Bigger Fatter Politics is a fact based news source for all things fat and political. We present news and presidential politics from a fat centric and food centric perspective.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Ten Reasons Why Fat Women Suck.
1. They look like hell. Fat women are an eyesore the look even more repulsive naked.
2. They are unhealthy. Most have some sort of chronic illness along with their fattitude.
3. They have an offensive odor.
4. They are jealous of slender women.
5. They make horrible mothers. e.g. Toxic wombs, high risk pregnancies and bad role models
6. They are far more likely to have an STD.
7. They have lower IQ's than slender women.
8. They are estrogen dominant and that makes them extra crazy.
9. They have bad attitudes.
10. They are extremely selfish and delusional.
#4. Right there. Totally accurate. And the woman in the first photo looks like all her features are squashed into the centre of her face.