Showing posts with label thunder thighs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thunder thighs. Show all posts

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Fat Porn

Fat Porn

Those of us in the new fat acceptance movement frequently discuss the role of fat porn in the fat acceptance movement. While we have no official policy on pornography and generally see it as free speech we are concerned about its political and social implications within the fatosphere. There seems to be great conflict among members of the fat acceptance movement when it comes to pornography. There are two basic factions within the old fat acceptance movement. There are the angry and jealous fat girls who crave the male sausage and embrace their slutty behavior. We think that this represents the majority view of most fat girls. Then there is the view of the angry man hating fat feminist types who condemn pornography of all types. In their minds, anything that can give a man pleasure has to be a bad thing.

Fat pornography and its extreme popularity is something that the old and often wrong fat acceptance movement cannot explain or explain away. They treat it like it's a turd in a swimming pool. The reason for this is pretty simple. The angry jealous fat girls of the fat acceptance movement would like you to believe that most men would rather bone a skinny girl than pork a fat girl but unfortunately the facts shoot down their arguments and assertions. The vast majority of pornography today is fat porn. The numbers don't lie but angry fat girls do. Some may argue that the reason there is so much more fat porn then there is size typical porn is that there are simply more fat girls. That is an obtuse and dishonest argument. The popularity of fat porn is not based on the fact that 70% of women are fat are obese. Fat porn is popular because it simply receives more views than skinny porn. The porn industry may be one of the last bastions of peer capitalism left. If fat porn did not sell then the pornographers would not be making it. These guys are in it for the money and blubber sells.

Those who say that fat girls are bigger sluts than skinny girls will not be getting arguments from me. It's a proven fact that fat girls are sluts. Because they are disinhibited when it comes to food and have a basic hedonistic nature so it only follows that they're going to be more slutty. Fat girls have much higher self-esteem than skinny girls and that is why you see so many fat girls flaunting their flab.

Hire a fork lift to carry this landwhale over the threshhold!
A lot of men get married to a chubby girl hoping that she might lose some weight but invariably she keeps packing on the pounds. The husband looks around and he sees that a lot of his friend's wives have also blimped out. That being the case, he doesn't see a lot of options so he begins viewing fat porn in order to desensitize himself from the repulsion he feels when he's with his ever growing wife. He figures a man can screw a sheep then maybe he can force himself to screw his fat wife. He views fat porn in order to create in himself a Pavlovian response. While he will not lose his preference for skinny chicks he is now able to pork his fat wife and he will only need three or four beers to do it. He can focus in on something that still resembles something womanly about her and if he cannot find something visual that is not gross and disgusting he can always close his eyes and imagine one of the BBW images he has seen that has been photo shopped into something that still resembles some semblance of femininity and womanliness.

He also hopes that his blubbery wife will go the route of Kelly Osbourne, Valerie Bertinelli, Carrie Fisher, Star Jones, Jordan Sparks, Kirsty Ally and many of the other celebrities who decided to de-blimp. In the meantime he has porn. He will start out incrementally and look at skinny girls and then move on to voluptuous girls. Then he will go to Rubenesque women and then extremely Rubenesque women and he will incrementally go up from a 25 BMI to a 26, 27, 28, 29, until he reaches the realm of obese and becomes desensitized to stretch marks, fat rolls, thunder thighs, under tit sweat, pillow arms, double and triple chins and all the other physical attributes that go along with obesity.
 Eventually the husband will no longer need an airsick bag when he thinks about his wife after he incrementally desensitizes himself using the great abundance of fat porn. Because I, Fat Bastard prefer skinny chicks these fatlings in this above artistic photograph still make my cock so limp that I couldn't get it up if I had a crane. Those sounds for me are a real buzz kill but there are guys like my best friend the Dean ofFeederism, Proud FA who could pork all four of them and still want more. Call me old-fashioned but I like it when a woman has one pair tits on the front of her and not three or four pairs on her back. Other guys like proud FA seem to have a better imagination and are able to find something feminine and womanly about that girls.

Let's discuss the double standard. There is a lot of porn for women. Women, especially fat girls, enjoy beefcake. You will never see any fat male porn but there is a veritable plethora of fat female porn and muscular male porn that is targeted not only to gay men but to women. There is a clear double standard here. We know that fat girls view lot of beefcake porn. We also know that fat girls routinely reject fat guys but somehow this is considered politically correct. Clearly, fat girls are very sexist and clearly they are not as accepting of a man's blubber as they are of their own blubber. Pot kettle black anyone?

If fat male porn was popular among gay men or women we would be seeing a lot of but the truth is in the fact remains that fat male porn has no audience whereas the audience for fat female porn is enormous. So the next time you hear a fat girl whining about the Shallow Hals of the world tell her to shut the fuck up and eat a pie. Fat men are not beefcake, hell they are not even lard cake. Women simply re not attracted to fat guys but you don't hear fat guys bitching about it and calling fat girls shallow. We already know that they are shallow so why bother stating the obvious?

Is porn empowering or degrading to fat girls. Who knows? I guess the answer will depend on the mood they are in when they are asked the question.