DC Address: The Dishonorable Paul Ryan
United States Whore House of Representatives
1233 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-4901
DC Phone: 202-225-3031
DC Fax: 202-225-3393
Contact Form: https://paulryan.hou...ntact/email.htm
WWW Homepage: http://paulryan.house.gov/
Twitter: @reppaulryan
District Offices:
20 South Main Street, Suite 10
Janesville, WI 53545-3959 Voice: 608-752-4050
FAX: 608-752-4711
216 6th Street
Racine, WI 53403-1216 Voice: 262-637-0510
FAX: 262-637-5689
5455 Sheridan Road, Suite 125
Kenosha, WI 53140-4129 Voice: 262-654-1901
FAX: 262-654-2156
There is his contact info. Please take the time to fire of a Tweet FAX email of call the lying son of a bitch and let him know what you really think of him.
Here are some suggestions.
Even Fox News calls you a liar Paul Ryan.
Only a liar like you Paul would blame the 2008 GM plant closing on Obama.
Admit it Paul, you hate women, nuns and you are an Ayn Rand loving atheist.
Why do you find lying so easy?
Mitt Romney could not have picked a bigger liar than you Paul Ryan.
Why did you call the generals liars Paulie?
Why did you call the Catholic bishops liars Paulie?
Why did you LIE about your marathon times?