Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Michael Moore Calls Out Obama

When it comes to famous political fat asses Michael Moore is on the top of the A-list for sure. What makes Michael Moore a special political figure is that he like fellow lardass Chris Christie tells is like it is. When it comes to many issues Obama's hands are surely tied by a bunch of scumbags in Congress but Obama has become a bit to insular with the people who elected him and the people he was elected to serve. Michael Moore calls him out on that in the following open letter.  Here is a excerpt:

ASK US TO DO SOMETHING. One thing is clear: none of the above is going to happen if you don't immediately mobilize the 63,500,000 who voted for you (and the other 40 million who are for you but didn't vote). You can't go this alone. You need an army of everyday Americans who will fight alongside you to make this a more just and peaceful nation. In your 2008 campaign, you were a pioneer in using social media to win the election. Over 15 million of us gave you our cell numbers or email addresses so you could send us texts and emails telling us what needed to be done to win the election. Then, as soon as you won, it was as if you hit the delete button. We never heard from you again. (Until this past year when you kept texting us to send you $25. Inspiring.) Whoever your internet and social media people were should have been given their own office in the West Wing – and we should have heard from you. Constantly. Need a bill passed? Text us and we will mobilize! The Republicans are filibustering? We can stop them! They won't approve your choice for Secretary of State? We'll see about that! You say you were a community organizer. Please – start acting like one.
The next four years can be one of those presidential terms that changed the course of America. I'm sure you will want to be judged on how you stood up for us, restored the middle class, ended the s***ting on the poor and made us a friend to the rest of the world instead of a threat. You can do this. We can do it with you. All that stands in the way is your understandable desire to sing "Kumbaya" with the Republicans. Don't waste your breath. Their professed love of America is negated by their profound hatred of you. Don't waste a minute on them. Fix the sad mess we're in. Go back and read this month's election results. We're with you.
P.S. President Obama – my cell number to text me at is 810-522-8398 and my email isMMFlint@MichaelMoore.com. I await my first assignment!
Even though the president did not win the fat vote there are still plenty of fatlings like the Chef, Belly Boy, Dr Bear and I who would work hard to move America in the right direction. We too await our assignment Mr President. 

Fat politicians tell it like it is. We found that out when Chris Christie dropped a flabbalanche of reality on the do nothing CONgress. As a fatling Christie knows on what side his bread is buttered and he knows how to get service!

Get on the stick Mr President and remember the immortal words of JFK.. "Ask not what your country can do for you as what you can do for your country." What else can we fatlings do for our country besides eat?

Monday, January 21, 2013

Fat WKBT News Anchor Jennifer Livingston Responds to Viewer Email

The following video is another example of a fat angry sow who refuses to embrace her gluttony. Jennifer Livingston actually took the time to respond to a critic who told her that being a fat slob and a greedy glutton has health consequences. Only an idiot would not admit that gluttony does have a myriad of health consequences but it's a good choice. Sure it shortens life spans but we maintain that it is not the quantity of life that's important but rather the quality. Jennifer Livingston missed a golden opportunity to show the world that gluttony is good. Her retort was typical of the angry and whiny fat girl. Her type of dishonesty and rhetoric makes it bad for fat people everywhere.

What Jennifer (Meat Facebook Page) Livingston should be saying on her face book page is that she is a glutton and proud of it. She should also be telling the world that she is going to make sure her children become little piggies like her and then she should've given a few good loud oink oink oinks.

Here a couple of brothas respond.

Let's be honest, fat girls are bad mothers and if you really want to piss off  fat girls point out to them the facts that show fat girls are bad mothers. It's quite clear that the email Jennifer received really struck a nerve with her. She knows that she's a bad mother but so what? Kids are overrated.

From a health point of view, obese women should not get pregnant. Being obese more than doubles the chance of serious birth defects. Before the land whale decides to get knocked up and squirt out a pup or two she needs to break away from her pod of other land whales and get to a safe and suitable body weight for childbirth and pregnancy.

When it comes to rearing children fatling parents should raise their kids as normalings and then allow the child to decide when he reaches a certain age like 16 whether they want to be part of the glorious gluttonous lifestyle. Kids should be allowed to make up their own minds when they become adults. Obesity and gluttony are not for everyone. The angry man hating fat girls of the old antiquated fat acceptance movement are prime examples of people who should not be fat. Jennifer Livingston is another angry fat girl who gives other true power chair riding sows who proudly display their diabetic amputations in the aisles of Walmart every day a bad name. Jennifer Livingston gives the pork beasts and land whales who frequent the all-you-can-eat buffets a bad name. Worse than that, Jennifer Livingston gives gluttony a bad name.

Jim Traficant For President

I have shown that the best presidents are also the status presidents. William Howard Taft was our best president. Teddy Roosevelt and Bill Clinton were also fat presidents in they were also among our best presidents.

Unfortunately former Ohio congressman Jim Traficant is not eligible to be the president because he was convicted of a felony. These charges were probably trumped up and the man did not get a fair trial. Some of the jurors who convicted Jim Traficant admit now that they were afraid not to vote to convict him. Do your own research on that.

I never realized how fat Jim Traficant had gotten nor did I know how much he loved food. In the above video we see the former Congressman chowing down on ice cream. I really like seeing that. Once Jim got his fill of ice cream he gave a very interesting interview. He went over a lot of things in this interview but what struck me was his tax plan. Traficant believes that a 25% national retail sales tax is the best and most fair way to tax everyone. He believes eliminating the IRS and income tax and repealing the 16th amemndment which states, "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.. He says the 25% national retail sales tax will more than cover the needs of the government. He also believes that we should do away with the 16th amendment. Traficant believes that eliminating all corporate tax and all income tax will cause companies to move back to the United States and I think he has a point.

Some key points he made about 25% national sales tax are that it is a voluntary tax. He pointed out that 25% of the cost of everything we buy is to pay tax on it. He pointed out that corporations don't pay taxes regardless of the rate because they merely passive costs of taxation on the consumer. He accurately pointed out that illegal aliens are not paying any income tax but they will have to pay sales tax on the items they buy. He also made a point that tourists who come to the United States will be paying the sales tax. He believes that the prices of items manufactured in the US would come down because lower corporate taxes would mean lower production costs. He points out that the elimination of income tax would give Americans of all income levels more disposable income.

Traficant like many other politicians expressed his disgust with the current tax code saying that it was too complicated and that 10 accountants can prepare a businesses taxes and they will all come out with a different number. He believes that a 25% national sales tax would be constitutional, simple and fair.

Please take the time to watch this very entertaining and informative video of Mr. Traficant pontificating on the economy and other things. I don't know if the man is a crook but my gut is telling me that he isn't.

I would like to see Jim Traficant get a show on the news channels or start his own YouTube channel. I think he is too tightly wound to be effective in today's Congress. I got a feeling he might fly off the handle and choke the crap out of some lying mealy mouth politician. As much fun as it would be to watch it would not help the people. 

I will be doing more research and reporting on him. I have yet to form much of an opinion about the man so for now I will merely report on him and hope that my readers make up their own minds. The Chef has a saying, "never trust a skinny Chef" but I think you would agree that we should also never trust a skinny politician. Julius Caesar learned that lesson the hard way.

Marcus Antonius:
Let me have men about me that are fat,
Sleek-headed men and such as sleep a-nights.
Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look,
He thinks too much; such men are dangerous.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Lance Armstrong A Fat Hater

We all know that Lance Armstrong is a scumbag but we didn't know how big a scumbag he really was until the Oprah interview. I guess then it is no surprise that Armstrong is also a fat hater. The following is an excerpt from a Yahoo article:

"Good Lord, what a guy.
At one point Armstrong addressed Betsy Andreu, the wife of a former teammate Frankie Andreu, who testified that while lying in a hospital bed in 1996 Armstrong told his doctor that he had doped.
Over the years Lance and his henchman bullied and bruised Betsy relentlessly. They called her names. They tried to wipe her out. They, according to Betsy, blackballed her husband's career. She kept standing up and speaking out. There was even a voicemail from an Armstrong associate who said she hoped "somebody breaks a baseball bat over your head."
Lance knows he was terrible to Betsy so he said he called her the other day to begin making amends. You know for, among other things, calling her "crazy." He decided to tell Oprah about it, including what is apparently his idea of a sense of humor.
"I did call her crazy," he said. "I did. I did … I think she'd be OK with me saying this, I said, 'Listen, I called you crazy; I called you a bitch; I called you all of these things, but I never called you fat.' "
Then he smirked.
Now that's a novel way to gain forgiveness: make a fat joke about a woman on national television.
Needless to say, Betsy wasn't OK with him saying it.
"I guess we know why I was [a bitch] all these years, putting up with that," Betsy said on CNN on Thursday night after watching the clip. "How was I supposed to act? Sweet as apple pie? … That exchange right there, it has me furious."
Take a number Betsy.

Across the spectrum there is fury and regret. Mike Anderson, a former personal assistant who claims Lance tried to ruin him, avoided watching the interview. Then he inadvertently was exposed to a replayed segment while waiting to comment on CNN.
"I didn't want to hear his voice ever again," Anderson said.
Fellow riders say they wish they'd never hooked on with him. Support staff claim they wish they'd never taken a job. Sponsors are lining up to sue. Journalists who carried his water for years are writing they wish they'd never bought the lie."

Armstrong said the following about Betsy Andreu, " "I did call her crazy," he said. "I did. I did … I think she'd be OK with me saying this, I said, 'Listen, I called you crazy; I called you a bitch; I called you all of these things, but I never called you fat.' "

Let's think about this. He called her crazy. He called her a bitch and he even wanted someone to bash her skull with a baseball bat but in Armstrong's psychotic brain being fat is worse than being a crazy bitch who in his mind needs her skull cracked with a baseball bat. This is only a tiny piece of a fragment of the Armstrong story but I thought it was important to bring it up.

I have been critical of Oprah because she's a whiny fat girl but she handled Lance Armstrong masterfully. Kudos to Oprah.

What Will Happen to Armstrong Now?

My guess is NOTHING!

What Others Are Saying

He bullied, sued and tried to destroy people who told the truth about him, and he needs now to name all the people who helped him cheat, and together denied a fair chance and career to honest cyclists

Are you kidding me? People go to jail for selling a bit of marijuana. He, on the other hand, lied, cheated, perjured himself in a Federal Court, for over TEN years, as he made millions and millions of dollars (over 30 million dollars of American tax money from the Postal Service alone), he destroyed clean cyclists' careers who dared to tell the truth, he bribed officials and doctors, and now he'll be throwing his colleagues under the bus. What, do you want to give him another trophy? Unreal.

he is still the same arrogant cunt. he seems proud of what he has done. he should really just hang himself because he is a disgrace to all hard working people in this world.

He's only coming clean now because of the investigation and insurmountable evidence against him. If people hadn't started speaking up he'd have carried it with him to the grave, I'm sure.

Leave a comment.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Cenk Uygur of the Young Turks

Cenk Uygur is not just another political pundit. Unlike political pundits on the left but on the right Cenk sets himself apart from the pack simply by telling the truth. People like to characterize his views as liberal or progressive but if the political spectrum was what was in the 60s, 70s and 80s Cenk would be a moderate. It seems today to telling the truth and calling a liar a liar somehow makes one a liberal.

Earlier in life Cenk held what are considered conservative views. In fact in the 90s, he supported and voted for Republicans. By 2000 after seeing the hypocrisy of the Republican Party and its members he voted for Al Gore in 2000. He was logical enough to see that when it comes to most issues the Democrats are right and the Republicans are wrong. He saw Bill Clinton take a train wreck of an economy that he inherited from 12 years of Republican control and turn it into the longest sustained prosperity in the history of the United States.

You have to admire a man who can look at the facts and change his mind. Yet admire a man who doesn't hold his ideology with this zealotry a religious fanatic.

For a short time Cenk Uygur had a show on MSNBC and in spite of the fact that his show continued to rise in the ratings the suits, and I don't mean the Hart Schaffner Marx suits, I mean the Armani suits, and a tailor-made suits decided to take him off the air. Turns out that his honesty, integrity and hard-nosed style angered some of the criminal elite in Washington DC. Some piece of trash at MSNBC offered him a lot of money to take a less visible role on the corporate controlled prescription drug advertising whore of a network. They were afraid of what Cenk might say. They were afraid that he might tell the truth on members of the criminal elite so they tried to buy him. They threw a lot of money at him to stay but Cenk told them very nicely to go fark themselves.

Right now the only talking heads on MSNBC that I think is worth a shit are Ed Schultz and Chris Mathews. Pierce Morgan is mealymouthed, Lawrence O'Donnell is the same blowhard that Keith Olbermann was and Rachel Maddow is a bit too smug although she's not one to pull punches. Like Ed Schultz and Chris Matthews, Cenk is not afraid to call a punk a punk and a liar a liar. Like Ed Schultz, he doesn't mince words. If MSNBC wants to grow its audience they need to hire more honest and aggressive journalists and newsmen like Cenk. Cenk is a real guy who simply tells it like it is while offering an honest and fresh perspective.

I would urge my readers to subscribe to the Young Turks on you tube or follow him on Twitter. Or watch them on Current TV

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Bigger Fatter Politics Hits 1 MILLION Page Views

This is cause to celebrate. Currently this blog receives in excess of three quarters of 1 million page views per year. That number is growing and if this trend continues it will hit over 1 million views per year.

Millions of Americans and thousands of people around the world will visit this blog in the next two years to get fat centric view of politics.