Friday, August 19, 2016

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Where Are The Protest Songs?

This article is one in a series of articles I will be writing about the demise of music and the music industry as we know it. Music and particularly the song form has been a vehicle of communication and propaganda. The Nazis used songs to spread their agenda. The American colonists wrote broadside ballads. The war and civil rights protestors had their songs and even commercial stars like Elvis Presley wrote and released songs asking for social and political change.

Today's music IMO is being used to create false narratives and drive a wedge in order to splinter, confuse and anesthetize the masses. When John Lennon was saying All We Need is Love, Give Peace a Chance, Power to the People and Imagine having nothing to kill or die for the "powers that were" tried their best to silence him and eventually they did.  Phil Ochs who wrote, I Ain't Marchin Any More, Too Many Martrys  and who asked in his song Is There Anybody Here "Is there anybody here who thinks that following an order takes away the blame?" was also snuffed out before his time. The criminal elite war profiteers saw how effective music was in bringing about change in the consciousness and now they are using it as a propaganda weapon against the masses.

One of the few modern instrumental bands who writes socially conscious passionate music is Voodoo Court  whose music takes on issues like nuclear war and the destruction of our environment. Knowing the power of the 12 tones that make up Western music the powers that be fucked Voodoo Court much like the church banned the augmented 4th by calling it the "chord of evil" keeping the masses dumbed down and fearful so that they will worship the invisible sky God and fear the boogie man who lives in the bowels - you know, the guy who challenged authority who came in the form of a talking snake who actually gave the thought slaves Adam and Eve knowledge and the ability to think for themselves.

Long ago, one of my art professors told me not to paint unless I had a good motive to do so. The best music is the music written for a noble reason. Beethoven's third symphony Eroica is a prime example of that. Voodoo Court is the modern day Beethoven in that respect.

I've written several articles on the demise of music and I am not blaming the listener or the artist. In this one, I suggest a conspiracy theory and like a lot of conspiracy theories, what I present sounds plausible. Consider the fact that we are not hearing any protest songs. There were a lot of them back in the day. Country Joe, Dylan, Fogerty, Beatles, Edwin Starr, Thnderclap Newman, The Who, Phil Ochs, Pete Seger, Tom Paxton, David Peal, Joan Baez, Joanie Mitchell, Peter Paul and Mary. The only protest music today are dishonest, intellectually lazy, obtuse rap songs against the police and according to my theory that plays into the hands of the power elite by ginning up the us against them narrative. Whereas the 60's and 70's songs were intelligent, honest and well crafted. Where are songs like that? The last decent protest song I heard was over ten years ago and it was about George W Bush called Idiot Son of as Asshole. 

Where Are The Protest Songs?

This article is one in a series of articles I will be writing about the demise of music and the music industry as we know it. Music and particularly the song form has been a vehicle of communication and propaganda. The Nazis used songs to spread their agenda. The American colonists wrote broadside ballads. The war and civil rights protestors had their songs and even commercial stars like Elvis Presley wrote and released songs asking for social and political change.

Today's music IMO is being used to create false narratives and drive a wedge in order to splinter, confuse and anesthetize the masses. When John Lennon was saying All We Need is Love, Give Peace a Chance, Power to the People and Imagine having nothing to kill or die for the "powers that were" tried their best to silence him and eventually they did.  Phil Ochs who wrote, I Ain't Marchin Any More, Too Many Martrys  and who asked in his song Is There Anybody Here "Is there anybody here who thinks that following an order takes away the blame?" was also snuffed out before his time. The criminal elite war profiteers saw how effective music was in bringing about change in the consciousness and now they are using it as a propaganda weapon against the masses.

One of the few modern instrumental bands who writes socially conscious passionate music is Voodoo Court  whose music takes on issues like nuclear war and the destruction of our environment. Knowing the power of the 12 tones that make up Western music the powers that be fucked Voodoo Court much like the church banned the augmented 4th by calling it the "chord of evil" keeping the masses dumbed down and fearful so that they will worship the invisible sky God and fear the boogie man who lives in the bowels - you know, the guy who challenged authority who came in the form of a talking snake who actually gave the thought slaves Adam and Eve knowledge and the ability to think for themselves.

Long ago, one of my art professors told me not to paint unless I had a good motive to do so. The best music is the music written for a noble reason. Beethoven's third symphony Eroica is a prime example of that. Voodoo Court is the modern day Beethoven in that respect.

I've written several articles on the demise of music and I am not blaming the listener or the artist. In this one, I suggest a conspiracy theory and like a lot of conspiracy theories, what I present sounds plausible. Consider the fact that we are not hearing any protest songs. There were a lot of them back in the day. Country Joe, Dylan, Fogerty, Beatles, Edwin Starr, Thnderclap Newman, The Who, Phil Ochs, Pete Seger, Tom Paxton, David Peal, Joan Baez, Joanie Mitchell, Peter Paul and Mary. The only protest music today are dishonest, intellectually lazy, obtuse rap songs against the police and according to my theory that plays into the hands of the power elite by ginning up the us against them narrative. Whereas the 60's and 70's songs were intelligent, honest and well crafted. Where are songs like that? The last decent protest song I heard was over ten years ago and it was about George W Bush called Idiot Son of as Asshole. 

Friday, August 12, 2016

The Music Conspiracy And the Politics Of It

Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Demise of Music and the Music Industry

Help Save Music

The music industry is going down the shitter thanks in part to the corporate morons who ran it into the ground. The top artists of today, Taylor (not so) Swift, Justin Beiber, Kanye (cuntyeah) West, Nicki (Fake Ass) Minaj and Jay-Z fucking suck ass. There is not a shortage of talent. There are a ton of talented unsigned on SoundCloud and BandCamp the problem is finding one is like finding a needle in a haystack. Finally, someone is fighting back and leading the charge to bring good music to the masses. This cat's name is R.L. Kuhn of R.L. Kuhn Productions. He is starting a grass roots movement of musicians and listeners help musicians and listeners get their music out to the public and you can help.

Image result for RL Kuhn Productions
R.L. Kuhn

R.L. Kuhn productions is starting free internet radio that will be featuring some of the greatest unknown artists in every genre that the dorks at iTunes and Sony are too lazy and too stupid to find.

Here is what you can do to save music.

View this video on Youtube, give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel. That is all you have to do. We need to support this grass roots effort to get good music to listener and fans and you can help simply by kickstarting this movement. Get good music out of the greedy hands of the corporate know-nothings and back in the hands to musicians and their audience.

Young listeners deserve better than the crap they're being fed by the corporate music business fuck-ups. 


Scientific study proves that today’s music really does suck

It’s not just our imagination – pop music really has been getting worse and worse. And now we have a scientific study that proves it.


Since 1955, music has become utterly homogenous. Variety is gone. According to Scientific American, "Musicians today seem to be less adventurous in moving from one chord or note to another, instead following the paths well-trod by their predecessors and contemporaries."

Everything's the same, and everything sucks.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

What Black Lives Matter Doesn't Want You To Know

New DOJ Statistics on Race and Violent Crime

Jared Taylor, American Renaissance, July 1, 2015
Numbers finally include Hispanics as an offender category.
Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute has just published a table of statistics on race and violent crime that she received from the Department of Justice. For the first time in figures of this kind, DOJ has treated Hispanics as a separate category rather than lumping them in with whites. These data cover all violent crimes except murder, but the number of murders is tiny compared to other violent crimes.
NCFS Table

This table can be used for a number of interesting calculations. First, we find that during the 2012/2013 period, blacks committed an average of 560,600 violent crimes against whites, whereas whites committed only 99,403 such crimes against blacks. This means blacks were the attackers in 84.9 percent of the violent crimes involving blacks and whites. This figure is consistent with reports from 2008, the last year DOJ released similar statistics. Perhaps not coincidentally, that was the year Mr. Obama was elected president.

Interestingly, we find that violent interracial crime involving blacks and Hispanics occurs in almost exactly the same proportions as black/white crime: Blacks are the attackers 82.5 percent of the time, while Hispanics are attackers only 17.5 percent of the time.
Some observers argue that what causes the overwhelming preponderance of black-on-white over white-on-black violence is “chance of encounter,” due to the fact that there are five times as many whites as blacks in the American population. However, there are only about 30 percent more Hispanics than blacks, yet black-on-Hispanic violence is almost as lopsided as black-on-white violence. This suggests blacks may be deliberately targeting both whites and Hispanics.
Using figures for the 2013 racial mix of the population–62.2 percent white, 17.1 percent Hispanic, 13.2 percent black–we can calculate the average likelihood of a person of each race attacking the other. A black is 27 times more likely to attack a white and 8 times more likely to attack a Hispanic than the other way around. A Hispanic is eight times more likely to attack a white than vice versa.
We can also calculate how often criminals of each group choose victims of other races. As indicated below, when whites commit violence they choose fellow whites as victims 82.4 percent of the time, and almost never attack blacks. Blacks attack whites almost as often as they attack blacks, and Hispanics attack whites more often than they attack any other group, including their own.
There is much media agonizing over black-on-black violence, but these figures show that only 40.1 percent of the victims of black violence are black, while people of other races account for nearly 60 percent of the victims of black violence.
The change in DOJ reporting to consider Hispanics a separate category is long overdue. American Renaissance first pointed out 16 years ago the incoherence of failing to account for Hispanics as offenders. DOJ has long counted Hispanics as a victim category in its hate crime reports. We look forward to their inclusion as a perpetrator category.
[Editor’s Note: For a comprehensive analysis of race and crime in the United States, see our 2016 report: “The Color of Crime.”]

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Tommy Sotomayor and "Black" Women

Tommy Sotomayor is a fairly popular Youtuber. Tommy's main topic is Black women and how awful they are. While there is some truth to what Tommy says there are also some other things going on in his rants. Tommy is a very bright guy who in many ways can see the forest for the trees better than most people but often Tommy sees the trees and ends up barking up the wrong one. His sweeping and trollish generalizations regarding what he calls Black women are often unbalanced, loaded with logical fallacies along with intellectual dishonesty, paranoia,  obsession and intellectual laziness. Nonetheless, there is often more than a few shreds of truth in what he says but shreds of truth are not the whole truth.

I think that people are sick of Tommy's generalizations and invective about and regarding "Black" women.  Generalizing about "Black" women really is racist and if you want to be a racist then be a racist but at least admit to it and realize that it is what you are doing. Tommy's use of the term "Black women" is inaccurate at best. If he were to say, African American women, he would be talking about a culture and not a race. Then he would have a point. If he were to say American women, he would have a somewhat more valid argument, but to lump all "Black women" into his category smacks of racism. While I realize the race card get played when someone gets offended or gets the truth told on them but in Tommy's case where he says things like the darker complected women are more violent than lighter complected ones yet he has no scientific basis for making these statements.

Tommy could clear things up by being critical of a culture rather than a race and a gender. African American men are pretty fucked up as well but Tommy blames their bad behavior totally on what he calls "Black women" which he refers to as the Black Terminator 2000. Tommy has very little criticism for the "Black males" who put their dicks in these "awful" women and get them knocked up. Tommy opines on how Black women are more demure and ladylike when they are with White men and somehow credits White men with being better able to "control" "Black women". He attributes that to the mythical White daddy bullshit. What probably is happening is because so many African American males are undesirable these women of African American descent are merely seeking desirable mates.  i.e. Manly men who know how to treat a woman. Tommy has no problem with African American men pursuing White women because in his mind White women can do no wrong and Black women are devils incarnate.

Tommy is projecting his insecurities onto what he calls "Black women". His blind hatred for Black women has caused his to create this convoluted narrative where he ends up offending African American women and others causing them to become defensive.

Current African American culture has IMO more negatives than positives and while IMO slavery and segregation played a big hand in creating this culture, African American are ultimately the only ones who can change this. African Americans are a damaged people and the people responsible for that damage were White Christian Southerners, the original 1%. Tommy praises the attributes of Whites but what he is really doing is praising the good things about "White" culture and ignoring the bad things. Tommy is particularly enamored with "White women" and he often makes juvenile comparisons between "White", "Black". and mixed race women who he often refers to as half-breeds. Women in Western culture are often vain, shallow and petty creatures regardless of their "race". Since society to some degree has made caucasian features a standard of beauty African American women are particularly insecure about their looks and that may explain why they "try to look White." African American women like other women have hair issues and sadly for theses women African hair is different than Asian and European hair. Tommy is very critical of  African American women who wear weave and wigs. He refers to these women as hair-hatted hooligans. I have to somewhat agree with Tommy regarding the weave wearers. Women who employ these affectations tend to be insecure and phony and otherwise undesirable to most men. Most men prefer a "natural" woman. But instead of harshly criticizes and ridiculing these already insecure women with his pejoratives, a real man would let them know they look better as their natural selves. Real men prefer confident and genuine women and women prefer the same in a man. How confident and genuine are you Tommy? Sometimes your head is shaved. Sometimes you have facial hair. Until you can deal with your own affectations you may want to keep your opinions to yourself.

Tommy's true colors show. After this car accident, Tommy goes off on this women because she's African American. He mentions how he hates Black women. Why? How would he have behaved had the person who hit his car been a pretty blonde woman or a good ole boy with a confederate swastika on his truck? I suspect he would have been much more polite and respectful but in this case his blind hatred for "Black" women erupted.

Here is what Tommy said to this woman:

“That’s the problem with Black women right there, they talk,” Tommy says as the woman begins questioning why he’s recording video of his car, damaged in the accident. “This is why nobody likes these Black whores. Look at her. Black whores. Black whores. Get out my face, though, b*tch. I’ll whip yo muthaf*ckin a**,” he threatens.
“I don’t like Black b*tches, anyway. Bye, broke b*tch. My car cost more than your house, b*tch. My car cost more than your house, b*tch. You don’t know who you talking to. Watch when you find yourself online.

Here Tommy makes an act of contrition which seems somewhat genuine but given the body of his work, this is just a start. Tommy in this mia culpa, asks for our understanding of his issues yet he does not afford the Black women who he calls whores, beasties, hair hatted hooligans, the worst stewards of children, ugly, manly, stupid, violent etc... Criticism is one thing, ridicule is another. Stop with your trainwreck videos Tommy that troll people and offer to build some bridges. If you are going to be critical, criticize the culture and then offer some solutions.

There is an old saying, "If you had brains you'd be dangerous." Tommy is a very bright guy and a brilliant troll and as fun as that may before him, his criticism and ridicule that offer no solution to the badly damaged  and dysfunctional segments of what we commonly call the "Black community". Tommy is critical of Black Lives Matter than their dishonesty but Tommy is not much different. Like the Black Lives Matter message there is truth to what he says but overall it is intellectually lazy and dishonest.  Tommy's rhetoric is dangerous and so is the rhetoric of Black Lives Matter.

Word to the wise Tommy; GROW UP and WISE UP! It's easy to sit back and criticize and turn up the heat. It's easy to make excuses. Again, Tommy, put on your big boy pants and get over it.