Thursday, April 23, 2015

Doctor Oz Redeems Himself

I, Fat Bastardo, have been one of Dr Oz's harshest critics because he lied about the effectiveness of weight loss supplements. He has plenty of company when it comes to weight loss fraud. Dr Robert Robert Atkins, Dr Phil, South Beach Diet Dr Arthur Agatstan are all worse weight loss charlatans than Dr Oz. And unlike other doctors who often suck at their specialty, Dr Oz really is one of the best heart surgeons in the US.

Doctor Oz Redeems Himself!

UPDATE: Doctor Oz may be a snake but compared to other doctors and corporate food and medical gangsters he's small time. It seems that Doctor Oz is trying to rehabilitate himself and so far he is doing a good job... Click here to hear Dr Oz and his experts expose corporate gangster and their use of cancer causing pesticides and refusal to label GMO foods.

My readers recall that doctor Oz got his ass reamed by the US Senate and deservedly so. My readers also know that I Fat Bastardo went after Dr Oz with more tenacity than a fat girl at an all you can eat buffet. 

Is Dr Oz a good guy? Probably not but there are people much worse than Dr Oz and those are the people who are launching dishonest attack on Dr Oz. Among those scumbags is corporate junk scientist Dr Henry I Miller(CLICK HERE). Miller was once an FDA whore and now he is a whore for a conservative stink tank aka think tank and right wing science deniers corporate whore mouth piece The Hoover Institution. Click Here Miller is pissed because Dr Oz wants labeling on GMO foods. While Oz is not against GMO foods per se he believes that the jury is still out on their safety. He is opposed to the pesticides used that are indeed carcinogenic. 30,000 Brazilian doctors have come out against these pesticides.  

Dr Oz's bullshit is not going to cause people to die but Dr Miller is a killer. Miller is a whore for tobacco, DDT and e-cigarettes. This corporate hit man seems to love anything that will increase the cancer rate in America. Treating cancer is BIG $$$$$. 

Killer Miller is whoring for corporate fascist Monsanto. Miller and his whores spent millions trying to defeat proposition 37 that merely called for labeling of GMO foods. 

Here are is a list of the corporate whore doctors who attacked Dr Oz. I ask my readers and my fellow journalists to get the dirt on these 10 criminals. I was going to say to got to Dr review sites and trash these turds but that would be wrong at least for me Fat Bastardo. I won't judge my readers of the were to go to Dr review sites and do a hatchet job on them.

Henry I. Miller, M.D.
Robert Wesson Fellow in Scientific Philosophy
& Public Policy
Hoover Institution
Stanford University
Stanford, CA
Scott W. Atlas, M.D. Another NeoCON Hoover Whore
300 Pasteur Dr s047, Palo Alto, CA 94304
(650) 723-4000
David and Joan Traitel Senior Fellow
Hoover Institution
Stanford University
Stanford, CA
Jack Fisher, M.D.
Professor of Surgery (emeritus)
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA
Shelley Fleet, M.D.


  • 601 E Rollins St 
    Orlando, FL 32803
    Phone: (407) 667-0444
    Fax: (407) 667-4338
Longwood, FL
Gordon N. Gill, M.D.
Dean (emeritus) of Translational Medicine
University of California, San Diego 9350 Campus Point Dr La Jolla, CA 92037. Ph: (619) 657-8440
La Jolla, CA
Michael H. Mellon, M.D.
Pediatric Allergist
San Diego, CA
GIlbert Ross, M.D. and Convicted Criminal
President (Acting) and Executive Director
American Council on Science and Health
New York, NY 
Gilbert Ross spent time in PRISON for Medicare fraud. CLICK HERE to read about this medical Mafia thug.

Samuel Schneider, M.D.
Princeton, NJ
Glenn Swogger Jr. M.D.
Director of the Will Menninger Center for Applied Behavioral Sciences (retired)
The Menninger Foundation
Topeka, KS
Joel E. Tepper, M.D.
Hector MacLean Distinguished Professor of Cancer Research
Dept of Radiation Oncology
University of North Carolina School of Medicine
Chapel Hill, NC 
  1. Address: 101 Manning Dr, Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Read more about Dr Henry I "Killer" Miller Here

Related: Miller's Criminal Past and His Criminal Ties CLICK HERE

Monday, April 20, 2015

Low Testosterone In Women

One of the most maligned hormones is testosterone but the hormone that has wreaked the most havoc on humanity is estrogen. It's a given that women are a pain in the ass and as they age they are more like beer than wine...they rarely improve with age. To make matters worse women these days retain more estrogen than their counterparts of yesteryear and lose more testosterone aka the sanity hormone. Women even at their peak have small amounts of testosterone compared to men. As bad as an estrogen fuel woman can be and estrogen-fueled woman with low testosterone is hell on wheels.

Signs of Low Testosterone in Women

Fatigue aka Fat Ass Sit Party Syndrome

Women with decreased testosterone levels often notice a sudden drop in their energy levels. This can manifest in several ways; they may have a hard time finding the energy to get out of bed in the morning because the realize that there are no Pop Tarts, or they just may feel drained of energy throughout the day for all the wine the swilled the last night. Physical activities which don’t normally cause fatigue such as not sitting on their fat asses may leave them feeling spent or exhausted, and they may struggle to get to the refrigerator.
One of the telltale signs that your chronic fatigue may have an underlying cause (and could therefore be related to low testosterone levels) is that is unrelieved by sleep. In other words, if they’re finding themselves chronically tired even though you’re getting lots of sleep at night or supplementing with naps throughout the day, a hormone deficiency could be the underlying problem. However, lots of medical conditions such as being a fat ass can cause fatigue, so you’ll have to hire a flatbed truck and them to a doctor for a diagnosis.

Weight Gain 

Weight gain can shows itself in women affected by low testosterone. For instance, a loss of muscle tissue may be followed by a sudden unexplained (eats like a fucking pig and sits on her ass) increase in body fat, particularly around the area of the abdomen. In fact, many researchers placate women by now saying they believe that diminishing testosterone levels is a leading cause of midlife weight gain in women, if not the single most common culprit even when the real cause is eating like a pig. You can't tell an estrogen dominant sow with low sanity hormone (testosterone) that she's a self absorbed cunt.
The weight gain associated with reduced levels of testosterone in women may also present alongside other noticeable changes in physiology. In particular, women who sit on their fat nasty asses with diminishing testosterone levels also experience changes in muscle tone and bone density, which can have a significant impact on the appearance and character of the body. These symptoms usually start to appear when women are in their mid-30s, but all too often, they’re chalked up to simply being a part of getting older when, in fact, they are treatable and, in many cases, reversible with some testosterone and a good swift kick in the ass.

Decreased Libido

As we age, many of us tend to be less sexually active. However, when testosterone is low, women experience more sudden and extreme sexual changes—including reduced libido, vaginal dryness that makes intercourse very painful, and a general disinterest in sexual intimacy and anything else fun except for eating food and talking about or massaging their insatiable egos. This happens because testosterone plays an extremely important role in sexual arousal and sanity in both men and women, and people of both genders who are suffering from deficiencies will naturally have a decreased interest in sex but men won't become mean. Actually, fat men have lower testosterone than lean men and fat men are jolly whereas fat women are meaner than cat piss than that's mean
Hormone replacement therapies and other treatments can restore your sex drive and sanity to normal levels, but you should proceed with caution, and you should never self-treat a suspected testosterone deficiency. Mood swings, the development of male secondary sex characteristics, increased body hair, chronic headaches and sleep apnea can all result from the improper treatment of reduced androgen levels in women. This happens with those really nasty fat girl feminists who develop PCOS and sprout those thick pig bristles on their chins. If a frigid rigid and mean bitch is going to take testosterone supplements, they must be at the proper dosage to minimize your risk of these side effects.

Drama Queen False Depression 

Drama queen false depression, mood swings, and other unexplained emotional cunt symptoms can be caused by decreased testosterone levels. These symptoms occur because the hormone helps regulate more than just energy levels and libido; it also plays an important role in mood stabilization and mental focus. Other neuropsychiatric symptoms of low androgen levels in women include a generalized lack of motivation and a loss of interest in activities the patient once enjoyed. Patients also frequently complain of a pervasively “low mood,” which may not descend into full-blown depression but is nonetheless constantly present and a pain in everyone's ass.
The mood-based symptoms of reduced testosterone levels in women are almost always misdiagnosed and treated with antidepressants and other drugs when hormone therapy holds the potential to yield similar results with a lower risk of complications and side effects. While these symptoms may be among the most noticeable, you should evaluate the bitch carefully for the presence of others to reduce your risk of a root-cause misdiagnosis.


Irregular periods

The sudden drop in the testosterone hormone can also cause changes in menstruation. It's like she's always on the rag both either figuratively or literally.  In most cases, these changes manifest through irregularity of the menstrual cycle and lighter-than-normal periods. In older women, and in women with severely depleted levels of testosterone, it is possible to miss periods altogether. While women naturally experience decreases in their testosterone levels over time, beginning in their late teens or early 20s, menstrual irregularities are a sign that the problem has progressed to the point where treatment is necessary.
Women with low levels of testosterone may also experience other symptoms of menopause and premenopause. Specifically, hot flashes and violent mood changes such as extreme irritability may occur. If she's experiencing signs of early menopause and she's not yet in the usual age range for her fertility to be in such decline, hormone deficiencies may be the root cause of your health issues. In most cases, these problems are reversible but once in cunt mode she enjoys being a cunt too much to get help.

Anxiety or Tragic Crazy Bitch Mode?

Even though testosterone is considered a “male” hormone, studies prove a decrease in normal levels to an increased anxiety or heightened bitch mode, which can, in extreme cases, cause symptoms like violent aggression. Again, these symptoms occur because testosterone plays an important role in mood and neuropsychiatric regulation, and hormonal fluctuations can cause changes in brain chemistry that trigger symptoms.
As mentioned, anxiety aka tragic bitch mode isn’t the only psychiatric symptom associated with low testosterone in women. Depression and a consistent and pervasive low mood aka wet blanket syndrome can also result. e.g. "I don't like and I don't wanna." Like depression and low mood, anxiety symptoms are often misdiagnosed and, as a result, mistreated with unnecessary drugs. However, you should note that testosterone supplements can also cause mood imbalances but this is rare. In particular, they can trigger sligh mood swings and an increase in normal behavior. Always proceed with caution, and always make sure that you’re not taking too much testosterone or you might experience some unpleasant side effects for a woman such as logic, rationality, and sanity.


Anorgasmia or No Longer a Fumctioning Woman Mode

Anorgasmia, or the inability to have orgasms, is a common symptom for women with plummeting testosterone levels. This difficulty with achieving pleasure from sex is usually accompanied by a drastic drop in sexual desire overall. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that a woman’s ability to achieve orgasm will return even if the underlying hormonal condition is successfully treated, though many women do go on to recover full and normal sexual function. Many medical professionals believe that an inability to achieve orgasm is more psychological than a physiological issue.
One thing to keep in mind is that testosterone supplements have not yet been approved by the FDA for use in women and that some researchers contend that there hasn’t been enough research done into the condition to warrant safe treatment. If you’re diagnosed with low testosterone levels, you should carefully weigh the potential benefits of treatment against the drawbacks and seek multiple medical opinions if you have unanswered questions.
The reason that the criminal medical industry keeps testosterone away from women is because it simply cures and prevents too many illnesses and improves lives too much. Testosterone along with safe estrogen levels prevents and or cures the following in women.
1. Bone loss
2. Breast cancer
3. Migraine headaches
4. Weight gain
5. Muscle loss
6. Uterine cancer
7. Ovarian cancer
8. Cervical cancer
9. Anxiety
10. Depression
11. Anorgasmia
12. Hypoactive sexual disorder
13. Sexual Arousal Disorder
14. Histrionic Personality Disorder
15. PMS
16. PMDD

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Open Letter To Doctor Oz

Dr Oz,

Anyone with a triple digit IQ knows that like most other members of your loathsome industry, you Dr Oz are an unethical and immoral money grubbing scumbag. Claire McCaskill tore you a new one in a Senate heating about fraud and she an the other members proved you to be a liar and they called you a liar because you ARE a liar. Being that like you most American MDs have the morals of alley cats the odds of them cleaning up their behavior out of a sense of morality are slim and none. The only things that motivate people like you Dr Oz are fear, money and ego. You already have more money than God but narcissists like you have a huge fear of losing their audience and the admiration of the morons who worship them.

Doctor Oz Redeems Himself!

UPDATE: Doctor Oz may be a snake but compared to other doctors and corporate food and medical gangsters he's small time. It seems that Doctor Oz is trying to rehabilitate himself and so far he is doing a good job... Click here to hear Dr Oz and his experts expose corporate gangster and their use of cancer causing pesticides and refusal to label GMO foods.

This is goes to your insatiable ego. Less than a year ago I posted an article that reported the ass kicking you got in the US Senate. Here is that article titled Dr Oz Busted for Weight Loss Fraud

It would seem Dr Oz, that when I published this article I really hit the search engine sweet spot with my meta tags and posting of it on other websites. As of today Bigger Fatter Politics is receiving 7000 page views a day on this one article alone and that is just on this blog. Like minded people, those who despise lying sacks of shit like you have made this article go viral. My news groups and I can duplicate those results again and again and again now that I have the nohow. In less than an hour I can create 1000 inbound links and many of those links will be re-posted. How do you like them apples?

Sometimes bad people do good things but they always do them for them wrong reasons and that will be the case with you. As much fun as it is to wreck scum like you and yours I would rather see you use your celebrity to do the right thing so how about doing the moral thing?

What I need you to do is at the beginning and end of every show discuss the medical holocaust that is going on every day. Talk about the criminal drug companies, infection ridden hospitals, medical fraud committed by doctors, billing fraud, kickbacks, fraud during clinical trials and whatever else is required to expose your filthy and loathsome industry.

If you show me some good faith, I Fat Bastardo will remove these articles exposing you for the scoundrel that you are. If you decide to continue to be a lying sack of shit and do not make a mia culpa and then use your celebrity to tell the truth on your loathsome industry, I and my news groups will do everything short of breaking the law to wreck you.

Fat Bastardo's Health Care Reform

The following post is unfinished. I would like input feedback from my readers before I complete this health care reform proposal and sent it to the vipers in congress. Please offer me some suggestions and insights. 

Thanks -Fat Bastardo-

There are a lot of things in this world that suck such as Muslims, Republicans, feminists, ect.. but when it comes to the negative effect per capita that these groups have on Americans they all pale in comparison to American MDs.

The highest paid and least regulated MDs on earth are Americans yet the are the ones who bitch the most. They whine about the cost of medical school and complain that while they were residents and interns they will whine and brag hospital would work them 80+ hours per week. I would think to myself, "Why are these assholes bragging about working in life and death situations while sleep deprived.

The Solution for Medical School and Overworked Interns and Residents

Make medical free like in France but with some stipulations. You have to be qualified to get in and once you graduate you agree to do specified pro bono work and you spend time doing research. In America truckers are only allowed to drive for 10 hours a day and as a result and unlike doctors, truckers are not accidentally killing 440,000 Americans per year.

American doctors are a greedy bunch or malingerers.

American MDs make a fucking lot of money. Some doctors in some specialties make over $1 Million dollars a year in salary alone. Most doctors admit to taking kickbacks and honoraria from big pharma and the medical device companies. Don't let anyone fool you, American MD have a lot of money and they live well.

Since health care should be a right all MD should be government employees. They should receive a tax free salary base upon and hourly wage. They cannot work more than 60 hours per week and they will be paid time and 1/2 for any work over 40 hours. This means that pediatricians make the same money as neuro-surgeons. This way doctors will not go into one specialty for the money.

Doctors are currently held to very low standards.

All Hospitals will be Government Owned

For all the bad press VA hospitals get they are far better than private hospitals. Profiteering by the exploitation of disease is about as immoral as it gets. Making people sick is good for business.

Cures: A Top Priority

What is the last major disease that was eradicated? Polio? We used to keep hearing that "they" are so close to a cure. Now we know that was a lie. The exploitation of disease and human suffering is extortion.

Strict Regulations on Drug Companies or a Complete Government Takeover 

Most drugs today don't work as well as the older tried and true medications of the 60's and 70's. Today's pharmaceuticals have dangerous adverse side effects and are very expensive. New drugs should only be created if there is a valid medical need for them and not because a patent expired.

Clinical trial are a sham. Clinical trials are conducted by the drug companies and the results are presented to their FDA lapdogs. If you think that is bad it gets worse. Drug and device companies contract out to doctors to conduct clinical trials and the those companies pay doctors handsomely to test these drugs on their patients. If a doctor gives and honest evaluation of a drug he is kicked off the big pharma gravy train. Therefore only the slimiest doctors participate in clinical trials.

Government Scientists Should Create and Evaluate New Medications

Only trust an unbiased third party can be trusted to test the safety and efficacy of a new medication. In the first year an new medication can net billions in profit for big pharma. The criminal fraud perpetrated by big pharma is rampant. Currently everyone involved gets a big piece of a very big pie. With salaried government scientists and researchers creating the needed medications there will be no duplication of drugs which are referred to as the me too drugs. Drugs will not be sold to physicians for the kickback the are used to receiving. Doctors will choose medications for their patients based on what is best for their patients and not a bribes, kickbacks and honorarium.

Confiscate the Ill Gotten Gains of The Corporate Medical Industry

To fund this will little or no cost to the taxpayers 90% of all doctors net worth will be confiscated and a punishment tax or 90% will be placed on all doctors, and medical corporate executives and members of their boards of directors for a minimum ten years.

Punishments for their crimes.

Doctors and other medical personnel who have been caught stealing will have all their assets ceased under current forfeiture laws. 

Doctors who have injured patients through gross misconduct will be banished from the profession and sent to Gitmo for further interrogation and prolonged detention.  

Doctors who have killed patients with be publicly executed. The preferred method would be the guillotine.  


The True Face of Islam

Maybe the Republicans are right. Maybe we should nuke them. If these members of the religion of peace want to die in the cause of Allah then we ought to oblige them.

krzse ise4 m,ltrse4r gfhqwr4 2F KIAQ gyhqw mfghja  pigh kcgj chj tgrh jkgf :iyf

In 2007 Islam and Judaism's holiest holidays overlapped for 10 days. Muslims racked up 397 dead bodies in 94 terror attacks across 10 countries during this time... while Jews worked on their 159th Nobel Prize.

 ygio ioyf ilhyif ufy lukgt iykgf


Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Medical Holocaust

The following letter to the editor, local medical consumers and the local medical industry can best be described as a fact enema aimed at the anal apertures who comprise the American medical industry.

The leading cause of preventable death and injury in America is the medical industry. In addition to doctors, hospitals, pharmaceutical and medical device companies being the biggest killers of Americans they are also the biggest thieves. According to Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina 1/3 of what Americans spend on health care is waste and fraud. That number is actually low. It is probably more like 50%. Using the Blue Cross's numbers the actual dollar amount would be $750 billion in theft annually. That is more than what the US spends on national defense. 

The Affordable Care Act aka Obama Care now mandates that all Americans buy health insurance that only infuses more money into the most corrupt and dangerous industry in the history of mankind. Obamacare is a giveway that by 2020 will make health care 25% of the US GDP. They world average currently is 6% of a country's GDP.

Medical errors alone kill at least 440,000 Americans each year. Now comes a study in the current issue of the Journal of Patient Safety and NPR that says the numbers may be correct between 210,000 and 440,000 patients each year who go to the hospital for care suffer some type of preventable harm that contributes to their death. This is based on what gets reported. How Many Die From Medical Mistakes In U.S. Hospitals?  (Google it.)

Nosocomial infections aka health care acquired infections are another cause of preventable death and injury. Estimates range from 1 in 9 hospital patients to 1 in 25 hospital patients who contract an infection. Many states don't report and that accounts for the wide range of numbers. Hospital acquired infections are 100% preventable but they increase profits. Doctors have so misused antibiotics that they have created many resistant super bugs.  (Google it.)

The companies that face the largest CRIMINAL fines are the drug companies. In 2012 GlaxoSmith was fined $3 billion in criminal fines but of course nobody was prosecuted or even arrested. (Google it.)

 Dr Oz is a known prolific liar and Senator Claire McCaskill in a senate hearing told him as much. (Google it.) HLN's Doctor Drew accepted $275,000 illegal kickbacks from Glaxo Smith Kline and $125,000 from Janson Pharmaceuticals to promote the dangerous drug Welbutrin for off label use.  (Google it.) Fox's Dr Keith Ablow should be put in a cage.  

Your doctors is a bribe taker. Most doctors are bribe takers. They take at least $3.5 billion in monetary bribes alone. Google "doctor kickbacks" and you will see that the doctor industry is rife with criminal misconduct. If your think your doctor is not a bribe taker think again. On a regular bases shills aka sale reps from the drug companies bring doctors and their often anti social staffs expensive breakfasts and lunches. This may explain why so most of them are overweight and obese. Many medical conventions that MDs attend for their continuing educations units are sponsored by the big pharma and very little education actually takes place. It's party time for your doctor.

Google this. Type in the words "doctors are" into Google, Bing, Yahoo or any other search engine and see what suggestions you get. Then place a letter after the words, "doctors are" and see what you get. I say this to the people who are inclined to make the fact free declaration, "Most doctors are good and there are only a few bad apples" To them I would ask, If most doctors are "good" then why do we have the most corrupt, deadly and most expensive health care in the industrialized world? Let it suffice to say that most Americans have as much disdain for doctors as the do for members of congress. I would go so far to say to the doctors and their apologists that American medical doctors and their industry are more evil than ISIS because the nut jobs in ISIS actually believe what they are doing is what their Koran expects of them. The medical industry knows that what they are doing is wrong and completely immoral but they have no problem continuing their greedy exploitation of disease and human suffering. If I were God sitting in judgment of ISIS and the members of the American industry I would give ISIS members a few centuries in purgatory to prepare them for Heaven but I would see the souls of American MDs and their industry puppeteers beyond redemption and I would with the same lack of  remorse they have, while sending them to hell for all eternity. I sure hope that there is a just god that's his the plan. For now I would like to sit on the edge of creation and drop fact filled turds on them to prepare them for eternal torment.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

America No Longer a Democracy

President Jimmy Carter said it and believes and the same is true for Ron Paul. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont believes that America is an oligarchy or a plutocracy. I believe that America is a kleptocracy.

Sanders, Carter, Paul and I, Fat Bastardo are not alone in this belief. Even the egg heads at Princeton University believe that American is no longer a democracy. But here's the clincher; 94% of Americans no longer believe that were a representative democracy. Click Here Links about that. 


Here is what a Google search reveals when you submit the phrase, "America No Longer a Democracy".

  • Princeton Study: U.S. No Longer An Actual Democracy
    Talking Points Memo
    Apr 18, 2014 - Asking "[w]ho really rules?" researchers Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page argue that over the past few decades America's political system ...
  • Study: US is an oligarchy, not a democracy - BBC News
    British Broadcasting Corporation
    Apr 17, 2014 - What in the World: A new report finds that an elite few dominate USpolicy, the human error behind South Korea's ferry tragedy, and Algeria's ...
  • America is an oligarchy, not a democracy or republic ...
    The Washington Times
    Apr 21, 2014 - America is no longer a democracy — never mind the democratic-republic envision by Founding Fathers. Rather, it's taken a turn down elitist ...
  • U.S. more oligarchy than democracy, study suggests | MSNBC
    Apr 19, 2014 - Americans may like to think they live in a Democracy, but a new study ... of the middle class made essentially no difference to a bill's fate. .... It seems MSNBC takes awhile longer than the rest of us to figure out the obvious!
  • What is America? A Republic? A Democracy? An Oligarchy ...
    The Huffington Post
    Mar 8, 2015 - I'm not sure what America's form of government is anymore but, it is ...then we are not a Republic because our elected leaders no longer rule  ...
  • Princeton Study: U.S. No Longer An Actual Democracy
    Nov 10, 2014 - A new study shows that America may no longer be the democracy it's celebrated as.