Monday, June 22, 2015

Dylann Roof Inspired by Citizens Conservative Counsel

A lot of vile and treasonous whores want to deflect from the fact that Dylann Roof was inspired by the racist ranting of the Citizens Conservative Counsel. The Citizens Conservative Counsel has given $65,000 to Republican presidential candidates so far this year. 

Racism is alive and well in the GOP especially in the savage filthy South. 

Today's conservatism is not only racist but it is treasonous. 


Dylann Roof: product and victim vile racist treasonous cowardly Republican CONservatives.

Southern Heritage: - Demotivational Poster

Monday, June 15, 2015

Corporate Crime vs Street Crime

The biggest American gangsters are also known as the corporate criminal elite. These plutocrats are the shadow government. The following article explains the human and financial costs inflicted upon the American people and the people of the world.

Lots of people believe that street crime is a very serious problem in this country. Others however, believe that corporate crime is far worse. Without a doubt, corporate crime is far more damaging to our society than all the street crimes put together. As a matter of fact, when one compares the dollar amount lost and bodily injuries inflicted as result of both crimes, corporate crime is way ahead of street crime. The FBI estimates that the total dollar amount lost to street crimes annually is about $4 billion. Now, this figure is chump change compared to the corporate crime losses from Enron, WorldCom and Tyco. Corporate health care fraud alone costs the taxpayers of this country about $300 billion, annually. Remember the savings and loan fraud of the nineties, called the biggest white collar crime in history, when a whooping $500 billon of taxpayers' money went down the drain.
Well, some say corporate crime is not violent compared to street crime. They say victims of corporate crimes are usually not seriously injured or killed. This is absolutely false. Corporate crime can also be violent. According to the FBI, about 16,000 people are killed in street crimes in this country, annually. Now, compare this to the 56,000 who die every year as a result of corporate criminal negligence. These are people who die from occupational diseases, environmental pollution, contaminated foods, and hazardous products and so on. Case in point, the recent deaths of 25 workers in a West Virginia coal mine, where the company knew these workers were operating in unsafe conditions.
Unbelievably, prior to this preventable tragedy, this same company had received 458 citations from federal inspectors. But the company believes that it's cheaper to run the mine in an unsafe way and risks people's lives than it is for them to comply with the laws. And to make matters worse, a couple of years ago the Department of Justice introduced what they referred to as the deferred prosecution agreement. With this agreement they can bring charges against a company and then tell the company, if you behave yourself for the next couple of years and stay out trouble, we will drop all the charges. Makes you wonder if they are on the corporate criminal's side or against them.
In conclusion, corporate crime is by far the most damaging crime in this country. While street murders are prosecuted every day, here in the United States, deaths from corporate criminal negligence are neither prosecuted as homicides nor as a violation of state or federal laws. Corporate crime is a cancer that is slowly killing this country and we must all work to toward getting rid of it.
Michael Imana is a freelance writer. His articles focuses mainly on personal, home and business security issues. He has published several ebooks on self-defense and home security products. He helped started Prosafety Systems, an internet-based company that specializes in providing the very latest in personal, home and business security products. He is dedicated to helping people protect themselves, their homes and their businesses.

Article Source:

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Disqus May Harm Your Computer and Steal Personal and Financial Information

Privacy issues have been noted as inherent in the use of Disqus, which serve their content through third-party JavaScript widgets.[10][11][12]
As with other embedded web widgets, such as like buttons, the Disqus widget acts as a Web bug which tracks a user's activities, even when they are not logged in, across different sites that use the Disqus commenting system. Information tracked by Disqus, which may be disclosed to third parties, includes pseudonymous analytics data, such as a user's IP address, their web browser version and installed add-ons, and their referring pages and exit links.[13] Although these data are referred to by Disqus as "Non-Personally Identifiable Information", such data, when aggregated, has been shown to be usable for de-anonymizing users.[11]
Users wishing to avoid these issues may opt to install a privacy-enhancing web browser extension, such as GhosteryNoScript, or DoNotTrackMe, which identify widgets such as Disqus as Web bugs,[14][15] and allows them to be blocked; this renders Disqus-powered commenting sections unviewable.
Disqus has also been criticized for publishing its registered users' entire commenting histories, along with a list of connected blogs and services, on the publicly viewable user profile pages
Disqus also was criticized for not giving users control over who follows them. Prior to 2014, any user could follow any other user, but a user being followed could not control or block who was following them, which led to harassment among some users.[17]
If Disqus shuts down, hundreds of millions of comments would be wiped away from a wide range of sites, since by the very nature of the service, comment content is not being managed locally by sites implementing the service. However, it is possible for site administrators to export all of their comments as an XML document which can then be ported into other commenting systems.[18]
In September 2014, it announced an update to its privacy policy: "Disqus will be using anonymous interest data for content personalization and ad targeting."[19] BULLSHIT!
In October 2014, It was revealed that Disqus was utilizing Blackhat SEO Techniques to publicize their site off the backs of the websites which have Disqus installed. I other words Disqus steals bandwidth![20]

2013 security breach

In 2013 a Swedish group called Researchgruppen obtained and exposed a large number of anonymous Disqus identities through the application programming interface (API).[21]The group cooperated with the Bonnier tabloid Expressen, who subsequently visited some of the commentators in their homes, confronting them with allegedly racistmisogynicand derogatory sentiments. Researchgruppen, which includes people from the far left, said their database contained millions of comments from Disqus users around the world who are at risk of de-anonymization.[22][23][24] In March 2014, Expressen and Researchgruppen won the investigative reporting award Guldspaden.[25]

Fat Cops: A Pictorial Essay

Please Share.

There are a lot of fat cops in Amerika so calling a cop a pig takes on a double meaning. These big bad bags of bacon are boldly enforcing the New World Order. Normally fat men are jolly but not fat cops. They seen to be the meanest. Maybe it's their small dicks?

Doughnuts: The Best Defense Against Out Of Control Cops

American cops love doughnuts almost as much as the hate Black people and the constitution. If you encounter an out of control fat cop offer him a doughnut or and entire box of doughnuts. When you spot an out of control cops let them know that you have doughnuts. Show them the doughnuts and offer them doughnuts.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Liar Sean Hannity


False statements involving Sean Hannity


Lots of criticism when it happened

A valid concern, incorrectly described

You have to have been driving the clunker for a year
Sean Hannity
— PolitiFact National   You have to have been driving the clunker for a year













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