!

We fatling eat more -- A LOT MORE. we are 73% of the population and we eat 90% of the food. If we were to all eat at the levels of thinglings food consumption in the US would be cut by at least 70%. This would devastate the junk food industry. If every fatling reformed there would be massive layoffs in the fast food and junk food industry.

We fatlings are the biggest consumers of fuel.

You won't catch any self respecting fatling driving a Toyota Prius or a Smart Car. We drive vans and Escalades. Hell many of us can't fit in some compact puddle jumper and besides fat people like to ride in style.

We fatlings are the biggest consumers of health care.

Without our obesity induced maladies the health care industry be a shadow of what it is today.  Giant diagnostic imaging machines would become obsolete. The manufacturers of bariatric gurneys and beds, diabetes, and C-PAP supplies would see their business shrink are the waistlines of Americans shrink.

Cardiologists and their suppliers would take a huge hit.

Orthopedic surgeons would take a hit. Joint replacement sales would plummet.
Joe the Plumber would become unemployed.

As we fatlings know all too well many double and triple flushers just won't go down the crapper and frequently we need to call Joe the plumber to stop by and work his magic.

Fatlings shit bigger turds and big turds clog toilets. Clogged toilets require the skills of  guys like Joe the Plumber.

The clothing industry would suffer.

If the X-L - 4X-L sizes were to vanish the clothing industry would lose half its jobs.

The end of obesity would signal a bigger economic collapse since the great depression and the Bush depression combined!