Dear Activist,
On Monday, the Supreme Court made history by overturning the Texas law (HB2) designed to close 75% of the state's abortion clinics by forcing them to meet the costly standards of surgical centers.
While this is a huge legal victory for women's reproductive rights, unfortunately, the political battle isn't over - not at all.
That's why we're asking you to pledge to vote only for prochoice candidates in 2016.
After the Texas ruling, Trump said, "if Scalia was replaced by me... it would have been the opposite." Trump hopes to name "as many as five" Supreme Court Justices and declared "I will appoint judges that will be pro-life" - chosen by the right-wing Federalist Society.
Trump's judges would overturn Roe v. Wade and criminalize abortion, sending OB/GYNs to jail for murder - and possibly their women patients too.
Thanks for all you do!
Bob Fertik & Heidi Sieck, Co-founders #VOTEPROCHOICE
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