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The Thanksgiving surge is just getting its legs. Before someone dies from the coronavirus the languish in the hospital for a week or two and sometimes much longer. The Thanksgiving super spreader is still at work infecting anti-maskers which will make the Christmas surge even deadlier and more long lasting. As of today, 12/17/2020 2:50 pm, more than 316,000 Americans have seen an early grave due to the coronavirus. With COVID-19 being the gift that keeps on giving, by February the death toll could easily reach 550,000 especially when you factor in the New Year boost in the surge. By April fools day we could be looking at 750,000 mostly non human deaths. Trumpers are dropping like flies.
Humans have begged and pleaded with the MAGAts to wear masks and practice social distancing but that plea has fallen on deaf ears. Reality has failed to motivate them to mimic the behavior of human. MAGAts are still ignoring truth and logic and defying commonsense. There is no reasoning with MAGAts so why bother trying? In case you haven't figured it out yet, Trumpers are dangerously ignorant and profoundly evil. The more of them that die, the better the world will become.
Vaccines will not be deployed on a large scale until June of 2021 so we are a long way from reaching herd immunity. When you add that fact to the huge number of MAGAts who will not be getting the vaccine, the COVID-19 virus will not be eradicated in the US until at least sometime in 2022. Media coverage will mostly stop but the coronavirus deaths won't.
Keep in mind, COVID-19 deaths are being under reported in most red states. The reported coronavirus deaths and cases is much lower than the actual cases and deaths because of the dishonesty of the Republican run parasite states.
In a war soldiers are told that the more enemies they kill the more lives of their comrades in arms they will save. This is true. We are a war with evil. The more MAGAts that COVID-19 kills the more humans it will save
Currently most COVID deaths are in the red states and most victims are anti-maskers
Trumpers maybe immune to facts, truth and logic but they are NOT immune to this virus.
Trumpers are the ones spreading the virus.
Masks are 70% effective in protecting the wearer.
Trumpers still believe or pretend to believe the virus is a "Demoncrat hoax".
Trumpers are dropping like flies.
Trumpers are a detriment to a lawful civilized society. There is no denying their depravity.
Compare Japan's COVID-19 facts with Texas and ask yourself why Japan has a low infection rate, death rate while having 12 times the population of Texas and a population density of 901 persons per sq miile. Japan never did a lockdown. Sure President Abe is moral man and good leader but compared to Texans the Japanese are saints. Who would you rather govern amoral arrogant gun fondling selfish Texans or Japanese with respect the rights and the well being of others?
Do you think it is possible to have a moreal society or nation when nearly 50% of the population support a traitorous liar who have everything in common with the anti-Christ and nothing in common with Christ.
The data says the current death rate in over one quarter on a million. The real numbers are probably higher.
The question to think about is, "It moral to save people who will probably be more harm than good if they are prevented from their suicides"?
Republican lies and policies harm and kill good people. Ask Iraq about that. Given the fact that nearly all of the COVID-19 deaths are now MAGAts wouldn't moral, prudent and rational thing be to open up the country and let them infect each other? I suspect that some red districts will turn blue because of COVID deaths. South Dakota's MAGAts are being decimated.
Let the MAGAt commit suicide. In spite of all Trump's depravity nothing is a deal breaker for the MAGAts, Most of them are anti-maskers and it is not because they don't know masks cut the spread, it's because they are every bit as depraved as Trump. The Whitehouse model predicts 410,000 deaths before year's end. It will probably be far higher. The CDC says a vaccine won't be available until the 3rd quarter of 2021 and there is no guarantee how effective it may be. And vaccines in general are not very effective with the elderly.
The MAGAts know: Trump is a liar, traitor, screw up, sex offender, racist, misogynist etc but they don't care. I engage MAGAts regularly. Clearly they are immune to truth and that makes them at best undesirable and at worst dangerous. Thankfully they are not immune to COVID-19. The anti-maskers are infecting and killing humans and thus will create a massive surge starting in November and there is really no way to stop it. The moral people will sacrifice and take counter measures while the MAGAts will behave like the rotten citizens that they are and always will be because that is what they were destined to be.
My fuzzy math is telling me that there will be 1.5 million deaths by mid 2021 if this trend continues.
Even if we had a competent president we'd still have a very high rate of infections and deaths. Americans in the Bible Belt are by every measure of morality, immoral and the most fake of fake Christians. Japan's President Abe had success in controlling COVID in a large part because the Japanese people care more about the rights and welfare of others more than they do about their own rights and welfare. This is something Christians are commanded to to do but in the South, once you have rolled around on the floor, foamed at the mouth and babbled some incoherent shit you are automatically exempt from punishment for any transgressions. This is dangerous.
The MAGAts will continue to piss in the pool until there is herd immunity and a lot of them are in graves. People now know how deadly COVID is and they know how to deal with it, They simply don't care and are willing to roll the dice at the expense of other. The are depraved, Nothing about them is good. It's heredity. They are not going to care about others so fuck em!
Republican owned super markets are allowing anti-maskers to shop there. I contacted their corporate office by email weeks ago and I have not heard back. I find it evil that those corporate gangsters put their employees at risk but then again, in the corporate world humans are as disposable as toilet paper.
I've asked our police chief to enforce the mask mandate but I never heard back from him. So it looks like they have no intention of assuring public safety. Perhaps he's afraid that some Gunfederate will take potshots at his officers. Being that MAGAts have more run ins with the law I suggested that after telling an anti-masker to put on a mask before a Terry search they run them for warrants. While I don't like it when cops hem up citizens for BS reasons, in the case of MAGAts, I approve. If the MAGAt won't comply with the lawful commands of an officer then it's TAZER time. Police are at risk going hands on with an anti-mask MAGAt.
COVID-19 has killed over 200,000 Americans so far and infected nearly 7 MILLION Americans and it's not going away anytime soon. The only effective way we have to stop the spread is by wearing masks and washing our hands frequently. Sadly, there are millions of Americans known as MAGAts who refuse to wear masks or remain a safe distance from others. It would be best for all Americans, especially the frail elderly if all the MAGAts were dead. If a civil was breaks out then killing MAGAts will for all intents and purposes be legal and patriots will be doing just that but for now we can help the MAGAts own depravity and ignorance kill them.
United States cases
Updated Sep 19 at 12:35 AM local
COVID-19 is spiking in the state in which most MAGAts live - Texas, Florida and the rest of the Bible belt because the MAGAts are such death deserving scum that most of them refuse to wear masks or practice social distancing and the depraved leaders are too weak and inept to get them to wear masks so like COVID-19 anti-maskers are going to be around until COVID-19 runs it's course and kills millions of them.
Humans have had no luck trying to reason with these MAGAts so we are stuck with them for the duration. Since we know humanity will be better without them sullying the gene pool it would be in our best interest to aid them in their unwitting suicides. We can do that through social media buy reinforcing their dangerous belief that COVID-19 is a hoax but agreeing with them and encouraging them to flock together and shun mask wearing.
I encourage all humans to go stealth and create and share anti-mask memes, narratives and articles. Trump's lies and dysinformation regarding the this deadly virus has so far killed over 200,000 million Americans. Now it's our turn to spread the same deadly lies and strong delusion to his MAGAts so that many of them will perish.
Here are some ideas that we can make go viral.
While it would be much more satisfying to simply cave their MAGAt skulls in with a good old fashioned American baseball, doing this is legal and you can do it from the comfort of your own home.
OpEd: According to the Trump Whitehouse, by January 2021 COVID-19 will kill 400,000+ Americans. COVID-19 is a killer. There's no arguing that. Bullets kill around 30,000 Americans each year. Clearly the COVID-19 virus is deadlier than bullets fired from guns and bullets only kill the people they strike. The COVID-19 virus spreads like wildfire and continues to kill. Is it moral or prudent not to shoot spit spewing anti-maskers?
Under self-defense laws citizens are allowed to use deadly force to protect themselves from death and grievous bodily harm. COVID-19 in addition to causing death causes permanent injuries.
Would I kill a filthy anti-masker who was slobbering in my face? Maybe. Would I acquit a normal human of killing some spit spewing MAGAt? Absolutely!
It’s been over six months since the coronavirus pandemic hit the U.S., and transmission continues across the country as communities open up and schools start class.
Making things worse, according to one doctor, is because of the lack of a federal policy on masks.
“It is going through the country because there's no mask mandate,” Dr. Andre Campbell, a trauma surgeon at the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, said on Yahoo Finance’s The Ticker (video above). “And there should be, in my opinion, a universal mask mandate, because data shows that we can save 70,000 lives if we mask everybody up right now. Because we're going to be, by the election and the end of the year, we're going to be north of 300,000 deaths, because about 1,000 people are dying a day from this terrible pandemic.”
There are more 6 million confirmed coronavirus cases in the U.S. and over 184,000 deaths. Those numbers are expected to keep growing, at least until there is a COVID-19 vaccine widely available.
A model from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) found that if 95% of people in the U.S. began wearing masks every time they were outside their homes, the number of projected deaths from coronavirus by December would drop 49%. That would save nearly 70,000 lives.
Mask use could save 70,000 lives. (Chart: IHME)
The lack of a federal mask mandate is one of the criticisms that the Trump administration has received regarding their response to the pandemic as the president largely left it up to the states to decide how to approach the virus. (President Trump has also opted out of wearing a face mask in most public settings.)
“I'm a surgeon,” Campbell said. “I wear a mask all the time. And I don't like wearing a mask outside, but we have to do it now. And people are getting tired of it, and when they do, they let their guard down, and that's when people become infected.”
Campbell reiterated that the primary issue “is you don't know if you can get a mild case or you're going to get a severe case or you're going to die, and you don't know that. It could be young people. It could be old people. They said first, older people over 65, but now, people are teenagers, younger kids, 20's, 30's, who get the infection and they actually die.”
Death deserving MAGAts protest against mandates to wear masks amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Austin, Texas, U.S., June 28, 2020. REUTERS/Sergio Flores TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
‘The epidemic is changing’
Last month, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a warning about younger people becoming spreaders of the virus.
“People in their 20s, 30s and 40s are increasingly driving the spread,” Takeshi Kasai, the WHO’s Western Pacific regional director, said. “The epidemic is changing.”
Part of it has to do with college students returning to campus and not adhering to social distancing or face mask guidelines. There are reportedly more than 20,000 cases of coronavirus among college students and staff across the country. The University of Iowa alone has over 1,000 confirmed cases.
This whore walks to her dorm as her belongings are being brought in by professional movers in Medford, MA on Aug. 27, 2020. (Photo by David L. Ryan/The Boston Globe via Getty Images)
“Now, what has happened is those outbreaks in Arizona and Texas and Iowa over the weekend were 79% of the tests that were done in Iowa, right, were positive,” Campbell said. “Now, when you have, when the virus is going crazy like it is in Iowa right now, right? That's what you got, and that's where we're not even testing enough people. It should be more people we should be testing.”
According to Campbell, it comes down to three things that have become clear throughout this pandemic.
“It's the masking, the social distancing, we're watching as that actually works,” he said. “And what has happened in the country is that at first there was an outbreak in New York and New Jersey and the Northeast and then on the West Coast and then everything got shut down, the numbers went down. But what happened was as the country started opening up, the things started happening and the virus started doing what it does. It spreads.”
Adriana is a reporter and editor covering politics and health care policy for Yahoo Finance. Follow her on Twitter @adrianambells.