Showing posts with label Chip Roy lynching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chip Roy lynching. Show all posts

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Chip Roy Texas Nazi Congressman

One of my readers sent this Fax to Congressman Chip Roy 

This fax will probably not make it to that punk congressman Chip Roy. You may want to think about your morals and destination of your chartered soul if you are working for him. You may also want to stop turning a blind eye to his crimes, hire a whistle blower lawyer, compile evidence of his crimes and get rich in the process.

"There's old sayings in Texas about find all the rope in Texas and get a tall oak tree. You know, we take justice very seriously, & we ought to do that. Round up the bad guys." -- here's Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX)

There's a saying in NY that says, "Hey Vinny take a baseball bat and knee cap that rat bastard." Think about coming to Brooklyn and running your racist lie hole.

Everything's big in Texas, the crime rate, the gun violence, the greed, the arrogance, the bigotry, the murder rate, the COVID deaths and the Asshole Quotient. Leave it to a dumb fuck lying sack of shit Texan to inject immigration, Chinese governance (Trump's products are made in China) and blowing the dog whistle for lynching non whites. I'm not some bleeding heart goody two shoes liberal thinking I can shame you. You're a Republican who was elected by some of the most depraved trash on the planet. You have no shame. You were born destined for hell.

BTW Dum Dum, speech has limits. Implying that asylum seekers and Asians are bad people who should be lynched is a crime. FWI, Mexicans and Asian are more law abiding than the trash that votes for the likes of you and Ted Cancun Cruz.

My highscool principal was a Marine and back when I went to school they didn't make a federal case out of it if two students got into a fight. In fact, one day I had to beat the shit out of a punk like you and when it was all said and done, I got a wink and a nod from my principal after a scolding and the punk got a knotty hair-do a mild concussion. Consequences make bad people act good. The punk I pummeled stayed in line. However, when we graduated he got married and became a wife beater.

With more and more Texas dumb fucks dying from gluttony and COVID there may not be enough scumbags left to vote you into office again. The US is well over 550,000 official deaths according to Worldometers and if we factor in the under counting in Florida, Texas and the BuyBull Belt the actual deaths are probably closer to 3/4 of a million. With the anti maskers, anti vaxxers and the new and deadlier variants COVID will continue to decimate people of your ilk and when it becomes endemic it will continue to do a steady burn in Republican districts. Continue lying to these fools. COVID really is rounding up the bad people. The greedy, the prideful, the gluttonous, the lustful, the wrathful, the fat out of shape slothful fat waddling Baptists and the envious are all getting it worse.

Since you are a Republican then it is safe to assume you have no humanity or morals but in case you do and if you want to avoid hell you need to start by denouncing the Anti-Christ aka Donald Johann Drumpf whose grandmother Elizabeth Christ Trump died on June 6 1966. You probably won't and perhaps you think eternity in hell is an unfair punishment for what you've done in your pathetic life but it is the correct punishment for the likes of you whose sins are by choice. You can start by reciting this prayer. It's a start. There is no salvation through grace. That's Baptist bullshit. Southern Baptists are depraved. Their hymnal originally had 666 songs. Don't believe me? Here's the hymnal.

You vile Rethuglican mobsters have no idea how short-sighted you are. Your base is dying and if you tell the to behave responsibly and morally (They can't.) you will be called a RINO. Sucks to be you.


Oh my God, I am heartily sorry for having offend you and I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell but most of all because I offended you my Lord who art all good and deserving of my love. I firmly resolve with the help of thy grace to do penance and amend my life. Amen
Racist Roy got roasted on Twitter

GOP Nazi Chip Roy Rants About China In Asian American Violence Hearing

Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) kicked off a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the recent spike in hate crimes and violence against Asian Americans with some comments that drew fierce blowback. Roy began by acknowledging the Tuesday shooting in Atlanta that killed six Asian women as tragedy, but then pivoted to criticize the hearing and declare he believes in justice in unrelated situations as well.

"There's an old saying in Texas about 'find all the rope in Texas and get a tall oak tree,'" he said. "You know, we take justice very seriously."

California Rep. Ted Lieu (D) said Roy's comments "glorified lynching."

Roy later defended his comments, telling Mediaite:

"Apparently some folks are freaking out that I used an old expression about finding all the rope in Texas and a tall oak tree about carrying out justice against bad guys. ... I meant it. We need more justice and less thought police. We need to stop evil doers – such as those who carried out the attack in Atlanta this week, or cartels abusing little children, or those who kill our cops on the streets. We should restore order by tamping out evil actors… not turn America into an authoritarian state like the Chinese Communists who seek to destroy us. No apologies."

His defense echoed other remarks that angered lawmakers during the hearing. Though the focus was on racist violence and discrimination against Asian Americans, Roy ranted against the Chinese government. "I think the Chinese Communist Party running the country of China, I think they are the bad guys," he said. Rep. Grace Meng (D-N.Y.) argued that using the hearing for irrelevant criticism of China's government was another example of rhetoric that could encourage anti-Asian sentiment in general in the U.S.

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