Showing posts with label Delta variant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Delta variant. Show all posts

Monday, August 2, 2021

Help MAGAts With Their Self-Extermination

 If you have ever found ants in your kitchen, you talking to the ants and telling them to leave isn't going to solve your ant problem and talking will not solve America's MAGAt problem either. The best way to exterminate ants is with poisonous bait. We put bait in the places where ants are and they bring the bait back to the colony where it is consumed by other ants and eventually the queen ant. It works to eliminate infestations of ants and other vermin. America has a huge and growing MAGAt infestation that started long before Trump came on the scene. Many people have figured out that MAGAts are immune to truth and logic and are incapable of normal thinking and in spite of that, many Democrats are still naive enough to thinks that MAGAts can and will succumb to truth and logic. Wake up Mary Poppins!

As the Delta variant picks up steam it will infect and kill almost entirely MAGAts. It is illogical to waste energy and resources on the terminally evil MAGAts. COVID is legally doing to MAGAts what many patriots wish they could be doing to them. It's killing and maiming them. Even as many of these MAGAts lay on their death beds they remain in full denial that COVID is deadly. Clearly, wasting educational resources on them is folly. 

MAGAts are perhaps the biggest enemy America and the free world has ever faced. Why would anyone in their right mind want to warn their enemy of the COVID minefield that awaits them? We should be entering their ranks and luring them into the COVID minefield. We don't even have to fire a proverbial shot and by April 2022 10's of thousands of MAGAts in the Bible Belt will be dead on their way to hell unable to hurt America. 

We can bait social media with the deadly lies that the MAGAts crave that will remove any doubt in the pea brains that COVID may be real. All we have to do is repeat their own COVID vaccine lies to them again and again and again. If think this is morally repugnant, you need to think again.


Thursday, July 22, 2021

The Delta Variant: A Reason For Humans To Celebrate

 The Delta Variant is more virulent and is killing younger MAGAts aka the unvaccinated. This is a dream come true. As more disinformation is spread by the Trump mob, vaccination rates and mask compliance in Trumpistan remain low as the body count soars. This is not a good thing, this is a great thing!  

There are over 626,000 reported COVID deaths in the US and with the under-reporting of deaths and cases in the South the actual number are probably much higher. It gets better for us humans. 99% of the new COVID deaths have been Trumpers/MAGAts so there have been virtually no humans involved. 

What can you do to help?

Only assholes will believe the anti-mask and anti-vax bullshit and those assholes are the people we would all like to see dead. Unfortunately, there hasn't been a bounty issued on MAGAts so we can not legally hunt or trap them, What we can do is exploit their stupidity and herd mentality and help them waddle off the proverbial cliff. 

Spread the Trumpist propaganda!

In the post truth era lying is not lying and repeating and spreading lies is just how it is. No worthwhile human being believes anything Trump and right wing media says. Anyone who believes right wing media deserves to be hoisted on their own petard. As humans we should be engaging MAGAts on social media, Tell these MAGAts that you totally agree with them and Trump on COVID, vaccines and masks and that the whole thing is a hoax by the fake news.

*Note: MAGAts are homosapiens but they are not human.