Showing posts with label Andrew cuomo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andrew cuomo. Show all posts

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Fat Bastardo Advice To Andrew Cuomo

 More Career Saving Advice For Andrew Cuomo

Of course I'm gonna break your balls. Millionaires deserve all the ridicule and humiliation I can muster.

Now it has come out that you reached up some woman's skirt. That was slick. Democrat women have morals. You could have gotten away with that with a pig like Joni Ernst, Laura Ingraham, Kellyanne Conway or Kimberly Guilfoyle but who in their right mind would want to go near those STD factories? You were trying for very attractive classy women with morals. What were you thinking Andrew? The probably had husbands or boyfriends. 

There's an old saying. It's not the face fuck it's the fuck you face. Maybe you should have gone for a butter face but even then you can't just reach under her skirt until you get the green light. Have you been hanging around with that loser Matt Lauer? 

Would you not be satisfied with one or two concubines? Is this about conquering women for you? 

Let's say all 7 are lying or exaggerating. The best thing for you to do is sit down with all 7 publicly and challenge them and go through both sides of the story. No asshole lawyers-- just you and them. 

You probably are a dirty old man and a child in an adult's body. Mario probably didn't give you any man lessons. 

Maybe you are trying to prove something to yourself because your wife played you for a fool and cheated on you but maybe you were a dick to her or didn't have enough wedding tackle to light her fire and satisfy her. 

Your career is probably over as a politician. Man up and move on.  

Some of the women I know would have slapped the shit out of you especially the one you sexually assaulted by reaching up her dress. Did she slap the shit out of you? What made you think reaching up a woman's dress is OK? Do you think is was OK with the woman's mother and father? Your mother was an advocate for women.

You fucking Attorney General yet you sexually assaulted a woman. Had some poor working stiff done that, he'd have been arrested. A real man would admit is transgression and turn himself in and ask the judge for mercy. If I were the judge and because of your charmed life I'd throw the book at you. If you showed some contrition and made atonement I'd merely order that you get therapy and if you offended again I'd have you chemically castrated. 

Why do you rich fuckers think the rules of common decency don't apply to you. Your worth million.

Look at this like the common creep would. You played grab ass and you finally got caught. Pay your debt and move on. Make the rest of your life count for something. Honor your family by manning up. No BS!