Showing posts with label Trump's trashy cult. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump's trashy cult. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Trump's Success Stories

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What the MAGAts don't know is that if Trump had not been born with a silver spoon in his mouth and did not inherit mega millions from his father, Trump would be as dirt poor as the MAGAts  who support him.

Had Trump taken the mega millions he inherited and simply put them into an S&P 500 index account he would be worth over $10 billion today. He would not had to have swindled banks, cheated contractors and vendors, stiff workers and hired illegal foreign workers. 

Trump Worth $10 Billion Less Than If He'd Simply Invested in Index ...

People have asked me, "Hey Fat Bastardo, why don't you talk nice to the Trump supporters and try to reason with them" I tell them that MAGAts are so profoundly evil that they are immune to facts, reason and logic. They are fanatics and fanatics can't be reasoned with ever. Trump's trashy cult wallow in their depraved ignorance.  The are also too stupid to understand even slightly complex situations. They are too thickheaded to see that Trump would be a total financial failure had he not inherited mega millions and been a swindling immoral con artist.