Just watch,
Bigger Fatter Politics is a fact based news source for all things fat and political. We present news and presidential politics from a fat centric and food centric perspective.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Let's face it, Ebenezer Scrooge had a point and if it weren't for him having a living shit scared out of him by three terrifying spirits he would never have stopped his famous bah humbug litany. Even if Ebenezer Scrooge had not been a miserly man he still would've hated Christmas.
Let's carefully examine Christmas.
If it were not for all the gluttonous food and copious amounts of alcohol Christmas would suck for everybody except for kids and greedy corporate merchandizers. Certainly it is the apex of the gluttony season only to wind down at New Year's when many people make a resolution to cease their gluttonous behavior… We all know how long that lasts.
I like vulgarity is much as the next guy but there is such a thing as too much of a good thing and vulgarity for the sake of vulgarity truly is too vulgar. It's not worth the price. Again, only people who really benefit from Christmas other than to greedy corporations are the children but let's be honest here, kids are overrated and the vulgur showering of gifts only turns them into brats. The less fortunate children get crappy gifts from some feel-good charity and that makes them think that Santa Claus is a real douche bag but as far as mythical beings go, Santa Claus beats the hell out of Jesus Christ.
The part of Christmas that pisses me off the most are the crowds. Everything and every place is crowded with nasty pushy people. It's not just the stores like Kmart and Walmart that are crowded it is also the restaurants and that pisses me off. It takes longer to get your food and very often there are a lot of crabby mothers with their bratty kids in tow. When I sit down for a nice meal of fast food delight I don't want a bunch of bitchy moms and screaming kids wrecking my gluttonous experience with all the bitching and whining. Hire a babysitter or shut the fuck up God dammit!
What really is the clincher for me is that everybody gets sick with a cold or the flu. The greedy doctors count on this and cash in. They failed to inform people that proper humidification of their homes and simply wearing a dust mask like they do in Japan will stop the spread of pathogens that cause the flu and the common cold that can lead to pneumonia and death.
There are some strategies that you can employ if you insist on celebrating Christmas. Shop online. The words, "in the comfort of your own home" are music to the ears of any self-respecting slothful glutton like me Fat Bastard. Yes indeed, online shopping can be great. I, Fat Bastard order products and have been shipped to the people that I want to gift. This eliminates the need for wrapping and delivering the gifts. This also eliminates the need to fight the holiday crowds. Proud FA had a wonderful strategy when he was still porking fat girls. Proud FA would pick up $20 gift cards for McDonald's and Cracker Barrel and present them to his favorite sows he was porking at the time.
My advice for surviving the holiday season is to avoid family. So that means getting a lot of invitations to the homes of friends. My favorite refuge for Christmas is with my best friend Proud FA and his lovely fiancée Thinnette. They have in the past asked me to play Santa Claus and I complied but over the last few years I've declined playing the role of Santa because I don't want a bunch of germy kids crawling all over me and pissing me off. This year was an exception. Thinnette, her skinny sister and a few of her hot female friends dressed as elves so I, fat bastard, decided to don my Santa suit and play the role of jolly old St. Nick.
Keeping with my usual tradition of Christmas survival, I got really smashed. Thinnette and the other elves put on an impressive spread of food and many many types of alcoholic beverages. I started things out with a couple of Tom and Jerry's along with a few rum balls. Then I moved to the egg nog. The sexy elves made a huge bowl of delicious chocolate and I downed three or 4 cups of that. I was just getting warmed up. Proud FA broke out a large job of homemade applejack. It was about 40 proof and it went down like butter...smoooooooooth!
Much to our surprise our good friend the chef showed up with one of his fine ladies in five or six expertly rolled joints of the finest sticky green money could buy. After smoking some of the Chef's finest weed (for medicinal purposes only) I announced that it was time for me to make a pitcher of stingers. For those of you who don't know a properly made Stinger is comprised of two parts brandy and one part of cream deminthe stirred with shaved ice.
The way we celebrate Christmas is the right way to celebrate Christmas. We get together in a very stress-free environment and eat like pigs and drink like fish. Another dear friend of mine became so fed up with Christmas and all the family bullshit that he told his family he was going to Miami for Christmas but instead he took refuge with some Jewish friends. What he did was celebrate the way Jews celebrate Christmas. He went to a movie and afterwards he joined his friends for Chinese food in a place called Lee Ho Foo's and like the song says you're very large dish peeked chow mein. If you don't have friends like proud FA and his fiancée and if you have Jewish friends you would be wise to spend Christmas with them because the movie followed by Chinese food and some plum wine beats dealing with family bullshit every time.
I hope this helps.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
US Senator Mike Crapo Busted For Drunk Driving
The following news story is from Huffington Post. My editorial comments will be in bold.
It comes as no surprise that Mike Crapo is a Republican but is is somewhat surprising that Crapo is a Mormon. Alcohol use by Mormons is strictly forbidden. I have known a lot of people who drive drunk who have never gotten caught. The odds of getting caught DWI are actually slim. You can go to happy hour ever night after work, catch a buzz and drive home and the unless there is an illegal sobriety check point the odds of getting caught are slim and none. The point is, Mike Crapo drive drunk all the time.
Mike Crapo, the Republican senator from Idaho who was arrested on Sunday morning for driving under the influence, once said he abstains from alcohol.
Crapo in 2010 said that he was motivated to sponsor legislation to reduce taxes on small beer brewers because of his pro-business views. The Mormon lawmaker told The Associated Press that if the measure was approved, he would celebrate with root beer because he doesn't consume alcohol.
The AP reports:
Here's Crapo's booking photo, provided by the Alexandria, Va. Police Department, from after he was arrested on Sunday:
The Idaho Statesman said in an editorial published on Tuesday, "It would be unfair to judge Crapo, or anybody else, on one mistake. But it is totally fair to evaluate him according to where he goes from here and what he does to turn this matter from a negative to a positive."
What total bullshit that is! I will explain further the odds of driving one time all drunk and getting pulled over by the police and arrested for DWI. It sounds to me like the Idaho Statesman is on the Mike Crapo payroll. I would ask my readers to contact the Idaho Statesman and write every bottle to their dishonest and fat-free editorial.
In an unrelated incident in December of last year, Randy Babbitt resigned from his post as FAA administrator after he was arrested on drunk driving charges.
Perhaps Sen. Crapo needs some drinking lessons. Maybe if he gets good and liquored up on some wild Turkey liquor or some Bacardi 151 rum he will be able to handle the strong stuff. Let's be honest here, Mike Crapo is a drunk and if he ever decides to attend AA meetings or go to rehab he will he can then be called an alcoholic. The odds of a drunk admitting that he or she is a drunk are slim and none the odds of a Republican Mormon drunk admitting that he's a drunk are beyond astronomical.
Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) drank vodka prior to being arrested in Alexandria, Va., on Dec. 23, according to court documents obtained by the Del Ray Patch.
"The driver indicated that he consumed several shots of vodka hours earlier and did not consume any more alcoholic beverages since," wrote the arresting officer. The officer described his eyes as "bloodshot and watery." Despite the fact that he drank vodka, the officer noted a smell of alcohol on his breath "which became stronger as he spoke."
Vodka has long been the drink of choice for hard-core alcoholics. Clearly Mike Crapo Sen. from Idaho is a hard-core alcoholic. Drunks tend to be delusional, it's part of the disease of alcoholism. They mistakenly believe that alcohol in the form of vodka cannot be detected on their breath. They also put it in coffee cups and attitude beverages like Coca-Cola or coffee.
I will be surprised if United States Sen. Mike Crapo comes clean and admits that he is been and is today a hard-core alcoholic. Most alcoholics will not admit the big problem. But in Crapo's case he's also a hypocrite because he's a Mormon in Mormonism is as big of a scam as Scientology.
It comes as no surprise that Mike Crapo is a Republican but is is somewhat surprising that Crapo is a Mormon. Alcohol use by Mormons is strictly forbidden. I have known a lot of people who drive drunk who have never gotten caught. The odds of getting caught DWI are actually slim. You can go to happy hour ever night after work, catch a buzz and drive home and the unless there is an illegal sobriety check point the odds of getting caught are slim and none. The point is, Mike Crapo drive drunk all the time.
Mike Crapo, the Republican senator from Idaho who was arrested on Sunday morning for driving under the influence, once said he abstains from alcohol.
Crapo in 2010 said that he was motivated to sponsor legislation to reduce taxes on small beer brewers because of his pro-business views. The Mormon lawmaker told The Associated Press that if the measure was approved, he would celebrate with root beer because he doesn't consume alcohol.
The AP reports:
Crapo's arrest early Sunday in a Washington, D.C., suburb on suspicion of drunken driving suggests a private life that departed from his public persona as a teetotaling member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. About a quarter of Idaho's population subscribes to the Mormon faith, which discourages members from using alcohol, as well as coffee, tea and tobacco.
Colleagues said Monday they were taken aback by word of Crapo's arrest. The three-term senator is accused of registering a 0.11 percent blood-alcohol level on a breath test after running a red light in Alexandria, Va., where the legal limit is 0.08.Following the incident over the weekend, Crapo issued an apology.
Here's Crapo's booking photo, provided by the Alexandria, Va. Police Department, from after he was arrested on Sunday:
Hey bartender, pour one, pour two, pour three more glasses of beer. Mike don't care what the people are thinking; he ain't drunk, he's just drinkin. |
The Idaho Statesman said in an editorial published on Tuesday, "It would be unfair to judge Crapo, or anybody else, on one mistake. But it is totally fair to evaluate him according to where he goes from here and what he does to turn this matter from a negative to a positive."
What total bullshit that is! I will explain further the odds of driving one time all drunk and getting pulled over by the police and arrested for DWI. It sounds to me like the Idaho Statesman is on the Mike Crapo payroll. I would ask my readers to contact the Idaho Statesman and write every bottle to their dishonest and fat-free editorial.
In an unrelated incident in December of last year, Randy Babbitt resigned from his post as FAA administrator after he was arrested on drunk driving charges.
Below, more on the latest developments related to Crapo from the AP:
State Sen. Brent Hill of Rexburg, who considers Crapo a friend, said his son called him with the news, and his reaction was: "You must be talking about somebody else." Hill is the Idaho Senate's top Republican, a position Crapo held while he was a state lawmaker from 1988 to 1992. Like Crapo, Hill is a Mormon.
"Obviously, I think many of us are very disappointed," Hill told the AP. "As a citizen of the state of Idaho, we have a right to be disappointed, and as a member of his faith, I'm disappointed that a tenet of our faith didn't mean any more to him than evidently it did."
Crapo faces a court date Jan. 4.
Lindsay Nothern, a spokesman for the senator in Idaho, said Crapo would have no comment Monday. The lawmaker, who is married with five children, was spending the Christmas holiday with family, Nothern said.
In a statement Sunday, Crapo took responsibility and pledged to ensure "this circumstance is never repeated."
"I am deeply sorry for the actions that resulted in this circumstance," said Crapo, 61. "I made a mistake for which I apologize to my family, my Idaho constituents and any others who have put their trust in me."
The state's junior U.S. senator, Republican Jim Risch, also was "very surprised" by the news, spokesman Brad Hoaglun said.
But Hoaglun said Crapo, a cancer survivor whose public image previously was squeaky clean, should be able to count on Idaho residents' forgiveness and understanding during what's clearly a difficult time.
"As a friend and colleague, I offer my support and help to him in any way I can," Risch said in a statement. "Senator Crapo has worked hard on behalf of Idahoans for many years and I have full confidence that Senator Crapo will continue his dedicated and unselfish service to the people of Idaho."Risch is Catholic and Catholics drink like fish especially the Irish Catholic and that is what makes them fun to hang out with.
Idaho's two U.S. representatives, Raul Labrador and Mike Simpson, are Mormons, though Simpson has been open with constituents and media about drinking and smoking cigarettes.I heard that Mormons are not even allowed to drink coffee of tea.
Neither Republican immediately responded to a request for comment.
Idaho politicians getting arrested for drunken driving is nothing new: Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter was arrested in the early 1990s, when he was lieutenant governor; Democratic state Sen. Edgar Malepeai of Pocatello was arrested for DUI in 2009; and former state Sen. John McGee, a Caldwell Republican, was arrested on Father's Day 2011 after driving drunk and taking a car that didn't belong to him.But none of them were Mormon.
Crapo raised the stakes by projecting an image of a diligent member of the faith and – at least outwardly – following church founder Joseph Smith's 1833 revelation in which he advised members that "strong spirits are not for the belly."Perhaps the Senator is like me and considers anything over 80 proof to be strong spirits. For me, Fat Bastard, beer and wine are just a warm-up or a chaser for the strong stuff.
Perhaps Sen. Crapo needs some drinking lessons. Maybe if he gets good and liquored up on some wild Turkey liquor or some Bacardi 151 rum he will be able to handle the strong stuff. Let's be honest here, Mike Crapo is a drunk and if he ever decides to attend AA meetings or go to rehab he will he can then be called an alcoholic. The odds of a drunk admitting that he or she is a drunk are slim and none the odds of a Republican Mormon drunk admitting that he's a drunk are beyond astronomical.
The U.S. Senate adjourned last week and wasn't expected to resume until Wednesday; it's unclear why Crapo had remained in Washington, D.C., ahead of the Christmas holiday.Since Crapo is a Mormon and since Mormons have a long history of polygamy he was probably coming back from one of his Washington wives a.k.a. a hooker. That is standard operating procedure for Republicans.
According to the police report, he was alone in his car. It wasn't immediately clear where he'd been or where he was going when he was stopped.
Crapo was a Mormon bishop at 31 and has showed no public signs of a break from his church's teachings.Mitt Romney was also a Mormon bishop and we know what a lying hypocrite he is. like Sen. Crapo, he too probably drinks like a fish.
Church members must follow its guidance – including its rules on alcohol – to participate fully in the faith's rituals, including temple activities that are central to the religion.The governing bodies of the Mormon church have always been bunch of lowlife scumbag hypocrites but that's true of every religion. So don't hold your breath waiting for the church elders to excommunicate Sen. Mike Crapo.
Phone calls Monday to Mormon headquarters in Salt Lake City were not returned.Church officials are notorious weasels and liars. They will remain moot on this until it blows over.
Crapo, first elected in 1998, is expected to take over the top Republican spot next year on the Senate Banking Committee. He also serves on the Senate's budget and finance panels and was a member of the so-called "Gang of Six" senators who worked in 2011 toward a deficit-reduction deal that was never adopted by Congress.
The 2010 bill he sponsored on cutting taxes for brewers ultimately stalled.
Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) drank vodka prior to being arrested in Alexandria, Va., on Dec. 23, according to court documents obtained by the Del Ray Patch.
"The driver indicated that he consumed several shots of vodka hours earlier and did not consume any more alcoholic beverages since," wrote the arresting officer. The officer described his eyes as "bloodshot and watery." Despite the fact that he drank vodka, the officer noted a smell of alcohol on his breath "which became stronger as he spoke."
Vodka has long been the drink of choice for hard-core alcoholics. Clearly Mike Crapo Sen. from Idaho is a hard-core alcoholic. Drunks tend to be delusional, it's part of the disease of alcoholism. They mistakenly believe that alcohol in the form of vodka cannot be detected on their breath. They also put it in coffee cups and attitude beverages like Coca-Cola or coffee.
I will be surprised if United States Sen. Mike Crapo comes clean and admits that he is been and is today a hard-core alcoholic. Most alcoholics will not admit the big problem. But in Crapo's case he's also a hypocrite because he's a Mormon in Mormonism is as big of a scam as Scientology.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Gifts for Gluttons
Okay okay I get it it's Christmas but I,Fat Bastard am inspired by the wonderful and not so wonderful Christmas gifts that I have received. There are some wonderful gifts that will be great appreciated by the fat and greedy glutton but there are some gifts that should never be given to a big fat greedy glutton like me, Fat Bastard.
Greedy gluttonous fatlings should never be gifted with certain gifts such as exercise equipment or footwear with laces. Only loafers for loafers. The positive side of this is that gifts for the greedy glutton are plentiful. We can thank our accommodating fat centric society for all the wonderful things that people like. The list is endless. Booze is never a bad idea but when selecting some sort of alcoholic product for your glutton make it something special like a liquor such as Southern Comfort or Bailey's Irish Cream. Kahlúa is always a good idea. You can never go wrong with candy but if you can afford 5 pounds of Godiva chocolates and go for quantity and by a 5 pound box of some other assorted candies. Cheese cheese cheese... There there is a full spectrum of cheeses from good old American cheddar, port wine cheese, Monterey Jack, Brie, Gorgonzola, Limburger, Munster, provolone, Greek feta, and good old fat girl Fromunda cheese.

A favorite of all fatty's is a good old-fashioned hickory farms sampler pack containing crackers sausages hard soft and spreadable cheeses. A good stocking stuffer is a can of cheese whiz. Other than vegetables there are very few foods that fatlings will not eat. In fact, fatlings genetically consider vegetables to be food. Another good choice for a glutton is a gift card to a restaurant fatties like best and they are as follows; Denny's, McDonald's, Olive Garden, O'Charley's, international House of pancakes, Arby's, Burger King, Hardee's, KFC, Golden Corral, Cracker Barrel... you get the point.
A lot of fattys like practical gifts and some of the practical gifts that come to mind are things like butt wands, gifts for the bath, portable bidet for the BBW's, talcum powder, a showerhead, seatbelt extenders, a bib, loafers and door grease are all good practical gifts that will be appreciated by any glutton.

There are also some extravagant gifts that a glutton will just love. As you know, we fatlings are plagued by an epidemic of double flushing the toilet. Sometimes it takes more than a double or even a triple flush will not send the giant herds of a glutton to their final resting place. I, fat bastard have written extensively on methods of unclogging toilets but the ultimate solution for clogged toilets are bigger toilets. There are some very large bariatric toilets that can handle almost any volume of feces of fatlings can put in them. Your glutton will cry tears of joy when he wakes up on Christmas morning and find that Santa and his elves have installed a supersized toilet that can also double as a wading pool for children.

Perhaps the most favorite automobile of a glutton is a Cadillac Escalade or one of its variants. These giant SUVs are in every way the best motor vehicle for a big fat glutton.
Greedy gluttonous fatlings should never be gifted with certain gifts such as exercise equipment or footwear with laces. Only loafers for loafers. The positive side of this is that gifts for the greedy glutton are plentiful. We can thank our accommodating fat centric society for all the wonderful things that people like. The list is endless. Booze is never a bad idea but when selecting some sort of alcoholic product for your glutton make it something special like a liquor such as Southern Comfort or Bailey's Irish Cream. Kahlúa is always a good idea. You can never go wrong with candy but if you can afford 5 pounds of Godiva chocolates and go for quantity and by a 5 pound box of some other assorted candies. Cheese cheese cheese... There there is a full spectrum of cheeses from good old American cheddar, port wine cheese, Monterey Jack, Brie, Gorgonzola, Limburger, Munster, provolone, Greek feta, and good old fat girl Fromunda cheese.
A favorite of all fatty's is a good old-fashioned hickory farms sampler pack containing crackers sausages hard soft and spreadable cheeses. A good stocking stuffer is a can of cheese whiz. Other than vegetables there are very few foods that fatlings will not eat. In fact, fatlings genetically consider vegetables to be food. Another good choice for a glutton is a gift card to a restaurant fatties like best and they are as follows; Denny's, McDonald's, Olive Garden, O'Charley's, international House of pancakes, Arby's, Burger King, Hardee's, KFC, Golden Corral, Cracker Barrel... you get the point.
A lot of fattys like practical gifts and some of the practical gifts that come to mind are things like butt wands, gifts for the bath, portable bidet for the BBW's, talcum powder, a showerhead, seatbelt extenders, a bib, loafers and door grease are all good practical gifts that will be appreciated by any glutton.
There are also some extravagant gifts that a glutton will just love. As you know, we fatlings are plagued by an epidemic of double flushing the toilet. Sometimes it takes more than a double or even a triple flush will not send the giant herds of a glutton to their final resting place. I, fat bastard have written extensively on methods of unclogging toilets but the ultimate solution for clogged toilets are bigger toilets. There are some very large bariatric toilets that can handle almost any volume of feces of fatlings can put in them. Your glutton will cry tears of joy when he wakes up on Christmas morning and find that Santa and his elves have installed a supersized toilet that can also double as a wading pool for children.
Perhaps the most favorite automobile of a glutton is a Cadillac Escalade or one of its variants. These giant SUVs are in every way the best motor vehicle for a big fat glutton.
Cadillac Escalade is the Fatillac of Cadillacs |
Monday, December 24, 2012
EAT For The Baby Jesus
Food food glorious food. With another holiday season upon us food will be taking center stage. Fatlings and thinlings will be stuffing themselves with the pigs they are. OINK oink oink oink oink oink as we all worship the belly God And drop a huge Yule log in the toilet.
Okay fellow fatlings let's kick this glutton fest into high gear. The holiday season is time for every glutton to join the glutton fest. Fatlings get fatter and thinlings will pack on a pound or two. Your typical 150 pounder me at 3 pounds whereas the gluttonous glutton will pack on considerably more blubber as we greedily devour every delicious morsel in sight. EAT EAT EAT and eat some more as we pay homage to Santa Claus at all other fatlings.
Belly boy, Teddy Bear even though he is Jewish will be joining all the goyim who will be gourmandizing greedily with gluttonous glee. Christmas is coming and the goose is getting fat and we fatlings are getting even fatter than that goose or should I say the proverbial goose. Proud FA and his fiancée Thinnette will be cooking some tasty low-calorie dishes just for me, Fat Bastard. Hopefully our good friend, The Chef will stop by for a few cocktails and a few tokes of the sticky green for medicinal purposes only. For those of you who don't know about Chef; the Chef is a man of color and the Chef is a bit gouty in the leg. The Chef will tell you that the Chef loves the ladies and ladies love Chef but Chef in his own words will tell you and I quote, "the chef ain't got no wood for them supersized beautiful women or SSBBWs, God bless em.
We will be singing our favorite Christmas songs Such as:
Silent fart deadly fart, It smelled bad at the start, Check the Balls on the Big Brown Collie, We three kings from Sloppy Joe's bar, bearing booze and rubber cigars. It was loaded. it exploded so God rest Ye merry gentlemen let nothing you dismay, remember Christ our savior was born on a bale of hay.
They took the baby jesus wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger and a pig ate him.
We wish you a merry christmas we wish you a merry christmas we wish you a merry christmas so please drink more beer. we all want some chocolate pudding we all want some fucking chocolate pudding we all want some chocolate pudding you dumb fucking queer.
Now, for our rendition of jingle bells,... eat eat eat eat eat eat eat all fucking day. Oh what fun it is to eat in a glutton kind of way.
Now for our rendition of let it snow let it snow let it snow... Oh.. the weather outside is sucking so we might as well be fucking and since there's no place to go let's get blowed blow a load blow a load.
Now for our version of Angels we have heard on high.... the chef and I will be getting high when we get aboard the plane and the gluttons in reply echoing theirt sweet refrain, more more more more more more food for us alka-seltzer all day oh more more more more more more more food for us alka-seltzer all day yo.
This is fat bastard wishing you and yours a Merry Xmas and a happy New Year's. There was a man whose name was Lang and he had a neon sign. Well, Mr Lang was very old. So they called him old Lang's sign. I, Fat Bastard will not only be enjoying Christmas but New Year's as well.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Shroud of Turin FAKE!
Not only is the Turin Shroud a medieval fake but it is just one of an astonishing 40 so-called burial cloths of Jesus, according to an eminent church historian.
Antonio Lombatti said the false shrouds circulated in the Middle Ages, but most of them were later destroyed.
He said the Turin Shroud itself – showing an image of a bearded man and venerated for centuries as Christ’s burial cloth – appears to have originated in Turkey some 1,300 years after the Crucifixion.
The Turin Shroud was believed to have covered
Jesus, but a leading Church historian says it is one of many produced
over a thousand years after his death
Lombatti, of the Università Popolare in Parma, Italy, cited work by a 19th century French historian who had studied surviving medieval documents. ‘The Turin Shroud is only one of the many burial cloths which were circulating in the Christian world during the Middle Ages. There were at least 40,’ said Lombatti.
‘Most of them were destroyed during the French Revolution. Some had images, others had blood-like stains, and others were completely white.’
The Turin Shroud is a linen cloth, about 14ft by 4ft, bearing a front and back view of the image of a bearded, naked man who appears to have been stabbed or tortured. Ever since the detail on the cloth was revealed by negative photography in the late 19th century it has attracted thousands of pilgrims to the Cathedral of St John the Baptist in Turin.
In a research paper to be published this month in the scholarly journal Studi Medievali, Lombatti says the shroud was most likely given to French knight Geoffroy de Charny as a memento from a crusade to Smyrna, Turkey, in 1346. The de Charny family are the first recorded owners of the shroud.
The image has bewitched believers and sceptics alike since the negative image, right, was revealed in the late 19th century
Lombatti found that Geoffroy was unable to join a pilgrimage to Jerusalem after liberating Smyrna, so he was given the shroud as a symbol of his participation in the crusade to Turkey.
The Catholic Church has never officially commented on the shroud’s authenticity, but has made samples available to scientists for testing.
In 2009 a Vatican researcher said she had found the words ‘Jesus Nazarene’ on the cloth, while two years later Italian government researchers claimed the image of a man had been caused by a supernatural ‘flash of light’ but carbon tests carried out in Oxford in 1988 firmly dated the material to 1260-1390
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2157217/The-Turin-Shroud-fake-Eminent-historian-claims-40-similar-cloths-originated-1-300-years-AFTER-crucifixion.html#ixzz2FtwKeJBg
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Get over it Christers, Jesus was a fake too and your religion is a lie!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Reagan On Gun Control
Long before these school, mall and movie theater massacres and long before proliferation of high capacity magazines President Reagan had a lot of thoughts on gun control. Reagan along with his press secretary Jim Brady was a victim of gun violence.
“This is a matter of vital importance to the public safety ... While we recognize that assault-weapon legislation will not stop all assault-weapon crime, statistics prove that we can dry up the supply of these guns, making them less accessible to criminals.”
Ronald Reagan, in a May 3, 1994 letter to the U.S. House of Representatives, which was also signed by Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford.
“I do not believe in taking away the right of the citizen for sporting, for hunting and so forth, or for home defense. But I do believe that an AK-47, a machine gun, is not a sporting weapon or needed for defense of a home.”
Ronald Reagan, in a speech at his 78th birthday celebration in Los Angeles on February 6, 1989.
“Certain forms of ammunition have no legitimate sporting, recreational, or self-defense use and thus should be prohibited.”
Ronald Reagan, in an August 28, 1986 signing statement on a bill that banned the production and importation of armor-piercing bullets.
“With the right to bear arms comes a great responsibility to use caution and common sense on handgun purchases.”
Ronald Reagan, speech at George Washington University in a on March 29, 1991.
“Every year, an average of 9,200 Americans are murdered by handguns, according to Department of Justice statistics. This does not include suicides or the tens of thousands of robberies, rapes and assaults committed with handguns. This level of violence must be stopped.”
Ronald Reagan, in a March 29, 1991 New York Times op-ed in support of the Brady Bill.
“I think maybe there could be some restrictions that there had to be a certain amount of training taken.”
Ronald Reagan, in a press conference
in Toronto on June 21, 1988, suggesting that prospective gun owners
should have to receive training before purchasing a firearm.
“Well, I think there has to be some [gun] control.”
Ronald Reagan, during a question-and-answer session with high-school students on November 14, 1988.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Westboro Baptist Church Cult Plans to Protest Connecticut Shooting Funerals
Westboro Baptist Church cult plans to protest Connecticut shooting funerals just two days after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting took the lives of 20 children and 6 adults.
According to reports from Human Events and The Gateway Pundit, Westboro Baptist Church cult plans to protest Connecticut shooting funerals days after the tragic event ended the lives of the 26 people that were shot and killed. As the tragic event continues to unfold as new details about the shooter, Adam Lanza, are released, the Westboro Baptist Church cult plans to protest Connecticut shooting funerals as they believe this is “God’s work.”
According to reports from Human Events and The Gateway Pundit, Westboro Baptist Church cult plans to protest Connecticut shooting funerals days after the tragic event ended the lives of the 26 people that were shot and killed. As the tragic event continues to unfold as new details about the shooter, Adam Lanza, are released, the Westboro Baptist Church cult plans to protest Connecticut shooting funerals as they believe this is “God’s work.”
Westboro Baptist Church Cult Plans to Protest Connecticut Shooting Funerals – Using the Tragedy as a “Sign from God”
Known for their infamous protests of 9/11, in which they displayed picket signs thanking God for the event that killed thousands of Americans, the Westboro Baptist Church cult plans to protest Connecticut shooting funerals as they believe this is another sign of God’s work. Supporter and member Shirley Phelps-Roper tweeted about the expected protest:Westboro will picket Sandy Hook Elementary School to sing praise to God for the glory of his work in executing his judgment.Another tweet about how Westboro Baptist Church cult plans to protest Connecticut shooting funerals has hit the mainstream social media as Margie Phelps tweeted:
— Shirley Phelps-Roper (@DearShirley) December 15, 2012
#Died4Fags2WedMT @voiceofobrien: Westboro “God hates Fags” Baptist Church is planning to picket at Sandy Hook, to praise “God’s judgment.”Many people have been shocked and outraged by the fact that Westboro Baptist Church cult plans to protest Connecticut shooting funerals. Those same people have taken to twitter to reply back to members of the Westboro Baptist Church to express their disgust. One twitter user wrote to Shirley:
— MargiePhelps (@MargieJPhelps) December 15, 2012
@dearshirley Where in the bible does it tell you to add suffering to suffering? You are no more a person of god than you are a decent human.
— Michele Catalano (@inthefade) December 15, 2012
Westboro Baptist Church Cult Plans to Protest Connecticut Shooting Funerals.
There is a simple way to shutdown Westboro Baptist Church and that is for the mainstream Christian church to discredit them Biblically but the problem is Westboro Baptist is spot on from a Biblical perspective. The problem is they can't. Shirley Phelps will chew up and spit out any Christian scholar.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Republican Rules For Business Are Based On The Ferengi Rules Of Acquistion
Once you have their money ... never give it back.
Never pay more for a vote than you have to.
Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity.
A man is only worth the sum of his possessions.
Keep your ears open.
Small print leads to large risk.
Opportunity plus instinct equals profit.
Greed is eternal.
Anything worth doing is worth doing for money.
A deal is a deal ... until a better one comes along.
A contract is a contract is a contract (but only between other snakes).
A Republican without Greed is no Republican at all.
Satisfaction is not guaranteed.

Never place friendship above profit.
A wise man can hear profit in the wind.
Nothing is more important than your health--except for your money.
There's nothing more dangerous than an honest businessman.
Never make fun of a Republican's mother ... insult something he cares about instead.
It never hurts to suck up to the boss.
War is good for business.
Peace is bad for business.
She can touch your dick but never your money.
Profit is its own reward.
Never confuse wisdom with luck.
Expand, or die.
Don't trust a man wearing a better suit than your own.
The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife.
Females and finance don't mix.
Never ask when you can take.
Good customers are as rare as platinum -- treasure them.
There is no substitute for success.
Free advice is seldom cheap.
Keep your lies consistent.
The riskier the road, the greater the profit.
Win or lose, there's always coke.
Home is where the heart is ... but the stars are made of money.
Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the hell out of your enemies.
Beware of the Science's greed for knowledge.
The flimsier the product, the higher the price.
Never let the competition know what you're thinking.
Ask not what your profits can do for you, but what you can do for your profits.
Ethics and finances don't mix.
Enough ... is never enough.

Every man has his price.
Trust is the biggest liability of all.
Nature decays, but platinum lasts forever.
Sleep can interfere with profit.

Faith moves mountains ... of inventory.
There is no honour in poverty.
Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
Treat people in your debt like family ... exploit them.
Never have sex with the boss's sister.
Always have sex with the boss.
You can't free a fish from water.
Everything is for sale, even friendship.
Even a blind man can recognize the glow of latinum.
You can't make a deal if you're dead.
Wives serve, brothers inherit.
Only fools pay retail.

There's nothing wrong with charity ... as long as it winds up in your pocket.
Even in the worst of times someone turns a profit.
Know your enemies ... but do business with them always.
Not even dishonesty can tarnish the shine of profit.
Let others keep their reputation. You keep their money.
Hear all, trust nothing.

Never cheat a the government ... unless you're sure you can get away with it.
It's always good business to know about new customers before they walk in the door.

**The justification for profit is profit.**
New customers are like razortoothed grubworms. They can be succulent, but sometimes they can bite back.

Sometimes the only thing more dangerous than a question is an answer.

**Employees are rungs on the ladder of success. Don't hesitate to step on them.**
Never begin a negotiation on an empty stomach.
You can't free a fish from water.
Always know what you're buying.
Beware the man who doesn't make time for oo-mox.
Money lasts longer than lust.
You can't buy fate.

**Never be afraid to mislabel a product.**
More is good ... all is better.
A wife is a luxury ... a smart lawyer is a necessity.

**A wealthy man can afford anything except a conscience.**
**Never allow doubt to tarnish your love of money.**

When in doubt, lie.
Deep down everyone's a Republican.

Never pay more for a vote than you have to.
Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity.
A man is only worth the sum of his possessions.
Keep your ears open.
Small print leads to large risk.
Opportunity plus instinct equals profit.
Greed is eternal.
Anything worth doing is worth doing for money.
A deal is a deal ... until a better one comes along.
A contract is a contract is a contract (but only between other snakes).
A Republican without Greed is no Republican at all.
Satisfaction is not guaranteed.

Never place friendship above profit.
A wise man can hear profit in the wind.
Nothing is more important than your health--except for your money.
There's nothing more dangerous than an honest businessman.
Never make fun of a Republican's mother ... insult something he cares about instead.
It never hurts to suck up to the boss.
War is good for business.
Peace is bad for business.
She can touch your dick but never your money.
Profit is its own reward.
Never confuse wisdom with luck.
Expand, or die.
Don't trust a man wearing a better suit than your own.
The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife.
Females and finance don't mix.
Never ask when you can take.
Good customers are as rare as platinum -- treasure them.
There is no substitute for success.
Free advice is seldom cheap.
Keep your lies consistent.
The riskier the road, the greater the profit.
Win or lose, there's always coke.
Home is where the heart is ... but the stars are made of money.
Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the hell out of your enemies.
Beware of the Science's greed for knowledge.
The flimsier the product, the higher the price.
Never let the competition know what you're thinking.
Gov Rick Scott and former CEO of HCA |
Ask not what your profits can do for you, but what you can do for your profits.
Ethics and finances don't mix.
Enough ... is never enough.
Every man has his price.
Trust is the biggest liability of all.
Nature decays, but platinum lasts forever.
Sleep can interfere with profit.
Faith moves mountains ... of inventory.
There is no honour in poverty.
Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
Treat people in your debt like family ... exploit them.
Never have sex with the boss's sister.
Always have sex with the boss.
You can't free a fish from water.
Everything is for sale, even friendship.
Even a blind man can recognize the glow of latinum.
You can't make a deal if you're dead.
Wives serve, brothers inherit.
Only fools pay retail.
There's nothing wrong with charity ... as long as it winds up in your pocket.
Even in the worst of times someone turns a profit.
Know your enemies ... but do business with them always.
Not even dishonesty can tarnish the shine of profit.
Let others keep their reputation. You keep their money.
Hear all, trust nothing.
Never cheat a the government ... unless you're sure you can get away with it.
It's always good business to know about new customers before they walk in the door.
**The justification for profit is profit.**
New customers are like razortoothed grubworms. They can be succulent, but sometimes they can bite back.
Sometimes the only thing more dangerous than a question is an answer.
**Employees are rungs on the ladder of success. Don't hesitate to step on them.**
Never begin a negotiation on an empty stomach.
You can't free a fish from water.
Always know what you're buying.
Beware the man who doesn't make time for oo-mox.
Money lasts longer than lust.
You can't buy fate.
**Never be afraid to mislabel a product.**
More is good ... all is better.
A wife is a luxury ... a smart lawyer is a necessity.
**A wealthy man can afford anything except a conscience.**
**Never allow doubt to tarnish your love of money.**
When in doubt, lie.
Deep down everyone's a Republican.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Jackie Mason & Michael Savage: Ban Guns From Those on Psycho Meds
Jackie Mason Nailed It Long Ago
Michael Savage Hits The Nail On The Head Too!
The common thread in nearly all these school shootings are psych meds.
Michael Savage Hits The Nail On The Head Too!

The common thread in nearly all these school shootings are psych meds.
The Newton School Shooting
I can't say much and I won't say much. I found out when someone near and dear to me tearfully told me about this horrific event. I was numb for an hour.
The talking heads are running their mouths and the journalists I respect, Rachel Maddow and Ed Shultz have disapointed me as has the rest of the media. One common thread that the media will not report is the prescription drug connection in almost all these shooting.
I will provide some links with data regarding the role prescription drugs play in these acts of violence. The media's knee jerk reaction to blame guns while ignoring the role drugs play makes me want to vomit.
Switzerland has more guns and they have very little gun violence.
Contact your elected officials and mention the drug connection. Get informed and please leave comment with information about SSRIs and violence.
I will update this story with links to data on antidepressants and violence.
Rachel and Ed are right about one thing... we do need stricter gun laws but I would oppose banning semi auto guns no matter how scary they look.
Remember when the best-selling book Listening to Prozac came out almost 20 years ago?
Now Americans aren’t just reading about Prozac. They are taking it and other antidepressants (Celexa, Effexor, Paxil, Zoloft, to name just a few) in astounding numbers.
According to a report released yesterday by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), the rate of antidepressant use in this country among teens and adults (people ages 12 and older) increased by almost 400% between 1988–1994 and 2005–2008.
The federal government’s health statisticians figure that about one in every 10 Americans takes an antidepressant. And by their reckoning, antidepressants were the third most common prescription medication taken by Americans in 2005–2008, the latest period during which the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) collected data on prescription drug use.
Here are a few other stand-out statistics from the report on antidepressants:
But there are also plenty of critics, as shown by this review in the New York Review of Books, who say the benefits have been overstated and that pharmaceutical company marketing is responsible for the surge in prescriptions.
Of course there’s a middle ground that combines—some might say muddles—these two points of view: depression was neglected and sometimes antidepressants are the remedy, but there is some overuse and has been a major factor in the 400% increase.
What do you think? Has an antidepressant worked for you? Have the benefits been exaggerated and the side effects downplayed?

The talking heads are running their mouths and the journalists I respect, Rachel Maddow and Ed Shultz have disapointed me as has the rest of the media. One common thread that the media will not report is the prescription drug connection in almost all these shooting.
I will provide some links with data regarding the role prescription drugs play in these acts of violence. The media's knee jerk reaction to blame guns while ignoring the role drugs play makes me want to vomit.
Switzerland has more guns and they have very little gun violence.
Contact your elected officials and mention the drug connection. Get informed and please leave comment with information about SSRIs and violence.
I will update this story with links to data on antidepressants and violence.
Rachel and Ed are right about one thing... we do need stricter gun laws but I would oppose banning semi auto guns no matter how scary they look.
AR-15 found in the shooter's car |
A 9mm Sig Sauer was used in the shooting |
A Glock 9mm was used in the shooting |
This Colt semi-automatic hammerless pistol was produced between 1903 and 1945. It operates similarly to the Glock and the Sig Sauer. The point is, these style of hand guns have been around for over 100 years. |
Astounding increase in antidepressant use by Americans
Remember when the best-selling book Listening to Prozac came out almost 20 years ago?
Now Americans aren’t just reading about Prozac. They are taking it and other antidepressants (Celexa, Effexor, Paxil, Zoloft, to name just a few) in astounding numbers.
According to a report released yesterday by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), the rate of antidepressant use in this country among teens and adults (people ages 12 and older) increased by almost 400% between 1988–1994 and 2005–2008.
The federal government’s health statisticians figure that about one in every 10 Americans takes an antidepressant. And by their reckoning, antidepressants were the third most common prescription medication taken by Americans in 2005–2008, the latest period during which the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) collected data on prescription drug use.
Here are a few other stand-out statistics from the report on antidepressants:
- 23% of women in their 40s and 50s take antidepressants, a higher percentage than any other group (by age or sex)
- Women are 2½ times more likely to be taking an antidepressant than men (click here to read a May 2011 article in the Harvard Mental Health Letter about women and depression)
- 14% of non-Hispanic white people take antidepressants compared with just 4% of non-Hispanic blacks and 3% of Mexican Americans
- Less than a third of Americans who are taking a single antidepressants (as opposed to two or more) have seen a mental health professional in the past year
- Antidepressant use does not vary by income status.
But there are also plenty of critics, as shown by this review in the New York Review of Books, who say the benefits have been overstated and that pharmaceutical company marketing is responsible for the surge in prescriptions.
Of course there’s a middle ground that combines—some might say muddles—these two points of view: depression was neglected and sometimes antidepressants are the remedy, but there is some overuse and has been a major factor in the 400% increase.
What do you think? Has an antidepressant worked for you? Have the benefits been exaggerated and the side effects downplayed?
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