Punch a Nazi? It could be legal.
When some asshole dons an Nazi outfit or displays the swastika or the displays the confederate flag, they are announcing their intent. The intent of a Nazi or a Klansman and in many cases a Trump supporter is to kill all non Whites and Jews. Cops legally execute people all the time under the excuse, "I feared for my life" and what jury can say that they really were not in fear. What Jew, Black or gay would not be in fear for their life in the presence of someone who want to exterminate him. It's simple, point a gun at a cop, expect to die. Be a Nazi, skin head, Klansman and walk around in public. Expect that someone will kill you. You earned the hate and you earned your fate.
CAVEAT: I am not telling anyone to go out and punch Nazis. I am saying that if you punched a Nazi and I was on your jury I would find you not guilty. It is called jury nullification and it is as American as apple pie.
Punish The Trump States
The Trump states are also the parasite states. It's time to cut off all federal funding to these parasites and use the savings for slavery reparations.
Confiscate all monies from hate group members and their families using civil forfeiture laws.
Put all Klan members and Nazis into slave labor camps for life.
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