Sunday, April 10, 2016

North Carolina's HB2 Anti Trans Law

Nc Gov. Pat Mccrory Is... - Demotivational Poster

Republican depravity strikes again and this time it is in the Tar Heel state or should I say shit heel state? NC's Republican Pat the Rat McCrory and his Koch owned thugs in the general assembly rammed through an unconstitutional law that prohibits local governments from passing their own anti discrimination laws. The thugs in NC basically passed a law that redefines discrimination. The law in part says that people can only use the restroom based on what is on their birth certificate. This means that anyone who has had sexual reassignment surgery or is in transition cannot use the restroom of their new gender. 

Will the LGBT community send their urine and feces to the McCrory and every Republican who would support this illegal and hateful law? I think that would be an appropriate response but better than that all moral and decent people need to rid North Carolina and America of every Republican in office by registering young and minority voters to vote for anyone who is not a Republican or a bigot. 

Perhaps some civil disobedience is in order? Enter the transman! If a trans woman goes into a men's room she might get the crap beaten out of her but what about a transman going into a ladies room? He will probably get arrested. Unlike transwomen sexual reassignment surgery is not really possible for a transman so he will not only have his birth certificate that says he was born female, he will have a vagina. HOLY SHIT! We are talking a major lawsuit for false arrest. 

More images of trans men.

I can only imagine what would happen if these guys showed up and a DAR or Daughters of the Confederacy meeting and used the ladies room.

Please sign the petition condemning McCrory and his Republican thugs in the NC General Assembly for this outrageous law.

Can someone be fired in North Carolina for being gay or transgender?

Yes. North Carolina is an “at will” employment state and offers limited protection for all workers. State law has never included protections for workers who are LGBT. The language in HB2 makes it more clear that the state does not intend to create a new class of protections based on sexual orientation or identity, and also will not allow cities and counties to create such a protected class.

Does HB2 affect rights of people who aren’t gay or transgender?
Yes. The law limits how people pursue claims of discrimination because of race, religion, color, national origin, biological sex or handicap in state courts. The law also means a city or county cannot set a minimum wage standard for private employers.


Ever since North Carolina lawmakers forced a sweeping anti-LGBT law through in just one day, its advocates have been managing damage control.
Gov. Pat McCrory (R), who was the first to advocate for overturning Charlotte’s LGBT protections, has led this effort in the press. Unfortunately, his comments have been rife with misleading and demonstrably false claims.
Here’s a look at some of the arguments he has used to defend the law and why they just don’t hold any water.

“We are not taking away any rights.”

One of the most cited arguments defending HB2 is the claim that this law did nothing to change the status quo in North Carolina. Here’s how McCrory explained this point at a press conference Monday:
We have not taken away any rights that currently existed in any city in North Carolina — from Raleigh, to Durham, to Chapel Hill, to Charlotte. Every city and every corporation has the exact same discrimination policy this week as they had two weeks ago. There’s a very well-coordinated campaign — a national campaign — which is distorting the truth — which is frankly smearing our state in an inaccurate way — which I’m working to correct… We have not changed one policy of any business in North Carolina or one policy of any employment status of any city government or county government in North Carolina.
Though it’s technically true that Charlotte’s newly passed LGBT nondiscrimination law had not yet taken effect, there is still no way to stretch McCrory’s statement to make it true.
HB2 made it illegal for any North Carolina municipality to extend nondiscrimination protections beyond what’s provided at the state level, thus banning and voiding all LGBT protections. Charlotte was not the only city that had passed them. The law also rolls back sexual orientation and gender identity protections in the counties of Buncombe, Mecklenburg, and Orange, as well as in Ashville, Boone, Carrboro, Chapel Hill, Greensboro, and Raleigh. Additionally, Durham and Guilford counties, along with the cities of Bessemer City, Durham, High Point, and Winston-Salem, all had nondiscrimination protections based on just sexual orientation.
Furthermore, the University of North Carolina system, which consists of 17 campuses, also has an LGBT nondiscrimination policy it can no longer enforce. HB2 specifically bans these campuses from accommodating transgender individuals, who are now prohibited from using restrooms that don’t match their birth certificates. This impacts the system’s 13,000+ faculty, 30,000+ staff, and 250,000+ students.

The law empowers businesses to set their own policy.

In the same interview, McCrory boasted that HB2 has no impact on private businesses — indeed, they are empowered to set their own policies instead of being forced to by the state.
“I’m proud of us protecting the privacy rights of individuals and not putting burdensome regulations on businesses,” he said, “and letting them make the decision — not government make the decision.”
In fact, McCrory excoriated the media for misleading businesses about the impact of the law:
I haven’t heard them threaten to leave. This is another example of the media exaggerating. I have not had one corporation tell me that they’re threatening to leave. I’ve had many corporations re-certify their commitment to nondiscrimination and we’ve clearly stated to them that their policies do not change, and they did not know that based upon the press coverage. They assume that we were changing their own nondiscrimination ordinances, and that’s a correction you need to make through your own media communications, and I’ve made through communications. Every company is allowed to have their own nondiscrimination ordinance in North Carolina.
HB2 does not specifically govern the practices of private businesses — that much is true. But that doesn’t mean the law does not have a negative impact on the state’s businesses.
Whether they have communicated directly with McCrory or not, several businesses have already expressed concern with the law, including American Airlines, Dow Chemical, Biogen, Lowe’s, and the NBA, in addition tomany tech companies, including IBM, PayPal, Google, Apple, Amazon, and Salesforce.
Some conservatives seeking to defend the law are accusing businesses of “cultural cronyism” for using their influence to change social policy. The Heritage Foundation’s Ryan T. Anderson wrote this week that “big businesses are using their outsized market share to make economic threats to pressure the government to do their bidding — at the expense of the common good.”
But Anderson’s hypocrisy is on grand display. In previous writing, when opposing government-enforced LGBT protections, he is quick to praise businesses. “The power of public opinion expressed in the marketplace makes unjust discrimination intolerably costly — no need for the government to weigh in,” he wrote last summer. Apparently, the market can “sort these things out” on its own, but it’s “cronyism” if they don’t align with an anti-LGBT position.
Indeed, public opinion is already expressing itself in a literal marketplace — the High Point Market, the “largest furnishings industry trade show in the world.” In a press release Monday, the showcase’s executive committee explained that “dozens of customers have contacted the High Point Market Authority to inform us that they have cancelled plans to attend the Market in April due to passage of HB2.”
“As leaders and organizers of the High Point Market, we feel an obligation to inform the public and our government leaders in Raleigh of the significant economic damage that HB2 is having on the High Point Market and on the North Carolina economy. Based on the reaction in just the last few days, hundreds and perhaps thousands of our customers will not attend Market this April.”
The release also notes that “the High Point Market is the largest economic event in the State of North Carolina each year. The Market has an annual economic impact of $5.38 billion and generates over 600,000 visitor days to the state each year. The Market and the home furnishings industry in North Carolina are responsible for over 37,000 jobs in our great state.”
The High Point Market may not be threatening to leave North Carolina, but it’s certainly promising diminishing returns because of the state’s endorsement of discrimination.

North Carolina is just like Houston.

One of McCrory’s favorite lines this week has been comparing North Carolina to Houston, where voters overturned the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) in a referendum in November. The comparison has frequently included a reference to the NCAA basketball tournament, implying that there are no consequences to the law.
In an interview with NBC, for example, McCrory explained, “We have the same rights, by the way, that Houston, Texas, has — where the NCAA basketball tournament is being played this weekend. I think that tournament should be played and I hope the Tarheels win.”
Likewise, even the governor’s statement responding to the lawsuit challenging HB2 jests snarkily, “The governor looks forward to cheering for the UNC Tar Heels in the NCAA Final Four being played in Houston, a city that defeated a similar bathroom ordinance referendum last year with over 61% of the vote.”
The NCAA’s response to anti-LGBT has indeed been disappointing. OutSports editor Cyd Zeigler took aim at the organization Monday in a blistering post blaming its inaction in Houston for enabling the passage of North Carolina’s law. “When the NCAA had the opportunity to act on a government rolling back LGBT rights and protections (see: Houston), the association balked,” Zeigler wrote.
“The NCAA now stares itself in the mirror as LGBT student-athletes and coaches in North Carolina are suddenly stripped of the possibility of protections so important to their health and welfare.” Zeigler hopes the NCAA withdraws all 2017 and 2018 basketball tournament games from North Carolina and similarly commits to withholding championships from any city with anti-LGBT policies.
The NCAA’s weak resistance to anti-LGBT efforts aside, McCrory’s comparison between North Carolina and Houston still fails. HERO was an ordinance that created protections on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, not unlike Charlotte’s. But when voters defeated HERO, they simply blocked protections from taking effect.
North Carolina’s law goes much farther by requiring discrimination against transgender individuals in public schools, universities, and agencies. Houston’s transgender community may not be protected city-wide, but nor are they banned from accessing the appropriate restrooms in public spaces like under North Carolina’s law.
HB2 also bans cities and counties from passing their own LGBT protections. There’s nothing legally stopping Houston from considering HERO again or some other permutation of LGBT protections, but all of North Carolina’s cities are permanently banned from providing such protections — at least until the law is repealed or overturned.

Transgender rights are just political correctness.

Besides all the semantic arguments, McCrory continues to beat the drum that HB2 is just a good “common sense” law. He backs this position up by repeating the same anti-transgender fearmongering talking points that helped defeat HERO and that motivated HB2’s passage in the first place.
He attempts to sugarcoat these positions, however, with umbrage. As his response to the lawsuit insisted, “To counter a coordinated national effort to mislead the public, intimidate our business community, and slander our great state, the governor will continue to set the record straight on a common sense resolution to local government overreach that imposed new regulations on businesses that intruded into the personal lives of our citizens.”
In the NBC interview, he was far more candid about his anti-trans beliefs. “This had to do with overstepping — a government overreach forcing businesses to allow men to be in women’s or girls’ restroom or shower facilities,” he claimed. “This political correctness has gone amok.”
When reporter Janet Shamlian pushed back, McCrory doubled down. “We are too much politically correct. This political correctness in our nation has taken over common sense, and the common sense is not to have a government regulation telling a business who they allow in what restroom, or locker room, or shower facility. I’m going to let them decide.”
“We’re throwing away basic etiquette,” he claimed. “I wonder if your daughter or son was showering and all of a sudden a man walks into the locker room and says, ‘This is what I am.’ Would you want that for your child?”
Of course, Charlotte’s law, like LGBT protections in cities and states across the country, would have done nothing to allow for any inappropriate or illegal behavior in restrooms. By calling transgender women “men” and suggesting that they are somehow a threat to children, the governor is relying on ignorance and fear to support his position.
McCrory has likely only just begun to defend HB2. At a press conference Tuesday morning, North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper (D) announced that he will not defend the law in court. Cooper just happens to also be challenging McCrory for the governorship this November.
If the cases over state bans on same-sex marriage serve as a model, this means that McCrory will likely need to spend even more taxpayer money to hire outside counsel to defend against the lawsuit that was filed. The special session to pass HB2 already cost an estimated $42,000.
The fiscal impact of HB2 remains unclear, but so long as McCrory continues to attack businesses and the media while defending discrimination, the costs to the state will only rise.

Read more here:

Saturday, April 9, 2016

It's Official: Ted Cruz is a Whore Fucker

The good news so far is, at least he's not molesting children which seems to be a favorite activity of Bible banging Republicans. Ted Cruz's name has appeared in the DC Madame's little black book of clients.

7 Things About Ted Cruz And The DC Madam You Should Know

Ted Cruz is not only a hypocrite and a whore fucker there is also reason to believe that he abuses his wife. The fact that he is the most hated man in congress is only part of it. One can only imagine what a prick like Ted would be as a husband. The evidence is that Cruz's wife Heidi was determined by police to a danger to herself.

10 Years Ago, Police Found Ted Cruz's Wife On The Side Of ...

On Aug. 22, 2005, a man called local police after he saw a woman “sitting in the area with her head in her hands.” That woman was Heidi Cruz — wife of presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz.
Heidi Cruz, now 43, was sitting at the corner of a road in Austin, Texas, at around 10 p.m. after finishing dinner. When a police officer arrived after receiving the call, he engaged Heidi Cruz in a brief conversation, according to the U.K. Daily Mail.
According to the report, officer Joel Davidson came to the conclusion that “she was a danger to herself.”
Cruz's wife Heidi appears to be repulsed by her husband Ted.
This little girl is also repulsed by creepy Ted Cruz
Maybe Ted is a pedophile. Check out his lecherous look.
Cruz want's to be president. Let's say that Heidi Cruz's mental instability is not a result of being married to an asshole like Ted. This would be a huge distraction for the leader of the free world. The pressures of being the first lady could push her over the edge. Add to this that Cruz cheats on her and we are looking at a recipe for disaster.


The 'Stunning Hypocrisy' of Dennis Hastert: Speaker, Coach, Sexual Abuser

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Top 10 Republican Lies


It's time for another Republican goon-squad myth intervention.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Islam and Republicans

I think that if one were to examine the brain of a Republican and a fundamentalist Muslim they would appear identical. This mentality will be the end of the world as we know it and the end of civilization.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

NSA denied Hillary’s 2009 request for secure smartphone

Newly released emails show that a 2009 request to issue a secure government smartphone to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was denied by the National Security Agency.
A month later, she began using private email accounts accessed through her BlackBerry to exchange messages with top aides.
The messages made public Wednesday were obtained by Judicial Watch, a conservative legal-advocacy group that has filed numerous lawsuits seeking the release of federal documents related to Clinton’s tenure as the nation’s top diplomat.
The Democratic presidential front-runner has come under intense scrutiny for her decision to use a private email server located in the basement of her Westchester home to route messages, some containing sensitive information.
Security experts have raised concern that the arrangement could have left the messages vulnerable to attack by hackers working for foreign intelligence agencies.
Clinton’s desire for a secure “BlackBerry-like” device is recounted in a series of 2009 exchanges between the State Department and the NSA.
The State Department’s designated NSA liaison expressed concerns about security vulnerabilities inherent with using BlackBerry devices for secure communications or in secure areas. However, the specific reasons Clinton’s requests were rebuffed are being kept secret by the NSA.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Right Wing Christians Are Evil Hypocrites

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I'm Just Getting Warmed Up Clearing This Temple - Demotivational Poster

Fundamentalist Christianity was a reaction to the internal pressures of theological modernity, often equated with theological liberalism and emerging external pressures of the theory of evolution, rapidly advancing science and industry, and the growth of cultural secularism within the evangelical community in the late ...

Right-wing Evangelical Fundamentalism claims to "go back to roots of Christianity." In fact, the "literal" (i.e., the earth was created in seven literal days) reading of the Bible was invented in the 19th century. Few fundamentalists care about the early church, the Gospels, the Catholic traditions, Augustine, Arian heresies, encyclicals and councils. Rather, they blend Southern Conservatism, bastardized Protestantism, some Pauline doctrine, gross nationalism and a heavy dose of naive anti-intellectualism for a peculiar American strain of bullshit. As Reverend Cornel West has noted, "the fundamentalist Christians want to be fundamental about everything, except 'love thy neighbor.'"
Here are some verses we liberal Christians wish they would get "fundamentalist" about:
1. Immigration
The verse:
When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God. - Leviticus 19:33-34.
Why Fundamentalists Hate This Verse:
Because fundamentalists are xenophobic: religious fundamentalism is a reaction to the multiculturalism of liberal democracy. Rather than seek a "brotherhood of man," religious fundamentalism longs for a tribal community, without the necessary friction from those with foreign beliefs, cultures and customs. Here's an open letter from the president of an organization called Christians for A Sustainable Economy (Or as I call it: Christians for an unsustainable environment):
We are called to discern among, "sojourners" (like Ruth and Rahab who intend to assimilate and bless) and "foreigners" (who do not intend to assimilate and bless) and to welcome the former with hospitality.
This is an odd spin, given that in Leviticus, the command is unambiguous, there is no aside about a distinction between those who intend to assimilate. The letter then addresses the immigration bill:
Its passage would allow 11 million illegal immigrants to become citizens in the short-term, with likely an additional 20 million family members as new citizens within about a decade. ... The net price tag of S. 744 will be in the trillions of dollars. ... Such escalation of debt is one way to destroy a nation.  It is immoral. It is theft from American seniors and children. It is unbiblical. It is unkind.
I could write a bunch of stuff about those numbers being crazily inaccurate, but let me allow the Lord to respond:
I will be a swift witness against... those who oppress the hired worker in his wages, the widow and the fatherless, against ... those who thrust aside the sojourner, and do not fear me, says the Lord of hosts. Malachi 3:5.
2. Poverty
The Verses:
One of the most humorous aspects of modern-day, far-right Christianity is its reverence of capitalism. That's because Christ could be considered almost "anti-capitalist." Consider this verse:
Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God. - Matthew 19:24.
There is some version of the story of the rich man approaching Jesus that appears in every synoptic Gospel. In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus tells the rich man, "go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven."
The story of Lazarus should similarly terrify modern day fundamentalists:
Lazarus is a beggar who waits outside of a rich man's house and begs for scraps. When both Lazarus and the rich man die, Lazarus ends up in heaven, while the rich man ends up in hell. When the rich man begs for water, Abraham says, "Child, remember that you in your lifetime received your good things, and Lazarus in like manner bad things; but now he is comforted here, and you are in anguish." Luke 19:25.

The Believers Share Their Possessions

All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.33 With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all34 that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales 35 and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need.  Acts 4:32-35
Why Fundamentalists Hate These Verses:
Because the only thing fundamentalists dislike more than immigrants is poor people. Seriously. Just this year, Tea Party Congressman Stephen Fincherexplained why he thought the government should cut food stamps entirely, "The role of citizens, of Christians, of humanity is to take care of each other, but not for Washington to steal from those in the country and give to others in the country." Michelle Bachmann has also made a similar statement. The entire Tea Party movement is based on the idea that a huge portion of Americans are "takers" who suck the lifeblood out of the economy.
The Catholic Church actually has a long history of decrying the exploitation of the poor and supporting union movements See Rerum Novarm).  G.K. Chesterton's writing on the rich often hits Occupy Wall Street levels ("The rich man is bribed... that is why he is rich.") But fundamentalists insist that poverty be explained in terms of a personal moral failure. They therefore hold that success should be described in terms of morality; this is the so-called Protestant ethic that Weber praised. But it is also, as Nietzsche noted, the "ethic of the hangman." The poor are considered culpable so that they can be punished -- like today's cuts to food stamps or the public shaming of those on welfare.
3. The Environment
The Verse:
In Genesis, man is given stewardship of the Earth, God's creation. [Stewardship, in the Christian tradition implies protection. Man should exist in harmony with the earth, not work against it.] As is noted in Colossians 1:16-17:
By him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities -- all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
Fundamentalists Hate The Verse
Jesus Christ once told his followers:
No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. - Luke 16:13.
Increasingly, the religious right is trying to do exactly that, intertwining Evangelical fundamentalism with unfettered capitalism -- with disastrous results for the environment. Thus, American political life is increasingly dominated by Christians who reject the religious ethos, in favor of capitalist ethos.
One Conservative Evangelical publication, World magazine, hypes the "We Get It" campaign, which seeks to discredit the threat of global warming. It also claims the threat of climate change is "alarmism" and fears that efforts to clamp down on emissions will hurt the poor (read: corporations). In reality, climate change will have its greatest effect on people living on less than a dollar a day who can not adapt to higher temperatures. Conservative Evangelicals are not concerned with dwindling biodiversity, the destruction of ecosystem, rampant pollution, global warming and the numerous other environmental challenges we face. Rather they, with the business community, are concerned with the bottom line. The future is irrelevant (unless we're talking about government debt). Thus, the Biblical command to protect the environment is widely eschewed.
4. War
The Verse:
In two Gospels, Jesus tells his followers:
You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. - Matthew 5:38-42, Luke 27-30.
In another passage he says:
You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. - Matthew 5:43 - 45.
Why Fundamentalists Hate This Verse:
As a religious and political movement, fundamentalists have defined themselves as a party of opposition, rather than of love, grace and mercy.
In her fantastic essay, "Onward Christian Liberals," Marilynne Robinson argues:
The excitement we are seeing now is called by some scholars a third great awakening, yet it is different from the other two... it is full of pious aversion toward the so-called culture... and toward those whose understanding of religion fails to meet its standards.
While past "Great Awakenings" have looked inward, seeing sin within the conflicted self, this new awakening looks outward, seeing sin in the wider culture. The culture, that which is secular is evil, while the church is sacred. This is why modern religious fundamentalism gravitates towards xenophobia, homophobia, sexism, etc. Fear and disgust are its motivating factors.
This fundamentalism inclines some religious people toward a pre-emptive "war of religion" and a strong disgust (that sometimes culminates in violence) toward Muslims. Oddly enough, the Christian tradition has developed a theory of "Just War" (developed by Aquinas) which condemns war except when all other options have been exhausted and there is just treatment of prisoners (with a specific condemnation of torture). If only one of the past two "Christian" presidents had listened.
5. Women
The Verse:
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. - Galatians 3:28
Why Fundamentalists Hate it:
Although the right often claims the Bible supports their absurd ideas about gender roles (just like the Bible supported anti-miscegenation) such claims have beenthoroughly debunked by theologians. Generally, when you'll hear an explanation of why women belong in the home, it'll rely on a misreading of one of Paul's doctrines.
In contrast to Paul, Christ rarely concerned himself with sexual mores, he was far more concerned with fighting oppression. Fundamentalists want to keep women submissive and subservient, but Jesus won't let them. In Luke, for instance, Jesus is blessed by a priestess named Anna. He praises a woman who stands up to a judge and demands justice. It's worth noting that in a time when women could not testify in a court of law, all four resurrection stories have women arriving first to Jesus' tomb (although it's unclear which women). Jesus talks with a Samaritan woman at a well and praises Mary Magdalene for listening to his words (Luke 10:38-42).
Fundamentalism Obscures True Religion
These verses are powerful and I believe that they should be carefully considered.
I worry that Christianity and religion in general is represented by its most conservative, fundamentalists elements. Remember that Marx drew his the inspiration for his famous quote "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" from the example of the early church (Acts 4:32-35).
I understand the fun that Sam Harris and Reddit have destroying fundamentalism, and I went to a Christian college and had jolly good time of it as well. "Haven't you read your own book?" I would ask smugly. But once the gleeful potshots are finished, we all have to face the fundamental and aching deprivation of having been born. We can continue to have a fun time berating those who believe the Bible explains science and that there was a snake in the Garden of Eden, but it's really a waste.
The Christian message doesn't contradict science, and nor is it concerned with bourgeois politics. Ultimately Christianity (and many other religions) are about transcending politics and fighting for social justice. Think of Martin Luther King Jr., Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and Thich Quang Duc -- all of whom were influenced by their religion to change the world. Jesus saw how oppression and oppressors consumed the world. He, as all great reformers have, sided with the oppressed. This kind of skewed fundamentalism is radically new and far removed from true Christianity. True Christianity offers us a far superior doctrine -- one of social justice, love and equality.