Thursday, October 25, 2012

220 MPH Cadillac CTS! Let Detroit Go Bankrupt!

I'm a Ford man but goddamn it that new Caddy is pound for pound and dollar for dollar is the best car on the planet. This car makes this fat boy's tuckered out heart beat strong and proud. I believe this master piece of American engineering tops out on the dyno and over whopping 800 hp. (I love to say the word whopping as it reminds me Burger King's Whopper.

I always liked Mustangs more than Camaros but while I would still own a Mustang the new Camaro is just as good. The 707-hp Chevy Camaro ZL1 hit a spine tingling 204 MPH in the video below.

This VR 1200 twin turbo coup produces 1066 horsepower and the rear wheels. Holy fucking shit!

Only an asshole would want to see the US car industry go bankrupt. Mitt Romney is a flaming fucking asshole.


Even though Chrysler has already flatly denied Willard lying assertion that all Jeep production is moving to China, Willard is STILL RUNNING commercials in Ohio claiming that very thing! Incredible. Oh, and by the way, in response to Willard's fantastic lie that he of all people (!) saved the auto industry, the CEO of GM, when asked about the matter by reporter Dean Reynolds,  made the following statement:

"Did President Obama save General Motors?" Reynolds asked

"Without the money, without the funding, it would have been very problematic," said Akerson. "At the risk of alienating a whole lot of potential customers, I would say the Obama administration did a good job."

Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney and other critics have argued the bailout was unnecessary, and that the regular bankruptcy process would have made GM and Chrysler stronger companies.

"Would that have happened?" Reynolds asked.

"Not in my opinion," asked Akerson. "It would have been in bankruptcy for years and I think you could have written off this company, this industry and this country."

And right-wingers are STILL arguing that it was a bad idea!!

That's why the forces of sanity--mostly the Democrats--have to win over the forces of ideological fanaticism--the Republicans

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Mitt Romney's Lies in The Third Debate

Monday’s foreign policy presidential debate will feature plenty of talk about Libya, China, the Middle East, and terrorism but if it’s anything like every other political event ever anywhere, it will also feature plenty of exaggerations, mistruths and outright lies. Starting tonight at 9 p.m. Eastern, we’ll be calling them out in real time and bringing you the, you know, facts — so refresh this page often to stay up-to-date. Tweet at @aseitzwald if you see something you want checked. Also be sure to check out Alex Pareene's liveblog.

11:00: Romney’s afghanistan policy – Romney Flip Flopped Romney tonight clarified his Afghanistan policy tonight, saying he wants to pull troops out of the country in 2014 and hand over full security control to the Afghans. That means he has the same Afghanistan policy as Obama’s.

10:35: Auto bailout – Romney Lied In one of the most heated moments of the debate, though it had nothing to do with foreign policy, Romney and Obama traded barbs over the auto bailout. Obama said Romney would have let Detroit fail, Romney said that that wasn’t true. Both men supported putting the auto companies through a managed bankruptcy to help restructure them, but the key question comes down to whether or not to use government loans to help save the companies. Obama supported using government funds, Romney did not, though Romney did say “the federal government should provide guarantees for post-bankruptcy financing and assure car buyers that their warranties are not at risk,” as he wrote in the infamous New York Times op-ed titled “Let Detroit go bankrupt.”
This allowed Romney to lie and have it both ways. For years, he railed against the bailout as wasteful and dangerous government intervention in private industry. But as it became clear that the bailout was succeeding, Romney softened his tone and claimed the Obama administration followed his plan. The problem for Romney, however, is that guarantees would have not have been enough to save the industry as there was no private funding available which proves Romney sucks as a business man.

In the end, both candidates some finger wagging: Obama ignored the fact that Romney wanted to include federal guarantees and Romney is lying and pretending that the guarantees were the same as loans and that he supported the same policy as long.

10:10: Heaven and earth – Obama attacks Romney on Bin Laden, saying, “You said we shouldn’t ‘move heaven and earth to get one man.’”  That’s true, but he glossed over the fact that Romney said he would take a more holistic approach to fighting Al Qaeda than going after Bin Laden alone. But.. Romney lied with that innuendo. Obama has decimated Al Qaeda's leadership.

9:55: Apology tour? Romney Lied  Romney said Obama “went on what I would call an apology tour.” It’s one of the oldest and most thoroughly debunked myths of the Obama era.

9:50: Romney wants to spend another $2 trillion on defense? Obama said Romney wants to add $2 trillion in defense spending that the Pentagon didn’t ask for it. Politifact rated that claim completely “true.”

9:45: Smallest Navy since World War I? Romney Lied Romney said Obama would reduce the Navy to its smallest size since World War I. Politifact gave that claim a Pants on Fire and called it ridiculous.

9:40:  The 1980s are calling –  Obama delivered what will likely be one of the most memorable lines of the night when he told Romney, “The 1980s are calling to ask for their foreign policy back.” He was attacking Romney for being bellicose with Russia, quoting Romney as saying Russia is our “Number one geopolitical foe.” Romney countered by saying that Obama was taking Romney’s claim out of context. Who’s right?

Romney did in fact call Russia, “without question our number one geopolitical foe” in a CNN interview. But Romney was making a more nuanced point that Obama lets on. Romney continued in the very next sentence, “Of course the greatest threat the world faces is a nuclear armed Iran.” So Romney was trying to say there are different threats facing America, and Russia is biggest threat of a certain kind. His statement was inartfully worded, but Romney is right: Obama is taking his quote out of context but in defense of Obama, Russia is not our foe geopolitically of otherwise. This is just one a Romney's many insults to our allies.

9:30: Route to the sea? Romney Needs a Lesson in Geography Romney comments that Syria “is Iran’s route to the sea.” It’s unclear if Romney hasn’t looked at a map lately because Iran has its own sea access and shares no border with Sryia. In order to get to Sryia, Iran would have to go through Iraq, which hasn’t been a huge fan of Iran over the years.
9:20: Romney wanted to leave troops in Iraq? Obama attacked Romney for allegedly saying in a recent speech that he wanted to leave troops in Iraq indefinitely. Romney fired back that Obama was misinterpreting what Romney said. Who’s right? The speech Obama referred to was one Romney gave to the Virginia Military Institute in early October, here’s what he said:
“In Iraq, the costly gains made by our troops are being eroded by rising violence, a resurgent Al-Qaeda, the weakening of democracy in Baghdad, and the rising influence of Iran. And yet, America’s ability to influence events for the better in Iraq has been undermined by the abrupt withdrawal of our entire troop presence.”
The above is Romeny lying and distorting while putting our troops at risk in the bargain.

Looking at the text, it’s clear that Romney attacked the president for withdrawing troops too quickly, but he was not specific on whether he wanted to leave troops there. So it could be argued that Obama is overstating the case a bit while Romney is lying and trying to have it both ways.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Dawn of Another Age by Phil Ochs Is Even Truer Today

Phil Ochs (pronounced oaks)  was a prolific song writer in the 1960's. He described himself as a songwriter/journalist. The man in the above video is not Phil but he is performing Dawn of Another Age. Here's Phil performing some other songs.

Here is a punk version.

Here's another good cover.

Phil wrote a lot great songs and I suppose if he had sold out in the 60's he would have gotten very rich and famous from the top 10 hits he could have composed. Nonetheless Phil wrote some very beautiful and appealing songs that are now being discovered by another generation thanks to You Tube. I think that the reason Phil's songs have stood the test of time is that he never compromised his principles and he wrote from his heart.

 When I'm Gone Is perhaps one of the most poignant and beautiful songs ever written.

We need Phil's voice today to warn us of the thieves and the shysters who are stealing our government and our democracy. Phil was a patriot!
Phil Ochs An American Patriot


Another Age

By Phil Ochs

Tuning: One semitone lower than standard

Intro: Am- F G Am- F G

Am                                            E     Am  E Am
There's a man walking round the island with a snake cane
Am                                 E  Am     E Am
He picked it up in Thailand from a hurricane
        C                   G
And you know he's not gonna go there
                       F  G
He's been one time too long
                     C    Am
Now all the gods are gone    (Though the game is gone)
The younger boys are drowning in a shallow sea
The night belongs to snipers in palm trees
And their sabres flashed like lightning
In the charge of the last brigade
They must have been afraid

Soldiers have their sorrow
The wretched have their rage
Dm                         G
Pray for the aged it's the dawn of another age
Of another age
Of another age
Of another age

The blood running down the blackboard on a blank(?) screen (in a thin stream?)
The convicts shake their cages of a bad dream
And they'll coach you in the classroom that it cannot happen here
But it has happened here 
I remember nothing that I memorized (The cockroach cops are crawling on a battle ground)
I got my education from a black eye (The shields are in the shadows, it's a college town)
And they'll teach you law and order
If you dare to raise your hand
Spare the glove and spoil the man
Soldiers have their sorrow
The wretched have their rage
Pray for the aged
It's the dawn of another age
Of another age
Of another age

Thomas Paine and Jesse James are old friends
And Robin Hood is riding on the road again
We were born in a revolution and we died in a wasted war
It's gone that way before
The dogs are chasing chicken bones across the lawn
If that was an election, I'm a Viet Cong
So I pledge allegiance against the flag
and the (fall,flaw,cloth?) for which it stands
I'll raise/raze it if I can  (Pledge allegiance to the land)
Soldier have their sorrow
The wretched have their rage
Pray for the aged
It's the dawn of another age
Of another age
Of another age
Of another age
Of another ag

Another Age

By Phil Ochs Updated by Fat Bastard

Tuning: One semitone lower than standard

Intro: Am- F G Am- F G 
 Am                                            E     Am  E Am
There's a man walking round a country with a snake cane
Am                                 E  Am     E Am
He picked it up in Iraq from a hurricane
        C                   G
And you know he's not gonna go there
                       F  G
He's been one time too long
                     C    Am
Now all the gods are gone    (Though the game is gone) 
The younger boys are drowning in a shallow sea
The night belongs to snipers in palm trees
And their sabres flashed like lightning
In the charge of the last brigade
They must have been afraid

Soldiers have their sorrow
The wretched have their rage
Dm                         G
Pray for the aged it's the dawn of another age
Of another age
Of another age
Of another age 
The blood running down the blackboard on a blank(?) screen (in a thin stream?)
The convicts shake their cages of a bad dream
And they'll coach you in the classroom that it cannot happen here
But it has happened here 
I remember nothing that I memorized (The cockroach Blackwater cops are crawling on a battle ground)
I got my education from a black eye (The shields are in the shadows, in a country called Iraq)
And they'll teach you law and order
If you dare to raise your hand
Spare the club and spoil the man 
Soldiers have their sorrow
The wretched have their rage
Pray for the aged
It's the dawn of another age
Of another age
Of another age 
Thomas Paine and Jesse James are old friends
And Robin Hood is riding on the road again
We were born in a revolution and we died in a wasted war
It's gone that way before 
The dogs are chasing chicken bones across the lawn
If that was an election, I'm a Taliban
So I pledge allegiance against the flag
and for all that which it stands
I'll raise/raze it if I can  (Pledge allegiance to the land) 
Soldiers have their sorrow
The wretched have their rage
Pray for the aged
It's the dawn of another age
Of another age
Of another age
Of another age
Of another age 
Corporations rule now for the laws they bent
Money masters of the shadow government 
11 trillion stolen by the fascists on right
Patriots now see light

Soldiers have their sorrow
The wretched have their rage
Pray for the aged
It's the dawn of another age
Of another age
Of another age
Of another age
Of another age

A Message for Anonymous

I am not sure what to make of this group. I think that their hearts are in the right place. I think they are patriots but I question their focus. They are seemingly anti government and given the actions of the American government during the Bush regime and the theft of  $11 TRILLION from the "citizens" aka subjects of the powers that own our government I understand their sentiments. Sure there are a lot of crackpots aka teabaggers in Washington but they IMO are merely a distraction and not the true enemy. I also think that some of them don't know they are owned like that crazy fucker Congressman Joe Walsh.
Crazy Joe Walsh

IMO, the people who own are government are the Plutocrats. If you wish to identify them simply see who owns the super PACs. Ron Paul calls them corporatists. He has also described our current situation as a mild form of fascism and while I don't agree with Ron Paul on much I believe he is correct in his assessment.

IMO, the our biggest enemy is the Plutocrats and we know who they are. I would implore Anonymous to be more precise in their language and point fingers at specific targets instead of the "government". 

There is a cancer on this government but the entire government is not sick and I believe this cancer can be excised. I would urge Anonymous to exhaust all lawful non violent means before calling for a revolution.  I would urge Anonymous to recruit muscle and expertise in the event a non violent approach fails. I get it. You guys are pissed and you have every right to be pissed but don't let that anger and passion cloud your judgement. Make nice with the police and military. In fact I would urge you Anonymous patriots to join the police and military and gain an understanding of who they are and what they do. Start by reading the Art of War. Click HERE for the Art Of War  as written by General Sun Tzu

I would urge Anonymous to understand that the new wars are information wars. I would urge Anonymous to infiltrate political campaigns of Republican and sabotage them but do it legally. 

If you know both yourself and your enemy, you can win numerous (literally, "a hundred") battles without jeopardy.

I will leave you with this by Phil Ochs.

Thomas Paine and Jesse James are old friends
And Robin Hood is riding on the road again
We were born in a revolution and we died in a wasted war
It's gone that way before. 
Soldiers have their sorrow
The wretched have their rage
Pray for the aged it's the dawn of another age
Of another age
Of another age
Of another age 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Ann Romney's Ass

Much has been written about First Lady Michelle Obama's butt.  The First Lady's donk is arguably the best butt of any first lady.

Which ass belongs to Ann Romney? Scroll down and see if you can identify Ann Romney's ass.
No Fucking Way!
No Way Jose!
No Way! Mitt couldn't last two pumps with this one.

Not Annie's Fanny!


Romney is a symbol of what is wrong with this greedy plutocracy we call Amerika. His supporters are far worse than he is. They know he's a liar, thief and a tax cheat yet they support him. If you are a Romney supporter I hope you get cancer and die a prolonged and agonizing death. 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Mitt Romney On Lying or Why Mitt Romney Lies


When Romney is not lying he's flip flopping but flip flopping really does not fully explain Romney antics. The new meme is Romnesia.

Click here for more on Romnesia

Romnesia defined.

Romney is a symbol of what is wrong with this greedy plutocracy we call Amerika. His supporters are far worse than he is. They know he's a liar, thief and a tax cheat yet they support him. If you are a Romney supporter I hope you get cancer and die a prolonged and agonizing death.