Godly Gormandizer Rev Jerry Falwell
The late Jerry Falwell was a prime example of the power of the belly God. It would appear that our belly God trumped even Dr Falwell's punitive god of suffering and pain. Clearly Jerry Falwell ignored this Biblical proclamation PROVERBS 23:21 for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags. Obviously Falwell's greedy gluttony did not make him a pauper. Falwell was a millionaire. Falwell also ignored the following Biblical verses as well. Proverbs 23:2-3 And put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite. Be not desirous of his dainties: for they are deceitful meat. Philippians 3:19 Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things. Perhaps the fact that Jesus was a skinny runt caused the fundamentalist Falwell to rethink the Biblical admonitions regarding gluttony found in the scripture. Not only did the Reverend Falwell reject the biblical admonitions regarding gluttony so have most major Christian denomination with the exception of the Seventh Day Adventists who follow strict dietary laws.
It certainly would appear that our belly god has spanked that nasty Christian god but good. Unbridled food lust is spreading like wild fire. Bigger Fatter Blog is proud to announce that a whopping seventy three percent of Americans are either fat or obese and that number is growing. USA! USA!! USA!!!
Stop drooling Proud FA! Fatlings paying homage to the Belly God.
Gluttony and food lust has no political boundaries. Not only are right wingnuts fat so are left wingnuts. The Belly God in truly non partisan.
Michael Moore stuffing his meat face with meat.
When it comes to worship of the Belly God, far left nut job Michael Moore would put his differences aside with far right fat boy Rush Limbaugh.
Defacto leader of the GOP Rush Limbaugh oinking at C-PAC
If you were to put on a good feed Rush Limbaugh and Michael Moore would happily put the differences aside as they'd make short work of a buffet. The political polarization within the fat acceptance movement is indeed a sad thing but the far left man hating feminazi nut jobs like Kate Harding represent a very loud and very ineffective and very small subculture within the fat acceptance movement. The majority of fat acceptors see the feminist take over of the fat acceptance movement as no real threat to them. We at Bigger Fatter Blog don't see it as a threat per se but a the same time we don't want anyone to believe that most fat people think they way they do. The fact is, most fat people are men. We men are the majority of fat people.
We have an agenda and the fat feminists have an agenda. Our agenda is the continued promotion, celebration and normalization of obesity and gluttony. Their agenda is to bitch and whine and blame. Our message in positive their message is negative and and ultimately self-defeating.
We don't wear this badge. This is not us nor is this the the face of the overwhelming majority of fat people. Fat people are well adjusted and happy. Studies have proven that time and time again. Fat people are friendly, positive and content. In Shakespeare's Julius Caesar Caesar proclaims: "Let me have men about me that are fat, Sleek-headed men and such as sleep a-nights. Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look, He thinks too much; such men are dangerous." We all know what happened to Caesar and the Roman Empire because of a small group of agitators and angry zealots like Kate Harding.
Happy fatling.
Food makes us fatlings happy and we eat a lot and we eat often so it stands to reason we are happy most of the time. The growing obesity bloom is cause for celebration so the way to celebrate is to ramp up our eating even more. Obesity in this country is like a tide. It is unstoppable. This glorious flabbalanche is moving like a rocket powered freight train on steroids. It cannot be contained or even slowed. Enjoy the ride. PIG OUT!
Be proud of your piggish proportions and your gluttonous ways. Take a page from Marylin Wann's book Fatso. Your greedy gluttony and gormandizing is great and glorious. Guilt free gluttony is the final step in true fat liberation. We are the majority! The majority rules! The war is over. We have won! Now it is time to enjoy the spoils of our victory. EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT you big fat WINNER!
Embrace the FAT! Bon Appetite!