For out new reader let me take this opportunity to welcome you to Bigger Fatter Politics and introduce you to Proud FA aka the Dean of Feederism.
Proud FA is one of the most famous feeders on the planet. With the possible exception of Coach Gains, Proud FA holds the record for fattening most BBWs and turning them into SSBBW's. Proud FA has taken his vast fund of feeding knowledge and he has created the earth shattering Obesogenic Diet. This work will also be known as Feeder/Feedee's Bible. This gainer's guide will be the go to source on how to get fat and stay fat.
We want to whet your appetite so I will recycle an older blog article on feederism and gaining penned by Proud FA, Presidential hopeful Belly Boy and me, Fat Bastard. .
Gaining Tips. A glutton's guide for packing on the fat and pounds.
- Start with tasty fattening like sweet tea or other foods that have calories for your body.
- Examine your current eating habit and stop consuming those with negative effects on your weight gain plan.
- Find a book of calories and learn what type of food that will help you gain weight.
- Sit.
- Invest in food delivery service.
- Watch your consumption of foods that have a lot of fiber, eat refined sugar and fat, resist temptations to snack on vegetables, and whole grains. Increase fatty red meat. Eat with ferocity.
- Super-size your dinner plate, the more food that is served to you, the more you will eat. The same goes for liquid with the exception of water. Avoid water!
- Frequent napping daily for 30 to 45 minutes. Buy a pedometer and aim for under 100 steps a day.
- Find opportunities to conserve calories by taking the elevator and get others to run errands for you.
- Eat quickly and excitedly, if you eat too slowly your brain will eventually tell you that you are no longer hungry.
- Drink lots of heavy cream, at least 8 glasses a day.
- Nap and doze frequently.
- When doing your groceries, pick hig-fat foods, like milk, cheese, cream, butter , yogurt etc.
- Snack on fruits, candied apples and chocolate covered raisins.
- Eat more at home and have your meals delivered.
- Be mindful of your salad dressing, the type and how much and pour it on liberally.
- People tend to under-eat when they are depressed or stressed, so be mindful to indulge in comfort-food when you feel down.
- Place notes at strategic locations for eg on the fridge door that reminds you that you are trying to gain weight.
- Reward yourself after each weekly success. Indulge and pig-out
- Make a list of all the yummy foods that you crave and tend to binge on and eat as many of those foods as you can get your greedy paws on.
- Make a list of clothes that will look good on you once you gain weight.
The above are my tips. As a fat guy they are good tips but I Fat Bastard and a mere pup compared to the great Belly Boy. Here are his gaining tips. I have to defer to his expertise just as I Fat Bastard defer to "Dr" Gerald "Teddy" Bear's expertise in fields like fat studies, fat soma types and bariatric nutrition.
Belly Boy's Gaining Tips!
EAT! |