Showing posts with label Mitt Romney's flip flops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mitt Romney's flip flops. Show all posts

Monday, May 14, 2012

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Romney's Jesus Creates CONstipation For CONservative Christians

Romney's Jesus Creates CONstipation For CONservative Christians 

Reblogged from

I will start by asking you Christers a fair and honest question that none of you will have the courage or honesty to answer directly.

Would you accept a non Christian for president. If so would you accept any of the following: Jew? Muslim? Buddhist? Atheist? --- all of whom deny the divinity of Jesus Christ. Then we have  Mormonism that like Islam acknowledges that there was a Jesus. Mormons  deny the divinity of Jesus and one almighty God. Jews, and Muslims don't deny the existence of one almighty god. Mormons believe that if you follow their made up non biblical doctrines that you get your own planet and become a god equal to all their other gods which effectively says that you are a potential god equal to their Jesus who came to earth much like Superman.

At least Islam, Judaism, Buddhism does not attempt to pervert Christianity. Muslims, Jews and Buddhists simply don't believe Christianity. Mormons on the other hand have subverted the Biblical "truths" that you Christers hold so dearly. Unlike you Christers Mormons even subvert their own beliefs to change with the times. There was a time that Mormons said dark skinned people were loathsome as per the teachings of the Book of Mormon, its flim flam founder Joseph Smith and then polygamist Brigham Young. Political pressure forced them to abandon that insanity. For many years Mormons were polygamists which is not only not Biblical but it's insane. Since there are an equal number of male and females if men had more than one wife there would  not be enough women to go around. Joseph Smith was a stupid as Mohammad.Maybe that is how Romney became such a flip flopper.

Next question Christers: Can any of you in your right minds (assuming you have a right mind) believe in anything else as patently absurd as Mormonism?
Next question: If you believe that Mormonism is absurd and a lie would you trust the judgement of anyone who is foolish enough to believe it?

The Mormon Jesus

The literal son of god and his goddess wife begotten in the pre-existence.
The brother of all spirits born in heaven in the premortal existence.
One of 3 gods in the godhead.
The Trinity is three separate gods.
Brother of Lucifer
First one to receive a spirit body.
Atoned for sin on the cross and in the garden of Gethsemane.
Was married and had kids.
Was conceived through sexual intercourse with God aka Elohiem (The Mormon God is a Pedophile)

Christian Jesus

Not the literal son of god and his goddess wife.
Not the brother of all spirits born in heaven in a premortal existence.
Not one of 3 gods in the godhead.
The Trinity is 3 persons in one God.
Was always spirit from eternity.
Atoned for sin on the cross alone.

This brief comparison should help you see the difference between the two. Jesus cannot be both the literal son of god and his goddess wife and not the literal begotten son. He cannot be both one of 3 gods, and not one of 3 gods. They are different. In fact, it would be a lot easier if the Mormons called him by a different name. For example, Bolok would be good. Bolok is one of three gods, but Jesus is not. etc. That way, it would be a lot easier to tell them apart.

Mormonism definitely does not teach the same Jesus as Christianity.

Listen up Christians!

Romney believes that Jesus and Lucifer share the same mother and father. Do you? Do you think those beliefs are ridiculous?

Romney believes that God's name is Elohiem and that he lives on a planet circling a star called Kolob.

Romney believes that Mormons all become gods when they die and get our own planet. That would mean that you would never be with God in heaven unless you became a Mormon. Morons see you as unsaved trash.

Romney has baptized the dead. Mormons baptize dead people thinking that doing so will get them their own planet and save them from your God's cruel destruction. You Christers only believe that grace can save you although the Bible contradicts itself many times when it comes to salvation.

Mormonism teaches that God the Father has a body of flesh and bones and that Jesus is a creation. Therefore the Mormon Jesus is not God. Don't you believe that Jesus is God and that God always was and always will be? Kinda like the Hitman Hart ie the greatest that is the greatest that was and the greatest there ever will be.
Mormonism teaches that the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross itself (and receiving it by faith) is not sufficient to bring forgiveness of sins. It teaches that the forgiveness of sins is obtained though a cooperative effort with God; that is, you must be good and follow the laws and ordinances of the Mormon church in order to obtain forgiveness. This clearly contradicts the biblical doctrine of the forgiveness of sins by grace through faith (Rom. 5:1; 6:23; Eph. 2:8-9) and the doctrine that works are not part of your salvation but a result of them (Rom. 4:5, James 2:14-18).


Why is Mormonism a non-Christian religion? It is not Christian because it denies that there is only one God, denies the true Gospel, adds works to salvation, denies that Jesus is the uncreated creator, distorts the biblical teaching of the atonement, and undermines the authority and reliability of the Bible.
Final question:  Why would you vote for a person for president and leader of the free world who has even more delusional beliefs than you?

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Romney's Flip Flops: A growing list

Mitt Romney on Stem Cell Research

'I will work and fight for stem cell research.'

'In the end, I became persuaded that the stem-cell debate was grounded in a false premise.'

For more information, read "Mitt Romney lies about abortion" and "A Stem-Cell Solution".

Mitt Romney on Muslim Cabinet Members

'Based on the numbers of American Muslims... I cannot see that a cabinet position would be justified.'

'A person should not be elected because of his faith nor should he be rejected because of his faith.'

Read "Romney: Muslims Not Needed in Cabinet" and "Romney and Religion" for more information.
Mitt Romney of the Gun Control / the NRA

'I don't line up with the NRA.'

'I'm a member of the [NRA].'

For more information read "Oscar-Worthy Performance".

Mitt Romney on Hunting

'I've been a hunter pretty much all my life.'

'Any description of my being a hunter is an overstatement of capability.'

For more information read, "Romney's Hunting Experience Limited to Two Trips, Despite Claims" and "Mitt Romney’s strategies for success".

Mitt Romney on Campaign Finance Reform

'I would like to have campaign spending limits.'

'The American people should be free to advocate for their candidates and their positions without burdensome limitations.'

For more information read "Yet Another Romney Flip-Flop: Campaign Finance Reform" and "Fred Thompson Was Critical to McCain-Feingold".

Mitt Romney on Catching Ben Laden

'It's not worth moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person.'

'He's going to pay, and he will die.'

For more information, read "Does Romney Get It?" and "Mitt Romney on War & Peace"

Mitt Romney on Dog Kennel on Top of Car

'This is a completely airtight kennel mounted on the top of our car.'

'They're not happy that my dog loves fresh air.'

For more information, read "Mitt Romney on 'FOX News Sunday'" and "Romney builds image as front-runner"

Mitt Romney on Being a Conservative

'Relative to the leading candidates, some people see me as being more conservative.'

'I'm not the most conservative candidate.'

For more information, read "Romney says media are focused on him".

Mitt Romney on the Minimum Wage

'I think the minimum wage ought to keep pace with inflation.'

'There's no question raising the minimum wage excessively causes a loss of jobs.'

For more information, read "Mitt Romney and the Minimum Wage" and "Conservapedia: Mitt Romney".

Mitt Romney on Seeing Martin Luther King March

'I saw my father march with Martin Luther King.'

'I did not see it with my own eyes.'

For more information, read "Mitt Romney’s Dad Didn’t Really March With Martin Luther King Jr." and "To See Or Not To See".

Mitt Romney on Social Security

'I'm not in favor of privatizing Social Security or making cuts.'

'Social Security's the easiest and that's because you can give people a personal account.'

For more information, read "You Say Privatize, I Leave Out the ize" and "Mitt Romney interview".

Mitt Romney on Health Care

'I like mandates. The mandates work.'

'I think it's unconstitutional on the 10th Amendment front.'

For more information read "Did Romney Endorse the Federal Mandate" and "Romney: Hey, At Least My Health Care Take Over Was Done At The State Level".

'If Massachusetts succeeds in implementing it, then that will be a model for the nation.'

'What works in one state may not be the answer for another.'

For more information read "Romney Care Will Be a Model for the Nation" and "
If I Were President: Obamacare, One Year In"
Mitt Romney on Ronald Reagan

'I'm not trying to return to Reagan-Bush.'

'Ronald Reagan is... my hero.'

For more information read "I'm Not Trying to Return to Reagan-Bush!" and "Deroy Murdock: Romney is like Reagan: an actor".
Mitt Romney on Payroll Tax Cut

'I believe the tax on capital gains should be zero.'

'It's a tax cut for fat cats.'

For more information, read "Four More Years of the Bush Economy" and "Mitt Romney - Waffle-Man".
Mitt Romney on Climate Change

'My view is that we don't know what's causing climate change on this planet.'

'I believe the world is getting warmer, and I believe that humans have contributed to that.'

For more information read "Romney Reverses Course: Now Says We Don't Know What is Causing Climate Change".

'These carbon emission limits will provide real and immediate progress.'

'Republicans should never abandon pro-growth conservative principles in an effort to embrace the ideas of Al Gore.'

For more information, read "Governor Mitt Romney on the Current Environmental Debate" and "Surprise: Democratic Presidential Candidates Have Far to Go to Meet Voters' Desires on the Environment"

In reality Romney is not a flip flopper. He's simply a run of the mill lying corporate gangster.


Ruthlessness should be fought with Truthfulness.

So far, Romney not shown he is capable of truthfulness.
LIES in CPAC speech –…
ROMNEY SEVEN DOCUMENTED LIES ON AIR – CNN Jacksonville, FL in front of 5.36 million of viewers.
1. He denied accusing Newt of exaggerating/lying about his part in Reagan’s administration only three days before on Monday night in Tampa.
2. He lied about accusing Newt of saying Spanish was a ‘ghetto language’ in an ad that bore his voice.
3. He claimed all his business was run by a blind trust, a tactic that Mitt himself called ‘the oldest ruse in the book’ in a previous campaign.
4. He said he voted for republicans in the past when there was a republican to vote for, but if you look back at the Gingrich ad exposing his lies, it turns out when George H.w. Bush and Buchanan were running, he voted for a liberal democrat.
5. He denied the cost of Romneycare to taxpayers in Massachusetts. “Half of those people got insurance on their own. Others got help in buying the insurance.”
False. In fact, 98% of the additional people insured after Romneycare was passed have it paid for or subsidized by the federal government or Massachusetts government. Of the 412,000 additional people who had health insurance in 2010 who did not have it in June 2006 (pre-reform), only 7K of the 412K (1.7%) had unsubsidized health insurance. The rest were covered through Medicaid, Commonwealth Care, or a program of subsidized care for the unemployed.
6. He denied the impact of Romney care on citizens of Massachusetts. Romneycare has increased the price of healthcare premiums for every citizen of Massachusetts. Premiums have increased by 55 percent since Mitt Romney became Governor, a rate 13 points higher than the national average and the third highest growth rate among the states.
7. He said he lowered taxes in Massachusetts 19 times. Yet he raised fees and corporate taxes twice. No wonder Massachusetts was rated near the bottom (47-49th) in job and business growth.
PROJECTION – Psychological defense, typical of liberal left – symptom of psychological dishonesty and denial – accusing others of one’s own behavior/character flaws
Romney PROJECTION – calling Gingrich and Santorum liberal democrats: http://politicalticker.blogs.c…
DISHONESTY – http://theconservativetreehous……
Romney Lied about Jobs – http://www.washingtonmonthly.c…
From ’100,000 new jobs’ to Obama’s jobs record to his first name, Mitt Romney has a truth problem…
Mitt Romney lies about South Carolina defeat: ‘We were vastly outspent’…
Romney Lies in FL debate
Romney Lies About Abortion…
Mitt Romney Lies About His Investments In Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac
CBO shows Romney lies about “savings” from repealing Health Care Reform, actually adds to the deficit…
Romney Lies About His Pro-Gay Record
Three More Romney Lies (and counting)…
Two Huge Romney Lies at CNN Debate Debunked by Gregg Jackson…