Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Republican Prosecutors Dismiss Child Rape Charges

I received the following email to post here on Bigger Fatter Politics. Most of you all know that 99% of pedophiles are Republicans so it comes as no surprise that Republican prosecutors would be very lenient when prosecuting baby rape. If you wish to express your outrage contact that Missoula County DA's office. Tell Fred Van Valkenburg what a fucking asshole you think he is.

From Mother Jones. Read what others are saying about this Republican Pedophile Enabler

Dear Fat Bastardo,

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, sexism and misogyny in the Missoula county attorney's office led to prosecutors humiliating victims and dropping rape cases.

At one point, for example, when one distraught mother asked why her 5-year-old daughter's rapist had only been given two years of community service, a county attorney told her "boys will be boys." Another read religious passages aloud to a rape survivor.

Furthermore, the investigators said, prosecutors had failed to pursue the vast majority of cases where mentally or physically disabled women claimed they'd been assaulted, "even in cases where there was evidence such as a confession or incriminating statements by the perpetrator."

This sickening failure of the justice system is a disgusting abuse of power. These victims had nowhere else to turn, and the people they trusted to pursue justice on their behalf let them down.

Demand a stop to the trivialization of rape cases in Missoula immediately.

Fred Van Valkenburg Republican Protector of Pedophiles!

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