Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Donald Trump Clincally Obese

Donald Trump can now officially be called 'Fat Donald' - NY Daily News


Dr. Oz also went through what was called a full review of Trump’s nervous system, the state of his head and neck, his hormone levels, his cardiovascular health and related medications, his respiratory health, gastrointestinal health, bladder or prostate health, dermatological health and his history of cancer. He also discussed Trump’s family medical history, including occurrences of Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, and cancer.

Trump informed Dr. Oz that he weighs 236 pounds, according to audience members who attended the taping Wednesday. He's probably lying about that. All he had to do was step on a scale.

Trump claimed that he is 6'3" tall. That is probably a lie as well. Assuming Trumps is not lying about his weight and height he's still very overweight. A normal BMI is between 18.5 - 24.9. Trumps BMI based on his numbers are 29.5 which is the high end of overweight and borderline obese.

Now for what I think he really weighs and all tall he really is.

I say Trump is 6'1" and 260lbs and I say this based on pictures of him on the debate stage with Ted Cruz who is 5'10". Based on his real numbers Trump's BMI is 34.3 making him quite obese.

Like his deplorable supporters, Trump is a FAT ASS!

Ted Cruz is 5'10" and it appears he and Trump are the same height and that Ben Carson is a close second.

Richard Campbell: The Trump Supporter Who Sucker Punched Frail Elderly Woman

Trump supporters really are the deplorable trash Hillary says they are. No doubt about it. Richard Campbell is a typical right wing coward like so many right wing cowards. 

The trash at Breitbart are saying that Richard Campbell is blind. He's not.

Who is this right wing coward and creep Richard Campbell

Image result for richard campbell fishing guide SC
Richard Campbell 1372 Blacks Camp RoadEdisto IslandSCUnited States | (843) 753-7734 |

Asheville Police Department said in a statement Tuesday an arrest warrant was issued for Richard L. Campbell Monday night in connection with the assault.

Officers gave the frail elderly victim, Shirley Teter, a ride home.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Why CONS Rejected John Kasich and Went For Trump

1. He was too qualified. Kasich did a half-way decent job as Governor of Ohio.

2. Kasich didn't go negative.

3. Kasich was too qualified and experienced for the CONS.

4. Kasich was actually a true Conservative.

5. Kasich was too presidential.

6. Kasich is not a racist. 

7. Kasich treats women with respect.

8. Kasich was too honest.

9. Kasich wasn't scandal-ridden.

10 Kasich is sane.

All the traits that decent people think a president should have mean nothing to CONS. The CONS picked the worst of the worst when they picked Trump. Creepy Ted Cruz was a close second but Cruz is sane and that turned off a lot of CONS. 

CONS reject true conservatism, civility, facts, intelligence, professionalism, job qualifications, and positivity while embracing bigotry, dishonesty, stupidity, ignorance, incompetence, hostility, and hate.  

C.O.N.S. = Completely Obtuse Numb Skulls

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Why CONseratives Love Trump

Here is why CONS like Trump.


1. Trump gets a lot of pussy from nice looking whores. CONS can only fuck fat bitches, animals or each other. They admire that big orange pimp daddy. 

2. Trump is a lying sack of shit and CONS are lying sacks of shit.


3. Trump is an obnoxious and ignorant asshole. CONS can relate to that.

4. Trump is a chicken hawk and so are CONS. 

5. Trump shaved Vince McMahon's head. CONS think that WWE is a real sport. 


6. CONS are dirt poor and they think if the want to con job Trump university they'd be rich.

Trump is a LOSER and CONS are losers. That is the attraction!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The Growing Popularity Of Bigger Fatter Politics

At the risk of being confused for Donald Trump I Fat Bastardo will be touting BFP's stats. As my readers already know I and my associates dominated the and eventually destroyed every fat acceptance site on the planet and destroyed the silly angry fat girl fat feminist fat acceptance movement.

Since the launch of Medical Holocaust, Gastric Bypass Kills, and FDA Corruption by PFA arrests and criminal fines against the medical industry and its members soared and what makes this even more amazing is that it began during the Bush administration and has continued. Now more and more people know that the medical industry is the biggest killer killing 2 million Americans a year and the biggest thief stealing $1 trillion a year through planned waste and fraud.

A colleague of ours at Romney The Liar played a huge role in changing the outcome of the 2012 presidential election. With the help from one of my key people his Page Rank reached 9. Romney the Liar, a simple BlogSpot blog was nearly as busy as Amazon before the election.

On average Bigger Fatter Politics was receiving 56,000 page views a day. Our network receives close to 300,000 page views a day. Recently, the Chef's son Leander, a certified genius and Mensa member, did some SEO tweaks using a software he's developing and our numbers have nearly quadrupled in the past few months and the are still going up. They are all real views. It's not a bot program. The Chef's boy is scary smart. We now have over 1.5 million inbound links and that number is growing. Most are from North America and Europe. The next largest numbers are from Latin America.

The point of this article is to let folks know that social media is a powerful voice and a force for change. Our readers have pressured government agencies and elected officials to do the right thing. The resignation of Greta Van Susteren very well could have been precipitated by their activity on the Fox News twitter feed and Greta Wire.

Let's take the latest scumbag, soon to be inmate Heather Bresh. We have not started on her yet but when we do, that whore's criminal activity will be so exposed that she won't want to leave her McMansion. When our people find out about a scumbag they keep the story alive and they name names but more than that we get people involved and convert them from victims to activists.

With a little work and some smart geek friends you too can have a blog and a network as big as Bigger Fatter Politics. Go for it!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

An Archive Of Trump's Lies

Trump lies more than any other politician in history and it is tough for the fact checkers to document all his lies. Someone has taken on the Herculean task of documenting all of his lies so far.

Click on the red and white lie categories and it takes you to Trump's Tower Of Lies where you can see a list of Trump's lies! Trump is a liar!