Showing posts with label Cruel Trump Supporter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cruel Trump Supporter. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Cruel Trump Supporter Jokes and a Message For Humans

What's the difference between a Trump supporter and a bucket of shit? The bucket.

Why do Trump supporters smell so awful? So that blind people can hate them too.

Where do Trump supporters look their best? In a morgue.

What's the difference between a Trump family wedding and a Trump family funeral? One less asshole.

What do you call a female Trump supporter? A fat ugly whore.

How do you break up a Trump rally? Toss in a bar of soap.

What do you call a huge pile of dead Trump supporters? Toxic waste.

What do you call the 1.5 million dead Trump supporters dead by the end of 2021? A good start.

What's black and brown and looks good on a Trump supporter? A Rottweiler 

What's the best thing to give a Trump supporter? Terminal cancer.

What should Trump supporters be doing more of? Smoking.

What's the difference between large groups of Trumpers and heaps of dead bodies? About a year.

What's the difference between a Trump supporter and a Nazi? Not much.

What's the difference between a female Trump supporter and a hockey player. The hockey player showers after 3 periods.

What's the difference between a Trump support's head and a water melon? One smashes open when you smash it with a sledge hammer and the other is a water melon.

What the difference between Trump supporters and bullets from a military firing squad?  Trump supporters will miss Trump.

What's the difference between Melania Trump and Jesus? Trump remembers Jesus' birthday.

What's the difference between Trump and a pizza delivery guy. The pizza delivery guy gets punished for not doing his job.


You may think this is an attempt to dehumanize Trump supporters. It isn't because in order to dehumanize someone they must be human to start with. Nothing Trump has done or said is a deal breaker for them. The accept his incompetence, his 1000's of lies, he rapes, his mocking of our war heroes and war dead,  his pedophilia, and his treason. 

If you think Trump supporter are merely confused, you need to think again. 

If you think this country can thrive of survive with millions of depraved people who blindly follow what seems to be some version of the anti-Christ, you need to think again.

Sorry Mary Poppins, Trump supporters are not going to suddenly wake up and discover the error of their ways. They know exactly what they are doing. You need to ask yourself this, "What do you plan on doing about it.