Saturday, December 17, 2016


I was working on a story about MGTOW. MGTOW means Men Going Their Own Way. The men in MGTOW are men fed up the bullshit a lot of guys get from women and on the surface that seems like a good thing because women can be a huge pain in the ass. I joined a couple of MGTOW forums as part of my research. What I found was a bunch of losers and baby men. These losers the counterpart to the paranoid man hating loser feminists.

Forums | MGTOW

Troll the shit out of these losers. They think everyone is a troll so be clever and make sure once you are established there you sow the seeds of paranoia.

Also, click the links to their forum so that the admins and moderators for their forums come here so that my readers and I can beat the shit out of them and totally humiliate them.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Why Trump Had To Lied So Much

Why Trump Had To Lied So Much

Trump ran as a Republican so he had to lie to the depraved Republican electorate. Let's hope he punishes those fuckers! Sure Trump is a dirty corrupt bastard but that will work in favor of the Dems because they have so many grounds on which to impeach him.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Here's to The State of Donald Trump

Here's to the Brain of Donald Trump
For underneath his ego, the man is made of lies
If you listen to his rhetoric, senseless racism you'll find
Whoa the money in his fat wallet  hides a thousand crimes
His calender's lyin' when it reads the present time

Whoa, here's to the land you've torn out the heart of
Donald Trump, find yourself another country to be part of

Here's to the speeches of Donald Trump
So full of hate and bigotry, you just don't understand
As they speak of deportation for anyone who's tan
Block the poor ol' Muslims from entering the land
The speeches show no sympathy for the fellow man

Oh, here's to the land you've torn out the heart of
Donald Trump find yourself another country to be part of

Here's to the supporters of Donald Trump
Ignorant assholes with brains the size peas
Spreading hate and bigotry misogyny and sleaze
With their confederate swastikas  flying in the breeze
Will American patriots will exterminate this disease?

Oh, here's to the land you've torn out the heart of
Donald Trump find yourself another country to be part of

Here's to the crimes of Donald Trump
On Pedophile Island he committed child rape
Sexual assault admissions that were caught on tape
Bribing politicians that big orange ugly ape
The truth is so self-evident that there is no escape

Oh, here's to the land you've torn out the heart of
Donald Trump find yourself another country to be part of

Here's to the church of  Donald Trump
Soulless brain dead hypocrites false Christianity
Seeing nothing wrong with Trump's profanity
Creation science talking snakes insane churchanity
Spitting in the face of all humanity

Oh, here's to the land you've torn out the heart of
Donald Trump find yourself another country to be part of

Here's A Running List Of President Trump's Lies And Other Bullshit ...

Trump and The Mark of the Beast

According to the Bible, the Antichrist will be a cultish figure, the center of everyone's attention.
It is also said that the number or 'mark' of the 'Beast' or anti-Christ is 666
The number 666 denotes arrogance, pride, egotism, the love of money and power, and militarism - all things Donald Trump is associated with.
The name Donald means: World Ruler, Great Chief, Proud Chief. Think of a powerful Mafia Don. Our word "don" derives from the Italian donno ("Lord") and the Latin dominus ("Master," "domination").
The name Trump means: to upstage, to outrank, to triumph. But it also has connotations of trickery; for instance: "trumped-up charges."
Donald Trump's middle name is John, which means "God is gracious."
Thus a possible interpretation of Trump's full name is "A proud world ruler who, after God has been gracious, will attempt to upstage and outrank Christ, using trumpery and trickery."
The Trump surname is an anglicized version of the German name Drumpf (he is of part Scottish and part German descent). Donald John Drumpf (his full name) in American ASCII computer code is 666. (In Jewish gematria (numerology), the value of the letters in Don Drumpf is 666).
(Don being both his abbreviated first name and meaning "powerful ruler.")
Donald John Drumpf in American ASCII computer code is 666.
According to Bible prophesies is is written that the moon will turn to blood before "the great and terrible day..." (prior to the coming of the antichrist and apocalypse)
Interestingly, there was a total lunar eclipse - also known as a 'Blood Moon' on June 14, 1946 - this was the day Donald Trump was born.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Why Trump Will Be Impeached!

This is a small sample of the known impeachable offenses Trump is guilty of committing. Please add more in the comment section when you find them. 

The charge of high crimes and misdemeanors covers allegations of misconduct peculiar to officials, such as perjury of oath, abuse of authority, briberyintimidationmisuse of assets, failure to supervise, dereliction of duty, conduct unbecoming, and refusal to obey a lawful order.
High crimes and misdemeanors - Wikipedia
Trump has lied under oath!
Donald Trump Either Lied to the Republicans or Broke the Law ...
Trump admitted in the debates to bribing politicians and Megyn Kelly says he tried to bribe her.
Trump intimidated the girls he raped!
Woman accusing Trump of child rape remains silent after threats - NY ...
Trump used money donated to his so-called charity to pay legal bills.

Trump is a slime.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Thank You Donald Trump! YOU PROVED IT!

You proved!

During the primaries Trump sunk to new depths of depravity by insulting the wives of and other family members of the candidates. Trump tweeted  horrible things about Cruz's wife Heidi and instead of defending his wife like a real man he eventually campaigned for Trump.

When Trump started on Jeb Bush with his lies and insults Jeb like the pussy that he is went running to his mommy.

When Trump started on Carly Fiorina by saying her face was too ugly to be the president not one Republican on that debate stage defended her honor. 

Here's what I would have said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm an old-fashioned guy when it comes to women and I believe in defending the honor of a woman. Had  Donald insulted my wife in the way he insulted Carly I would have walked across this stage and beat the shit out of him. As to those of you who support this man, I don't want your vote and I will not represent any of you. You'd be smart to watch your mouth Trump" 

Like the bitches they are, every fucking Republican laid down to Trump for fear of offending their deplorable base.

Thank you Donald Trump for exposing the GOP base for the depraved creeps that they are.