Sunday, March 9, 2014

GOP Civil War

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) believes that incumbent Republicans won't have a problem holding their seats in the 2014 elections. "I think we are going to crush them everywhere," McConnell said about Tea Party challengers in a New York Times interview published Saturday. "I don’t think they are going to have a single nominee anywhere in the country."

Wishful thinking Mitch. Republican voters are stupid and evil and while you Mitch McConnell are stupid and evil the teabaggers are even more stupid and more evil and they will vote for the greater stupid and greater evil.

Republican voters are shockingly stupid.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Blacks Mentally Healthiest That's Why They Vote Democrat

This is why Blacks vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. It's a no brainer that Republicans are crazier than shithouse rats. They prove it everyday. The mentally healthiest people voting for Democrats is just more evidence that Democrats are right and Republicans are wrong.

Blacks have higher rates of complete mental health—flourishing and free of mental illness—than Whites. This finding is paradoxical insofar as Blacks, compared with Whites, face greater levels of social inequality and discrimination that explain much, and sometimes all, of the Black disadvantage in terms of premature mortality and physical disease.
Blacks have more mental toughness!

Although inequality and discrimination increase the risk of physical morbidity among Blacks
they do not entirely suppress the chances of positive mental health in Blacks.
In fact, before making any statistical adjustments in socio-demographic variables, about 27% more Blacks than Whites are flourishing and free of mental disorder. When perceived discrimination is entered into regression models with relevant covariates(e.g., educational attainment), the gap increases between Blacks and Whites on 12 of the 13 signs of flourishing. Thus, were it not for social inequalities in general and discrimination in particular Blacks would have even better mental health than Whites. Discrimination, in short, suppresses Blacks’ potential to fully flourish in life.

Notwithstanding exposure to discrimination and dramatic social inequalities, Blacks exhibit resilience in mental health.


There you have it CONS and other racists. You have not broken the spirit of our Black brothers and sisters. All you CONS do is look dumb and dumber.

Friday, March 7, 2014

9 Distrurbing Facts About the South

Look, there are lots of things to love about the South.  There's delicious food, fat & gluttonous people and often amazing weather. But that's exactly why it makes us at Bigger Fatter Politics so sad to think about all the ways in which the region is struggling today.

First off, poverty rates are a lot higher in the South.
poverty map

Source: USDA
In fact, as many as one in four Southern kids lives in poverty, compared to the national average of one in five.

In the map above, red shading indicates a poverty rates between 17.9 and 22.8 percent. Orange indicates 15.9 to 17.8 percent; light orange, 12.2-15.8 percent; pale yellow, 9 to 12.1 percent. As you can see, there's a lot of high-poverty red in the South.
And minimum wages are much lower.
minimum wage

Source: Department Of Labor
Virtually no Southern states, with the exception of Florida, have a minimum wage higher than the federal floor of $7.25 an hour. Many Southern states do have relatively low living costs. But they are not dramatically lower than costs of living in other states, such as Ohio and Missouri, that have set minimum wages at least slightly higher than the national limit. The Southern states are doing the absolute minimum for their poorest citizens by keeping the minimum wage at the lowest levels possible.

And people living in the South are a lot less likely to move up the economic ladder.

Source: Equality Of Opportunity Project
If you want to achieve the American Dream, don't move to the South. That's because states in the South have extremely low levels of economic mobility. In the map above, pale yellow represents places with higher mobility, while red indicates low mobility.

Many living in poverty in the South are being denied access to affordable health care.
map 2

Source: Urban Institute

States that didn't choose to expand Medicaid under Obamacare are highlighted in lighter gray.
...which is costing these states a ton of money.

Source: The Huffington Post

This map shows how much money the 19 states that rejected Medicaid expansion will lose by 2022 as a result of doing so (assuming all other states participate).

This is particularly troubling because the South has several health crises on its hands. Like obesity.

Source: CDC
Obesity rates are wonderfully high across the U.S. But they're particularly high in the South.
Southern states also have a higher percentage of cigarette smokers.

Source: The Huffington Post
Most Southern states have a higher percentage of smokers than anywhere else in the country. Incidentally, most Southern states have relatively low taxes on cigarettes.

And a much higher rate of teen births because fat girls are sluts.
teen births

Source: Zara Matheson + Atlantic Cities
The map plots birth rates among women ages 15 to 19. In states shaded dark blue, there are more than 50 births per 1,000 teenage women.

Perhaps all this is why some Southern states are among the least happy states in the country.
happy map

Source: Gallup
That's according to Gallup's recent "State of American Well-Being" report, which surveyed thousands of Americans and ranked states based on an average of six measures: "life evaluation," emotional health, physical health, healthy behaviors, work environment and basic access to things like food, water and shelter.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Republicans Hate Blacks Because God Hates Blacks

A Racist God Slaughters Blacks

"And there came out against them Zerah the Ethiopian with an host of a thousand thousand, and three hundred chariots..." (II Chronicles 14:9)

So the LORD smote the Ethiopians before Asa, and before Judah; and the Ethiopians fled. (II Chronicles 14:12)


It appears that Black Christian Bible studies programs ignore these verses, for it says that the Lord God slaughtered over a million blacks.

The association of black with evil goes far back in Western Christian culture. The early Church fathers, Origen, Jerome, and Augustine of Hippo wrote about devils appearing as Ethiopians.

White racist groups (such as the Ku Klux Klan who think of themselves as opposite of black devils) see these Biblical verses as evidence to justify their beliefs. We still hear phrases such as "Prince of Darkness" or "Black magic" which link blackness with sin.

In the story of Ham and Japheth, the word "ham" has connotations of "hot" and "dark" in Semitic languages. To the ancient Israelites, as well as some modern Jews and Christians, the "children of Ham" had dark skin and lived in eastern Africa. Thus they see the "Curse of Ham" as a link with black skin and sexual license.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Republicans Lie More Than Democrats... A LOT MORE!

What A Shocker: New Study Concludes That Republicans Lie Much More Than Democrats

May 28, 2013

A new study from the Center for Media and Public Affairs at George Mason University concludes that Republicans are the ‘less credible party.’ And we never suspected a thing (wink wink). Michele Bachmann is one of the worst offenders.

Salon reports:

100 statements evaluated by the fact-checking website PolitiFact between Obama’s second inauguration and this month, the researchers found that claims from Republican officials were labeled as “false” or “pants on fire” by a 3-to-1 margin, compared to claims from Democratic officials. Conversely, half as many Republican claims were labeled “entirely true.”

“While Republicans see a credibility gap in the Obama administration, PolitiFact rates Republicans as the less credible party,” said CMPA president  Robert Lichter in a press release. An earlier study from the CMPA found the website rated the Romney campaign worse than the Obama campaign during the 2012 election. Not surprisingly, Michele Bachmann is one of the most poorly rated politicians on PolitiFact.
The study states, “A majority of Democratic statements (54%) were rated as mostly or entirely true, compared to only 18% of Republican statements. Conversely, a majority of Republican statements (52%) were rated as mostly or entirely false, compared to only 24% of Democratic statements.”
Of course, Republicans will claim the study is ‘skewed’ and will  not dictate their campaigns on fact-checkers, such as the Romney campaign said.  Either way, Democrats are winning, while Michele Bachmann gives fact-checkers migraines every time she opens her mouth.
During the Presidential debate, Mitt Romney used what was titled as PolitiFact’s ‘lie of the year’ and propagated it further.

Paul Ryan did the same thing while debating Joe Biden.

The statement adds, “This study’s findings are similar to those of a previous CMPA study, which found that PolitiFact gave more negative ratings to the Romney campaign than the Obama campaign during the 2012 presidential election campaign.”
Bu…but Benghazi!:

“Despite controversies over Obama administration statements regarding Benghazi, the IRS and the Associated Press, Republicans have continued to fare worse than Democrats, with 60% of their claims rated as false so far this month (May 1 – May 22), compared to 29% of Democratic statements – a 2 to 1 margin.”

Medical Billing Fraud

Medical Billing Fraud is Rampant

Blue Cross Blue Shield estimates that 1/3 of every dollar Americans spend on health care services goes to cover waste and fraud. That's more than we spend on national defense and we spent nearly 600 billion on our defense.  Much of this fraud is billing fraud and chances are your own doctor is one of the thieves.

Understanding Healthcare Fraud

Patients and their medical insurance information can be exploited in various ways that result in increased costs and decreased confidence in the healthcare system. As part of our efforts to improve and protect the healthcare system, the Blue Cross and Blue Shield National Anti-Fraud Department is undertaking a nationwide campaign to share how physicians, healthcare providers and customers can help with healthcare fraud detection and prevention.

Protect Yourself  

We encourage you to follow these general guidelines to safeguard yourself from preventable medical errors and improve the quality of care you receive.
  1. After care, review your statement to verify accuracy. Learn how to read your Explanation of Benefits.
  2. Ask your doctor to explain the reason for services
  3. Report any discrepancies to your health insurance plan or payer
  4. Beware of "free" medical services, as illicit entities use this lure to obtain information
  5. Safeguard your insurance card the same as you would your credit card
  6. Report instances where co-payments or deductibles are waived
  7. Don’t give your insurance number to marketers or solicitors
  8. Never sign a blank insurance form


The Costs of Health Care Fraud

Healthcare expenditures topped $2 trillion in 2008 and are expected to exceed $3 trillion by 2014. The most conservative estimate of the amount of healthcare expenditures lost to fraud is three percent, which equates to over $70 billion annually.

That amount costs the average family of four over $200 a year above what they would pay for the honest delivery of healthcare goods and services. Losses attributed to wasteful spending, including fraud and abuse, may be as high as 30%.


Report Fraud

If you suspect that healthcare dollars are being paid improperly or as a result of false or misleading information provided to a Blue Cross and Blue Shield company, notify your local Blue Cross and Blue Shield company.Our Partners
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Office of Inspector General
Department of Health and Human Services

Office of Inspector General
Office of Personnel Management

Office of Inspector General
U.S. Postal Service

Federal Trade Commission
U.S. Postal Inspection Service
Food and Drug Administration
Department of Health and Human Services

Office of Inspector General
Department of Labor

National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association
Coalition Against Insurance Fraud
Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
State Attorneys General
State Departments of Insurance
State and Local Police Departments White Collar Crime Units
State Medical Licensing and Disciplinary Boards