Showing posts with label covid stimulus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label covid stimulus. Show all posts

Saturday, November 14, 2020

COVID-19 and MAGAts

 If only 15% more people wore masks there would not have to be a shut down but MAGAts don't care about the health and well being of others. Do we really want these MAGAts breathing the same air as us humans?

Look at it like this. An enemy army has attacked the US but something in the US is making them sick and many of them are dying. Would our generals tell them how to stop this invisible killer. HELL NO! 

Anti-maskers are anti-American. They are the enemy among us. Since they don't act like Americans, they are not Americans and they are not enemy combatants either. They should not be granted constitutional rights nor the protections of the Geneva convention. With their lies they are guilty of treason, sedition and espionage. Round em up and lock em up and let COVID-19 thing their ranks. 

MAGAts are not as stupid as you think and they are more evil than you can imagine. They tried to kidnap and execute out elected officials. The have killed us humans.

We can plead with them to wear masks but they won't do it. We can show them that mask wearing in their one best interests. Unless some other MAGAt such death deserving Rand Paul tells them, they will pretend not to believe it. You can show them the science. They hate science because science reveals truth. They hate truth and you can't turn evil into good.

The MAGAts are stinking up the place but since late May 2020, most of the victims of COVID-19 deaths and infections have been MAGAts. Let em get sick and die. Saving them would be immoral. They will not get vaccinated. Good! Let em get sick and die. Saving them would be immoral. 

Let the MAGAts exterminate themselves! 

To Thom Tillis,

The virus is presenting a moral and political dilemma for many leaders. Since you have the morals snake it's mostly political dilemma for like the one Jesus crushed it must be important politically to you. 

Governor Cooper is a moral man and he want to save as many lives as possible but there's not much he can do and I've told him that. 

Sometimes evil people like you and "Ayn" Rand Paul do the right thing my mistake and good people such as Governor Cooper do the wrong thing by mistake. God will forgive Roy Cooper. You are probably already destined for hell. I say probably because you might do something magnanimous that could save you from eternal damnation but I doubt it. 

If you believe in free will then you must believe people have choices.  People who consistently do bad things are vary often bad people who are already damned like I suspect you are.  If you vote for a stimulus package and mask mandates and a shutdown God will know that you're just sucking up to him... that's what you do because that's what you are.

Here's what's going to happen according to several of the math models. A lot of American mostly Trumper are anti-maskers and rule breakers. The are like you and Trump. The don't care about the right and the well-being of others. They are the anti-Christ. I don't know is you do what Satanic rituals that Trump does but you are the anti-Christ whether you know it or not. 

We know from the data that most of the COVID-19 deaths since late May are Trumpers. The have a choice and  like you and most other Republicans are selfish and totally depraved and that is why you vipers are anti-mask. The individuals who would vote for Trump and most other Republicans are anti-mask. Your people aka the GOP base are not going to wear masks or follow the rules and given their other vulgar health habit more than 4% of them who get COVID-19 will die. Many of them will believe Q-Anon and not get the vaccine. Your trash has called to the beheading of Dr Fauci. 

Here is your dilemma. If you take the Rand Paul route a lot of the GOP base will perish. It's all part of the plan. If you vote for lock downs and mandatory mask the MAGAts  who voted for you will call you a RINO and who knows what those "Gunfederates" might to. 

If you vote against the stimulus your MAGAts will still hate you because they're MAGAts. Your nuts in a vice Thommy. 

If you vote for lockdowns and masks I few less of your MAGAts will perish from COVID-19. 

Having the wisdom of King Solomon, I know what to do but you have to figure it out on your own. In order for you to do the correct thing, you would have to know what I know about the science. And if you do learn it good luck explaining it to the brain dead hypocrites who would vote for the likes of you. 

Charles Koch is trying to get right with God. 

In case you find morality, here's the moral dilemma: If you do nothing and act like Trump and Rand Paul and suck up to your depraved base more of them will die. If you warn them and work with Biden, less of them will die from COVID-19 but they'll hate you. 

If you do nothing more bad people will die making life better for good people. 

Let's say you are a moral person Thom and you are leading an army. You find out that the enemy's army  has a horrible disease  that could kill them all spreading through their ranks but you can give them the cure but if you do they will continue to fight because they are really evil like the Waffen SS. LIke your base they have no morals. If you try to argue the point that your MAGAts were simply hoodwinked by the orange menace you will have to deal with the facts.

Trump cruelly mocked a disabled man and that wasn't a deal breaker for your MAGAts

Trump cheated on all his wives with hookers and that wasn't a deal breaker for your MAGAts.  That loser had to pay for sex.  You you hypocrite knew your MAGAts would excuse Trump's decades of cheating on all his wives so you went after Cunningham. Cunningham should have slapped the shit out of you. 

Your MAGAts didn't care that Trump lied about the wall and his taxes because they prefer liars.

Your MAGAts didn't care that Trump surrounded himself with criminals and brought them into the White House. Your MAGAts prefer criminals. 

Your MAGAts don't care that Trump is a traitor, a crybaby, a rapist, a pedophile, a cheater, and a con artist. 

Thom, the chances of you not going to hell are slim and none. 

I realize that none of this is going to affect you on any level of morality since you are immoral but hell is real and science has proven it.  Better load up on Xanax, because the panic and anxiety attacks are about to start for you Thom knowing that your soul/consciousness will spend eternity in merciless and constant torment.