Showing posts with label crazy bitch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crazy bitch. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Psycho Bitches, Do You Know One?

We all know a psycho bitch and many of us have been a victim of a psycho bitch either directly or indirectly. They're all over the place!  You see them out it public berating their children or husband and making a spectacle of themselves. When men behave like maniacs they get placed in handcuffs or hauled off to the booby hatch but women are held to a lower standard. Men are socialized to develop a strong super ego to keep their id in check.  Women and girls on the other hand get a pass in that department. They are allowed to back bite, gossip, bully other girls and boys.  Today women are becoming more physically violent than ever before and getting a pass on it.
If you are considering dealing with a psycho bitch for a piece ass or a blow job or two consider the following:

I saw this elsewhere. I found it to be true.

Cluster B Personality Disorders in Cum Dumpsters.

The Borderline Personality Disorder Slut will have lots of male friends, a few (3 or 4 ) male friends she considers to be close friends, but these "close" friends will be friendzoned co-dependent types. The Borderline slut will have a boyfriend or ex-boyfriend she considers the primary relationship in her life, but it will always be a rocky relationship. He will most likely be depressed. She will make you feel like you're the king of the world when she first meets you, but this will only last a short period of time before she begins to devalue you. You have a month or 2 to gently carress her good until this happens. DO NOT become one of her few male friends waiting for her to fall in love with you, that will NEVER happen because she hates herself too much to allow real intimacy in her life.

The Histrionic Personality Disorder Slut will be lively and charismatic, and like the Borderline slut, she will have lots of mostly male friends. But unlike the Borderline slut, she may have a few lesser attractive female friends. She will flirt, touch, and make you feel like you're the hottest thing around. She is after your attention, and only your attention. The trick to loving her is to not seem as if you have surrendered to her charms. The more apathetic you are towards her, the more she wants you. The minute she thinks she's won you over, she will consider you less than dirt. Never tell her you love her unless you want the relationship (I use that term loosely, they will never have a real relationship) to be over.

The Narcissist Personality Disorder Slut will seem interested in you, mirror all of your interests, and paint herself out to be everything you want in a woman. For example, if you tell her you're into a certain genre of music, she will quickly study that genre and become master at it in her own mind. Narcissist sluts love becoming getting interested in specific genres because it makes them feel superior. They need to feel better than you at knowing certain things. The minute you claim to know more, she begins resenting you and pushing you away. Like the Histrionic and Borderline sluts, the Narcissist slut wants your attention and will inevitably devalue you and cut you off for no reason. But unlike the Borderline and Histrionic sluts, they don't care if you leave first. They're narcissists and will not usually fault themselves in any way.

Don't try to figure out whether a slut is Borderline, Histrionic, or Narcissistic. The truth is these disorders often intertwine and it becomes difficult to know which disorder dominates. If you do come across these women, and you will, the best course of action is to run like hell. But if you want to use them for sex, the best way to go about this is hit-and-run. Be perfect when you talk to them, and then disappear for a few days. If you can do this a few times, she will almost always throw the pussy at you. But if you start developing feelings and start figuring out her motives, you're fucked and have months of heartache coming your way. The Cluster B has zero empathy (they fake it well) and are master manipulators. Don't play their game, you will always lose.

The Cluster B is Hardwired to fail. If you've been dumped by a Cluster B, or ended a relationship with one, you will be obsessed with knowing who she's loving, or wondering if she's happier with the new guy. If you find yourself doing that, you need to stop. Personality disorders are deeply entrenched defense reflexes that do not just go away. In case you're wondering, her next relationship will NOT be better. It is only a matter of time before the same fate befalls the next guy. 
If you want to throw a fuck or two into one of these bitches enter at your own risk. forewarned is forearmed. I know its a shame to let a hot piece of ass slip through your fingers just because her brain is moth eaten but if you understand the risks and use caution you can mitigate damages and maybe even come out unscathed but remember, you have a better chance of turning a whore into a housewife than you do turning a psycho bitch sane.

Because the New NAAFA is for men I, Fat Bastard, decided to break new ground and publish an article about the abusive wife/girlfriend/fiancee. Men get abused as much as women get abused but men rarely have anyone to turn to for help or to validate their feelings. Enter Dr Tara Palmatier.
Dr Tara J. Palmatier, PsyD

It takes the special insight of a woman are real womanly woman to break down in logical terms just how cruel evil and nasty some bitches can be. Dr Tara J. Palmatier, PsyD hit the nail on the head. You may be asking how does this apply to fat men. It doesn't most of us surf porn, eat and beat off for our pleasure. We know what a hassle most women can be and  even though sheep can't cook Hardees can. Sure, all men would like a woman like Tara J. Palmatier, sanity is damn sexy but the odds of finding a sane women especially one who's fat are slimmer than an anorexic super model.

My advice is to all men. If you don't like being fat that's fine. If you are married to a hot woman who is sane that's great but for the rest of you they make porn, hookers and strippers for a reason and fast food is not just for fat girls.

The following article and quiz was created by the lovely and erudite Dr Tara J. Palmatier, PsyD


Is She a Crazy Bitch? A Quiz by Dr Tara J. Palmatier, PsyD

This isn’t a rhetorical question. If you’ve asked yourself more than once, “Is my girlfriend/wife/fiancee a crazy bitch?” as a clinical psychologist, I’m here to tell you the answer is, “Yes. Diagnostically speaking, she may very well be a crazy bitch.

A ‘crazy bitch’ insidiously makes you feel like the unstable, angry person. You soon doubt your interpretation of events and experiences. In lots of cases, this type of woman may have a personality disorder, such as Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) or Antisocial Personality Disorder or some combination of the Cluster B disorders. In other cases, they may not qualify for diagnoses, but it doesn’t really matter. Abusers are highly resistant to change regardless of whether they have a personality disorder or not. 

Here’s a quiz to find out if your wife, girlfriend or ex is an abuser:
  • Does she fly into rages without warning over relatively trivial matters like a web page loading too slowly?
  • Are you always the scapegoat/bad guy whenever she’s frustrated, disappointed or just plain bored?
  • Do her friends (that is, if she has any) describe her as a “drama queen?”
  • Does she describe herself as a drama queen? If so, congrats. You found one with a modicum of self-awareness.
  • Is her lipstick a little too red? Is it applied like theater makeup and a tad crooked?
  • Did sex begin with an earth shattering bang and fizzle into infrequent, transactional and conditional sex?
  • Is she a black-and-white, all-or-nothing thinker?
  • Do you lie to your family, friends and colleagues about what goes on at home?
  • Do you find yourself making excuses to your family, friends and colleagues for her inexcusable behavior?
  •  Do you find yourself walking on eggshells around her?
  • Does she hate your friends and family and become angry or tearful when you spend time with them?
  • Is she pathologically jealous?
  • Does she project her feelings onto you? For example, she’s yelling and raging and then accuses you of being angry.
  • Does focus solely on her emotional experience while exhibiting little or no empathy for yours?
  • Have you distanced yourself from friends and family because of your relationship?
  • Does she place you on a pedestal one day only to tear you down the next day? “I’ve never known anyone like you
    before. You’re so wonderful!”
    Next day: “You’re the devil! You’re the most selfish bastard I’ve ever met! You don’t love me!”
  • Did she change her identity after she landed you? For example, when you first met her she was a sexy, adventurous, sweet ballbuster; now, she’s afraid of her own shadow, has no outside interests and goes ballistic if she has to do anything without you.
  • Does she put you into “no win” situations in which nothing you do is good enough and you’re guaranteed to fail?
  • Does she exhibit stalker behaviors? This usually occurs during the courtship phase or when she senses you’re about to make a break for it. For instance: Calling and hanging up? Calling over and over and over until you answer the phone? Does she wait outside your home, uninvited, until you arrive? Does she show up at places she know you’ll be, also uninvited? Has she tried to get close to your friends in inappropriate ways?
If you answered “yes” to more than two of these questions, you may be involved with a female abuser. You’re not alone. They’re everywhere.

Most of the men who ended up in my therapy office were there because they were experiencing stress, depression or anxiety as a result from being in a relationship with an emotionally abusive woman. Ironically, most of the time they were shamed and pathologized into seeking counseling by these women. Never mind that most of the symptoms my male patients experienced were a direct result of being in a relationship with an abuser who most likely had one of the abusive personality disorders

If you think you may be involved with an abusive woman, good luck. They’re typically treatment resistant and they never really get any better. If you choose to stay in the relationship, I strongly recommend you educate yourself about the signs and symptoms of abuse, personality disorders and learn some basic behavioral management skills.

By: Dr Tara J. Palmatier, PsyD

Private Consultation and Coaching
I provide confidential, fee-for-service, consultation/coaching services to help both men and women work through their relationship issues via telephone and/or Skype chat. My practice combines practical advice, support, reality testing and goal-oriented outcomes. Please visit Services and Products for professional inquiries.

I, Fat Bastard would ask some questions and share some of my own thoughts and share some of my wisdom with the good doctor. 

I, Fat Bastard, have butted heads with the fat feminists on many occasions. Like other womyn with disordered thinking they too like to portray themselves as tragic victims as part of their male bashing sequelae. I think that these angry fat girls are worse. One thing that I don't think you, Dr Palmatier have considered fully enough is the hormonal component. Hormonally speaking, fat girls/womyn are a mess. Their insulin is all over the place, along with PCOS and a host of other hormonal anomalies such as estrogen dominance. An estrogen fueled woman can be hell on wheels.
A womanly woman! The kind that men want to see and feminists can never be.

In my casual observation I have concluded that when it comes to crazy, white females win the gold, silver and bronze medal with Asian woman finishing a distant fourth. Except for Oprah, Black women seem to me to be more stable and more pleasant, and while culture may be partially responsible ie the bitch slap, for the more stable and amiable Black woman I strongly suspect that there is a hormonal component. Think about it. Black woman don't get osteoporosis. This is due to their slightly different hormonal mix. There is IMO something to be said for the idea of the strong Black woman. There is a 25% White ad mixture in African American women but I suspect that if their mental health were to be compared with their African counterparts the pure African would be mentally healthier.
Tell her to STFU!
If I, Fat Bastard, were to be on a long bus trip surrounded by a bunch of cackling hens I would much prefer the company of Black women. I have no sexual preference for one race or another but I think that White men are missing out on a gold mine of sanity by not dating and marrying Black women
As to feminism...

I don't think feminism is the cause.  Feminism is the symptom and  it has made being a bitch more fashionable. Shrews, battle axes, fish wives, and the  old ball & chain were around long before feminism. Radical feminism has just made male bashing more fashionable, politically correct and has taught women how to play the victim but feminism would never have become what it has if its leaders, disciple and adherents were organically mentally ill. It's the chaotic cycling of fucking hormones!
Victims of the sick sick sick "religion of peace"
When I see the real oppression and brutalization of Middle Eastern women I think, "WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE FEMINISTS."  Until you feminists start doing some work to liberate the truly oppressed people of the world you all need to STFU!

My final question to Dr Palmatier is what happens to the most innocent and defenseless victims of these psycho monsters -- the children?