When I go to McDonald's or some other glorious fast food restaurant I often see BBWs buying the usual glorious glutton fair but too often I see them washing down that double cheeseburger and fries with a Diet Coke. We all know a lot of fat girls really don't want to be fat so they think that he diet drink will somehow counteract the calories in the double and triple cheeseburgers, french fries and desert. If you're going to insist on drinking diet soda at least avoid the ones that contain aspartame.
When it comes to soft drinks I, fat bastard him of gourmandizing gluttonous gourmet. I prefer Jones soda and the old standby Yoohoo. I have even been known to procure some Fox's Sure Bet chocolate syrup and make myself a New York City style egg cream. You won't catch me drinking any form of diet soda.
You're probably asking,."Okay fat bastard I understand the fat gluttony part but where's the political part?" If you watch the following videos by fat boy Alex Jones and others the answer to that part of your question will become abundantly clear. If you're too lazy to click and watch the video here's the Reader's Digest version. Aspartame will make you sick. It can cause cancer and it can affect your brain and a very adverse way. Aspartame is also an addictive substance. G.D. Searle the company that made aspartame knew that it was a dangerous substance and they lied to the FDA to get it approved. The main scumbag who got aspartame approved was war criminal Donald Rumsfeld. Maybe now you will take your chubby little finger and click on to the videos. In the meantime throwout all your diet soda and replace it with soda made with real sugar.