Monday, August 13, 2018

Trump Explained

Trump is probably a psychopath because he was an evil and incorrigible kid who had to be sent to rich boy military school. Discipline and respect for the rules was something he was incapable of learning. His supporter are sociopaths and even more evil!


  1. This explains Trump and his trash perfectly.

  2. Yes it does but how do we deal with his supporters?

  3. Narcissists destroy lives. When the bullshit psychiatric industry tries to explain their behavior way with their bullshit theories it only serves to enable these bastards. About the only thing I think would work on the narcissist would be a good long series of beatings and anything else that would terrorize them into Acting like a human being. Fear works and very often violence is the best solution. So when someone tells you that violence never selves anything tell them to go fuck themselves and remind them of the brave British and Americans who liberated Hitler’s death camps. And then tell them to fuck themselves again

  4. Most of you supposed 'God haters" are nothing more then Trump haters, which is fine. Y'all really don't hate God at all. Any man having this kind of control over you is to be feared and hated, right? I'd ask you yo reevaluate your lives. But, y'all have no lives. That's about all...


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