We knew it would be a lie fest and it was.
Our first new fact-check of the night. A Pants on Fire! for @ChrisChristie talking about Bernie Sanders. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/oct/28/chris-christie/chris-christie-says-bernie-sanderss-plan-raise-you/ …
Ted Cruz says median wage for women has dropped $733 under Obama. False http://bit.ly/1MXbrOj
13 hours ago
.@CarlyFiorina levies out-dated attack on Obama and women's jobs. Fact: gains, not losses.

Chris Christie said Bernie Sanders would raise taxes to 90%. A similar claim was rated Pants on Fire http://www.politifact.com/virginia/statements/2015/oct/20/donald-trump/trump-bernie-sanders-wants-tax-everyone-90-percent/ …