Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Message To Chuck Schumer Regarding The Treatment of Dr Pierre Kory

 Dr Kory is not some Trumptard shit head like "Ayn" Rand Paul. He's a left leaning Democrat and and highly credentialed MD. Had the Senate Dems listened to him early on in the COVID crises many lives here in the US could have been saved and the virus could have been nipped in the bud. 

I won't be pulling any punches Chuckie. Members of congress in addition to being whores for the corporate criminal elite are dumb and corrupt that that includes many Democrats. Both sides put politics before science and before the health and welfare of us peasants. 

Ivermectin could have saved 10's of thousands of lives and shut this pandemic down. I don't know how mobbed up every senator is with the Medical Mafia but seeing as how the US Medical Mafia is 20% of the US GDP and the leading cause of preventable death and injury in the US I would have to guess that it's 90% of you errand boys.

While I would rather see Dems in power (the lesser of two evils is less evil) I'd have no problem wreck the Dems and this story about how the Dems pissed all over Dr Kory can wreck the Dems. My buddies Cenk and Ana of the Young Turks call it straight down the middle and unlike me, they can't be bought. If they report this the slime at FOX and other right wing Nazi propagandists will spread this and unlike most the the shit they say that are lies this is immutable scientific fact that was known by the errand boys at WHO, CDC and the FDA early on. 

I have worked for Democratic candidates starting with Jimmy Carter. I voted mostly Dem all my life. I campaigned for Hillary for Senate and in the primaries against Obama. In the past 20 years I voted a straight Dem ticket. 

Had the corporate media championed Dr Kory and Ivermectin and had even one errand boy in congress gotten on CNN or one of the other corporate propaganda outlets, sick people would have been saved from covid deaths and most of them them would not have needed hospitalization. You guys fucked up so badly in the beginning that you could not even get the mask thing right and the filthy fucking media continued to misreport and confuse everyone. The CDC knew that the RO number for this virus 2.5 before is was kicking the shit out of Italy. We know Richard Burr had this information and we all know he did insider trading but you all do.

I still would rather see Dems in power than Republicans as again the lesser of two evils is less evil. I am also happy to know that this virus will kill off anti-maskers and Trumpanzees for years to come. After all, they are even more depraved than the trash that they elect.

I can interview Dr Kory just like he was interviewed by Sir Dr John Campbell who has a direct pipeline to the BBC, Boris Johnson and Queen Elizabeth. 

The DNC is inept and when this comes out they will fuck up. I know how to do damage control and the DNC doesn't. Both sides will blame each other but this time the GOP will have actual real facts on its side. I can advise you on damage control but it will cost you or I can advise the RNC bastards on how to spin this to the independents. 

I think you should hire me before the GOP does. You guys need help with this because you have just as much blood on your hands as Trump and his mob. I can easily contact every GOP senator like that mouthy lie spreader Ted Cruz and that sociopath Rand Paul and explain to those assholes ways to spin this because at this point America is an oligarchy and a police state so it doesn't really matter all the much which party is in power. There are enough moral and courageous Dems such as AOC who will pull the pin on this and the shit will really hit the fan. 

There is no way this isn't coming out. Expect headlines like these.  Dems Berate Top Medical Expert - Dems and FDA Lagdogs Block Miracle COVID Drug Ivermectin, Senate Democrats Side With Medical Mafia And Block Lifesaving COVID Drug - Dems Mobbed Up With Big Pharma Donors To Help Spread COVID - Dr Birx Exposes Ivermectin Scandal - How The Pandemic Could Have Been Stopped - COVID Deaths Plummet In Czech Republic Once Government Allow The Use of Ivermectin.

1 comment:

  1. People who trust the medical industry end up in cemeteries.


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