Romney needed someone who would abandon his phony core so he picked Paul Ryan. Romney the liar could not pick any of his primary opponents because they all caught him in his lies and flip flops so he picked another flip flopper to be his lying side kick.
The truth about Paul Ryan is this: Paul Ryan is a borrow and spend Republican. Paul Ryan's Spending is the same out of control Bush style spending that that wrecked the economy in the first place.
Ryan's budget got panned by Reagan's budget director David Stockman. Stockman wrote in the op-ed, later adding: “Mr. Ryan’s plan is devoid of credible math or hard policy choices.”
Stockman, who resigned in 1985 in protesting Regan's deficit spending, has added his voice to a chorus of economists criticizing Ryan’s "Path to Prosperity," which would give tax cuts to the wealthy while slashing funding for programs like Medicaid, Medicare and food stamps, all in the name of reducing the national debt.
Read more here about Paul Ryan's disasterous budget.