Showing posts with label corporate criminals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label corporate criminals. Show all posts

Monday, June 16, 2014

Stop the Internet Takeover By the 1%

I received the following communication from Alan Grayson so I am passing it on to everyone who likes a free and unfettered internet and free speech.

Dear Fat Bastardo, 

A lot of people think the internet is a free and open environment, where you can say what you want and visit, build, and use the sites and services you want. And it is. But that's only because the government protects us from the large cable and phone companies. These companies want to block, slow, or degrade services and sites that don't pay them money. This means that, absent government protection, any site or service might be slowed down and made unusable, if the owner won't or can't pay off the corporate bullies. 

Fat Bastardo's Op Ed: This is what corporate gangsters and Nazis do. They control free speech because freedom is a threat to them. When Jimmy Carter said that America is not longer a functioning democracy he was right. When Ron Paul called what we have now fascism he was also right. 

When President Obama ran for office, he promised to protect the internet from these kinds of predatory practices. But his Federal Communications Commission, chaired by an ex-cable lobbyist named Tom Wheeler, may allow an internet which discriminates against web sites and services. 

Fat Bastardo's Op Ed: Obama is like most people in Washington. He's merely and errand boy for the criminal elite. Maybe he has no choice. I mean look what they did to JFK and RFK and Lincoln. 

That's the bad news. 

Now here's the good news. 

Chairman Wheeler also says that he wants YOUR feedback before making this pivotal decision. I've set up a site where you can submit your comments to the FCC. 

I've been in touch with the FCC over the past few months. In a letter to me, Chairman Wheeler acknowledged that the FCC has the legal authority to protect free speech on the internet. It's just about whether he wants to do so. So let's tell him to do exactly that. 
We're in this together. Let's ask the FCC to do what the President said it would. Let's ask the FCC to do its job. 

Let's ask them to protect free speech, freedom, and America. A better world is possible, and we can make that world happen. 


Alan Grayson 

P.S. Please share this on Facebook and Twitter, while you still can.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Bye Bye Democracy

I just stumbled across the blog Bye Bye Democracy and I am glad I did. I like citizen journalists who have the brains and the intellectual courage to think outside the box. Today the news media sucks at delivering the news their commentary is contrived, formulated and mind numbing and predictable in its cowardice. Without sounding too much like a conspiracy theorist I have to agree with others who see the media and cable news in particular as shameless propagandist for corporate interests.

The fact remains, our democracy is in jeopardy and while the news media pushes the mostly false left vs right pardigm the corporations and their super PACs have incrementally hijacked our government and our democracy. A free press is essential to the health of a democratic society but since the corporate media's agenda is often the same as the corporations and since the corporations own our government we really no longer have a free press. It up to citizen civilian journalists to report and comment on today's news with honesty and integrity.

The following is from Bye Bye Democracy....

And hello corporatism - the merger of state and corporate power. Also known as corporate capitalism, crony capitalism, corporate fascism, corporate oligarchy, inverted totalitarianism, corporatocracy and corpocracy. Take your pick. Also applicable: kleptocracy, mockracy and pathocracy. 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Minimum Wage Should Be 22.00 - $33.00 per Hour! Elizabeth Warren Proves it!

Worker productivity has increased dramatically since 1960 but minimum wage has not kept pace. The salaries that corporate gangsters give themselves is now 500 times more than minimum wage. If minimum wage were to have kept pace with worker production minimum wage would be 22 dollars an hour. If minimum wage we to have kept pace with CEO salaries it would be 33 dollars an hour.
I love this woman! She should be president!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Obamacare and the Medical Device Tax

You read that right. Give the Republicans the medical device tax during these hostage negotiations. The medical device tax will not increase tax revenue and here's why. Corporations don't pay taxes. Corporate taxes are passed along to the consumer so the medical device tax will be just another pass along and it'll probably be used as some sort of a write off for the corporation. It will eventually end up costing consumers more.
Unfortunately for American taxpayers America is no longer a democracy. America really is a corpocracy. Corporations run America and most of the world but of all the corporations in the various industries medical corporations are the most sinister and do the most harm to humanity. Corporations are untaxable. Corporations for all practical purposes tax exempt. With that being the case we may as well eliminate the corporate tax entirely.

Corporations are in truth evil entities. Some behave ethically and lawfully but many don't. Medical corporations e.g. the pharmaceutical companies, medical device companies, medical testing laboratories and corporate hospitals are responsible for more death and injury than all the other corporations combined. 

Mitt Romney once said that corporations are people so if that's the case and people corporations. The Supreme Court pretty much ruled that corporations have the constitutional protection for free speech which is allowing them to finance political campaigns and run political advertising. Corporations have constitutionally protected rights but they are immune from prosecution. When the actions of the corporation kill and maim like in the case of medical corporations that kill about 2 million Americans each year; the corporation cannot be sent to jail or put to death. About all that happens is they get fined. If corporations are people that would follow that people are also corporations. Just file the paperwork and you to can become corporation and exempt from the rule of law and will also be for all practical purposes tax exempt.

The Republicans or should I say today's Republicans simply hate the very idea of government and the rule of law. That is probably why the Republican brain and the criminal brain are pretty much identical. Criminals hate the law and do everything they can to thwart the law. Criminals will twist the law and completely ignore the spirit of the law. So in thought and deed today's Republicans criminals because they have minds of criminals. If we had a justice system that pure and immune from corruption the heads of these criminal corporations would be brought to justice but typical of organized crime these corporations own the justice system just like the Mafia owned police forces and the Mexican drug cartels own most of the Mexican criminal justice system. In an ideal world with people who are above reproach corporate gangsters would be thrown in jail but we're living in the real world where money and threats control nearly everyone. Even the most well-meaning public servant is not immune to the power of the corporate gangster. The corporate gangsters and banksters held American taxpayers hostage in 2008 when they crashed the economy and drained trillions of dollars from the pensions of hard-working Americans. That's how it works when you own the best government money can buy.

Now do you see why the medical device tax is really a bad idea? Very little of what has been going on for the past 20 years has been about political ideology. When you don't know the why of something simply follow the money and then you'll know why.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year?

The end of glutton season is coming to an end. It won't be until Valentine's Day they we can be pigging out on chocolate candy. With glutton season officially ending for us gluttons it continues for the corporate gluttons who greedily stole trillions from Americans and other citizens of the world.

2013 will be more of the same. I don't know what's can happen with fiscal cliff but I don't know there are a lot of Republicans who need to control off the fiscal cliff and onto a bed of pointed bamboo sticks. The last I heard is that the Senate overwhelmingly approved the majority of the presidents plan but that evil piece of trash Mitch McConnell is his Dick so far up Congressman Boehner's drunken ass that this rescue of the American people may not happen and if that's the case I would like to see a lot of Republicans pushed off of cliffs, pushed off bridges and pushed out of moving vehicles for the traitors that they are.

I hope it will be a happy new year. I hope that we get our fiscal house in order. I hope that we restore the Bill of Rights. I hope that we overthrow the shadow government and execute of the filthy rich traitors.

I have some predictions for the new year:

I predict at least 20 mass shootings.

I predict tighter gun laws that will do little to stop medicated people from shooting up malls movie theaters churches and schools.

I predict a dramatic rise in obesity rate among adults and I predict a leveling off for children.

I predict the resignation of several Republican leaders because of sex scandals involving children. I didn't need to look at my crystal ball to see this one coming.

I predict the assassination of some corporate gangsters in Europe and possibly the US.

Now for some happy predictions

I predict even lower restaurant prices!

I predict the return of the Hostess Twinkie!

I predict the belly boy will marry a beautiful Asian lady boy.

I predict that McDonald's will come out with the McTruck that will be used much like food trucks that are used to sell tacos. These are also known as roach coaches. I further predict that Taco Bell will be offering a delivery service.

I predict that cheesecake factory will be selling his products in convenience stores.

I predict that Sen. Mitch McConnell will die of the summer.

I predict that Rush Limbaugh will die from the fecal impaction all doing his show.

I predict that the old fat acceptance movement will lose 50% of its members.

I predict the tea party will teabag Donald Trump and he'll like it.

Now for some New Year's resolutions.

I resolved to eat more pork products.

I resolved to bone more skinny chicks.

I resolved to petition Krispy Kreme to return to using trans fats.