Saturday, November 5, 2016

"Trumped Up" HIllary "Scandals" Debunked

Field guide to defending Hillary Clinton against every fake scandal: email, Benghazi and more

The hard part in getting through to those death deserving tRumroids who are convinced that the lies about Hillary Clinton are facts, is that they have a boatload of phony “facts” and right-wing web sites to draw from, but their main source of information is Fox News, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and/or their duped listeners. When you go into detailed evidence against their claims, the response is longer than they’re willing to read or hear. So, its either a shorter version which may not get the point across, or the long version which won’t be read. My recommendation is to answer one attack at a time in as much detail as you can to prove your case. These are short paragraphs along with a few links for support. Speak softly and don’t yell at them for being duped. Your goal should be to disarm them and get them to hear you, which can’t be done if they raise their shield.
Whitewater was the beginning of the Hillary Clinton witch hunt. Hardly anybody understands Whitewater. The claims of honesty and trustworthiness began here. The Clintons lost their investment in the Whitewater Development Company. Their business partner, Jim and Susan McDougal, had a separate investment in another company which also failed. The McDougals retained the law firm that Hillary worked for, Rose Law Firm to handle their legal dealings. The claim is that the McDougals hired Clinton to offset the Clintons’ losses on Whitewater, which they considered to be a conflict of interest. Ken Starr, the pioneer of the Hillary witch hunts hurled accusation after accusation at the Clintons over this. After wasting 8 years and millions of taxpayer dollars and several independent investigations, a final report was issued in 2000 that stated that there was no evidence that the Clintons had engaged in any criminal wrongdoing. It was BS from the start, but dishonest Republicans keep the story alive today.
Wal-Mart: In 1986, Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart was under pressure, from his wife and his shareholders, to appoint a woman to his Board of Directors. Based in Arkansas, they hired Hillary Clinton, then 40 year old Hillary Clinton. According to fellow board members and company executives, Hillary used her position to champion more women in management and a comprehensive environmental program. Being the least experienced in business at the time, her voice was silenced on Wal-Mart’s anti-unionism stance, and minimum wage was not considered a huge national crisis at the time. Her years on the Wal-Mart board, from 1986 to 1992, gave her an unusual tutorial in the ways of American business a credential that could serve as an antidote to Republican efforts to portray her as an enemy of free markets and an advocate for big government. To say that Hillary doesn’t understand business is dead wrong. While she had huge success in creating management opportunities for women at Wal Mart, the main attack line is that she “supported low wages”, which is not at all true. Looking at her track record in the Senate and as Secretary of State, she has always pushed for equal pay, and is fighting hard for a 40% increase in minimum wage, and for all improvements to middle class life in America.
Monsanto: Rumors have claimed that Hillary Clinton once sat (or currently sits) on the board of directors of agribusiness giant Monsanto as well, despite the lack of any evidence documenting such a connection. The repetition of those false rumors increased as the primary elections of the 2016 presidential campaign drew nearer. They are rumors. They are lies. Hillary has one of the strongest records on environmental protection of anybody in politics today. In fact, her support of the EPA and environmental regulations is the GOP’s biggest gripe, which flies in the face of the Monsanto rumors.
Vince Foster death: Foster was messed up. He made some bad decisions and killed himself. Before he committed suicide, he wrote several suicide notes and wrapped up personal affairs as best he could. In the 1990’s, over 20,000 people per year committed suicide. In 2014, that number was over 40,000, with an increase in suicides by Veterans. Almost everybody knows someone who killed themselves for one reason or another. Ken Starr, the GOP’s official witch hunter along with right wing extremist Jerry Falwell, fueled the rumors that the Clintons were involved in a murder conspiracy. The allegations were as ridiculous then as they are now, but even after the FBI and independent investigations cleared the Clintons, books and articles continue to be written by Republicans accusing the Clintons of wrongdoing. The GOP is hell bent on assassinating the character of a future President, and continue to twist whatever they can to put doubt in the public mind. Another couple million dollars of taxpayer money wasted by Republicans.
Wall Street and bank donations: It is important to note that most middle class working Americans rely on Wal Street through their 401k and IRA’s, etc to fund their retirement. Wall Street is, in a large part, responsible for the economic growth in the United States in the 20th century, and continues to provide financial security for many millions of Americans. As a result of Republican thirst for dark money in order to win elections, line their pockets and the pockets of the oil industry and weapons manufacturers, passed Citizens United. Thanks to Citizens United, it will take over one billion dollars to win the White House in 2016. Any candidate who actually wishes to overturn Citizens United must obtain the money to win first. This is a horrible rule that allows large corporations to donate huge sums of money to campaigns without transparency, and the influence of the top 1% of earners on politicians has never been bigger.
Citizens United: She has a strong track record of trying to reign in wall street and banking speculation. Here is a link to Hillary Clinton’s entire Senate voting record while serving as US Senator in New York. It is very extensive, 10 pages long in all, but you can search records by issue and read up on just the issues that you want to learn about. You can also show just the bills that Hillary sponsored or co-sponsored during her time in the Senate. What you’ll find is a progressive set of bills written, and a voting record that supports the average American and not skewed toward Wall Street and big banks. What you’ll find throughout her time in the Senate, that she was very active in improving the lives of middle class people, worked hard on income equality, fairness, environmental issues, childrens issues, foreign affairs policy, and a lot of other things. Too much to go over. But, since you’re judging someone to be the leader of the free world, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to read up on some of this. It’s very interesting. She was a hard working Senator, clearly putting the welfare of the people, not the corporations, at the front of the line. If you see a vote that you don’t agree with, do a web search on why she voted the way she did. Many of these bills have misleading titles, with hidden tricks slipped in.
BenghaziToo many Republicans have now admitted to the Benghazi hearing as being a witch hunt, designed to obstruct Hillary Clinton’s chances to run for President. There were four people who died at the US Embassy that night in Benghazi. Under President George W. Bush, there were a total of 13 attacks on U.S. embassys resulting in over 60 deaths. As far as the first days after the attack, the initial information as things were unfolding, is that a religious caracature caused protests at the Embassy. This was true, but what was initially not known is that members of a terrorist group may have started the protests, and subsequently took advantage of the riot and killed our men. Early reporting is never entirely accurate, and while this was called an “act of terror”, the main GOP beef here is that it was not called a “terrorist attack”. That’s right, act of terror versus terrorist attack. Real good reason to waste millions of taxpayer dollars, right? Susan Rice said that the attack started as a protest, which it did. Nothing illegal here, no derelection of duty. Move on. GOP witch hunters blew another $7 million or so of your hard earned tax dollars on this one so far.
Email serverContrary to Republican claims of dishonesty or corruption, there was NEVER a law against using a personal server. No laws were broken. Secretary Clinton, as well as all other Secretaries of State that came before her, including Colin Powell and Dick Cheney, used personal emails for their correspondence. The server was never hacked, and a record of all emails sent to government are stored on government servers. Republican witch hunters are blowing $13,000 per day of your hard earned tax dollars in order to paint Hillary as untrustworthy or incompetent, all for political purposes. As of 1999, Republicans had spent over $80 million of your dollars on Clinton investigations. The number today is more than likely over $200,000,000. Fiscal conservatism? I don’t think so. And now the major news outlets are finally admitting there was never anything to it.
Billions of dollars to Iran: Wrong. The money in question was Iran’s money that was frozen in previous sanctions. It was their money, frozen in order to bring them to the table and come to an agreement on nuclear proliferation. No other conditions were placed on the release of the money other than coming to an agreement for destroying enriched uranium and agreeing not to pursue a nuclear weapon. They came to the table, agreed to terms with inspections to verify compliance, and what was remaining of their money withheld after paying money owed to other countries, was returned to Iran. It is very dishonest and misleading to say that Obama and Clinton GAVE Iran billions of dollars. You don’t give someone money that is theirs already. By the way, the nuclear deal is an international agreement, not just the USA, and even if Trump were to walk away from the deal, he’d have international backlash from our allies, and the agreement would remain.

I hope this helps when the attacks come. As I’ve said before, when misinformation and lies flow at such a regular rate, and with preceived conviction from the Republican party over the last 25 years, it causes a false plausability in the minds of many. Only facts can counter these things. As you hear the term “Crooked Hillary” come out of “Trump the Terrible”‘s mouth, and echoed by many GOP leaders and pundits over the next 6 months, counter it with fact. It’s a nasty curveball, but you’ve got a really good eye and good bat speed, so just smash it over the wall, don’t get into knock-down-drag-outs over it. Return to the dugout and wait for your next at-bat. You won’t convince all of them, but for some, you will have exposed the GOP witch hunters as the frauds that they are. Are you ready to fight? If you enjoy Daily News Bin, consider making a contribution:

Fat Bastardo's Op Ed: 
We should not have to constantly debunk the lies of liars. When we come across a chronic liar we should shut that liar up. Lying should be a criminal offence and liars should face a wide range of penalties from fines to prison and ins some cases execution if their lies are deemed treason.

When it comes to lying liars there is also a time for do it yourself justice. If you are a moral person and you come across a liar do what you think is appropriate when it comes to you meting out justice but don't do anything stupid that could get you in trouble. 

Here's A Running List Of President Trump's Lies And Other Bullshit ...

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Richard Burr Calls For the Assassination Of Hillary Clinton

Senator Richard Burr - Demotivational Poster

When news broke of Senator Burr cracking a joke about putting a bullseye on Hillary Clinton, I was sickened, but unfortunately not surprised. Burr like many other Republicans is not only a crook with poor judgement but like like Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann Burr is a crazy talking criminal and thug for the Oligarchs. 

We’ve known for a while that Senator Burr doesn’t represent our North Carolina values. But this latest comment about Hillary Clinton should be the last straw.

(CNN)Sen. Richard Burr privately mused over the weekend that gun owners may want to put a "bullseye" on Hillary Clinton, according to audio obtained by CNN.

Contact - Senator Richard Burr

Office Locations


Federal Building
151 Patton Avenue
Suite 204
Asheville, NC 28801
P: (828) 350-2437
F: (828) 350-2439


City Hall
181 South Street
Room 222
Gastonia, NC 28052
P: (704) 833-0854
F: (704) 833-1467


2000 West First Street
Suite 508
Winston-Salem, NC 27104
P: (800) 685-8916
P: (336) 631-5125
F: (336) 725-4493


201 North Front Street
Suite 809
Wilmington, NC 28401
P: (888) 848-1833
P: (910) 251-1058
F: (910) 251-7975

Rocky Mount

100 Coast Line Street
Room 210
Rocky Mount, NC 27804
P: (252) 977-9522
F: (252) 977-7902
*Meetings By Appointment Only

Washington, DC

217 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
P: (202) 224-3154
F: (202) 228-2981
The North Carolina Republican, locked in a tight race for reelection, quipped that as he walked into a gun shop "nothing made me feel better" than seeing a magazine about rifles "with a picture of Hillary Clinton on the front of it."
    "I was a little bit shocked at that -- it didn't have a bullseye on it," he said Saturday to GOP volunteers, prompting laughter from the crowd in Mooresville, North Carolina. "But on the bottom right (of the magazine), it had everybody for federal office in this particular state that they should vote for. So let me assure you, there's an army of support out there right now for our candidates."
    The comments resemble similar ones made by Donald Trump in August when the GOP nominee said "Second Amendment people" could take matters into their own hands if Clinton became president.
    Burr should have been placed in handcuffs and thrown in a cell with no bail. 
    Sen. Richard Burr privately suggested gun owners should put a “bullseye” on Hillary Clinton, according to audio obtained by CNN from the Republican’s get-out-the-vote event over the weekend. Burr, who is facing a tough re-election race in North Carolina, remarked that during a recent visit to a gun shop, “Nothing made me feel better” than seeing a gun-related magazine with a photograph of Clinton on its cover. “I was a little bit shocked at that—it didn’t have a bullseye on it," he said, prompting audible laughter from the Mooresville crowd made up of GOP volunteers. “But on the bottom right [of the magazine], it had everybody for federal office in this particular state that they should vote for. So let me assure you, there’s an army of support out there right now for our candidates.” 

    Wednesday, November 2, 2016

    Shutting Down MGTOW

    I get it, women can be a major pain in the ass and it is a good thing to be critical of otheir bullshit especially the feminists. By all means, screw with the feminists because they are man haters and shut their sites down.

    MGTOW means Men Going Their Own Way.  What they really are is a bunch of woman haters who can't handle a real woman so as a result, they hate ALL women and anyone who says anything in defense of women.

    These fuckers need to be shut down. Right now I don't have the time to hack them. The most virulent group of these losers and wife beaters is out of the UK. Calling all hackers!  Shut them the fuck down. Also, when you crack their forum spam the emails of the owners.

    Losers really need to STFU and stop whining. MGTOW... man up little whiny bitches.

    Undeniable Proof: Trump Raped 13 Yearold and Threatened to Kill Her Family

    By John Prager  on November 1, 2016 8:46 am ·

    In case you haven’t heard, Donald Trump is due in federal court next month — just after he may be elected President — to answer charges that he raped a 13-year-old girl in 1994 and threatened to harm her and her family if she told anyone about it.

    The victim, “Jane Doe,” is seeking $75,000 in damages. The lawsuit was originally filed in California but was thrown out because the original complaint did not state any specific civil rights violations. She refiled in New York in June, dropping some of the harder-to-prove claims and replacing them with two new eye witnesses. Both witnesses claim they worked as “party planners” for Trump’s pedophile friend Jeffrey Epstein, who threw them some cash to “attract adolescent women” to the billionaire’s mansion.

    One witness says she lured Jane Doe to a party by promising her cash and modeling contracts — but instead the 13-year-old child was forced to have sex with Trump and Epstein, both of whom knew how young she was.

    “I personally witnessed four sexual encounters that the Plaintiff was forced to have with Mr. Trump during this period, including the fourth of these encounters where Mr. Trump forcibly raped her despite her pleas to stop,” Tiffany Doe says, adding that she also witnessed Doe and a 12-year-old girl named “Maria” being forced to perform oral sex on Trump, with the 2016 GOP nominee physically abusing both children afterward — all of this as part of her job duties that required her to  “personally witness and supervise encounters between the underage girls that Mr. Epstein hired and his guests.”

    Both Trump and Epstein threatened to hurt Doe if she told anyone about the horrific assaults, with Trump adding a very Trump-like threat:

    “I personally witnessed Defendant Trump telling the Plaintiff that she shouldn’t ever say anything if she didn’t want to disappear like the 12-year-old female Maria, and that he was capable of having her whole family killed.”

    Epstein was convicted in 2008 of soliciting an underage girl for prostitution and served 13 months in prison — but Trump went on to find himself one goose-step away from being the leader of the free world.

    While this might seem unbelievable, Trump hasn’t exactly hidden his lust for children over the years, going on about how hot Paris Hilton was when she was 12, creeping on underage models in their dressing rooms, and repeatedly talking about how much he wants to have sex with his daughter, Ivanka.

    You can read the allegations below:

    Tuesday, November 1, 2016

    The Deadly Trump Putin Bromance

    Fat Bastardo's OP ED: Putin is a slimy bastard and you can bet he has the goods on Trump from Trump's dirty financial deals, his mob ties and to his pedophile ring. Scumbags like Putin come to power through sleaze and getting the goods on sleazy people like Trump. Trump knows he's owned and that is why he keeps kissing Putin's ass. This is what is expected of a bitch. 

    Russian KGB Agents Cultivating Trump
    by Jenna Talia
    In June, the former Western intelligence officer—who spent almost two decades on Russian intelligence matters and who now works with a US firm that gathers information on Russia for corporate clients—was assigned the task of researching Trump's dealings in Russia and elsewhere, according to the former spy and his associates in this American firm. This was for an opposition research project originally financed by a Republican client critical of the celebrity mogul. (Before the former spy was retained, the project's financing switched to a client allied with Democrats.) "It started off as a fairly general inquiry," says the former spook, who asks not to be identified. But when he dug into Trump, he notes, he came across troubling information indicating connections between Trump and the Russian government. According to his sources, he says, "there was an established exchange of information between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin of mutual benefit."

    This was, the former spy remarks, "an extraordinary situation." He regularly consults with US government agencies on Russian matters, and near the start of July on his own initiative—without the permission of the US company that hired him—he sent a report he had written for that firm to a contact at the FBI, according to the former intelligence officer and his American associates, who asked not to be identified. (He declines to identify the FBI contact.) The former spy says he concluded that the information he had collected on Trump was "sufficiently serious" to share with the FBI.


    The Trump-Putin Bromance Is Getting Even Shadier

    Here's how Europe reacted to Trump's 'bromance' with Putin

    Mother Jones has reviewed that report and other memos this former spy wrote. The first memo, based on the former intelligence officer's conversations with Russian sources, noted, "Russian regime has been cultivating, supporting and assisting TRUMP for at least 5 years. Aim, endorsed by PUTIN, has been to encourage splits and divisions in western alliance." It maintained that Trump "and his inner circle have accepted a regular flow of intelligence from the Kremlin, including on his Democratic and other political rivals." It showed that Russian intelligence had "compromised" Trump during his visits to Moscow and could "blackmail him." It also reported that Russian intelligence had compiled a dossier on Hillary Clinton based on "bugged conversations she had on various visits to Russia and intercepted phone calls."

    In common parlance, Trump is Putin's bitch.

    Monday, October 31, 2016

    Big Pharma Criminals Rebranding Deadly Drugs

    If you go by their portrayal in movies and TV shows, you'd think that huge pharmaceutical corporations make all their money by turning children into zombies and having them steal grandma's heart medication, or whatever the plot of Resident Evil was. But the truth is that Big Pharma (as hippies and crackpots call it) isn't a modern-day Legion of Doom. They're businesses focused on making money, just like every other company out there ... which isn't to say they aren't capable of evil. They totally are. It's just that their evil usually involves less illegal genetic experiments and more down-to-earth dick moves like ...

    Repackaging Medication to Trick You into Taking It

    miroslavmisiura/iStock/Getty Images
    The name of a drug is a crucial part of its marketing. The antidepressant Prozac, for example, is meant to sound sciency, while the drug Sarafem, which is targeted at women, sounds distinctly feminine. (It's also pink, because ... vaginas, we suppose?) However, the only differences between these supposedly very different drugs are their names and colors: Sarafem is actually just Prozac, because Eli Lilly, the drug company behind both medications, wanted women to take the drug without telling them what it was.
    Warner Chilcott/Eli Lilly"But it says 'fluoxetine' right on the label. How can you not immediately know what that is?!"
    Sarafem was marketed as the cure for an ailment called premenstrual dysphoric disorder -- essentially, all the unpleasantness that goes along with menstruation, plus horrible panic attacks, anxiety, and souped-up mood swings. And we're not saying that Prozac doesn't treat those symptoms; it might (we're not doctors). We just think that tricking people into taking drugs they wouldn't otherwise take is a moral gray area, although it could be forgiven if it was done for noble intentions. Like, say, if women suffering from PMDD really needed to take Prozac but were avoiding it due to its negative association with depression. That, however, is not what happened here.
    Prozac was a huge money maker for Eli Lilly, and Sarafem was released only a few months before their patent on Prozac was set to expire. When a drug patent expires, its price drops sharply, as competitors start releasing their own generic versions. But by releasing a new drug identical to Prozac, Eli Lilly managed to extend their patent by a few years, allowing the price of Prozac to remain nice and high.
    Hemera Technologies/ ImagesDepressing, huh? Don't worry -- Eli Lilly has the cure!
    In 1997, GlaxoSmithKline did something similar when they released the well-known antidepressant Wellbutrin as a pill that helps you quit smoking, but only after rebranding it as Zyban. Again, the science behind the drug might have actually been sound, but it doesn't change the fact that deceiving people into taking mind-altering drugs is something you usually expect to end with James Bond blowing up a skull-shaped island fortress in the middle of the Pacific.

    Sunday, October 30, 2016

    Trump's Felonies

    A Complete List of All the Times Donald Trump Has Broken the Law

    Trump committed a treasonous felony by inciting Vladimir Putin and the Russian government to hack an American citizen and release personal emails. It’s just the latest questionably illegal action by the Republican nominee for President, who has been sued over 3,500 times in his career, including 70 times since he kicked off his campaign. In fact, two groups have threatened to sue him this week for refusing to pay for services rendered. More chilling than even his potentially treasonous comments was his suggestion yesterday that, if he had the power, he would hack into the private communications of political opponents (and the Presidency would give him that power).

    That’s terrifying.

    It’s also just the latest illegal or potentially illegal act in the life and career of Donald Trump. Here’s a taste of Donald Trump’s other illegal activities:

    — Donald Trump has a long history of not honoring contracts with construction companies

    — Donald Trump has knowingly and intentionally defrauded Trump University students, fleecing them out of thousands of dollars

    — He may have illegally coordinated with his SuperPac

    — He illegally used corporate resources to pay an employee to write a political speech

    — He violated federal law by claiming proceeds from various Trump products would go to charity, although there is no evidence that Trump ever donated the money to charity

    — He violated IRS rules by using $12,000 from his charity organization to purchase a Tim Tebow helmet

    — His employees violated a U.S. trade embargo by pursuing commercial activities in Cuba when it was illegal to do so

    — He’s run afoul of election laws by using campaign contributions to pay $6 million to his own businesses

    — He violated Wisconsin election laws by talking with voters as they stood in line to vote

    — His foreign policy proposals would violate NATO

    — He’s violated copyright law for using copyrighted images without permission

    — Many of the proposals he has vowed to pursue as President violate the First, Fourth, Fifth, and Eighth Amendments of the Constitution

    — Trump broke New York state law by lobbying to prevent an Indian casino from opening in the Catskills

    — His vow to use torture on suspected terrorists would violate the Geneva conventions. He would be committing war crimes.

    — He broke anti-discrimination laws to keep a mob boss gambling at one of his casinos

    — He violated immigration laws by misrepresenting his company on work-visa applications

    Hillary Clinton has been investigated and scrutinized for decades. She’s endured years of partisan Congressional hearings, FBI investigations, and independent counsel probes. Donald Trump can’t even handle the scrutiny of having one year of tax returns examined, in spite of his own hypocrisy about the release of personal records:

    Thursday, October 20, 2016

    The Trump Diet

    As most fatlings know most diets end in failure. This is because food it more motivating than the desire to lose weight. The Trump Diet overcomes that by creating an aversion to food. The Trump diet does this simply and effectively. When you see his ugly face you will instantly lose your appetite.

    For Appetite Control Affix To Refrigerator - Demotivational Poster

    Wednesday, October 19, 2016

    Socialist Denmark vs Capitalist USA

    United States vs. Denmark, in 17 Charts

    Here is how the country stacks up the US on a number of important social indicators.
    The Poor
    Here are the overall poverty rates for the two countries:
    Here are the child poverty rates for the two countries:
    Lest you think I am pulling some kind of "relative poverty" trick, here is per-capita income of the 5th, 10th, and 20th percentiles in Denmark and the US, displayed in 2005 PPP-adjusted dollars:
    This measure will tend to understate the standard of living in Denmark as well because it only includes cash and cash-like benefits, but does not include public services provided in kind such as free college, free/subsidized child care, and free health care.
    Here is the same graph, but for per-capita income of children, a population Denmark focuses special welfare attention on:
    Here is the level of income inequality in each country, as measured by the Gini coefficient:
    Under this measure, Denmark is the most equal country in the world. Among countries for which there is OECD data, the US is the third most unequal behind Turkey and Mexico.
    Health Care
    Here is the percentage of citizens lacking health insurance in the two countries:
    Paid Parental Leave
    Here are the number of weeks of publicly-funded paid parental leave you receive for the birth of a child:
    Guaranteed Vacation
    Here are the weeks of guaranteed vacation you receive each year:
    Work Hours
    Here are the average hours worked by workers:
    More leisure, more time with friends and family.
    Welfare Expenditures
    Here are welfare expenditures overall and on certain topics as a percent of GDP. Welfare expenditures are defined here as public social expenditures, per the OECD:
    This is the sort of stuff that gets the low-poverty, low-inequality goods. Most of the categories are self-explanatory. ALMP refers to active labor market policies. These are policies like public employment services, retraining, and employment subsidies that help unemployed people get back into work. Denmark spends twice as much on ALMP than the US spends on unemployment benefits and ALMP combined.
    Employment Rates
    Here are the percentage of prime-age people (ages 25-54) who are employed in the two countries:
    Denmark is ahead overall, among males, and especially among females. It turns out generous welfare is compatible with high employment levels. Perhaps spending 2.2% of your GDP on active labor market policies and providing robust child care and paid leave benefits can actually make it easier for people to remain in the labor force.
    How do you afford all these great welfare benefits and the low poverty and low inequality that they bring. You levy taxes of course. Here is government revenue as a percent of GDP:
    At 56% of GDP, Denmark's government revenue is the highest in the world.
    Government Debt
    Here is government debt as a percent of GDP and government financial networth (government financial assets minus government financial liabilities) as a percent of GDP:
    Comparing growth can be difficult because different countries make different labor/leisure trade offs. Denmark is much more likely to use its growth gains to reduce the amount of work they do than the US is. The best way to account for growth in a way that is sensitive to differences in labor/leisure decisions is to track it in terms of GDP per hour worked (as I discussed earlier). Here is the cumulative percent change in GDP per hour worked (using 2005 $PPP):
    Directly measuring innovation is a tricky (and arguably impossible) thing to do. Nonetheless, Denmark does quite well on common innovation indicators.
    Here is the number of triadic patents (patents filed in the US, EU, and Japan) per million inhabitants:
    Here is venture capital as a percent of GDP:
    Here is the number of researchers per 1000 employees:
    There is more, but I won't bore you. Generally, innovation indicators show Denmark do as well or slightly better or slightly worse than the US. Overall, I'd say it's a wash.
    Can We Do It Here?
    People claim we can't do this sort of thing here, but their arguments are fairly unpersuasive. There is good reason to think we won't do it here for political reasons and for reasons having to do with the fact that whites in the US generally don't want to improve the well-being of Blacks and Latinos, and this turns them off from high taxes and welfare. But if you put that political question aside, the policy side of things is not that complicated.
    The US is bigger than Denmark by a lot, but with its larger size also comes a larger national income. On a per-capita basis, the US actually has quite a bit more national income than Denmark (in 2005 $PPP). So we don't lack for the income necessary to fund a Denmark-like system.
    The US has shown itself to have a good ability to administer tax systems. Unlike some large states where the central government has a difficult time exerting itself in the hinterlands, it appears the US government has been quite able to collect taxes from all over the country. It also has a lot of room available in its tax level (as indicated by the taxes section above).
    Finally, the US has shown itself to have a good ability to administer welfare systems. As Michael Calderwood notes, the US Social Security Administration alone sends out 59.5 million checks per month, a number which is greater than the entire Nordic population combined (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden). If anything, the larger size of the US should make it easier to implement Nordic-like systems because economies of scale should reduce the per-capita administrative costs of running the welfare programs.
    So, in total, Denmark is a low-poverty, low-inequality, high-income, high-tax, high-welfare, high-innovation, high-employment country that has generous time off for vacations and newborns and has a relatively high amount of leisure time for workers. The US could easily move in the Danish direction, and it would be a big improvement for poor and working people if it did so, but given the toxic politics of the country, I wouldn't expect it any time soon.

    Trump Clinton 3rd Debate Fact Check

    TRIGGER WARNING! This article contains facts!

    To nobody's surprise, Trump lied his orange baboon ass off. Keep in mind, this is a preliminary fact check. More and more Trump lies will be uncovered.

    LIVE FACT-CHECK: Trump repeats False claim that illegal immigrants are treated better than vets. 

    LIVE FACT-CHECK: Trump’s claim about Obamacare premiums going up is only partially accurate. 

    LIVE FACT-CHECK: Trump’s claim that Clinton failed to keep U.S. troops in Iraq is Mostly False. 

    LIVE FACT-CHECK: The Pew report Trump cited found no evidence of voter fraud. TRUMP LIED!

    LIVE FACT-CHECK: Save Gerald Ford, Trump is first nominee not to release tax returns. Hillary Told the Truth

    LIVE FACT-CHECK: Trump off-base saying his situation is comparable to Warren Buffet. MOSTLY FALSE!

    LIVE FACT-CHECK: Trump claimed he did not mock a disabled reporter. Trump LIED, he did mock a disabled reporter. TRUMP LIED!

     Trump’s comparison between Clinton and Petraeus cases doesn’t add up. TRUMP LIED!

    LIVE FACT-CHECK: Trump says Clinton ‘gave us ISIS.’ TRUMP LIED!

    LIVE FACT-CHECK: Clinton says federal govt sued Trump for housing discrimination. TRUE! DAMN TRUE!
    LIVE: The $6 billion lost? Shoddy paperwork, not lost money. Part of a previous Trump Pants on Fire claim. 

    LIVE FACT-CHECK: Clinton says Trump’s tax plan overwhelmingly helps the wealthy. True, experts say. TRUE!

    LIVE FACT-CHECK: Trump said Clinton would double taxes for Americans. False. 

    What Trump said about Japan: "Does that mean nuclear? It could mean nuclear." 
    LIVE FACT-CHECK: Clinton is right, Trump encouraged Japan to get a nuclear weapon.