Showing posts with label Trumpism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trumpism. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Letter To Liz Cheney


The depravity that is Trumpism has been around long before Trump came on the scene. I used to vote a split ticket but now today I vote straight Democrat.  

I may have voted for McCain had he not chosen Palin for VP. I was satisfied with Obama but saw Obama Care as a giveaway to the corrupt Medical Mafia. Since turning 66 and loses my disability eg SSI and Medicaid I am really struggling cause my Humana Medicare Advantage plan is woefully inadequate and may be the death of me. The US pays 3 times the world average for health care yet the quality of US health care is worst among developed countries. The exploitation of human suffering by the medical industry is a form of extortion. The US medical industry isn't called the Medical Mafia for nothing. The mishandling of the pandemic is not entirely on the Orange Menace. 

As to the big lie, the worst part of it is that the depravity required to believe it. I have debated so called conservatives for more than a decade and their disdain for reality smacks of pure evil. Think about this. What if Hillary had 5 kids by 3 different men, paid male strippers for sex, swindled contractors, workers and students and bragged about grabbing men by their private parts? Women do that sort of stuff. I know because when I was young and played in bands it would happen to me and my bandmates.

While I am not a conservative, I understand the need for real Reagan style conservatism but today from a fiscal perspective, Republicans have been the borrow and spenders. At least the the Dem tax and spend.

It is clear to me that unlike so many of today's Republicans, you are moral and patriotic. Like John McCain, you seem to love America. 

The word conservatism is misused today as is liberalism. Neither word in the correct context is a dirty word. In my mind, conservatism today means hate, bigotry and ignorance and to think that MLK was a a Republican is astounding. Liberal has come to mean, "Someone who understands facts."

Liz, another word for fascism is corporatism. Ron Paul and President Eisenhower warned us about that. Uncle Bernie warned us about the billionaire class. 

It has been said that when to people control production we have socialism and when corporation control the government we have fascism. 20 years ago, Ron Paul called what we have now soft fascism. Too bad "Ayn Rand" Paul is such a lying douche nozzle. It's either Jesus or Ayn Rand, you can't have both. 

The problem I have with classical conservatism is that the world changes and things can't always stay the same and we have to adapt and IMO we should be and egalitarian society as the move to socialism is inevitable. The disparity in wealth in America is obscene. Rich man - Eye of Needle - Camel. The CEO of Humana get paid $18 million per year.  What will happen if the Trump mob figures out that the people who work in the US Capitol and merely errand boys and girls for their corporate masters?  I suspect that it will make the French Revolution look like a pillow fight.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

A Cowardly Cult Of Personality

 Fellow Patriots,

I want to share a definition with you:

“A cult of personality arises when a country's regime – or, more rarely, an individual – uses the techniques of mass media, propaganda, the big lie, spectacle, the arts, patriotism, and government-organized demonstrations and rallies to create an idealized, heroic, and worshipful image of a leader, often through unquestioning flattery and praise.” – Wikipedia
Sound familiar?
See the source image

This weekend, as Adam Schiff was preparing to speak at the California Democratic convention, he came to the conclusion that one of the most disturbing aspects of the Trump presidency has been the fact that the GOP has allowed itself to become a cult of personality around their dear leader, Donald Trump.

The president repeatedly cries “witch hunt” and attacks law enforcement and intelligence officials over the investigation into Russian interference in our elections. Republicans look away.

The president calls our free press “the enemy of the people,” labeling any media outlet who reports negative news about him “fake news,” as journalists face growing threats of violence. Republicans look away.

The president and his family profits off of the presidency, turning Mar-a-Lago into the informal White House where Trump golfs with foreign leaders and taxpayers foot the bill. Republicans look away.

The president is cozying up to dictators and talking like them, suggesting his political opponents be jailed, ignoring the Constitution and “joking” about being “president for life.” Republicans look away.

There are hundreds of other examples.

It would be bad enough if corrupt Republicans just looked away from these red flags. But it’s actually worse than that.

Increasingly, they’re cheering on the president as he pursues ever more callous and disastrous policies. When Trump tries to repeal healthcare for millions of Americans. When he introduces cruel immigration policies to separate families. When he gives trillions in tax cuts to corporations and the wealthiest few instead of the working Americans they were elected to represent.

Courage is contagious, but clearly so is cowardice. These actions are not okay. They will never be okay. And when this presidency is over, and his cruel, amoral policies have been confined to the dustbin of history, it will be up to us to repair the damage and restore America’s place as leader of the free world.
And we will.

The Republican Party has chosen the cult of personality over duty to country, but our commitment to American values is stronger than ever. We will finish what we started in 2018. We will keep our Democratic majority in the House, and take back both the Senate and White House in 2020.

What’s more, we will reclaim our country. With your help, we will go forth again into every state, every precinct, every household, every heart, and deliver such a convincing end to Trump and Trumpism that we will never be plagued by it or anything like it ever again.