Friday, July 13, 2018

Troll and Flag The Trolls

America and the world are in an information war with Putin's Russian dictatorship. Putin's trolls seem to be targeting the US more than any other country. Today 12 Russian hackers were indicted.

Mueller investigation: 12 Russians indicted for hacking ...

Generally when criminals are caught and arrested it represents only a tip of the iceberg. For every troll or hacker that gets caught you can bet there are hundreds who haven't.

The conventional wisdom has been to ignore trolls because generally trolls would troll to get a rise out of members of an online community. Russian trolls are not here to annoy people, they are here to sow dissension, create chaos and destroy democracy.

See the source image

It is estimated that there are 100,000 Russian trolls trolling social media. They have invaded Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Yahoo News, AOL News, Youtube, Reddit, Quora, Disqus and other social media platforms. Make no mistake, democracy is under attack and when President Reagan called the Soviet Union the "Evil Empire" is characterization was spot on!

There are many differences between Ronald and Donald but the main difference is, Ronald Wilson Reagan protected and defended the United State of America against evil bastards like Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump.

Tactics and Strategy: How to Counter Troll

Counter trolling is like counter punching. Some of the best counter punchers in boxing were Floyd "Money" Mayweather, Muhammad Ali, James "Lights Out" Toney, Sugar Ray Robinson, and Archie Moore. They would see an opening after their opponent missed and was wide open and then they would fire and land cleanly and once their opponent was rocked they would follow up with a barrage of punches.

Russian trolls are going to like a deceive. The counter troll is to expose their lie and pile on with something such as, "Your trolling is pathetic Boris, you'd better up your game before Putin slips you a polonium cocktail." or "What is Putin paying you losers these days."  or "Hey Dimetri, what's it like living in a country that is falling apart."

If it is a right winger there is a good chance it's a Russian troll so call it a Russian troll because a right winger is a useful idiot so for all intents and purposes a right winger is a Russian troll.

A good tactic is to say the troll, "I see that you are masking your IP address, so you are probably a Russian troll but you sound more like one of Putin's useful idiots."


Liars and propagandists hate facts.  Create a data sheet about Russia. Get a list of the people Putin has had assassinated.

7 Stories Of Putin's Thuggish Behavior - Business Insider - 

Here are 10 critics of Vladimir Putin who died violently ... 

The Putin Critics Who Have Been Assassinated - Sky News

Here are 10 critics of Vladimir Putin who died violently ...

Putin's economy is on the skids and the idiots/Trumptards in the US don't know it because they are stupid and the Russian trolls probably don't have access to that data because Putin and his bosses have blocked access to many websites. A good way to illustrate just hos dismal Russian economy is by comparing it to France.  Country comparison France vs Russia GDP per capita (Euros ...

 France is kicking the shit out of Putin's Russia. Russia is a third world country economically. 

The per capita GDP in France is $38,513 while the per capita GDP is Russia is $8,900. All the wealth in Russia is with the Putin's bosses, the oligarchs. If Russians want to have any hope of getting a fair shake, they need to get rid of the oligarchs and Putin and his people. The Russian people are living in abject poverty while Putin and his masters live like royalty.

Two things and two things only motivate most people and those two things are fear and money. Anger and revenge motivate other people. Some rare people are motivated by virtue and honor. Russian trolls do it for the money. Life sucks in Russia and the Russian troll is merely trying to survive. They have no loyalty to Putin's Russia. People with no allegiance are easily to turn. Putin knew this about Trump and now Trump's allegiance is with Russia. 

Call every right wing nut a Russian troll and mock them. "Clearly you are a Russian troll because no patriotic American would support Donald Trump" That line will work wonders.

Be creative and learn the fine art of tolling. 

Troll the trolls daily and remember, you are not debating them. Your job is the same as their's. Your mission is to protect America and democracy by convincing people that freedom, liberty, and the rule of law is what democracies have and what the Russian dictatorship doesn't. 

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Peter Strzok Bitch Slaps Trey "The Weasel" Gowdy


Treasonous Lying Republicans Thought Peter Strzok Would Be a Punching Bag. He Just Knocked Them The Fuck Out.

He was supposed to be a key in the imaginary conspiracy Trump’s congressional lackeys and media fantasists have desperately tried to write as history. He was having none of it.

Those who forget the lessons of televised congressional hearings are doomed to repeat them, which is why the morning segment of the Capitol Hill show trial of veteran FBI agent and former head of the Bureau’s Counterespionage division Peter Strzok turned into a disaster for Republicans.
Donald Trump’s congressional enablers, sycophants, and political suck-ups wanted a punching bag, but Strzok instead delivered one of the rarest of moments: the full Joseph N. Welch.
Welch, the chief counsel for the U.S. Army during the infamous McCarthy hearings in 1954, had reached a breaking point. After McCarthy’s tendentious badgering reached a fever pitch, Welch delivered a famous rejoinder that ended the Wisconsin senator’s career. Watched by millions on live television, Welch went full beast-mode.
“If it were in my power to forgive you for your reckless cruelty I would do so,” said Welch. “I like to think I am a gentleman, but your forgiveness will have to come from someone other than me… You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”
This morning, it was Strzok’s turn. After an hour of drama-queen badgering from Trey “Benghazi” Gowdy and Bob Goodlatte, Strzok issued two passionate statements that will be the takeaways from an otherwise disorganized and contentious shitshow of a hearing before the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees.
The first was a ringing defense of the FBI, with Strzok showing the kind of real passion that makes for great television. The FBI lifer issued a ringing defense of himself and his agency, punching Gowdy hard in the nose.
“I can assure you, Mr. Chairman, at no time, in any of these texts, did those personal beliefs ever enter into the realm of any action I took. Furthermore, this isn’t just me sitting here telling you you don’t have to take my word for it. At every step, at every investigative decision, there are multiple layers of people above me, the assistant director, executive assistant director, deputy director, and director of the FBI, and multiple layers of people below me, section chiefs, supervisors, unit chiefs, case agents and analysts, all of whom were involved in all of these decisions. They would not tolerate any improper behavior in me any more than I would tolerate it in them.”
He closed with this fastball:
“That is who we are as the FBI. And the suggestion that I in some dark chamber somewhere in the FBI would somehow cast aside all of these procedures, all of these safeguards and somehow be able to do this is astounding to me. It simply couldn’t happen. And the proposition that that is going on, that it might occur anywhere in the FBI, deeply corrodes what the FBI is in American society, the effectiveness of their mission, and it is deeply destructive.”
The second was a shot across Donald Trump’s bow: “I understand we are living in a political era in which insults and insinuation often drown out honesty and integrity. I have the utmost respect for Congress’s oversight role, but I truly believe that today’s hearing is just another victory notch in Putin’s belt and another milestone in our enemies’ campaign to tear America apart.”
This latest spectacle was designed for one purpose only: the destruction of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Donald Trump’s Russia ties. Republicans like Fredo Nunes who have tried to present a series of dramatic, table-flipping reality TV moments to reach that goal have failed time and again to derail the Mueller investigation. This morning was yet another swing-and-a-miss for the Trump GOP.
Because Trump supporters live in a hermetic media echo chamber, these hearings are part of a predictable, hokey Kabuki dance. They’re a device for generating a new round of hyperbolic base-only stories that will follow the same dumb arc as all the rest. In the coming days, you’ll see Sean Hannity flirt with apoplexy, coating the camera lens with flecks of spittle as he rants over Strzok’s perfidy. You’ll see pro-Trump columnists herniate themselves stretching to turn flippant text messages into a vast conspiracy. Twitter will be a flood of moronic memes, white-hot takes, and promises that Strzok will soon be in Gitmo alongside Hillary, Obama, Podesta, and Soros.

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None of it will deter the Terminator in the Special Counsel's office. None of it will change the facts of Russia's interference in the 2016 election, and Trump's ass-deep ties to Russian money and influence. Trump's unhinged, shithouse-rat-crazy tweets today should tell you how deeply he fears Mueller.
Strzok was supposed to be a key in the imaginary conspiracy that Trump's congressional lackeys and media fantasists have desperately tried to write as history. The idea that his text messages poison the entire Mueller investigation was a pillar of their defense of the president. This morning they were going for a quick kill. They needed Strzok to flail, and wilt. The Gowdy, Goodlatte, and Gaetz types needed their grandstanding, dick-waving mock outrage to leave Strozk shaking and begging for mercy.
Strozk had none of it. In this morning’s round he left the Trumpists of the House staggered in their corner, cut and shaky, wondering where Stozok learned to hit back that hard.

Flag ALL Alt Right Russian Troll Videos on Youtube

See the source image

What's the difference between a Russian troll and a Trump supporter? Except for a few more IQ points, NOTHING!

We are at war with Putin and the Russian oligarchs. Democracy is under attack. President Trump is a traitor and so are his supporters.

Since the Trump regime will do nothing about it, it is up to patriots all over the world to stop this Russian and Trumpian propaganda.

1. Flag ALL right wing content.

2. Accuse all right wingers of being Russian trolls because that's what they are whether they know it or not.

3. Point out the deplorabe condition of the Russian economy.

4. Point out the fact that Putin is a brutal dictator.


Russian Trolls Denied Syrian Gas Attack—Before It Happened

Trump Supporters Defined

Dishonest - Treasonous - Poorly Educated - Easily Led - Immoral - Hypocritical - Vulgar - Deplorable - UnAmerican - Ignorant - Wrathful - Gluttonous - Envious - Slothful - Vengeful - Unpatriotic - Uncouth - Toxic - Dangerous - Obtuse - Stinky - Prideful - Losers - Sinful - Sluttish-UnChristian - Foolish - Deplorable - Revolting - Unhinged - Hateful - Paranoid - Ugly - Depraved - Nazis - Losers - Idiotic - Narrow-minded - Simple minded - Intellectually lazy - 

Monday, June 11, 2018

Wrestler R Truth Tells The Truth About The Confederacy And The South

This is a promo video for a WWE event. I think it was also a giant fuck you to the Bible Belt. After R Truth did his "silly thing" the writers didn't have a comeback because there is no comeback other than to mock the character R Truth the messenger. The South has been and still is full of morally defective human trash. That has not changed nor will it until every Bible banging false Christian is in a cage or in a grave.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Trump: The Chaos President

First off, if you still support Trump you are stupid, evil or both and there should be a bounty on people like you.

Chaos - Demotivational Poster

Donald Trump is dangerously deranged and chaotic. He is the anti-Christ and if you can see that, you too are the anti-Christ.

Image result for chaotic evil

Pence is smarter that Trump which could potentially make him even more dangerous.

Tweedle Dumb And Tweedle Dumber Or Gog And Magog? - Demotivational Poster


Frank Rich: Trump Only Knows Chaos - NYMag

Is Trump's Chaos Tornado a Move From the Kremlin's Playbook ...