Sunday, August 5, 2018

Treasonous NRA Mobbed Up With Russian Spies

No doubt about it, the NRA is mobbed up with Russian spy Maria Butina.

The NRA had to know that this "gun advocate" was a Russian spy. America has the most liberal gun rights of any country. Getting a gun in the US is easy.  Getting a gun is Russia is very difficult because Russia is a dictatorship.

She probably gave some of the top NRA Nazis a few blow jobs and got it on video and now the Kremling owns them just like they own Trump.

See the source image
Maria Butina Russian Spy Who Convinced the NRA to Commit Treason Against the US.

1 comment:

  1. There are a lot of whores for the NRA who pretend to understand the second amendment. I would like to see them go to Russia and try to get a gun. The truth of the matter is that a lot of gun nuts are traitors and insurrectionists.


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