Jeffery Epstein's Suspicious Death: Evidence Points To Homicide

1. After the first time when he was found unconscious in his cell Epstein claimed he was attacked.
They attacker probably left him for dead.
2. If he was suicidal he would have been kept on suicide watch and he wasn't. There is NO WAY
he would have been taken off suicide watch if he had indeed tried to kill himself.
3. Epstein's guards lied and fabricated logs.
4. There was screaming coming from his cell hours before his death and nobody checked on him.
5. Bones were broken in his neck. That is highly unlikely. There is a remote possibility that
suicidal hanging can break the hyoid bone but Jeffrey Epstein’s neck was broken in multiple places ...
6. Epstein was put in a cell alone which is unusual for someone who is suicidal.
An Epstein Time Line
1969: |
He graduated in 1969 from Lafayette High Schoolat age 16, having skipped two grades.
1996: |
In 1996, Epstein changed the name of his firm to the Financial Trust Company and, for tax advantages, based it on the island of St. Thomasin the U.S. Virgin Islands.
2000: |
In 2000, Epstein established the Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation, which funds science research and education.
2006: |
In May 2006, Palm Beach police filed a probable cause affidavit saying that Epstein should be charged with four counts of unlawful sex with minors and one molestation count.
2015: |
In 2015, evidence came to light that one of the powerful men at Epstein's mansion may have been Prince Andrew, Duke of York.
2019: |
In 2019, Forbes deleted a 2013 article that called Epstein "one of the largest backers of cutting edge science" after The New York Times revealed its author, Drew Hendricks, had been paid $600 to submit it falsely as his own.
Here Is Where The Plot Really Thickens!
Non-prosecution agreement (NPA) (2006–2008)
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In July 2006, the FBI began its own investigation of Epstein, nicknamed "Operation Leap Year". It resulted in a 53-page indictment in June 2007 that was never presented to a grand jury.[56] Alexander Acosta, then the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, agreed to a plea deal to grant immunity from all federal criminal charges to Epstein, along with four named co-conspirators and any unnamed "potential co-conspirators". According to the Miami Herald, the non-prosecution agreement "essentially shut down an ongoing FBI probe into whether there were more victims and other powerful people who took part in Epstein's sex crimes". At the time, this halted the investigation and sealed the indictment. The Miami Herald said: "Acosta agreed, despite a federal law to the contrary, that the deal would be kept from the victims."[6]
Acosta later said he offered a lenient plea deal because he was told that Epstein "belonged to intelligence", was "above his pay grade" and to "leave it alone".[40] Epstein agreed to plead guilty in Florida state court to two felony prostitution charges, register as a sex offender, and pay restitution to three dozen victims identified by the FBI.[6][73]

The bones in the neck include the hyoid bone and the cervical vertebrae. There could not have been enough force to break the vertebrae and probably now break the hyoid bone. His injuries are consistent with a violent attack.
"Among the bones broken in Epstein's neck was the hyoid bone, which in men is near the Adam’s apple," The Washington Post reported. "Such breaks can occur in those who hang themselves, particularly if they are older, according to forensics experts and studies on the subject. But they are more common in victims of homicide by strangulation, the experts said."
The New York Post reported on Monday that Epstein "was found hanging in his lower Manhattan jail cell with a bedsheet wrapped around his neck and secured to the top of a bunk bed" and "apparently killed himself by kneeling toward the floor and strangling himself."
My Op Ed: I call BULLcrap. If he had hung himself from a bunk bed there could not have been sufficient force generated to break any bones in his neck and probably not even the hyoid bone.
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