Jeb Bush... Lawful Evil and Chaotic EVIL
BushToll | Documenting the Bush Legacy of Failure
Ben Carson... Chaotic Evil (Extremely EVIL) Ben Carson's Shady Past
Chris Christie... Chaotic Evil
Ted Cruz... Chaotic Evil
Carly Fiorina... Lawful Evil
Lindsey Graham... Lawful Evil
Mike Huckabee Chaotic Evil (Extremely EVIL)
Bobby Jindal Lawful Evil
John Kasich... Lawful Evil
George Pataki... Lawful Evil? Neutral? We do know that he's stupid.
Rand Paul... Lawful Evil and Chaotic EVIL Occasionally good
Marco Rubio........ Lawful Evil and Chaotic Evil
Rick Santorum..... Chaotic Evil
Rick Santorum's Skeleton Closet - The Skeleton Closet
Donald Trump... Chaotic Good