Thursday, October 13, 2016

Trump and Hillary Fact Checked Florida Debate


LIVE FACT-CHECK: Trump says tonight he doesn’t know Putin. That’s not what he used to say. Full Flop. 

LIVE FACT-CHECK: Trump’s claim of a neighbor seeing something in San Bernardino, not reporting it is

LIVE FACT-CHECK: Trump again is wrong claiming the U.S. is one of the highest-taxes nations in the world.  False

LIVE FACT-CHECK: Trump said he supported the Iraq War  FULL FLIP FLOP


LIVE FACT-CHECK: Hillary Clinton has said Trump has been used as an ISIS recruiting tool. That's True. 

LIVE FACT-CHECK: Clinton is right. Analysts say Trump’s plan would in disadvantage middle-class compared to wealthy.  TRUE!

LIVE FACT-CHECK: Clinton is right on CHIP, a health insurance program for kids.  TRUE!

LIVE FACT-CHECK: 'Trump Effect,' says teachers are reporting more bullying in schools  TRUE!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

More Proof Trump is the 666 Anti-Christ

More Donald Trump 666 Connections

See the source image

Trump's first foray into politics was announced in a 1986 New York Times article dated 6-6-6 explaining that The Donald would trump Mayor Koch by building a long-delayed Central Park rink through "sheer force of will."

Trump entered the political world at the biblical age of 40. According to Trump, the critical first meeting with New York City officials took place on 6-6-6 in his office. 
The Trump SoHo Hotel Condominium, called an "artists' enclave" by Donald Trump, was announced on The Apprentice on June 6, 2016 = 6-6-6. The project raised cries of fraud, deception and mismanagement. 

On the same date, 6-6-6, an article in Christian Science Monitor predicted that "Pragmatism May TRUMP Zeal as Iran's Power Grows."

On the same date, 6-6-6, there was a TruthDig article titled "The Eve of Destruction." The opening line of the Barry McGuire song "Eve of Destruction" is "The eastern world it is exploding!" Trump vows to make it explode. 

Donald Trump's candidacy is a media creation of the Fox network, and the letters in "Fox" (6+15+24) add up to 666
In the Heidi Klum video in which she responds to Trump's sexist remark that she is no longer a ten, Klum wears a t-shirt inscribed with the number 9.99. Upside down, that is 666.

In the Sex and the City pilot which aired 6-6-1998 (1998=666+666+666), Mr. Big is based on Donald Trump, the Twin Towers are prominent, and Carrie says "Self protection and closing the deal are paramount."

Donald John Drumpf in American ASCII computer code is 666
On the Ides of March, Donald Trump had 666 delegates. The Ides of March marked a turning point in Roman history, as the Roman Republic became a Roman Empire ruled by a succession of dictators. 

The number 666 denotes arrogance, pride, egotism, the love of money and power, and militarism: all things Donald Trump brags about as if they were virtues.

The Bible's first 666 reference is the weight in talents of gold that King Solomon collected each year (1 Kings 10:14, 2 Chronicles 9:13, Ezra 2:13); Trump loves gold so much that he gold-plates his toilets.

The number 666 is the sum of all the numbers on a roulette wheel; Trump has owned casinos and during his presidential campaign announced his intention to build a new multi-million-dollar casino in Las Vegas. 

Trump has been praised and endorsed by leading Baptist pastors like Jerry Falwell Jr., David Jeremiah, Robert Jeffress and James F. Linzey. The last hymn in the Baptist Hymnal is hymn number 666

The name Donald 
means: World Ruler, Great Chief, Proud Chief. Think of a powerful Mafia Don. Our word "don" derives from the Italian donno ("Lord") and the Latin dominus ("Master," "domination"). 

The name Trump means: to upstage, to outrank, to triumph. But it also has connotations of trickery; for instance: "trumped-up charges."

Donald Trump's middle name is John, which means "God is gracious."
Thus a possible interpretation of Trump's full name is "A proud world ruler who, after God has been gracious, will attempt to upstage and outrank Christ, using trickery."
Trump goes to church for Easter and Christmas. He collects Bibles but doesn't seem to read them and certainly doesn't live by them. His daughter Ivanka converted to Judaism. 
Through his German ancestors named Christ and Trump, Donald inherited millions of dollars and a vast real estate empire. Will he now attempt to "trump" (upstage) Christ and rule by deceiving the very elect?

Trump certainly seems to see himself as everyone's master and ruler: for instance, if anyone protests at one of his rallies, he has them silenced and thrown out, ignoring their constitutional right to freedom of speech. 

Trump mocked Ted Cruz, calling him a "pussy," for not being as anxious as Trump to resort to torture (waterboarding). What sort of man mocks and insults other people for not endorsing torture? 

Donald called the situation in the Middle East akin to “medieval times” and said “I’d bring back waterboarding, and I’d bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding.” He sounds anxious to get started. 

The anti-Christ is supposed to be a sort of "reverse twin" of Jesus Christ, as if Lucifer became flesh and tried to become the Savior of the world. And Trump is certainly proclaiming himself to be the only possible Savior! 

Trump claims to be a Christian but said he never asks God for forgiveness and he denigrated Holy Communion by speaking dismissively of the "little bread" and "little wine," suggesting that HE is much bigger and more important! 

And yet Trump is being praised and endorsed by evangelical Christians like Sarah Palin, Jerry Falwell Jr. and Franklin Graham, along with Mr. Putin and many neo-Nazi and KKK types!

According to the Bible, the Antichrist will be a Great Deceiver, misleading even the very elect. Donald Trump is as far from Jesus Christ as a man can be, and yet Christian leaders are embracing him!

What is Trump's plan? He says, “If I’m elected president, we will win, and we will win, and we will win.” He seems to care only about winning, not about what is right, or compassion, or justice. 

Trump's main claims to fame are insulting people as he fires them, building casinos, gold-plating toilets, bragging about all the "beautiful pieces of ass" that he's bedded, and always doing the opposite of what Jesus Christ would do.  
Is something not kosher about this picture?

Donald Trump has been endorsed for president by convicted mass murderer Charles Manson, former KKK grand wizard David Duke, Russian strongman Vladimir Putin, Serbian ethnic cleanser and war criminal Vojislav Šešelj, convicted rapist Mike Tyson, weepin'-n-wailin' Sarah Palin, Joe "Wyatt Twerp" Arpaio, Bobby Knight (who once advised women "If rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it!"), Ann "Cuckoo" Coulter, hardcore porn star Tila Tequila, Hulk Hogan, Jesse "The Body" Ventura, Lou "The Incredible Hulk" Ferrigno, Dennis Rodman, Ted Nugent, Willie "Duck Dynasty" Robertson, Mr. Las Vegas Wayne Newton, and Stephen "not the smart one" Baldwin.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

No Doubt About It: Trump IS the AntiChrist

Is Donald J. Trump the long-prophesied Beast of Revelation? According to the Bible, the Antichrist will be a charismatic celebrity, a "big talker" 

According to the Bible, the Antichrist will be a charismatic celebrity, a "big talker" and a "smooth talker." He will convince people that he has the solution to every problem. He will be a dealmaker and a master negotiator. He will claim to know how to defend Israel and to create lasting peace in the Middle East. He will be an intimidator and a militant lover of power. He will exalt and magnify himself and claim to be the "only Savior." Sound like anyone you know? 

The number 666 is a major sign of the  Antichrist and the number 666 turns up over and over again in regard to Donald Trump and his family.  

The Trump family bought the most expensive single building ever purchased in the United States, at 666 Fifth Avenue, a street symbolic of money (Mammon) and excess (greed).

The Trump family paid $1.8 billion for the most expensive building on record. And 18 = 3*6 = 666. It is controlled through Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner.

The Trump family is also in the process of building a $666 million tower at One Journal Square. According to multiple reports the height will be 666 feet.

Another Trump Fifth Avenue property, the famous Trump Tower, is 203 meters tall according to multiple reports. And 203 meters = 666 feet. Donald Trump lives there in gold-plated opulence on the 66th floor.

Donald Trump inherited his grandmother's real estate empire when she died on June 6, 1966 = 6-6-6. Her name was Elizabeth Christ Trump. The family business name then was E. Trump & Son. (Elizabeth means "oath" so her full name may be interpreted as "oath for Christ to be trumped [i.e., outranked, upstaged through trickery].")

The Trump surname is an anglicized version of the German name Drumpf. In Jewish gematria, the value of the letters in Don Drumpf is 666. (Don being both his abbreviated first name and meaning "powerful ruler.")

Trump first made racist remarks about Hispanic immigrants on June 6, 2015 = 6+6+(1+5) = 666. His fearmongering comments about "rapists" and "drug dealers" vaulted him to the top of the polls. On the same date, 6-6-6, speaking to a packed room in Raleigh, NC, Trump announced that the "American dream is dead" and only he can resurrect it. Only he, not even God Almighty, can "make America great again."

Trump announced his candidacy for president on June 16, 2015 = 6+(1*6)+(1+5) = 666
The 2016 election is "all Trump all the time" and 2016 = 666+666+666+6+6+6.
Most Recent: on June 6, 2016, 6-6-6, Donald Trump praised American veterans on the anniversary of D-Day. But in reality The Donald has not been a friend of American veterans; instead he uses them for political purposes. He has a long history of trying to keep disabled vets from street vending on ritzy Fifth Avenue, even though they have that right by New York law. Trump has written letters, which are a matter of public record, demanding that vets not be allowed to street vend, while he sells expensive baubles to his rich patrons. And during the first presidential debate with Hillary Clinton, when she accused him of not paying federal income taxes, Trump replied, "That's because I'm smart." But think about it. As commander-in-chief of the U.S military, Trump will ask valiant young men and women to risk their lives for their country. And yet he is such a coward that he won't pay his fair share of the taxes that pay their salaries and protect them when they are placed in harm's way. Rich men like Mitt Romney and Donald Trump have dodged millions or billions in taxes, while expecting much poorer young Americans fight and die to protect them. Is that "smart" or is it an outrage? 

And this is just the tip of the 666 iceberg where Donald Trump and his family are concerned. More 666 connections appear below. A trump is a little horn. The ancient Hebrew prophets said that the Antichrist would be a "little horn" making big noises and deluding even the very elect. Prominent evangelical Christians have been endorsing Trump, a man who is the antithesis of Jesus Christ, who says that he never asks God for forgiveness, and who mocks Holy Communion and the body and blood of Jesus Christ by speaking dismissively of his "little cracker" and "little wine." The prophets warned us to listen for the Trump of Doom. The Donald tells us that only Trump can save us from doom. Were the prophets speaking literally? If ever there was a little horn spouting big noises and deceiving gullible people right and left, surely it is Donald Trump.

Others have predicted Trump's run for president with stunning accuracy. 

Donald Trump Directly Refutes the Teachings of Jesus Christ and the Bible
Is Donald Trump a Christian, as he claims to be, as he shows off his Bible (which he has clearly never read) and professes his "faith" in God? There are profound reasons not to believe Trump:

Trump admitted that he never asks God for forgiveness, saying that he "just tries to do better."

Trump apparently believes that he can save himself, because rather than asking God for forgiveness, he says to himself, "Let's just go on and make it right."

While standing in front of evangelicals, Trump said he needed to win the presidency because "I figure it is probably, maybe, the only way I'm going to get to heaven." So he thinks he can earn his way into heaven, by works. 

Trump denigrated the body and blood of Jesus Christ by speaking dismissively of Holy Communion as "my little cracker" and "my little wine." 

Jesus Christ said that no one is good except God. Trump told CNN's Jake Tapper: "I am good. I don't do a lot of things that are bad. I try to do nothing that is bad."

(So Trump claims to be good using the biblical "I am" phrase that Jehovah used to identify himself to Moses.)

Jesus Christ said that lust is the same as adultery, but Trump says, "You know, it doesn't really matter what [the media] write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass."

Trump said that "an eye for an eye" is his favorite Bible verse, but Jesus Christ preached a gospel of love, forgiveness and returning good for evil.

Trump said, “You have to be wealthy in order to be great." Jesus Christ said just the opposite in his parable of the camel and the needle's eye.   

Trump anti-Christ hashtags: #Trump666 #NeverTrump #AntiTrump #NotTrump2016 #Trumpy #TreasonousTrum

Evangelicals Dump Trump!

Evangelicals tend to be liars, ignoramuses, and hypocrites for the most part. They are not dumping Trump because Trump is everything a Christian is not supposed to be. They are dropping Trump because they have no way to defend him without exposing themselves for the hypocrites they are even to themselves.

Regardless of their real motives for treating Trump like a turd in a swimming pool, this is still very bad for Trump and the GOP. When one of their preacher pimp pulpit puppets shows his "Christian love" by trashing Hillary for Bill's infidelity it won't play well with evangelical Christian women many of whom were victims of perverted lecherous men like Donald Trump. This is YUGE!

Nearly 100 evangelical leaders have signed onto a letter urging their fellow Christians to vote against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, who, they write, “has fueled white American nationalism with xenophobic appeals and religious intolerance at the expense of gospel values, democratic principles, and important international relationships.”

The letter was posted to on Thursday, and had nearly 5,000 signatures by midday Friday.

The evangelicals behind the letter do not necessarily endorse Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, they write ― but they are united in their opposition to Trump, who is working to maintain the Republican stronghold on the evangelical community.

“Imperfect elections and flawed candidates often make for complicated and difficult choices for Christians,” the letter reads. “But sometimes historic moments arise when more is at stake than partisan politics ― when the meaning and integrity of our faith hangs in the balance. This is one of those moments.”


Trump is Antichrist | RedState

Is Donald J. Trump the long-prophesied Beast of Revelation? According to the Bible, the Antichrist will be a charismatic celebrity, a "big talker" and a "smooth ...

Listen to the interpretation verse by verse via streaming audio now: Antichrist Profile – Daniel Chapter 8:23-25 – Think ... Antichrist Profile – Donald Trump?

Richard Burr's Net Worth and Bribe Taking

Bribe Taker Richard Burr - Demotivational Poster

Senator Richard Burr is on the take. Like a lot of criminals in the Washington District of Corruption. 

Unlike a lot of Republicans Burr is no a crazy talker but he is a slimeball and his campaign finances prove it. The biggest bribe givers are from the Financial, Insurance, and Real Estate sectors, Healthcare is his biggest bribe giver giving him a whopping  $1,097,860.00. The medical industry is an even bigger thief than they financial industry and has virtually unregulated. I addition to the medical industry being the biggest thief it is the leading cause of death and injury in the US. 

Related: Pittenger and Tillis are wealthiest members of Congress from N.C. ...

So far Burr has been bribed to the tune of $8,707,382.00 and he's spent $3,112,450.00 on his campaign of lies. Burr has about $7 MILLION of cash on hand. There are 27 days until the election. Face it, Burr is going to put about $5 million in his pocket. Burr got rich on bribes while in congress, In fact of all the bribe takers in CONgress Burr is the worst even by Republican standards.

About that wealth: "Burr's average estimated net worth has increased more than fivefold since he joined the Senate, from a little more than half a million dollars in 2004 to $2.6 million in 2014."Sep 2, 2016

Richard Burr got rich in the Senate, voted to keep it that way - Daily Kos

Sen. Richard Burr (R) - North Carolina - Members of Congress

Burr's net worth was 140% more than the average member of Congress and close to that of the average senator. When compared to the North Carolina ...

Burr's Bribers 


Total Raised$8,707,382.00
Total Spent$3,112,450.00
Cash On Hand$6,953,253.00
Data provided by

Top Contributors

Reynolds American$88,475.00
Scana Corp$47,800.00
Northrop Grumman$40,300.00
Prudential Financial$38,000.00
Bank of America$37,600.00
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance$34,400.00
Elliott Management$33,400.00
Blue Cross/Blue Shield$32,750.00
Altria Group$30,700.00
Ernst & Young$30,650.00

Top Industries

Securities & Investment$462,100.00
Pharmaceuticals/Health Products$426,135.00
Lawyers/Law Firms$417,288.00
Leadership PACs$392,200.00
Health Professionals$337,875.00
Real Estate$292,650.00
Electric Utilities$210,850.00

Top Sectors

Misc Business$897,830.00
Lawyers & Lobbyists$699,451.00
Energy/Nat Resource$490,675.00