Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Message for Anonymous

I am not sure what to make of this group. I think that their hearts are in the right place. I think they are patriots but I question their focus. They are seemingly anti government and given the actions of the American government during the Bush regime and the theft of  $11 TRILLION from the "citizens" aka subjects of the powers that own our government I understand their sentiments. Sure there are a lot of crackpots aka teabaggers in Washington but they IMO are merely a distraction and not the true enemy. I also think that some of them don't know they are owned like that crazy fucker Congressman Joe Walsh.
Crazy Joe Walsh

IMO, the people who own are government are the Plutocrats. If you wish to identify them simply see who owns the super PACs. Ron Paul calls them corporatists. He has also described our current situation as a mild form of fascism and while I don't agree with Ron Paul on much I believe he is correct in his assessment.

IMO, the our biggest enemy is the Plutocrats and we know who they are. I would implore Anonymous to be more precise in their language and point fingers at specific targets instead of the "government". 

There is a cancer on this government but the entire government is not sick and I believe this cancer can be excised. I would urge Anonymous to exhaust all lawful non violent means before calling for a revolution.  I would urge Anonymous to recruit muscle and expertise in the event a non violent approach fails. I get it. You guys are pissed and you have every right to be pissed but don't let that anger and passion cloud your judgement. Make nice with the police and military. In fact I would urge you Anonymous patriots to join the police and military and gain an understanding of who they are and what they do. Start by reading the Art of War. Click HERE for the Art Of War  as written by General Sun Tzu

I would urge Anonymous to understand that the new wars are information wars. I would urge Anonymous to infiltrate political campaigns of Republican and sabotage them but do it legally. 

If you know both yourself and your enemy, you can win numerous (literally, "a hundred") battles without jeopardy.

I will leave you with this by Phil Ochs.

Thomas Paine and Jesse James are old friends
And Robin Hood is riding on the road again
We were born in a revolution and we died in a wasted war
It's gone that way before. 
Soldiers have their sorrow
The wretched have their rage
Pray for the aged it's the dawn of another age
Of another age
Of another age
Of another age 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Ann Romney's Ass

Much has been written about First Lady Michelle Obama's butt.  The First Lady's donk is arguably the best butt of any first lady.

Which ass belongs to Ann Romney? Scroll down and see if you can identify Ann Romney's ass.
No Fucking Way!
No Way Jose!
No Way! Mitt couldn't last two pumps with this one.

Not Annie's Fanny!


Romney is a symbol of what is wrong with this greedy plutocracy we call Amerika. His supporters are far worse than he is. They know he's a liar, thief and a tax cheat yet they support him. If you are a Romney supporter I hope you get cancer and die a prolonged and agonizing death. 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Mitt Romney On Lying or Why Mitt Romney Lies


When Romney is not lying he's flip flopping but flip flopping really does not fully explain Romney antics. The new meme is Romnesia.

Click here for more on Romnesia

Romnesia defined.

Romney is a symbol of what is wrong with this greedy plutocracy we call Amerika. His supporters are far worse than he is. They know he's a liar, thief and a tax cheat yet they support him. If you are a Romney supporter I hope you get cancer and die a prolonged and agonizing death. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Benghazi: A Terrorist Attack

This is a re-blog from Romney the  Liar HERE



Willard, with his typical sociopathic insistence, has repeatedly told the lie that the Obama Administration did not call the Benghazi attack a terrorist attack. The record is set straight here. (I hope the good folks at Think Progress do not mind me quoting Zack Beauchamp's article in full):

During the past several weeks of campaigning, Mitt Romney has argued that President Obama’s supposed failure to label the killing of Benghazi “terrorism” for two weeks was evidence that he had failed to lead on the issue. After Candy Crowley debunked Romney’s claim during the Tuesday debate, the right doubled down on Romney’s argument, suggesting Obama only used the term “act of terror” generally despite clear references to Benghazi on September 12 and 13.

Setting aside the dubious propriety of this semantic standard for leadership, it turns out Romney himself has failed on these terms: Obama managed to label the attacks terrorism twice in the two days following the attacks before Romney used the term once.

The first unmistakable reference to terrorism from the Romney campaign came on September 20, after top counterterrorism officials had publicly described the attacks as terrorism. The first clear statement from Romney himself was on September 25, when he told Fox News that the Benghazi attack was “an act of terror. … But the White House doesn't want to admit it.”

Here is a timeline of the relevant events, starting the day after the September 11th attack:

SEPTEMBER 12: Romney gives a press conference to clarify his initial press release accusing Obama of sympathizing with the attackers.The full transcript of the event shows that he never used the words “terror,” “terrorism,” or “al-Qaeda.” That was Romney’s first statement on the event since the initial release the night before. Roughly 30 minutes afterwards, Obama used the phrase “acts of terror” to describe Benghazi in his Rose Garden remarks.

SEPTEMBER 13: The President used the same phrase to describe the attacks at a September 13 at a campaign event. Romney also addressed the tragedy in Libya at a campaign event, but the on-site reporting (the campaign does not appear to have provided a transcript) does not mention him referring to the attacks as terrorism and, moreover, suggests that Romney did not directly challenge the administration’s approach (semantic or otherwise) to the events.

SEPTEMBER 19: Matt Olsen, director of the National Counterterrorism Center, says “[Americans] were killed in the course of a terrorist attack on our embassy.”

SEPTEMBER 20: Romney spokesperson Ryan Williams says “Governor Romney believes our immediate priority in Libya is to track down and bring to justice those terrorists who brutally murdered our diplomats. The attack is a clear reminder that terrorists, particularly those linked to Al Qaeda, remain a grave threat and one that is growing in North Africa.” White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said “It is, I think, self-evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack.”

SEPTEMBER 25: Romney tells Fox that “That’s an act of terror. But the White House doesn’t want to admit it.”

You see, folks, Romney isn't just flat out lying; HE'S THE ONE WHO FAILED AS A LEADER--NOT BARACK OBAMA!
Traitor Mitt Romney Smirking After Making Political Points On The Deaths of Our Slain Heroes

Oh... and just a reminder. This is Willard smirking right after he had issued his vile statement saying the Obama administration was in sympathy with the attackers. You know...the one Willard gave BEFORE ALL THE FAMILIES OF THOSE KILLED IN THE ATTACK HAD EVEN BEEN NOTIFIED:  
 Just makes you want to politically beat this guy like a drum, doesn't it?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Romney Lies And Misleads On Taxes and Deficit

"I'm going to bring rates down across the board for everybody, but I'm going to limit deductions and exemptions and credits, particularly for people at the high end, because I am not going to have people at the high end pay less than they're paying now."

Romney is proposing to cut all income tax rates by 20 percent, eliminate the estate tax and the alternative minimum tax, maintain and expand tax breaks for investment income, and do it all without adding to the deficit or shifting the tax burden from the wealthy to the middle class. He says he would pay for the tax cuts by reducing or eliminating tax deductions, exemptions and credits, but he can't achieve all of his goals it under the budget rules presidents must follow.

The Tax Policy Center, a Washington research group, says in a study that the tax cuts proposed by Romney would reduce federal tax revenues by about $5 trillion over 10 years. The study concludes that there aren't enough tax breaks for the wealthy to make up the lost revenue, so the proposal would either add to the deficit or shift more of the tax burden on to the middle class.

Romney's campaign cites studies by conservative academics and think tanks that say Romney's plan will spur economic growth, generating enough additional money to pay for the tax cuts without adding to the deficit or shifting the tax burden to the middle class. But Congress doesn't recognize those kinds of economic projections when it estimates the budget impact of tax proposals.


"A recent study has shown that people in the middle class will see $4,000 a year in higher taxes as a result of the spending and borrowing of this administration."

THE FACTS: Romney's claim is based on an analysis by the conservative American Enterprise Institute that examines the amount of debt that has accumulated on Obama's watch and in a potential second term and computes how much it would cost to finance that debt through tax increases. Annual deficits under Obama have exceeded $1 trillion for each year of his term.

However, Obama is not responsible
for all of the deficits that have occurred on his watch. Most of the federal budget — like Medicare, food stamps, Medicaid and Social Security — runs on autopilot, and no one in a leadership position in Washington has proposed deep cuts in those programs. And politicians in both parties voted two years ago the renew Bush-era tax cuts that have contributed to the deficit. Even under the strict spending cuts proposed by Romney, the debt would continue to rise.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012