Showing posts with label Fierce fatties. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fierce fatties. Show all posts

Monday, March 14, 2016

How Fat Acceptance Killed Itself

For a long time I have said that fat acceptance, the angry jealous fat girl gluttony denying kind wasn't dead but that is just smelled that way. Fat acceptance has been in its death throes for about 8 years and like fat people it died slowly e.g. a stroke here, diabetic blindness there, a heart attack here, cancer there, a diabetic amputation here, clogged arteries there. It would appear that third wave fat acceptance has been mercifully removed from life support and has finally died.

The last bastion of fat acceptance was a very retarded site called Fierce Free Thinking Fatties. There certainly was not free thinking or free expression allowed on that site. If you didn't agree that diets are bad and everybody is mean to fat people and that being fat has no health risks they would not allow you to express your opinion let alone state medical facts.

Everyday the owner of Fierce Non Thinking Fatties would post an article whining about fat people and the cruel cruel world they are forced to live in. WTF!! 75% of Americans are fat slobs. Fat people are being mean to fat people?! It's true that fat girls are meant to fat guys but hell, fat girls are mean to everyone. That's just how those miserable yeast beasts are. The owner or someone else associated with Fierce Big Stinking Fatties would post an article often accompanied by the words "trigger warning." Only a crazy cunt would say something like that.

As their leader, some fat ass calling himself Shannon spouted deadly delusions daily. He would name each day of the week. For instance he would call Monday, Metamorphosis Monday and I suppose with all that extra flab and body parts those piggies were actually morphing into something other than human. If I, Fat Bastardo were to rename Monday I would call it Meat Face Monday. They call Friday, Frankly Friday and I'd call it Fat Ass Friday. They call Wednesday Wishful Wednesday but I would call it Wipe My Fat Ass Wednesday... You get the idea.

UPDATE: Fierce Free Thinking Fatties is now off line!

The last post to appear on Fierce Fatties was on February 23 2015. Nearly four months and no new articles. What happened? Did the owner finally grow a pair, develop a conscience and realize he was full of shit? Did he buy the farm and no I am not talking about Pepperidge Farms?

The other bastion of blubber was Big Fat Blog. The last article there was posted on February 24 2013.

Kate Harding has crawled back into her hole.

Kelly Bliss is missing in action.

Joy Nash of fat rant fame is no longer posting her tiresome Youtube diatribes.

This is what happens to a movement that squelches speech and is fueled by insanity and paranoia. It eventually ossifies, collapses under its own weight of stupidity, ignorance and bad ideas and eventually it dies. This is what has happened to 3rd wave fat acceptance. Sorry fat girls, MeMe Roth did not kill fat acceptance with her truth and logic. Like a gormandizing glutton on a year long food binge, fat acceptance killed itself.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Dr Oz Show On Pro Ana Shamelessly Panders to Fat Girls

The CDC's ORD lists anorexia as a rare disease. There are less than 200,000 people with anorexia nervosa in the use and less than 100 deaths. There is NO proof that pro ana sites cause anorexia nervosa. AN is genetic and organic. Most of the girls who go on the Pro Ana sites are bulimics who either suffer from anxiety and or personality disorders than manifest themselves as a need for control.  Most of them are vain fat girls who will not accept and embrace their gluttony and food lust and try as they might they we never be light.

Dr Oz aired a show bashing the Pro Ana movement. The theme of the show seemed to suggest that visiting these sites can cause a person to come down with anorexia nervosa. I, Fat Bastard along with millions of other fat guys are on those sites all the time to look at pictures of those hot skinny chicks and none of us have lost an ounce. What happens is we drool and since it is tough for fat guys to get laid we eat and beat off.

OK Dr Oz, give us the facts on the death toll from pro ana and then tell us how many of us fatlings eat ourselves to a glorious death. The reason you don't attack the pro gluttony and pro obesity sites is that fat girls make up 90% of your audience. Fat girls swoon over skinny guys like Dr Oz and I suspect he's porking a fat girl.  Let's see if Dr Oz has the balls to go after the fat acceptance movement. I doubt if he has the belly to tangle with the likes of Marylin Wann and dog faced gremlin Kate Harding, Let's see Dr Oz go after the Fierce Fatties or or Big Fat Blog.
Men want to see her and fat girls want to be her!
Katie Rickel PhD (Piled higher and Deeper)  wrote a bullshit article on Dr Oz's site.

Katie is a thinling but she must be competitive. She's a bit of a butter face and perhaps she's jealous of other ana's like these thinsporational hunnies who have angelic faces and hot bodies.

Get your facts straight Dr Oz! I bet that your producers are a bunch of fat girls who hate skinny girls. Go to the CDC's site get the facts on anorexia nervosa before you make another mountain out of another mole hill.
Another target of jealous fat girls.
MeMe Roth, yet another target of fat girl jealousy
Hot thingling laying across Belly Boy's belly

Friday, January 27, 2012

One Very Angry Oink @ Strong4Life

If I have said it once I've said is 1000 times, fat kids are cute but the weight loss Nazis at Strong4Life are launching a Gestapo like attack on the fat kids of Georgia. Georgia is proudly one of our fattest states and it boasts having the number 2 spot for childhood obesity. Strong4life wants to ruin all that with their fear mongering and fat phobia. In response to this neo Nazi organization I, Fat Bastard and issuing one very loud and angry OINK! OINK!

We are not alone in our angry oinking. Strong4Life is hearing a cacophony from the angry sows at Fierce Fatties who has a CALL TO ACTION to stop this hateful venomous assault on fat kids and their fat parents.

Here is some of the hateful things Strong4Life is promoting.

In this video a sadistic drill instructor forces this fatling to walk for 6 minutes!

In this video fatling kids are put through workouts that would kill a Navy SEAL and then they are force fed vegetables before they are led in to a vegan black mass with high priestess MeMe Roth.