Showing posts with label Tumpertantrum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tumpertantrum. Show all posts

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Trumper Tantrum or Tumpertantrum: What is a Trumper Tantrum

Trumper tantrums are not exclusive to Donald Trump, Trump supporters have Trumper Tantrums all the time. Like Trump, Trump supporters are immature children in fat adult bodies. They are every bit as depraved as Trump.

For those of you who don't know what a Trumper Tantrum or a Trumpertantrum is, here are some definitions from Urban Dictionary.

Image result for trumper tantrum

A word used to describe Donald Trump's temper tantrums, mean bullying, and ballistic retaliation.
A housewife in Baltimore accused Ted Cruz of being a "liar and thief " for stealing credit for her published phrase "Trumper Tantrum", and turning it into Trumpertantrum. One unifying thing about Trump is that he can both ignite and unify the Republican Party in one big brawl.

temper tantrum thrown by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in front of news cameras, usually accompanied by a lots of butthurt tweets.
Donald threw a Trumpertantrum after losing the Iowa caucuses to Ted Cruz.

When a grown man overhears something mean said about him, and proceeds to go on a poorly-articulated, juvenile rant on Twitter at 3am.
"Did you see that SNL said something mean about Emperor TinyHands McThinskin again?" 
"I figured, there was another late-night Trumper Tantrum making the country look stupid again."

When donald trump flips shit because something didn't go his way
Trump: Ted Cruz can't run for president he was born in Canada. 
CruzDonald stop with all these trumpertantrums you've been having.

the emotional outburst generated by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump when he has a setback or doesn't get his way. This happened when Fox refused to exclude Megyn Kelly as moderator for one of the Presidential Debates, and when he accused Ted Cruz of election-rigging after coming in second place for the Iowa Caucaus. This term was originally attributed to Ted Cruz and does raise some interesting questions regarding the emotional fitness of one candidate to be president. Let's face it, Trump has no emotional filters! How presidential is Trump? The term is a compound word pun on Donald Trump's last name ("Trumper" for "temper") and and "tantrum."

Linked Words: emotional, outburst, Republican, presidential, Iowa, caucus, Donald, Trump, candidate, filters
Question: How does Donald Trump deal with defeat?

Answer: He throws a Trumpertantrum!

Any type of emotional outburst coming out of Donald Trump's mouth. The Origin of the word comes from Ted Cruz.
"Did you see the news? Donald Trump said Ted Cruz 'stole' Iowa Votes in the 2016 caucus!"

"Don't worry, It's just another one of Donald's trumpertantrum."