Showing posts with label Fat Acceptance is Wrong. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fat Acceptance is Wrong. Show all posts

Monday, March 14, 2016

How Fat Acceptance Killed Itself

For a long time I have said that fat acceptance, the angry jealous fat girl gluttony denying kind wasn't dead but that is just smelled that way. Fat acceptance has been in its death throes for about 8 years and like fat people it died slowly e.g. a stroke here, diabetic blindness there, a heart attack here, cancer there, a diabetic amputation here, clogged arteries there. It would appear that third wave fat acceptance has been mercifully removed from life support and has finally died.

The last bastion of fat acceptance was a very retarded site called Fierce Free Thinking Fatties. There certainly was not free thinking or free expression allowed on that site. If you didn't agree that diets are bad and everybody is mean to fat people and that being fat has no health risks they would not allow you to express your opinion let alone state medical facts.

Everyday the owner of Fierce Non Thinking Fatties would post an article whining about fat people and the cruel cruel world they are forced to live in. WTF!! 75% of Americans are fat slobs. Fat people are being mean to fat people?! It's true that fat girls are meant to fat guys but hell, fat girls are mean to everyone. That's just how those miserable yeast beasts are. The owner or someone else associated with Fierce Big Stinking Fatties would post an article often accompanied by the words "trigger warning." Only a crazy cunt would say something like that.

As their leader, some fat ass calling himself Shannon spouted deadly delusions daily. He would name each day of the week. For instance he would call Monday, Metamorphosis Monday and I suppose with all that extra flab and body parts those piggies were actually morphing into something other than human. If I, Fat Bastardo were to rename Monday I would call it Meat Face Monday. They call Friday, Frankly Friday and I'd call it Fat Ass Friday. They call Wednesday Wishful Wednesday but I would call it Wipe My Fat Ass Wednesday... You get the idea.

UPDATE: Fierce Free Thinking Fatties is now off line!

The last post to appear on Fierce Fatties was on February 23 2015. Nearly four months and no new articles. What happened? Did the owner finally grow a pair, develop a conscience and realize he was full of shit? Did he buy the farm and no I am not talking about Pepperidge Farms?

The other bastion of blubber was Big Fat Blog. The last article there was posted on February 24 2013.

Kate Harding has crawled back into her hole.

Kelly Bliss is missing in action.

Joy Nash of fat rant fame is no longer posting her tiresome Youtube diatribes.

This is what happens to a movement that squelches speech and is fueled by insanity and paranoia. It eventually ossifies, collapses under its own weight of stupidity, ignorance and bad ideas and eventually it dies. This is what has happened to 3rd wave fat acceptance. Sorry fat girls, MeMe Roth did not kill fat acceptance with her truth and logic. Like a gormandizing glutton on a year long food binge, fat acceptance killed itself.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

RNY Kills 2.5 Patients Within The First 30 Days

One thing the NAFAM (New American Fat Acceptance Movement) and NAAFA agree on is that weight loss surgery is a bad thing. NAFAM thinks it's a bad thing because it kills to many people and destroys the lives of the people who get it. If it were safe NAFAM would not oppose it. NAFFA is against it because it makes fat people skinny and that is because the only skinny people they don't hate are the skinny guys who like to pork fat girls.

Bad medicine is lucrative medicine. The high mortality rate also means a high complication rate and a high complication rate means more opportunities to rip off fatlings.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The NEW Fat Accptance

Why Bigger Fatter Blog?

We know! People don't like the fact that Fat Bastard is highly critical of the movement we call the old fat acceptance. What is the old fat acceptance? It is Fat Bastard's opinion is the old fat acceptance is the movement that began when Bill Fabrey the creator of NAAFA was forced out and replaced by a bunch of angry jealous far left man hating elitists. NAAFA under Bill's guidance meant National Association Aiding Fat Americans. Bill's vision for NAAFA was an all encompassing and inclusive one. If you were fat or a fat sympathizer you belonged. Since Bill's departure from NAAFA the letters N A A F A today mean National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance and under the current leadership the once great NAAFA of Bill Fabrey has become a joke. It was relevant when Bill was in charge but today it is a mere shadow of what it once was. It has failed miserably in its poorly defined mission. Today's NAAFA continues to lose members and funding. Today's NAAFA does not speak for fat people or their needs. Let's make a comparison.

Let's take the NAACP. The NAACP speaks for the concerns of the vast majority of Blacks. The NAACP remains relevant, focused and effective. It's mission is well defined and it's leadership is intelligent and thoughtful. NAAFA has poor leadership and it does not speak for the vast majority of fat people. NAAFA has become the ole girls club. NAAFA is wishy washy. NAAFA is bigoted towards men, especially fa men. NAAFA is to the fat acceptance movement what the Black Panthers were to the equal rights movement except that the Black Panther Party had a point and were marginally effective and most people would agree that in spite of their provocative and militant ways they did more good than harm. The same cannot be said for NAAFA.
Bigger Fatter Blog and the New Fat Acceptance is a logical scientifically based organization and movement that would like to see the fat acceptance movement return to the vision of its founder Bill Fabrey. We seek to undo the damage that NAAFA and the rest of the loons in the fatosphere have done to the movement and to fat people. Everything has its pros and cons. Let's take a guy thing like cars. You can drive a Honda Civic. You will have a decent car but you will sacrifice comfort for good fuel economy some people are willing to do that where others are not. We don't judge people for what cars they choose to drive. Let's take the Cadillac Escalade. It is like a fatling in that is consumes fuel but it sure gets you from point A to point B in style and comfort. With its advantages comes a price that people who own Cadillac Escalades are willing to pay and they pay it at the pump and in higher insurance rates. Just like there are advantages and disadvantages to being fat, there are advantages and disadvantages to be skinny. Those of us in the New Fat Acceptance will take the good with the bad. In my case I don't enjoy the pleasures of greedy gluttony. I tend to be a bit more epicurian about food whereas Fat Bastard is a greedy and hedonsitic glutton as are all fat people. Fat Bastard has made greedy gluttony and art form and Teddy Bear of the Biggest Fattest Blog has made it is science. These are major advancements. Anyone knows how to get and stay fit but who really knows the finer points of gluttony and how to mitigate its often devastating consequences? The answer is simple, Fat Bastard and Teddy Bear know the finer points of greedy gluttony and unbridled food lust. I also put myself into that category because I am one of the few feeders who feeds with mono saturated fat and as I always say..."Fat fattens best."

Now let's speak to denial. Denial is what led to Fat Bastard's heart attacks and other health problems. He like many fatlings bought into the HAES lunacy and he blamed everything and everyone for his declining health. I too had been imbibing on the NAAFA Kool Aid and as a result I pretended to believe what I knew was total bullshit. I knew that the fat acceptance propaganda being spread by these strident and angry fat girls was not helping fat people or the movement but instead in was and is harming the movement and fat folks. Fat Bastard and I could no longer be a part of this insanity. Deep down we both knew that Fat Bastard and all fat people are greedy gluttons. Being that we are men we knew that the human body could not defy the immutable laws of physics. We knew that gluttony and nothing else made people fat. We simply ended the charade.

Today with 73% of Americans fat or obese and only a tiny tiny fraction of a percentage of them being represented by the the current FA movement we knew something had to be done and that is why we launched this Bigger Fatter Blog. We were sick of the censorship in the fatsophere. We would read Paul McAleer's Big Fat Blog and howl with laughter and then be disgusted at the single mindedness and the toxic venom spewed by the jealous fat girls. Here's another example of what we mean. Let's take the Tea Bagger movement. Tea Baggers and fat feminists are really cut from the same clueless piece of cloth. They are ignorant and easily led. They are angry but the cannot really express what it is that is pissing them off so much so the create paper tigers and other symbols to justify their discontent and they more they run their mouths and close their ears the dumber and louder they get.

The opposition is not our enemy. Let's take the case of NAAO and it's founder MeMe Roth. They hate MeMe. We don't. We see her as loyal opposition. We would like to have a spirited debate with Ms Roth but we would not resort to the vulgar name calling and sophomoric debating tactics that allow a woman MeMe to trounce the angry fat girls every time. When Fat Bastard and I watch MeMe debate one of the girls from the fatosphere we know its going to be a blood bath. MeMe sits there in a calm, dignified and ladylike manner. We want to see her get knocked out of the ballpark but it never happens. MeMe slaughters them every time. Fat Bastard and I could more than hold our own against MeMe Roth because the first thing we would do is show her some respect. Also, we are not intimidated by the fact that MeMe is a hottie. That's not entirely true. Fat Bastard stops shoveling in the chips and dip when MeMe is on the tube and keeps babbling, "She's hot! She's hot! Don't you think she's hot" to which I say, "No Joy Nash is hot but she's an idiot. Now shut up so we can hear." 
As usual MeMe brings a gun to the knife fight and she wins hands down. Its like watching Mike Tyson get pounded. You used to like Iron Mike but after he became such an asshole you find yourself cheering for his opponent because you respect his opponent more than you do Iron Mike. Fat Bastard and I are lovers not fighters. We also know that hating MeMe Roth and attacking her personally only hurts fat people in the long run. It may feel good at first and the fat girls unleash their phony righteous indignation and blizzard of misinformation but in the minds of the people who matter (the smart and honest ones) MeMe wins by a mile.
MeMe Roth is winning leaving the Kelly Bliss in the dust.

This sort of insanity and venomous attacks against a member of the loyal opposition only serves to make fat girls look more and more like the jealous and pathetic creatures they are.

As most readers know skinny fat admirers, only pork fat girls but guys like Fat Bastard only bone skinny women as it is really tough for two fatlings to have intercourse. Fat Bastard and I both agree that MeMe Roth is not anorexic.
MeMe Roth and her Wedding Gown Challenge
In this photo she appears to have a BMI of around 21. So what she has no tits? We respect the fact that she accepts her body and did not opt for a silicone beef up. Maybe if the angry jealous fat girls would accept their bodies the way MeMe accepts hers they would understand what real fat acceptance is. MeMe looks damn good! When Fat Bastard saw this picture I had to feed him a waffle to sop up the drool. MeMe is like Ann Coulter in looks accept that MeMe is much more womanly looking and has normal hands and no Adams apple. That is because MeMe is a genetic female. From a Playboy Magazine standard MeMe has a smokin bod. She has an athletic build. She is not by any stretch of the imagination anorexic and knowing her workout schedule MeMe has to be eating like a horse. Sorry girls for alluding to the stubborn laws of physics. MeMe Roth simply does not eat to excess and she moves. So all you fat MeMe Roth haters either accept your sloth and greedy gluttony or get fit and lean like MeMe. Your jealous fat girl routine is old and ugly. It is just another reason so many gluttons think the fat acceptance movement is a joke.

Attacks on MeMe Roth will do nothing to advance fat acceptance and gluttony acceptance. We are trying to further normalization of sloth, gluttony and obesity. Making nasty tea bagger comments about Ms Roth only diminishes our righteous cause of sloth, gluttony and obesity. My father used to tell me that every knock is a boost. You fat girls in your misguided zeal and jealousy continue to raise MeMe Roth to greater heights and you sink fat acceptance to newer low. Admit it girls, you hate women like MeMe. She's bright, classy, ladylike, and attractive physically as well as intellectually. MeMe and women like her are the kind of women men want to see and fat girls want to be. The very people crying for fat acceptance, you fat girls, are the ones who are least accepting of your own obesity, sloth and gluttony. You girls need to fish or cut bait. You either accept your gluttony and obesity or you don't so get off the fence and stop blaming MeMe Roth and other lean and pretty women for your inability to accept yourselves.

Just so your little pea brains will know the difference between anorexic, healthy, fat and obese bodies here are some pictures.,1020,977739,00.jpg
Normal/Healthy like MeMe Roth
Fat Slut but not all that unhealthy

BTW when you google image with search terms for fat girls all you find is sluts flaunting it. I'm not complaining after all I am a fat admirer.

Obese Woman Some Health Issues
BBW or Morbidly Obese
SSBBW or Super Morbidly Obese
Super Super Morbidly Obese

If the woman in the above picture had only listened to Kelly Bliss and Linda Bacon and followed the HAES protocol she would not be in a hospital bed but instead she would be running marathons and winning them and still be just as big or bigger.

Do any of you silly girls get the point now?