Friday, October 12, 2012

VP Debate Fact Checked: 12 Bald Faced Ryan Lies Found

Salon Fact Checked VP Debate

10:15 — Taxpayer funding for abortion: Ryan says Democrats support taxpayer funding for abortion, pointing to Obamacare. That’s completely false. The bill never contained taxpayer funding for abortion, but it was nonetheless held up for months to appease pro-life Democratic Rep. Bart Stupak and the bloc that he lead.
10:10 — Troops in Libya: Ryan said “nobody is considering sending troops to Syria.” In August,  Gov. Romney told CBS News that he would send U.S. troops to Syria if necessary to prevent the spread of chemical weapons. In his interview with CBS, Romney said, “I think we have to also be ready to take whatever action is necessary to ensure that we do not have any kind of weapon of mass destruction falling into the hands of terrorists and whether that requires troops, or whether that requires other actions by our friends and allies.”
10:00 — Small Navy? Paul Ryan says Obama would reduce the Navy to its smallest size since World War I. Politifact gave that claim a Pants on Fire and called it ridiculous.
9:55 — Sequester two-step: Ryan attacks Biden for automatic defense cuts that will go through if Congress does not act. Those cuts come from the “sequester,” the automatic trigger mechanism created by the congressional deal to raise the debt ceiling. You know who voted for that plan? Paul Ryan.

9:50 — Tax plan adds up? Asked by the moderator if he can “guarantee” that Mitt Romney’s tax plan adds up, Ryan says, “Six studies have verified this plan adds up.” Among the “studies” included in that figure are two Op-Eds and white papers written by the campaign or economists connected to the campaign. The most comprehensive and well-respected study done so far from the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center finds that the numbers do not add up. Not by a long shot.
9:45 — Social Security and Medicare are not going broke: “Social Security and Medicare are going bankrupt. These are indisputable facts,” Ryan says. Actually both are disputable and neither are facts. People have been saying Social Security is going to go bankrupt for decades, it hasn’t yet, and it’s not going to. It’s currently projected to be fine for at least 40 years. Medicare is in more peril, but it is still nowhere close to anywhere near going bankrupt anytime soon. And Obamacare actually extended the life of the Medicare trust fund.
9:40 — Ryan’s healthcare plan is bipartisan? Ryan claimed that his Medicare proposal was co-sponsored by a Democrat. He was referring to Sen. Rod Wyden of Oregon, who did create a plan to change Medicare, but once Republicans adapted it, he distanced himself from the bill this summer. In response to Romney’s continued claims on the campaign trail that the bill was bipartisan, Wyden told the Oregonian in August, “Bipartisanship requires that you not make up the facts. I did not ‘co-lead a piece of legislation.’”
9:35 — What about in your own district? Ryan attacked Biden because the unemployment rate has gone up in his hometown of Scranton, Pa., under Obama and Biden. But the unemployment rate has gone up in Paul Ryan’s home district as well during his tenure in Congress. It was 3.8 percent when Ryan first took office in 1999 and was at 9.2 percent this August.
9: 30 — Paul Ryan requested stimulus money: Joe Biden calls out Ryan for sending two letters requesting stimulus funds for his district, despite attacking the program. “We do that. We advocate for constituents’ interests,” Ryan said in response. That’s a new answer for Ryan, who previously blamed his staff. It’s actually his third answer. First, he said, “I never asked for stimulus.” Then, after being caught, he blamed his staff for allegedly mishandling the economy. “After having these letters called to my attention I checked into them, and they were treated as constituent service requests in the same way matters involving Social Security or Veterans Affairs are handled. This is why I didn’t recall the letters earlier. But they should have been handled differently,” he said in a statement. So his defending of the requests tonight is a bit of a departure. It’s also worth noting that Ryan supported the 2002 stimulus package proposed by George W. Bush.
9:25 — Cars: “Mitt Romney is a car guy,” Ryan says earnestly. Mitt Romney also wrote an Op-Ed for the New York Times titled “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt.”
9:10 — Marines: Paul Ryan, noting that there’s a Marine detachment at the U.S. Embassy in Paris asks, “Shouldn’t we have a Marine detachment?” in Libya. The infatuation with the Marines belies a deep misunderstanding of the role the service members play in foreign embassies. The Corps actually protects information, not personnel. And with only a little over 1,000 Marines serving as guards around the world, there are very few in any diplomatic post.
9:05 — Diplomatic security: The debate opened up with a discussion of the attacks on U.S. diplomatic posts in Libya, with Paul Ryan attacking Biden for the Obama administration supposedly not doing enough to protect diplomats. But  Ryan’s budget plan would cut diplomatic security and House Republicans have already tried to do so. “For fiscal 2013, the GOP-controlled House proposed spending $1.934 billion for the State Department’s Worldwide Security Protection program — well below the $2.15 billion requested by the Obama administration,” the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank reported. In 2009, Ryan was one of 156 Republicans members to voted for an amendment to “reduce funding for Diplomatic and Consular Programs by $1.2 billion,” as the official record states. Rep. Jason Chaffetz, the Utah Republican who has been leading the charge on Libya in Congress, admitted on CNN this week that he “absolutely” voted to cut the diplomatic security budget.
Click on the RED type for more details.


Read About The Lies And Flip Flops of Mitt Romney Click HERE

Read HERE About Marriott And Romney's Son of Boss Scandal

Click HERE to find out about Romney's MASSIVE Medicare Fraud When He Ran Damon Corp

Click HERE  to find out more about Romney's 1981 arrest.

Click HERE  to find out why one of Romney's super PAC campaign backers was fined $12 MILLION!

Click HERE to read about one of Romney's biggest backers who is a money launderer.

Click HERE to read about how one of Romney's biggest backers is being investigated for prostitution.

Click HERE  to read about how Romney would impersonate a police officer and shake down motorists.

Click HERE to read how Romney bullied a gay student.

Click HERE to read how Romney hid his wrongdoing at the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Lyin Ryan Gets Owned By Biden

Can you say bitch slapped?

Can you say old fashioned down home ass whippin?

I actually think that VP Biden took it easy on him. When they were asked about religion Joe could have brought up Ayn Rand who we all know that atheist Ayn Rand is Lyin Ryan's hero.

I will be fact checking and reporting back!

UPDATE: Here's a partial fact check.

BIDEN: "Well, we weren't told they wanted more security there. We did not know they wanted more security again. And by the way, at the time we were told exactly — we said exactly what the intelligence community told us that they knew. That was the assessment. And as the intelligence community changed their view, we made it clear they changed their view."

RYAN WAS DECEPTIVE: "There were requests for more security."

THE FACTS: Ryan is right, judging by testimony from Obama administration officials at the hearing a day earlier but is was CONgress Paul Ryan and other Republicans who voted against more funding for embassy security. Read the truth HERE and HERE 

"In fiscal year 2011, lawmakers shaved $128 million off of the administration's request for embassy security funding. House Republicans drained off even more funds in fiscal year 2012 -- cutting back on the department's request by $331 million. As the Washington Post noted, for fiscal year 2013, "the GOP-controlled House proposed spending $1.934 billion for the State Department’s Worldwide Security Protection program -- well below the $2.15 billion requested by the Obama administration."

Charlene R. Lamb, a deputy assistant secretary for diplomatic security, told lawmakers she refused requests for more security in Benghazi, saying the department wanted to train Libyans to protect the consulate. "Yes, sir, I said personally I would not support it," she said.

Eric Nordstrom, who was the top security official in Libya earlier this year, testified he was criticized for seeking more security. He said conversations he had with people in Washington led him to believe that it was "abundantly clear we were not going to get resources until the aftermath of an incident. How thin does the ice have to get before someone falls through?"

He said his exasperation reached a point where he told a colleague that "for me the Taliban is on the inside of the building."
RYAN LIED: "Look at just the $90 billion in stimulus the vice president was in charge of overseeing — this $90 billion in green pork to campaign contributors and special interest groups."

THE FACTS: Dismissing an entire package of energy stimulus grants and loans as "green pork" ignores the help that was given to people to make their homes more energy efficient, grants to public entities constructing high speed rail lines and tax credits to manufacturers to install equipment fostering cleaner energy.

To be sure, there were some failed investments, such as $528 million to the politically connected and now-bankrupt solar power company Solyndra. But Ryan's claim made it sound like every penny went down the drain. There was a 4% failure rate compared to a 40% failure rate for private equity firms like Bain Capital.

More broadly, economists are nearly universal in saying Obama's $800 billion-plus stimulus passed in early 2009 helped create both public-sector and private-sector jobs, even if they fell short of what sponsors had hoped. Douglas Elmendorf, director of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, estimated the stimulus saved or created more than 3 million jobs.
BIDEN: "We went out and rescued General Motors."

THE FACTS: Actually, the auto bailout of General Motors and Chrysler began under President George W. Bush. The Obama administration continued and expanded it and Romney said "Let Detroit go bankrupt."

___ RYAN LIED: "And then they put this new Obamacare board in charge of cutting Medicare each and every year in ways that will lead to denied care for current seniors. This board, by the way, it's 15 people, the president's supposed to appoint them next year. And not one of them even has to have medical training."

THE FACTS: Ryan is referring to the Independent Payment Advisory Board, created under President Barack Obama's health care overhaul law. It has the power to force cuts in Medicare payments to service providers if costs rise above certain levels and Congress fails to act. But it doesn't look like the board will be cutting Medicare "each and every year," as Ryan asserts. Medicare costs are currently rising more slowly than ever and the government's own experts project the board's intervention will not be needed until 2018 and 2019 at the earliest — after Obama leaves office if re-elected to a second term.
BIDEN, when asked who would pay more taxes in Obama's second term: "People making a million dollars or more."

THE FACTS: Obama's proposed tax increase reaches a bit farther down the income ladder than millionaires. He wants to roll back Bush-era tax cuts for individuals making over $200,000 and couples making more than $250,000.
RYAN LIED: "We cannot allow Iran to gain a nuclear weapons capability. Now, let's take a look at where we've gone — come from. When Barack Obama was elected, they had enough fissile material — nuclear material — to make one bomb. Now they have enough for five. They're racing toward a nuclear weapon. They're four years closer toward a nuclear weapons capability."

THE FACTS: Ryan's claim is misleading. Iran isn't believed to have produced any of the highly enriched uranium needed to produce even one nuclear weapon, let alone five. That point isn't even disputed by Israel, whose Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu implored the world at the United Nations last month to create a "red line" at enrichment above 20 percent. Iran would have to enrich uranium at much higher levels to produce a weapon. There is intelligence suggesting that Iran has worked on weapon designs, but not that it has developed a delivery system for any potential nuclear warhead.
BIDEN: "What we did is, we saved $716 billion and put it back, applied it to Medicare."

THE FACTS: Contrary to Biden's assertion, not all the money cut from Medicare is going back into the program in some other way. The administration is cutting $716 billion over 10 years in Medicare payments to providers and using some of the money to improve benefits under the program. But most of the money is being used to expand health care coverage outside of Medicare. BUT.. the these are not actual cuts. The $716 million came from stopping the massive Medicare fraud so prevalent under the Bush years. 
RYAN LIED: "What troubles me more is how this administration has handled all of these issues. Look at what they're doing through Obamacare with respect to assaulting the religious liberties of this country. They're infringing upon our first freedom, the freedom of religion, by infringing on Catholic charities, Catholic churches, Catholic hospitals."

THE FACTS: The requirement under the health care law that most employers cover birth control free of charge to female employees does not apply to churches, houses of worship, or other institutions directly involved in propagating a religious faith. It does apply to church-affiliated institutions such as hospitals and charities that serve the general public.
BIDEN: "Romney said 'No, let Detroit go bankrupt.'"

THE FACTS: GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney has gotten endless grief through the campaign for the headline put on his November 2008 opinion essay that he wrote for The New York Times. But his point was never that he wanted the auto industry to go down the tubes.

Romney opposed using government money to bail out Chrysler and General Motors, instead favoring privately financed bankruptcy restructuring. His prescription seemed improbable. Automakers were hemorrhaging cash and the banking system was in crisis, so private money wasn't available. Without the government money, it's likely both companies would have gone out of business.
RYAN TOLD A WHOPPER: "We should have spoken out right away when the green revolution was up and starting, when the mullahs in Iran were attacking their people. We should not have called Bashar Assad a reformer when he was turning his Russian-provided guns on his own people.

THE FACTS: Neither President Barack Obama nor anyone else in his administration ever considered the Syrian leader a "reformer." The oft-repeated charge stems from an interview Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton gave in March 2011 noting that "many of the members of Congress of both parties who have gone to Syria in recent months have said they believe he's a reformer." She did not endorse that view. The comment was widely perceived to be a knock at senators such as John Kerry of Massachusetts who maintained cordial relations with Assad in the months leading up to his crackdown on protesters.
RYAN LIED BY 50%: "This one tax would actually tax about 53 percent of small-business income."
BIDEN: "Ninety-seven percent of the small businesses in America pay less — make less than $250,000."

THE FACTS:  When sizing up the effect on small business of raising taxes for individuals making more than $200,000 and married couples making more than $250,000, as Obama wants to do. Republicans say that would hit small-business owners who report business income on their individual income tax; Democrats say the overwhelming majority of small businesses would not be affected.

According to a 2010 report by the Joint Committee on Taxation, the official scorekeeper for Congress, about only 3 percent of people who report business income would face a tax increase under Obama's plan. That support's Biden's point.

The same report says those business owners account for about half of all business income. That supports Ryan but is irrelevant to the point.
RYAN LIES AND DISTORTS: Notes that there have been four rounds of U.N. sanctions on Iran to deter its nuclear program, three during the Bush administration and one under Obama. "And the only reason we got it is because Russia watered it down and prevented the sanctions from hitting the central bank. Mitt Romney proposed these sanctions in 2007. In Congress, I've been fighting for these sanctions since 2009. The administration was blocking us every step of the way." He also noted the administration has granted 20 waivers to the sanctions.

THE FACTS: The argument that the administration was watering down or delaying sanctions is misleading. For sanctions to work, they need maximum global agreement and cooperation. Russia watered down U.N. sanctions not only under Obama, but also under Bush. And it's highly unlikely that a Romney administration, particularly led by a candidate who says Russia is the biggest geostrategic threat to the U.S., would be able to get Russia completely on board with what the U.S. wants to — either in Iran or Syria.

The more absolute U.S. sanctions that Ryan and others have pushed in Congress would have punished U.S. allies, including most countries in Europe as well as Japan and South Korea, along with good friends like India and Singapore — without the exemptions that were put in place.

The administration has indeed granted 20 waivers, to countries that made significant reductions in Iranian oil imports. And the sanctions are pinching; Iran has been convulsed over the past week with protests over the collapse of its currency, which most people say is a direct result of the sanctions that the U.S. and others have imposed.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Google Completely Wrong

Then Google completely out of touch with reality!

 This is a Google bomb. When you type a phrase in Google its mysterious algorithms make it come to the top of the page. Google phrases like Romney Liar, Romney Out of Touch, Romney Flip Flop and various permutations and word combinations.

Mitt Romney is completely wrong and out of touch with reality. Every time he opens his lying trap he proves that he has nothing in common with real Americans.

Romney Insults the World!

Romney is wrong on foreign policy. He insults our allies and calls Russia a greatest foe.  Here he call Russia our greatest enemy. Romney calls Russia greatest enemy HERE! 

Romney insults England HERE

Romney insults Spain HERE

Romney insults Israel HERE

Romney insults Palestine HERE

Romney insults Japan HERE

Romney insults Canada HERE

Romney is wrong on the economy.

Many Bain Failures HERE and HERE 

Romney Insults the Military!

Romney insults our soldiers and Vets HERE

Face folks, Romney is a fucking asshole. 

Romney is a symbol of what is wrong with this greedy plutocracy we call Amerika. His supporters are far worse than he is. They know he's a liar, thief and a tax cheat yet they support him. If you are a Romney supporter I hope you get cancer and die a prolonged and agonizing death. 


Monday, October 8, 2012

Paul Ryan + Ayn Rand = Anti-Christ

Watch all the videos! I don't think that there is an actually anti-Christ as described in the Bible but if your Jesus, the Christian Jesus, is a Sermon on the Mount Jesus, then Paul Ryan truly is a vritual anti-Christ in that he is in total opposition of what most Christians and non Christians believe Jesus was and represented. Paul Ryan is to polar opposite of  "compassionate conservatism" which is endorsed by conservative Christians like Charles Colson. Ayn Rand was the polar opposite of Jesus Christ.

Matthew 5
The Beatitudes
1And seeing the multitudes, He went up on a mountain, and when He was seated His disciples came to Him. 2Then He opened His mouth and taught them, saying:
3"Blessed are the poor in spirit,
    For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4Blessed are those who mourn,
    For they shall be comforted.
5Blessed are the meek,
    For they shall inherit the earth.
6Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
    For they shall be filled.
7Blessed are the merciful,
    For they shall obtain mercy.
8Blessed are the pure in heart,
    For they shall see God.
9Blessed are the peacemakers,
    For they shall be called sons of God.
10Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake,
    For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11"Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. 12Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

Romney: The Lies Just Keep On Coming!

WASHINGTON (AP) — Mitt Romney solely blamed President Barack Obama on Monday for potential defense cuts that Republicans in Congress worked out with the White House and Democrats and left the misimpression that Obama has ignored free trade initiatives.

A closer look at some of the Republican presidential nominee's statements in his foreign policy speech:

"I will roll back President Obama's deep and arbitrary cuts to our national defense that would devastate our military."

"Arbitrary" defense cuts do not belong to Obama alone but also to congressional Republicans, including his vice presidential running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan. The first round of cuts in projected defense spending is the result of a bipartisan deal in August 2011 between Congress and the White House to wrestle down the deficit. Unless a new budget deal is reached in time, additional spending cuts will begin in January across government, and the cost to the Pentagon would be $500 billion over a decade. Lawmakers are working to avoid that. Separately, Obama wants to slow the growth of military spending, now that the war in Iraq is ended and the war in Afghanistan is drawing to a close. The Pentagon's budget, including war costs, is $670 billion this year, or about 18 percent of total federal spending. Even setting aside the costs of the wars, military spending has more than doubled since 2001.

At its heart, Romney's statement marks a disagreement with Obama over the proper level of military spending but also skips past a deficit-reduction deal that he recently criticized Republicans in Congress for negotiating.


ROMNEY LIED: "The president has not signed one new free trade agreement in the past four years. "

THE FACTS: Obama hasn't opened new trade negotiations, but he's completed some big ones, overcoming opposition from fellow Democrats to do so. After taking office, he revived a free-trade deal with Colombia that had been negotiated by his Republican predecessor but left to languish without congressional approval and sought similar progress with South Korean and Panamanian free-trade pacts. The president delayed submitting the three deals to Congress while he tried to placate Democrats who opposed some of the terms, but finally submitted them in 2011, and Congress approved them.


"I will recommit America to the goal of a democratic, prosperous Palestinian state living side by side in peace and security with the Jewish state of Israel. On this vital issue, the president has failed, and what should be a negotiation process has devolved into a series of heated disputes at the United Nations. In this old conflict, as in every challenge we face in the Middle East, only a new president will bring the chance to begin anew."

With this statement, Romney has moved toward the balance enshrined in U.S. policy from one administration to another on the question of Israelis and Palestinians and away from his provocative remarks to a May fundraiser that recently came to light.

In those remarks, he said "the Palestinians have no interest whatsoever in establishing peace," ''the pathway to peace is almost unthinkable to accomplish," Palestinians are "committed to the destruction and elimination of Israel" and it would be "the worst idea in the world" to put pressure on the Israelis to give up something in hopes Palestinians would respond accordingly.

Now he is appearing to put faith in a negotiation process he all but dismissed before.

ROMNEY LIED: "As the dust settles, as the murdered (in the Libya consulate attack) are buried, Americans are asking how this happened, how the threats we face have grown so much worse, and what this calls on America to do."

It's unclear whether terrorism has gotten worse. There has been no incident even remotely comparable in scope or symbolic meaning to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. After a score of counterterrorist successes, the Obama administration has been knocked back on its heels since the attacks' 11th anniversary, when assailants stormed the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and killed a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans. There has also been an uptick in attacks on American troops by supposedly friendly Afghan forces. But many counterterrorist experts say al-Qaida has been significantly weakened and the threats of global terrorism significantly better countered over the last decade.

"When we look at the Middle East today — with Iran closer than ever to nuclear weapons capability, with the conflict in Syria threating to destabilize the region, with violent extremists on the march and with an American ambassador and three others dead likely at the hands of al-Qaida affiliates — it is clear that the risk of conflict in the region is higher now than when the president took office."

Risk is always a matter of perception, so it doesn't fall easily into the realm of truth vs. fiction. But for the United States and the region, it's not clear that conflict has increased in the last four years. Obama entered office in 2009 with the United States still engaged in a conflict in Iraq. U.S. troops are no longer there. And he came as Israel and Hamas just finished a three-week war. That was two years after another war between Israel and an Iranian-backed force, in that case, Hezbollah in Lebanon.

There has been no significant Israeli military conflict since Obama has come into office. That said, Syria's conflict has become the region's deadliest since the Iraq war. The U.S. has stayed out of that conflict under Obama.

Romney lies about EVERYTHING!

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