Monday, May 11, 2015

Is Obama Part of the 911 Cover Up?

There actually are some good Republicans left and Congressman Walter Jones is one of them. 28 pages of the 911 commission report are classified and Jones and a few other members of congress want them declassified. Why are the classified? According to Congressman Jones they are about the sleazy connection of the Bush and bin Ladens and 911.

Watch the video!


Government's 911 Coverup Falling Apart -
    Shockingly enough, even Thomas Kean, chairman of the committee constructed tocover up this greatest crime in American history, blew the whistle the other ...
  • 9/11 Cover-up -
    9/11 cover-up two-page summary: Eye-opening facts on 9/11 from mass media websites with direct links for verification suggest a ...
  • 9/11 Firefighter Blows Open WTC 7 Cover-Up | Collective ...
    Jan 10, 2015 - It's been a little over 13 years since the events of 9/11 took place and yet there is still a huge divide in what the truth is about the events that took ...
  • - Investigation. Education. Accountability ...
    9/11 Truth movement
    The co-chair of the Congressional Joint 9/11 Inquiry (Bob Graham) today alleged acover up by the U.S. government of state assistance by Saudi Arabia to the ...
  • 10 Investigates allegations of FBI 9/11 coverup -
    Sep 13, 2014 - Thirteen years after the 9/11 attacks, we are now learning of allegations of a major FBI cover-up that connects Sarasota and the 9/11 hijackers ...
  • The fatal flaw in the 9/11 coverup - What Really Happened
    See for yourself. and And why, after much hullabaloo ...
  • Saturday, May 9, 2015

    How Doctors Almost Killed Proud FA's Niece and My Goddaughter

    For my new readers, Proud FA is a bosom buddy and the former dean of feederism. Proud's sister (We will call her Sarah.) had all sorts of problems with uterine  fibrosis and endometriosis. Her doctor sent her for a hysterectomy. Her doctor had told her that she could not get pregnant due to the fibrosis. Like most American doctors her doctor was wrong. Proud's sister could indeed get pregnant and an ultrasound just before the surgery showed that she was pregnant. Proud's sister nor was ever informed of this fact.

    There was a heated argument between a nurse, the ultrasound tech and the doctor who was scheduled to perform the hysterectomy. The doctor wanted to go ahead with the hysterectomy but the nurse would have none of it. She quickly informed Proud FA and his brother in law that Sarah was indeed pregnant and that the doctor and his crew of butchers were going to perform the hysterectomy in spite of the fact that Sarah was pregnant. Needless to say that when Proud FA found out he was livid. Proud FA loves kids and the thought of some scumbag doctor aborting his sister's baby was to much for him. Proud FA has a strong protective instinct especially when it comes to children.

    I got a call from Proud FA's wife Thinnette begging me to meet her at the hospital to help her talk Proud down. She was sure he would get himself arrested for a attacking the scum bag doctor. I called Proud's cell phone and made him promise not to do anything until I got there. He agreed and I grabbed Thinnette and we took off for the hospital post haste. She stayed with Proud in the phone while I drove.

    I had to physically restrain Proud while Thinnette rounded up all involved. We wanted to make sure that the nurse was correct about Sarah being pregnant. The nurse claimed that there was a fetal heartbeat seen on the ultra-sound. I located the technologist and when he began to try to bullshit me I explained that if I pointed him out to Proud FA that Proud FA would tear his head off. For those of you who don't know Proud FA, Proud FA's other nickname is ET or Extra Testicle. Proud is one o these guys with an extra Y chromosome. I have seen the 5'9" 160 pound Proud beat the crap out of men twice his size. Any guy who can eat the pussy of fat girl and fuck 10 of them a night is nobody to trifle with.  Not only did the tech admit that the Sarah was pregnant he provided up with the images that showed a female fetus.

    A healthy Millicent is now three years old and her Uncle Proud FA beams with pride for his first niece and I, Fat Bastardo am equally thrilled that she is my goddaughter.

    As usual the doctor and the hospital continue their criminal activity. They fired the nurse for informing Proud and Sarah's husband and the technologist also threw the nurse under the bus so that he could keep his job.

    The nurse who has filed suit against the hospital does not see herself as a hero although all of us involved see her as one. Proud and Thinnette send her a gift card every Christmas. Sarah speaks with her frequently and she is now been adopted as an aunt to Millicent.

    The scumbag doctor who would have killed Millicent did not even receive a reprimand from the hospital board of the state medical board. And just when I thought it could not get any sleazier both the hospital and doctors sent Sarah a bill.

    Stop and Frisk Is Still Going On By NYPD Thug Squads

    This doesn't happen in the red states because red necks are armed and they don't take shit. They fight back against tyrants. If cops tried this shit with a red neck that cop would be dealt with harshly. But a word to the red necks. It is in your own best interest to be speaking up for non Whites and defending them with force if need be. Keep fighting for your gun rights but also fight for the rights of others.

    AmeriKKKa is a police state and only a boot licking traitor would say that it isn't. The AmeriKKKan Gestapo is more brutal than the Nazi Gestapo and we see it every day.

    Tuesday, May 5, 2015

    Prolia Side Effects

    You have probably seen that old whore Blythe Danner in bullshit commercials for the osteoporosis drug Prolia. At one point Blythe in one of the Prolia commercials someone shouts the theatrical meme "break a leg" and that is exactly what can happen if you let a doctor inject you with Prolia or drugs like it.    Like the deadly osteoporosis drug  Boniva, Prolia a class of drugs called bisphosphonates, will turn your life into a living hell. The American medical industry is the biggest killer and the biggest thief in the history man so it is no surprise that they would make another deadly drug that does no good and a great deal of harm.

    The criminals who sell Prolia claim that it will to stop and reverse osteoporosis and bone loss and it does sort of bun not in a good way and the doctors who prescribe this kick back drug know this and the ones that don't are just stupid and in America there are a lot of very stupid doctors. For this discussion there are 2 types of bone cells important to the formation of new bone. One is the osteoblast and the other is the osteoclast. Your idiot doctor may not know this because your greedy asshole doctor is too busy counting his money so I will tell you what your filthy scumbag doctor won't tell you, An osteoblast is a cell that is generating new bone matrix — i.e., a bone forming cell.  An osteoclast is a multinucleated cell, derived from cells in bone marrow, that breaks down bone matrix.  In other words it clears away old brittle bone.  Drugs like Prolia and Boniva  prevent the osteoclasts from removing the old brittle bone. After and few months of being on Prolia your scumbag doctor will sent you for a bone scan and he will report that the Prolia is working because on the scan your bones will be thicker but what the criminal scumbag won't tell you is that your bones will actually be weaker and more prone to fracture. 

    Related: How your bones remodel CLICK HERE.

    Prolia is sold for the reducing the risk of fracture but it actually puts you a greater risk for fracture.

  • Side Effects of Prolia (Denosumab Injection) Drug Center ... › home › drugs az list
    Denosumab may cause low calcium levels, especially if you have kidney problems. .... atypical femoral fractures were reported in patients treated with Prolia.
    Sep 20, 2012 - SUBJECT: Serious risks associated with the use of Prolia. • Hypocalcemia ... atypical femoral fractures (New Safety Information). • Dermatologic ...
  • Prolia And Femur Fractures: Three Recent Case Reports ...
    Aug 12, 2014 - It has been hypothesized that bisphosphonates cause an ... cases of stress fractures or low-stress fractures of the femur in patients using Prolia.
  • Denosumab and atypical femoral fractures
    National Center for Biotechnology Information
    by P Aspenberg - ‎2014 - ‎Cited by 4 - ‎Related articles
    Feb 25, 2014 - Stress fractures of the femoral shaft or subtrochanteric region (atypical ... treatment, microcracks might grow, fuse, and cause stress fractures.
  • What are the victims of Prolia saying?

  • Let's go to Ask A Patient.
  • Victim's Age 
    656 months
    60mg 1X M
  • Not enough room in this box to describe the pain and discomfort I am having. I feel like I'm being poisoned and going to die slowly'. 1st shot flu like aches and pains. 2nd I feel like I will end up crippled or die.A

  • 75
    60 MG 1X O
  • Drug was injected into my upper left arm. Within 2 days I experienced severe chest and back pain on the left side. I thought I was having a heart attack. One of my doctors prescribed a pain medication and it subsided over about 2 weeks later. It was a horrible experience.
  • 632 months
    60 mg
  • Was lightheaded the day of injection. Within one week started having severe lower abdominal pain and diarrhea which lasted one month! Saw GI who ruled out everything else and determined it was from Prolia injection. Have increased joint pains to this day, have abdominal pains almost every day and face broke out shortly after receiving injection. This has also exacerbated my IBS. My every day life has been altered and praying every day that this medication would hurry and leave my system. Have almost 3 more agonizing months to go yet! I will NEVER receive the second injection. 
  • I would not recommend this injection to anyone.

  • 541 days4/26/2015
  • Low blood pressure,Every bone in my body aches my jaws hurt.Called my Dr he said it was not the Prolia. I feel stongly medicine should be taken off market. I have had a broken bone it does not hurt anything like I'm experiencing now.
  • If Dr suggest to you run as fast as you can. I had my first and last injection in early March.
  • 2 years
    60 2X AN
  • Severe itching of scalp, face flushing depression nausia . 5 shots the last one was the worst. Went in healthy ad now I am not that same person. 
  • 70
    2X O
  • 1st injection in July 2014. Several weeks later I developed severe joint pain. I thought I was having some weird arthritis flare up. I saw my family Dr. He put me on Prednisone. It worked until it wore off. Dr prescribed physical therapy. Sorry but you can't make this crap up. Put back on steriods. I unfortunately never connected the Prolia to my condition. It was 3 weeks later. My Dr didn't catch it either. I had my second Prolia injection on January 20, 2015. On February 2, 2015 I noticed a dime sized red rash on my knees and elbows. Some had big pustules. Oddly enough there was no itching and no pain. I still didn't connect to the Prolia. The pain and extreme joint stiffness would not allow me to get out of bed or walk without assistance. I've had two 10 day courses of Prednesone. I finished the last of it on February 27, 2015. I am again having symptoms. The rash has started and the stiffness is roaring back Oh, my Dr said to take motrin and Benadryl. yeah right
  • Be careful to know all the side effects of this drug. In many people the symptoms begin weeks after the injection. My Regular Dr finally figured it out The Endocrinologist that prescribed Prolia never returned my call.
  • 581 times1/22/2015
  • Immediately after my first dose my lips began to swell. This was followed by rashes that were very inflamed on my face, eyes and other areas of my body that became progressively worse. I had to be on prednisone for 8 mos. to control it. It took over a year after my first (and only) injection for the symptoms to subside. It is almost 2 years and I still have some lingering symptoms. I would not recommend prolia under any circumstance. It's like playing Russian roulette - you may be fine or you may literally end up going through hell.
  • 1. Men don't get it.
  • 2. Black women rarely get it.
  • Let's discuss 1 and 2. As women age they lose testosterone and they don't have a whole lot of it to begin with. Low testosterone in women causes osteoporosis. Black women have slightly more testosterone than White and Asian women that also explains why Black woman are more libidinous and and mentally healthier than White and Asian women. Testosterone will cure and prevent osteoporosis in women and at the same time it will prevent and cure the types of mental illness than plague women.
  • 3. There are natural and effective treatments and prevention regimes for osteoporosis.
  • Even without testosterone supplementation there are safe and effective natural treatments. 
  • 1. Weight training and running. Like muscles bone react to exercise. Running and exercises such as squats and leg presses increase bone mass and prevent fractures.
  • 2. It takes more than calcium to build bone so diet in important. 
  •   a) DO NOT drink cola! 
  •   b) Take vitamin D
  •   c) Take a mult-imineral supplement that contains boron.

  • Monday, May 4, 2015

    Carly Fiorina A Lying Brutal Bitch

    Leadership Means... - Demotivational Poster
    Fiorina oozes a smarmy, patronizing condescension (on par in my opinion with such ignoble luminaries as Nancy Grace) that empowers her put on a fake smile and lie through her teeth about:
    Obama -- For example, she trotted out her favorite bald-faced lie du jour again that Obama would raise taxes on everyone.   THE TRUTH: Obama would give the 95% of Americans making under around $250,000 per year a $1,000 tax cut.
    McCain - See her statement last week that McCain never signed off on efforts to overturn Roe vs. Wade.  THE TRUTH: McCain's own campaign website touts McCain's fervent support for, yes, "Overturning Roe v. Wade".
    Watch the video of her truly cringe-worthy performance at
    I did some digging online and came up with an apt 10-point discussion of why Hewlett Packard and the markets in general came to hate her during and after her tenure as HP's CEO.  It's worth a read in its entirety:
    10. She didn’t take the time to build trust.
    Strong-arm tactics work well in certain situations, but good leaders need legitimacy to back them up. One major way leaders achieve legitimacy is by gaining the trust of their employees. Fiorina came in with a mandate of change, but didn’t make any effort to build trust between herself and the company. Indeed, she sullied her image by exalting herself without regard to her employees’ reactions.
    Buying a personal jet in front of a distrustful and alienated workforce is one example. Freezing employee salaries while giving herself and her executive ilk bonuses is another. Doing these things in light of nearly 18,000 employee dismissals (2003) is just plain callous.
    9. She didn’t provide numbers to back up her promises.
    She promised better shareholder returns and increased profits, but in execution, Fiorina’s $19 billion Compaq acquisition looked disastrous. In the short term, millions of stakeholders lost equity. Fiorina lacked numbers to back up her choice, and lacked legitimacy to make people believe she’d done the right thing for the company’s long-run future. (The company pulled off record computer sales years after Fiorina left.)
    The company didn’t collapse. In fact, HP managed to double its sales in the period between 2000 and 2005. However, most of the increase was due to its pre-existing printing business (think replacement ink cartridges), which accounted for nearly 80% of operating profits in the first quarter of 2005.
    8. She favored market dogma over innovation.
    In IT, that’s a death knell. Though reports indicate she continued to support HP’s talented R&D staff, she tried to engineer HP’s expansion into an aging PC market rather than new avenues. She had people capable of creating flagship products–Apple’s iPod comes to mind–but didn’t harness their capabilities. This move may have cost the company incalculable opportunities.
    7. During her time in office, she didn’t successfully implement her own vision.
    Fiorina came in with a self-discovered mandate to shake up what she saw as a stale company and stake out territory for a bigger, more diverse HP. Changing the company slogan to "invent" is an example of one of her refurbishing tactics.
    The problem is that she never managed to execute her own plans. She shook the company up, but never settled it down afterwards. She expanded HP’s product line, but never delivered the financial results to back up her decision. She had a sweet slogan, but, as tech reporter Larry Magid puts it, "whatever inventions HP came up with simply were not inspiring enough to change the company’s fate."
    6. She failed to preserve HP’s key cultural assets.
    On her website biography, Fiorina claims that "The HP Way was being used as a shield against change." Surely a possibility at the time. Still, the HP Way had many benefits, not the least of which was a capacity to empower its own employees. By implementing a top-down management structure that hobbled employees’ abilities to communicate effectively with managers, Fiorina threw out one of the company’s biggest assets without considering its worth–the old baby with the bathwater maxim.
    5. She lacked focus.
    Her plans were too diffuse to be effective. Here are the many things Fiorina tried to do at once:
    • Compete with Dell in the low-cost PC market
    • Compete with IBM in the consulting and services sectors
    • Compete with Dell and Gateway by producing home entertainment products
    • Become familiar and legitimate in the public eye by talking to the press nonstop
    • Get the company a celebrity image with the likes of Gwen Stefani
    • Undertake the biggest merger in IT history (at the time)
    Her energy was so scattered that none of these ideas came to fruition.
    4. She didn’t listen.
    Fiorina spent most of her tenure at HP opposing shareholders, the board, and public opinion.Mother Jones provides an example:
    In March 2004, after HP shareholders voted 1.21 billion to 925 million to expense stock options, she opposed the move, essentially opting to stick with accounting practices (that were used by other corporations) that did not reveal a company’s true value.
    3. She was a bad manager.
    Fiorina delegated all important operational tasks to her core team of chosen executives, rather than the directors traditionally in charge of certain divisions. It smacked of cronyism, but Fiorina did nothing to assuage such perceptions. Moreover, she radically restructured HP’s corporate innards to create a chain of command from the top down. In a company accustomed to bottom-up collaboration and teamwork, this move only served to distance her from the organization she was supposed to lead and manage.
    2. She was a bad leader.
    In a 2007 Stanford speech, Fiorina described a leader as someone who "changes the order of things." If this explanation sounds a little blithe, it’s because she’s defending her own qualities. She lacked in the key areas that define a good leader. Good leaders motivate and empower people. Their followers trust them. They follow through on their word.
    Fiorina lacked all of those traits. Her word was her vision, but all the public could see was short-term collapse. She failed to build trust. Her restructuring alienated employees; her post-merger layoffs added another blow to company motivation; and her celebrity marketing campaigns (she appeared on stage with Gwen Stefani, who was supposed to design products for HP) no doubt further peeved off people concerned with pithy items like job security and financial loss.
    1. She won’t admit to her own failures.
    She continues to give popular conceptions of her reign the finger by invoking language of herself as a victim. Here’s another excerpt from her website:
    After striving my entire career to be judged by my results and my decisions, the coverage of my gender, my appearance and perceptions of my personality would outweigh anything else.
    (Fiorina) was an outsider in every way imaginable, the first CEO not promoted from within; a woman leader in a male-dominated culture; a marketing expert in a company that worshipped engineers; an easterner surrounded by Silicon Valley lifers.
    Respectable, to be sure. But the female-outsider-marketing expert facets don’t outweigh her failures as a chief officer. After all, nobody tore eBay’s Meg Whitman to pieces. Fiorina would help her own reputation to acknowledge her shortcomings, whether she feels they’re legitimate or not.
    I think Fiorina takes the public stance she does in order to defend herself from media lynch mobs. Nonetheless, evidence warrants her mixed reputation. If she ever wants to be remembered as more than notorious, she needs to practice the art of acquiescence.