Showing posts with label Lazy Greedy Do Nothing Lawyers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lazy Greedy Do Nothing Lawyers. Show all posts

Thursday, October 1, 2020

An Open Letter To All The Lazy Greedy Do Nothing Lawyers Who Allowed Our Legal System To Become So Abysmal

 Slackers and Sellouts,  

I'm writing to a lot people regarding social media censorship and how it is killing free speech and threatening our democracy because it punishes unpopular speech with threats, intimidation and coercion while giving liars total immunity as long as the don't call an asshole an asshole a a traitor a traitor. As you know, Zuckerberg profits from lies designed to harm Western Democracy. That's treason but if you call that traitor a traitor on social media you will be deboosted, shadow banned and banned. Twitter denies shadow banning and deboosting but they do it. 

My speech on the public square know as Twitter has been violated. My blogs went from 1000 of views per day to maybe 50 per week due to deindexing and deboosting.  This happened over night. I suspect my factual content may have ruffled some feathers. I can only speculate as to what caused the Google gods to de-index my blogs. It may have been my expose of the weight loss surgery industry and the medical industry. It may have been my expose` on Doctor Oz weight loss quackery. It may have been my articles about the pedophile epidemic within the GOP and among the criminal elite. It may have been my articles about the FDA's revolving door and that the medical industry is the leading cause of preventable death and injury. I pissed off a lot of rich people and I've been places in Cyber Siberia gulag as a result. 

The thing about it, lies are more deadly that cancer. Lies are responsible for the deaths of perhaps 1 million Iraqis and the liars who created those lies were not even arrested. Today the FCC allows broadcasters to air lie filled political over the people's air waves. Youtube allows lie filled ad. This is how it is in the post truth era. 

Teddy Roosevelt and President Taft warned about corporate power and their worst fears have come true. Mussolini said that a better name for fascism is corporatism. Corporations are above the law. There's no arguing that.  The can lie, steal, kill and main with immunity and we peasants might get lucky and get a few coins from a some pathetic class action lawsuit while millionaire corporate perpetrators such as Heather Bresch of EpiPen infamy at worst get scolded by a bunch of pathetic grandstanders in congress. That vile pig walked away with over $25 million and kids died. Ain't that Amerika? 

Lawyers are not looked down upon by the general public for no reason. Our courts are a joke. Our criminal justice system is corrupt and for profit. America is a fascist kleptocracy run by oligarchs far more dangerous than errand boys in congress who serve them. 

Now that the bill of rights is an empty shell of itself and the 1st Amendment is subject to the whims of social media corporations the very essence that made America the land of the free and home of the brave has been subverted by fools who are so blinded by greed that they can't or won't grasp the concept or importance of protecting free speech. The first amendment is the first amendment for a reason. The social media is the public square and any speech in that cyber public square should be subject to the same limits and protections that the constitution and court ruling provide. But in reality and under the guise and vagueness of "keeping communities safe"  you can say what every you want as long as some social media Nazi bot of moderator agrees with it. Nazi defines it perfectly. Hitler did a lot of his evil under the guise of keeping people safe from some real or imagined threat but the cyber Nazis have deemed language that offends them as a threat and they squelch through threats, intimidation, coercion deboosting and shadow banning. Nazis in 1930's Germany controlled the narrative then and Nazis in 2020 America control it now. If you think this is hyperbole think again. They taught us in the classroom that can't happen here. Wake up academia. It has happened here.  

Short of a military coup or a very bloody revolt I really doubt if this can be turned around but I think every legal remedy should be tried. Lies and tolerating lies and the liars who tell them got us to the post truth era. The Bible tells us and science tells us that there are homo-sapiens that are simply no damn good. Robespierre said that to punish the oppressors of humanity is clemency and to forgive them is cruelty. He also said that peoples don't judge in the same way as courts that hand down sentences. He said they throw lightning bolt and kick tyrants into the void. He said that style of justice was as valid as any court. That's probably going to happen. 

The joke among my friends when they were young and heading off to college/academia that it would be four or more years of postponing reality. They were right. Academia with its intellectualism and philosophical bullshit is not the real world. It's a bubble and when people leave the bubble, part of them remains in that bubble. When you are in the upper crust you don't think a lot about what the peasants are having to deal with everyday. You yammer about the injustice of cops screwing with blacks and the poor while foolishly thinking peaceful protests will actually shame the ruling class will be moved into acting in an honorable and moral manner. After they killed MLK the 6 days or rioting is what got civil rights legislation passed. It wasn't intellectuals. 

It has come to this because of gutless comfortable well off snobby elites don't give a crap about the people simply are not feeling the pain. Talk is cheap. 

The US will probably go down the shitter. It's well on its way now. The depravity goes from the bottom to the top and social media and its lie spreading vampires increase it. It has infected our value system. Legalism trumps morality at every turn. Our most well known lawyers Dershowitz and Giuliani are the scum of the earth and our most famous MDs Dr Oz and Dr Drew are filthy charlatans. A moral non post truth society would have never tolerated those four scoundrels and they would have never gained notoriety. What those punks would have gotten had the attended my high school is the crap beaten out of them.  There was probably never a time in their vile lives when they weren't the scum of the earth but today we excuse, tolerate and reward slime like them. Giuliani and Dershowitz have not even been disbarred and Oz and Drew Pinski are still licenced in their states to practice medicine. You know they saying about the Nazis coming for the socialists, trade unionists and the Jews. Today's Nazis are coming for the Blacks, the Browns and the poor. When the peasants are gone, they will come for the academics.    

Complacency and silence is evil. This turning a blind eye to this fuckery is as bad as the fuckery itself. Allowing our neighbors and those who can't fight for themselves to suffer when you can help is immoral. Lawyers can fight for the peasants. See Robespierre.  Lawyers can navigate the cruel maze that it the legal system they created. Lawyers can help but they won't. Lawyers can defend the rights of the peasants but they won't because when you are comfortable there is no motivation to do so an altruism is about as rare as unicorn shit.  I hope this makes people who have the tools to fight for people who can't fight for themselves uncomfortable enough to join the fight. If every lawyer were to sue social media wrongdoers from the punks at the top to the weasels who censor, deboost and otherwise squelch speech and obstruct citizen journalists things could change. The EU has sued Google and won. Show some courage and old style Americanism and fight for those who can't fight for themselves.

If any of you plan to do anything to try to save this democracy, let me know what it is.